PC 86-73~~. ~M' ~~ RhSOLUTION NU. PC86-73 A RL'SOLU`P.ION OF THE 11NAfiL•'Tt9 CITY I~I,AN~I~1G C061MISSION TtiAT i~L`i'ITTUN f~UR VAItIANC:E N0. 3540 BL GRAP~`PLD WHT'REAS, th~ Anahezm City Pianning Commission did receive a vez~ified P.etiti~n for Varir•~nce from JA':K 0 . f3120WN :~ND MARILXri ANM BROWN, 7630 ~orto Rvad, A,_~~heim, Califoz-~ia 9280£3, owner, and Ci'.RALD R. ANDrE2SON, 1442 East ~~ Irvine Boulevarcl, #12G, '1'ustin, Califarnia 92580, aqenC for ce rtain real ~~ proper.ky situaL•ed in the ~:ity ot Anaheirn, Cuunl-y of Ora^qE, State oL c:a.litornia descrit;ed as: PARC;EI, 3 QN SAID PARCEL N,AP 1/lU, AI~ONG W~`PFi `PHAT POR`CIQN OF PARCEI~ ~1 OF SAI.Q J?A1ZC:FL MAP 1/10, qESCRIBL•'D AS FOLLOWS: }3LGINNTNG A1^ `i'HF' NUR7.'Ei1sASTE'RLY CORNER UF' PARCBL 3 OF SAID PARCEL MAP ].; lU ~ SAIll POIN'.L' BEING UN 'xL~tE C~NTERLINE OF CORTQ ROAD, A 40.00 roo~ WIDE PFIVATE ROr~U, ANQ k3ETNG THG DLGTIJNING CF A CURVE CONCAV~ NURTH6~~5'PERLX ANJ HAVING T, RAllIUS UI' S0.00 PGET, THENCE NORTH~:ASTLI2LY ALONG SAID ~'URVE AD~ll CENTERLIN~, 40.43 lEET, T(~ROUGH A C~NT1tAL ANGLE OI' a6° 19' 52" Tu A PO:INT Tl~ROUGH C4HICH 1. RADIAL LINE DEARS S 59° 29' 52" E, TEILNCF: LEAVING SAIU CEN'PERLTNE, S 59° 29' S2" E, 'lU.UU FELZ', THENCG 5 24° 18' 37" ~, 85.85 k'~E7', THENCE S 55° 41' "L3" W, 50.00 L'EET TO A POItJT ON THE EiASTEP.I,Y. LINF. OL' ~'ARCi:~ 3 QF SAID PARCEL MAP 1/10, UISTi~N'P 'PH~'R130N :i 2~1° 18' 37" E, 94.00 FE:ET FF:O~I TliE NORTH1i~ASi CORNLR GE' SAID PAR.r.'EL 3, THENCt N 24° 18' 37" W, )4.OU FLET ALUIVG SAID Fs'AET~;RLY LINL '1'0 'TFIE PUTN'I' OF I3PGINN.~NG. EXCEP'P THEF2EF.'RUNI 'PHB SUU'PHF:AS'PE,RLY 2. U~J P~GT UE' PHP.CEL 3 U[ SAID PARCEL~ F1AP 1% 1Q. ALSU LXCf~P'7' '1HL FOLLOWING POR'PIQ~ OP PARCEL 3 UF SAID I~ARCEL M?1P 1/lU : BLGINNING AZ' SOU'1'HEASTERLY CORNE~ OI' P~IRCCL 3 O[' SATD PARCEL hIAP 1/lU, THL•'tdCr1 t~ 41° 3G' S4" ~iJ, 2[1.16 FEET~ THLNCL N 2~i° 1S° 37" W~ 107.UU FELT, T.HF.NCE N lb° 17' 2(i" F, y.22 EEE:T TO A P07NT ON TE~E r;t?S'1'~RLY LTNL•' OF P~IRCEL 3 ON SAIll PAi2CEL r~a~ 1/10, .~ISTANT 'PH~REON N 24° 18' 37" W, 133.25 FL•'i;'1' FROM 'f'r!E SOU'PFIL:ASTERLY CUF2N~~ OF SAID PARCL•'L 3, THL•'NCE S 24' 1~3 ` 37" ~, 133.25 FEE`i' ALONG SAI:) EAS'TERLY LIN~ `t'U T1iE POI.N7' UF Du'GiNNING, L•'XCE:PT THAT POT2TION LYING WITEiIN TliE; SUUTHE:~S7'ERLX 2.fJU EEET `,HE~2FOb'. WHEC?13AS, the Ci~y Planning Commission did hold a public hcaring a~: the Civic Center iri L-he Ci.ty uP Anaheim on Macc~~ 31, 1986, a~ 1:3G p.m., notice oP said pubJ.i~~ hearing haviny been duly given as re~uired by iaw and in accurdance with the provisions o~' t;he Anaheim Munici~al Code, Ch~pter 18.03, tu hear and considcr e~ide~ce for anU agair,st said proposecl v~riancra ~nd to investigate ail~i make Findinys and recommcndations in c;onnection t;her.~wi.kh; and WEIEF.LAS, said Cc~mmiss:ion, aftcr due inspecti.An, i.nvestigation and study made by itself and in ils behaJ.f, and after duP considerah..ion ~t all evxdcnce and reports offered at said hearin~~, does ~ind and determine the .Lollowing facts: ;~ ~ '' %~ 0748r PC86-73 `4 „~ 'y;r. ~S~i: tra`?''+'~ ~'!!i` ri `:,~ ; ;? r~,< , .'.~.~.~~,t~? 1 ~~1 r njt ~ ~~~i .. ~:.~.~~f. 1. That thE petitionec proposes waivers oi the following to establish i:wo RS-liS-2'L,OOQ(SC; T,oned resi.deril•ia1 lots: (a) Sk;C`i'ION 1~.23.~)b1.Q.10 - Minimum 1ot area. (22,OOU squate feet required; 21;550 squar.e fee~ and 21,440 sc~.uare feet proposedJ (b) BE~CTIQN 1a.2:i.UG1.02U - Minimum 1ot ~,~idth. ~ (85 fe~~ required; 73 feel: proposr.d) 2. ~ihat the abovE~•mentioned waivers are hezeby grarGted on the basi.s L•h~~r tnere are sQecial circur~s4ances app.licable to L•he ,property such as ~iaz, shap~, topography, lucation and surroundings whi.ch d~ not apply to att~er. id~ntically zonP~l pr~perty in lt~e s~me vi.cinit~~; and that. str.icr a~pliration ot the Zoning Code deprivcs the propetty of privileges ~njc~yed by other propertins in the identical zone and clas~ificati~n in the vicinity; and on tne basis that wai.v2r (a) is r~inimal and deviar,es less than 3~ from f:he Code requirement. 3. ~Phat ther.~ ~re exce~~tion~al or eatiaordinary circumstan~es or condiL-io~~:: ai~plicable co the pxopcr~y involved ac to the intended use of the pr.opert.y tha~ do n~t apply generally ho the property or class of use in thQ same vicinity and zone. 4. 'PhaL the regueuted variance is nece.sary for the preservatior, and enjoyment: oL a substanti~l property right pos5essed i~y other property in the same vicinity and zone, and ~enied to l•.he praverty in question. 5. 't'hat the cequested variance will nok be a~ateeiaZly detrimeiital to ttie public we.ltar~~ or injurious to the propecty or impravements in auch vicir~i~~~ and zone i.n WI71CI7 the property is lucated. G. 7.'hat no one indicated L-heic presence at sa:id public hearing in op~aosition; and thaL• no correspondence was recc:ived in opp~sition to subj~et petition. ~NVTRONh1FN'P~.L IMYACT I~INUIRG: That Cne Anaheim ~ity I~lannir~g Commission has revi~ewed Lhe ~~roposal establish L•wo ItS-H5-22,OOU(SC) 7,oned re:~id~~r~L-ial lott with waivecs oY. minimum lot ar.ea ~nd minimum lot width on an irreyiilarly-sha~ed parcel ot land consistiny of approximately 0.99 ac:re. haviny a frontage oL- approximately 19]. [e~t on the sr~uth ~ide of Corto Ro~d, and further described as 76311 Cor~o Ruad; ar~d does her.eby appr~ve i.he IJegati.ve Declacation upon finding thac it has considered tha Negative Declara~xon togel-her wil-.h any commenhs r.eceived duriny the public review pr~cess ~nd further findi~ig oi~ the basis ol Lhc~ ir~itia'1 ~i:udy tlnd any comments received thal: there is no ~ubstant.ial tvidenne tl~at tha pcoject wi11 have a siyriificant eELect on l-.h~ env;ironmenL•. NOA~, TFiCRE~UR1:, }3L•' T`?~ RESOLV~D tha~ the Anat~eim Ci.ty PZanning r;ummissian does hereby grant. ~ubject Peti.tion f:or Vari.ance, upon the follawiny cond.itions wt:ich are h~reby found Lo b~ a necessary pcerequisite to the proposed use oi the su~ject pco~err.y in or~~r to preserve the safety and genec~al wc].fare oE ~:he Citizens o[ the City of Anaheim: -2- PC86-73 ij4 'I ~' . ;'f.t.{~1 ~ 1,~ ___ `;~ci ~,c^.~ . ~""* . . . . f~1 , ~ .~"?: ' ~. ~ ~~ !;~ ,~i. 1. Thac prior. ko iasuance uf a build:ing permit, primary water main fees sha:ll be pai.d to the City of A;~a',;~~m, in an ameunt a, determined by the Office r~f, thc: ULilities General Managet . 2. That ~rior to issuanch of. a k~ufldinu :iFCTT11~~ app.ropriate park and r~creation in--li~~u fees shall Fac pa~.a to the City of Anaheim in an ' arnount as de~eC:nined by the City ;;ouncil. - `; ;>,~, !~~~~ ` 3. That prior to issuance of a bui.ldin g permit, th~ appr.opri.ate traEfic ` ~;; ~~ ~iynal assessment fee shall be paid to the City of Anf~h~im in an , ~' amount as determine~l by the City Coun~:il for aach new dwellizig unit. r.~ ~1. That drain~ge oi subject pr.operty sha11 be disposed of in a manner I~ satisfactory to the City Lnyineer. "; 5. That in the even~ suUject property .is to be u~v~ded fur the purpose ~ f~ + ~~ o± sale, lease, or financing, a paa-cel ma~ to r.acord L-t-,e approved division of subj~ct ~~r.operty shall be submiEted to r~nd appcoved by ; the City of Anaheim and then be recor.de~ in th~ OEfice of the Orange J County Recorder. 6. That subjecL• proc~erty shal]. be developed ~ubstantially in ac~ordance -~'r with plar.s and Sj~@C1L'1CeltlOTlu on file wicr t:he City of Anahaim rnarkecl ExhibiL- No, 1. - U~ I'i~ FURTHGR RESULVLll t:~ah the Anaheim C:i';y Planning Conimission c~oes hereby find and determine tl1aL• adoption of this R~sol~xtion is 2:~pcessly prec]icated upon a~plicant's compliance with each ar.d all of th~ condi~io~s hei~einabovp set forth. 5h~uld any such conditi.on, or. any part i:i~ereoL•, be declarecl ir,valid or unenforceable by t!~e final judgment of any cc,urt of. cou~pe;kcnt jurisdi,r,tion, then tl~is Resaluticn, and any ap~rovals herein ~ontained, sh~ll be r~cemed null and voi.d. '~'E1E L'ORLGOIPIG R~;SOI~UTION is si ;~ned .~n~ approved by me this 31st day oi: March, 1986. ~~-.~.~..~.,~.~~_~. C'HAIRWODIAN, ANAf3~~Y'M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION A`'i' ~'ES9' : ~ 1. ~ ~ ~ _ .~~~~` ;~~„ S~;CRL`PAR~Y, P.NAH~IM c:J:TY PL~NNIWG COMMTSSJON ~v:! ~. ~ ;,A, ' j . _ .. . , t, ty( -3"' PCSb-73 ;: ~; ,. . ,, ~t~:PSR'19P•as' ' '; ...tLf4~Nlfi:.r~N~,.rX.u.~SlL.l r-.,.~r,:~.~.. ,..,.~....~....~..... .... .. _...,.... ....,. . ~ '" , ~~- 3 fi'~ ~f. . .. ~ . ' . . . , , . . . . ......_.. ,,...... ... .. ~.....• ~ . , .~, ti~ v.e..~~l,.; p ..''h~-Jf 27/`.tii1SV.~h'~S!;Y~y~A~~7''~t(~,'~yrly'15 ' . ~ 5 ., .'1 d~ ~` yl. Ytr," i y., , ` S~l'AT~; OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OP' ORANGE ) gs~ CITY OF ANAMEIM ) ,: . I. P;dith L• Cammission, c~o here;,y Harris, Ser.retar~ _ L•k~e An~heim rerti Sy L-hat t r Cit ~ Pl~nning s~~ 1 adoptFd at a meeting oE . he fore oin resolution the rlnaheim Cit p g ~ ~as p~gSe~ and : ,• 2~ r:~ 1~8h, by the fo1J.o~eing , reQF Commissi~n he vot~ of the mcmb h ld on March 31 ,i~ rs t Z , ~`~ ;' A~I;S~ COMrfISSIONLRS: BOUAS, FRY, [IGRBSZ', Y,A CLAIRE, LAWI:CKI MC , ML.SSE B~RNEY, NQES: COI,hIISS1UNERS: NUNE ; ABSEN~': COP9MtS~ION~;I2S: NONI~' IN WI1'Nh'SS WHF•REOE`, I have hereunto sat my h~!n~~ this 31st day o.f Marct:, 19H6. . 1~ / .~'~" --=--~ =- ~~-~--- S~~~LT k~NAfiETM CI'i'X PLANNI'~ I SSIGN -4-