PC 86-81,,.. RESiOLU'P1:GN N0. PC86--81 A t2ESOLU'PIUM UE '1'HE; ANAkIE~It4 CT'1'Y F'LANNlNG :,OMMISSTON 'PFIA`P PE'I'ITIGN P'0}t RLCLASSIEICATION iJU. 85-$5-27 f3r ll~NIED Wt{EFtEAS, t.he Anaheitn Cit.y Plauning Commission did receiv~ a ver.ifi~c.i petition tor Reclassi.iication f'rom S'L'LVEN W. HALL A~]ll 1'Ah1ELA S. HALL, GT AL, ;•; LSLb~I. Van F~uren, Midway City, CaliEornia 9'1ti55, c,wners, and TIIJ3 BARTOLI , CuMUANY COFPOItA'I'ION, 17T:.,6 Sampson Lans, E11nt.ington Beacl~i~ Cali.Eornia 92647 AND 7~. A. JQNES b ASS~CIA'I~ES, 985 J.ast 17th StreeL, ~{GU8, Costa Mesa, Cal.ifcrnia ~2t;?.7, a9en". Eor c~~rtain r~aL pro.pert}~ t,it:uat.ed in the C.ity of ilflclEl(:lill~ ~oant-y a~ Orar,ge, Stz`e ci: ~',aliFornia, aes~ribed as Eollows: .~, ~ THA`P PQk'1.IGN OF ~HE: NUR7.'FiEItLY HAL~F nF NUk~l'HWL•'ST UUARTER UF THE SOUTE~IWGST Q[JAJ SOU'i~I, Rf~Ni,L•' 10 4~E~i' IN `I'HE RAfdCtfO ANANEIM~ AS SHOWiJ ON A MA.1' RECURUI~D t4[SCLLLANLOUS D1APS, IN Td~if: Q['L LC1: OF CODUTY, D~:;(:12IFSI~U AS I'OT,L(JWS: B~,GINidING AT THE NORTHE~IS`P CORbiC~R Or THE 50U'i'H 1.32.U0 FEET 0~' TH~ NOR'PtiLRLt Fii#f~F; `1'HLNCE WLS`l'ERLY E~LONG 'PtiE NOFt'PHERLY L~NF OF SAID SUU'I'H L3"l.GU ['E~:T TO 'PHE EAS'PERl,Y LINP OP TNE WL•'STERLY 18.$3 F.~ET Of~ ThG EAS1'L12LY 37(I.UU FEE~'1' UF SAII) NORTHCRLY EiALF; THENCE NQP.THERi,Y ACANU SAID EAS`l'I;kLY LiNE '10 TkiF' NURTHLRLY LINI: OE SA:[D tdU~`PHFRLY HALL'; THENCE EAS'PERLY AC,OtJG S~I!) NO~t`l'HERLY LINL TO 'PHE NORTIiWRS'I' c:U1tNER OE' `l'HF, I,ANU DESCRIBL•'ll IN DEBU TO JAMGS C. 1)ECKF;R AND WIEE~ IiECOf2ULU TN F~OOK 5"1y5, PAGE 253, OFFICIAL RECORDS Oe SAID URANGE CUUN7'Y; ''I'HL'NCL•' Sc7UTFiE22LY ALOPJG TEiE WE52'ERLY LINF; OE' ~AIll I,AND OF D~CICER TO '.CHE; SOU~rxw~;S'i' CURNk;R THEREUr; `.CH~:NCE FAS'PERLY ALONG TFIL' SUJ'1':iP:RL,i' LINL•' Of~ 1'Hf, LaNI) OF DEC~CLR 'PO ~tIE SOU'i'FIGAST CORIIF.R 7'Hf~RLOf', SAIU POIN'1' E3GTNG IN TI,E EASTERLY GIP]L UE SAID AE30V}; hILN'i'IUN~'D ~Uf"t`i'Nr;F~~t:,Y. F1ALG'; 'PHENCE SUUTHERLY ALONG SAT1.1 LAST rnrr~TIONEU F'ASTLRI~Y L~1NI: 65.F~0 F1~;6'P 'PO 7`FIF POTNT OE' BEGINNING. TFiL SOUT.iI:AST QCIAF.TGR OF THE 2TF:R OC SECTIUN 2i3, TOWNSHIP 4 LA5 F30:,aAS~ JN TI~E CITY Or IN E30GK 51, PAGE(,~) 10, OF 'PEIL COUNTY klsCORDBR OF S7'~Ib W~tEtti;AS, L•ht~ cir.y Planni~g Commissian cJid hold a public neari.ng ar. the Civ.ic ~'cn*.ec .in the c:;ity ot Anaheim un Apri i l4, Ly86 at: 1:30 p.m., nutice at saict pubLic heariny hav.in~a be<:n c:iu'ly given as reuuired hy law and in ~xr.core~aiice with r..he provisions uf t:~e Anaheim Miinic.ipal. Codt, Chapter 18.03, to hear and c:on:;i.d~r evioencN fc~r and agaznsr. said ~rop~~sed reclassiti.cation an<i to irivestiyate and make L-.in~lir.rJs ar~d recomrnendations in conn~ction t~~erewitl~; anu W[IEREAS, saiu C~~rr,~r~issicn, afrer. Uuc~ inspection, investig~rion and ~ st~iUy made by it.selt anU in irs behalf, ana aEter due consideration af atl evidence anU re~orts ofEerc~d u~ said tiear.ing, does Find and determine hh~ toLlowing iacts: ;^;: F l. Th~-~ l•.he pe~itioner. proposes recl~assifica`i~n o~ subject prooerty trotn th~ RS-A-4:i,UU~J (f.teci~ential., Agr.icultural) 7cne to RM-120U (Residential, r'' Multiple-Czmily). ;..~ ~~ > > >~ , 2, itiar thE Anaheitn Gtneral Plan desiynat~~ subj~.ct propc-.rky for ~;; )5'; m~oiutn df.111St~/ eesidentiaL land uses. '~. ~ ;; `.f '~''~ 0759r PC84-81 ~5 , i,; --~ _.... ., ... .. .. .. . .. _.. .. . _ . ... .. . .. . , _. ,j ;.i ~-., ';i ;. , ~ 3. 'l~hat t.~~ pru~used reclassific~.t.io,n of. subje~~t propc:~`y is not ne~:essary ~ioi: desirable for Lhe urderly and prape~r c~evelc>~rnen~ oE t:he cr,mimin i t•.y . 4. T:~a+~ r.he prnpoaed reclass.ifir.atio~l o~ sub:~ect ~~r.~per±:y d~es not praper.ly relatt~ to ~he zor~~ ~-?nG t:heir per~nit:ted use~s loc:ally ~stab.lished in ' cl~~s~~ prox.imity to ~,ubject ~~ropert~~ ancl to t.he zones and ~their permir.r.e~d uses ;~;; generally ~sta~lished throughnu,: t.nc~ cc~mmuni~y. !i. That: 34 persons i7dir.titea their presence .it sai~~ pu~lic hearing ir, uppusit-.io;l; ur~u that a peti!:ion co:~i:aining apprcx.ima~.e:ty 18U signatttres ~aas ~e~.ei•.,ec~ in ~p~~sit.i.on !-o su~7ect r,ekiti~n. ~;NVIRQNM~NZ~AL IMPAC:7' FII~ll'rNG: That the ~nal~eim City planniny CUmmissi.on has rev iewed t.he pro~o~a1 tu r.eclassiPy su:ojECt: ~roperty from RS--A-43,,UUU (R~siG~~ntial, Agr. ic~).tuc~~.l ) Zcne tc~ RM•-12UC' (R~sidential, htuLti~l~:-larnily) 'LOr;e to const.ruct a'i~7-iinit: ap~~ctrnent co;mple~; with waiver of maximutn structurai l~~aight: on an iz~reg,~lacly-shaped ,pe~rc~el oP land consist:iny ot appruxima~el.y 1.55 acres, naving a fconta~~e of ap~~raximately 66 feet on rhe west sidi: or Loara Street, and ~urtt,e~: described as :2'l5 South Loacd grree~; ar-u uoe~s her~by ap~~rove t.ne Ne~3ativ~ Declcration upon i`indin<7 t:hat ~t has coliside:c~a tl~e fJeyat.iv~ D~cta.ration tc~ge~her with un.y commenCs rece.i.vecl during the ~uk~lic r.eview ~~rocess and Lurth~r fincling on the b~asis of the initial st;udy and any commen~s t:e~c.~ivea th~t l...ier~ i5 nu substantial evidence '~hat: the project will hav~ a significank efEect on t:ht: enviror.~mt~iit:. fdUw', ~l'HEREb'ORE~, BE IT RL.~C)LVED that ~i~e Anaheirn Ci~.y Planning Cormni~:s.ion uoes h~areay deny Pet:it:ii~n Eo-: Reclassi~.ic~ai-ipn ~n ;~h~~ b3sis of the ~:toramen~ianeU iindings. `1'HE E'OR.~~OING RLSULU~I~ION is ~;iyned an~.~ a~~coved by rne this l4th day ~+' ol: A~:ril, ly~b. ,,-~ _ '~, /? •~ ~;.~ ~~ ~. " = [~..'i~<.G'/..~~~--c_ :.. /• C~-_~C.`..~~ t~-C~~~,~'~.~ `:2 CfiAIRWOMA~I, ANAHEiM (,I'I'Y F'L•ANNING CGMMTSSION , ::'~i ~, ~;. '1 ~ ;~ J: : /7 . : . M j /,,_/.- . . ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~~_. ( ; Sf~:l'.RE'PA.[2Y, ANAHE.LM CI'i'Y F~LANN.Ifr'G COMDII;~SION ~~ ~;, -i•- Pce6-at `', , _` ... . . . . ~ it. ~ . . .,. ,... ~. , _,., e:, .. ~. . ~at:r ~ ~ . t~,.ip; ~if r r,l.t~~a7 <PzrY;'i~ ~:4f'{~~:~.j'~~~~,r+R"7+T,' r ~„~ ~ vti,~ ~ , ,. i .,~,7 ',~~' STA'!'E OI' CALiFORNTA ) CUUNTY Or 0ltANGL 2 ss , CITY OF ANNHETM ) I- Edith L. Elarris, Secretar p~ ~ Y i:he An~heim CiCy ^?anning i" Canmi:;sion, da hereby cer~:iy that the L-oregoiny reso:lutzon was p~:ssed and ~ aao~r.ea at a meetir.g oi the nnaheim Ci*y planning Commi.ssiori held on April .14, 'N1~' iJ86, by L-he tollowirig vote of the members th~ereof.: ` ;:~ AYES: COMMISSIUNERS: SUUAS, F'RY, HERI3ST' liA C ~`;~ . LAIRE, LAWTCKI, ~1C (3URNEY, `'' Ml,SSE ;:;, NOES: C:UMMISSZONERS: NON1~ `i; ~~5~%NZ': ~OhiMISSIUNEF.S: Nc)NE %t! IN WI'rNESS 'n~HEKROF, T t:av~a hereun~o s~t my hand tt~is ].4th day o[ Apti.l, .ty8b. _~~~~.~.~ ~`~ ' ' ~ SFaCRE,TARY, ANF~H.LIM CITY PLANNIN~,~ISSION ,+ ;>'C ~i '°; -3 - Pr86-81 - - __ _ '~,~