PC 86-85i~ r~ '1 .;~ ~ ~ RESUT,UTIC)N NU. PC86-$5 A RESVI:~UTIOI~ UI' 'I'EIE ANAHEIM CI'rY PLANNING COMMISSIUN `1'HAT PE`1'T'1'IODI k'OR VARIAf7CL NU. 3549 B~ GRAN'i'E,D, IN P1~RT h'HERLAS, the Anaheim Cit:y Planning Commissa.on did receive a veriPied Petition ~or Variancz Lrom RICHARD P1. BItANll, 1725 Eas}.: Sycamore S~reet, ~' Anah~im, Ca.lifornia 928U5, owner of certain real pcoper~y situat.ed in t:he Ci~y +~~ ~~ , of Aciaheim, County of prange, State oi Cnli.torni~ described as: `l'E:~; EASTL•'RLY "/0 FE~'P OF THL SOUTHERLY 19U.00 FEET OF `PHAT PORTION OF 1~0'C 3 0~ APJAHEiM EXT~NSION, IN THF CT'i'Y OF ANAKEIM, A~ SHOWN UN A r9AP OF SURVE:Y ~1ADF f3Y WILLIAM HAhJEL ANll FILED IN THL•" Ob'EICE OF 7'HE COU~Il'Y 12ECORDER ~f LUS F~NGL'LES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, A COPY OL' WHTCH .IS SHOWN IN fii)OK 3, PAGIs 163, E'1.' S~Q. , FNTITLFD "I,OS ANG;:LES COUDITY MAPS", krCURDS UI? SATll ORANGG COUN'PY, D~SCRIBED AS FnLLOWS: B~GZhNSi~:; A'!' A POiNT ON `PHE SUU'1HERLY LINE OP SATll LOT 3, NQR'I'i~ 7~1° 30' 3U" EAST 3U:3.53 F'LE'T' FI2ONl THE SOUTHWLS'I' CORNLIt O!? SAID L'~OT 3, ~ SAIn PO:CNT l3GING THE SUUTtiEAST CORNGK UF THAT C~R'rAIN PARCEL OF LAL~D ; f liESc~kIBLll IN TURKE2IS CL•'RTCFICATE N0. 104.39; THENCE 17° 30' 30" WEST '` 32U.UU FL'ET ALONG 'i'k!L I:AS`I'L~:.LY L1N~ Jh SATU PA:4Cf1L OE LANll 'CO TH~ , ~ NURTH 1~OUNDAkY. LINE c7F 7'HAT CLR`l'AIN PARCFI~ OF LAI~D DESCRISEll IN TURRCIdS CERTII?ICATE N0~ 7y05; TtIENCE NURTH 74° 3U' 30" EAST 240.U0 i E'F,E`i' ALUNG SAi:) BUUNDARY ,,,iDlE 'r0 AN ANGLE POIN'T THEREIN; THENCE ' SOUT.H L7° 3U' 3U" EAST 320.UQ FN;GT ALONG .`'iAIi) E~OUNDARY LINE TO 'I'Hi; aUU'I'H~;f2LY LTNE Of SA.r.U LO'i' :~; THGNCE 50UTH ?4° 3Q' 3i1" W~ST 24U.Q0 E'LL'1' TO '1'ElE YUIP!'P GF' CiF,G1:NNING. WtI~;kLAS, the City plsnning Cornmissi.4n did hold a public hearing at hhe Civic Cenrer in t:l~e Ciky ol Anahe.in~ on April 19, 1986, ~it 1:30 p.m., n~tice ol sa.ia pu~~li~. hcaririg r~aving r~~4n duiy c~iven as required by law and in accordance with the provisions oL the :~nah~im Municipal CodP, Chapter 18.U3, tu hear anu con~iUar evidence tur and a;~a.inst: said proposed variance and to invesciyate and make fin~iings anu recommenda.tions in connecti~ri therewitki; and 'vJHL•'RF.;AS, sai.cl Cornmi.:;s.ion, after nue ins~eckion, investigation and `; stu~y inaae Uy itsr li and in ity k;ehalt, and aLt-r•,;r d~ie c~.ri~ideration oE all r.l evid~rice anu reports ,PF.~reU ak said hearing, doe~ fin~ and determtne {~he t~llowing lacts: .; L. ~rr~at. tne ~er.ir.ioner E~copo~es waiv~:rs of. thc• follo~oin~ to ::ir: const~uct a 2--stury, 4-iitiit apartment F~uilding: L. (a) SE:CTIONS 18.U6.05U.UL'll - Minimum numbPr and t~~~ r~~ parking spaces. ~ 1f3.Oti.U50.U123 (lU :;paces (t3 ~overe.3 or pr.~:w~ed, 2 o~~en) 18.-JG.UBfJ reyuireca; 9 space:~ (G enclo;,ed, 3 open ' AND L&.34.U66.U10 proposed) (G) SGC'PION ~$.34.UG2.G12 - Maximum structural hei.ght. (1 story wirhin 150 feet of a single-fami'!y resid~ntial 2one permatted; 2 sturi.es at 12, - 2U, anc! 11G feeG respectively frum single- family r.esidential zoninq rr~ ~'ie ~dest~, east, and south ~ru~osed; ~ UiG3r PC86-85 ;'r r~,, -- 4(' . . , .. .. . r ~~ _ . ~ .;;..~,~> ,?~ .. . ~ . ' . . . .. ij. . . ~ ~` . . . . . . 1~ I (c) SEC'1''IU[v_18.34.U63.U1'L - Minimum structural setbac:k. "' ~ ~ (~0 foot average adjacent to Sycamore Street. r.equired; 16 f~et proposed) ;i a~~ ~ ~r ; ~ < '~:~ ~,,;''. ~,;, . t Z. That the above-men~:ioned waiver (a) is hereb,~ denied on ti;e basis that the pet:iticner stipula~ed r.o subrnitting a revised plan showiny co,npliance e~itn Coc~e, t.hereby elimanating thF~ r~eed Eaz tti~ parl.i-ig v~aiver. 3, Tnzt ~:he above-m2ritio~led waivers (b) and ~c) are hereby granted o~i thz basxe that ttiere are special circumst.a~.ces applicable to the propert~ suct; as size, shapE~, to~ography, locatian and surcoundings which do not apply t~> other iden~ir.ally zon~d peopert:y in the same viciriih.y; ~nd that strict apptication oi: the `Loriiny Code ~leprives the property af pri~~i.l.eges enjoyed by other proptrties in the i.dentical zonc and classiEicaL•ion in the vicinit.y. 4. ThaY. there are exceptional or ext.raordinary cic~umstances or conaitions app?icable to the properLy involved or to the intended use of the p~opert.y ':nat do r~o~ appLy yenerally to the properry ~r class oE use in the satne vicinity and zone. 5. Th~:t the rec~~sested v,~r i.anc~~, as granted, is necessary £Ur the pre~c:rv~tion and en~oyment oF a.aabstant.xal pruper~-.y r..igt~t possessed by other ~~rogerty in the samc vicini.ty and zcir,~, ~nd denied t.c+ thE property in question. r;, q~hat the requ~sted variarice, as y_ranted, wi11 nat be materially~ c~etrimenta.l tu t;~e puulic weltare or injuric~us to the proper.ry or improvements in such vici:~ity and zoi~e in •~ahic:i thc property is locatE~d. 7. Th~-!- 7 people indicateG tlicir ptesence a~: said ~~blic hearing in ~pi~osition; and that no correspordenc.e t+~as recaived in opposition to sub;j°ct petition. ENVIRONMf3lJ'i~l#L~ Tb1PACT t INDING: Tha`.. the ~~r~aheim City Planning Cornrnission has r~vieweu thn propusal t~ constract. a two--stery, 4-unit apartment ~uilding with ~~aiv~cs o~ tnin.imum lllil11IJ2i and t.ype of ~~arking spar,es arui l11aXLIllUI(I struchural hri.uht on a rectanyularly-sha~ed par.cel of land. ~;unsistin~3 ot appr.oxi.mat~=.l,y l L,QbU square feet, having a fr~ntare of' approximately 7U f.eet: un the north side ~~f Sycamo~e St.res~, a~d turthe~ c.iescribeu as L?'l.5 L:as~• SYcarr.ore Street; ar,ci c' ,es h~reby approve i:he Negative pecLaratior~ upon fiildi~iy thar iL hzs considered the NeyaFive llectacatio~n toc~~tner witr~ ar.y commen`.:s rec.:ived during th~ ~ ub'~ic review ~rocetis and Lurther fi.riding on the bas s oE f~he initial study and any cflmn~ent:, receiv~ed that th2r~ is no substanti~l. evidence that the pCOject will have a significant. e~:tect r~n tt~z environm~nL•. Planning NU'rl, 'PHLItGEURE, HE TZ' RGSULVE;D that the Anaheim l;i•`y Commission doFS l~ereuy granr sub,lecfi Pelition Eoc Varia~r,ce, upon tne ~o1l~wing condi.~:ons whia~ are her.Gb,y founa r~ ue e: necessaz~y ~rereyuisite to tL~e proposf.a use o~ the subject property in ~rde,- r~ pees~rve t:he saEety a~d g~ner.al we'LE~~re o~ rhe Ci.tizens ~f tY,e Ciry o~ ~naheim: 1. 'l~har pcinr to issuance oP a buildi.-~g pErmit, apprupriatE pur.k and recreat~ion in-lieu f:ees shall be paid ro the CiEy of F~naheim :in an amaunt as determinea bv rt~e Ciry Council. _l_ Pc~S-a~ ;; . ~.. . . . .. . .. . . ... ..Y~ ,.~.., .,.:.~, ,; ,. ...: _ ,.._ ,-,~,,.. ~,,,~:, .... ... ... ...... . . . . .~ ~ . . . ~ . . .. , ... .~~ . ~,.~~ ~~•K . . ... ~..,'~ .. 2. `t'hat; prior ta i.ssuanc~ of a bui ~ding permit, the appropriate traffic sigi~a.l assessment tee sha11 be paid to the CiCy of Anaheirn in amounL- as a~tar.~niried by the c;ir.y an counc:il L-or each new dwe].ling unit. ~. Th~~t: all dciveways :,hatl be caistructed or re~onstructed to acconunodate tc_., O.0 ) fo ' ' ot t•adius curb retucns as requi.t~ed by the Ci~ i ratfir. Enyirieer. y ~~. Thah drainage oF subject propc.rty shall be dis~osed o.E in a ma~lner satist~ctory to the r_ity Engineer. 5. That subject property st~a.ll be s~cveci Uy underground u~:ili~ies. 6. ?~hak Lrash sturage area:: shall be pxovided and main`uined in accoraar~ce with a~~proveu plans on file with the Street Mai.ntenance ana 5anitation lliviJion, 7. `i'hat. ga~~s shall not I~e installed across any driveway. Tnstallation ox ..~ny c~ar, :; sna i: be: sub jeci: to thr r~cie~a an~~ approv~l oP t;he City `1raLS:ic E:~y~u~ ~~r, ~. 1'hac'. roll-uj~ yarag~ aoors snall bF~ install~d on the existing two-car 9araye closes+~ trontiny ~~n Sycamore Street or that said garage shall t.~e coiivertect to r_arports. y. Tnat ::ub~ect prop~rty shatl h~ develop~d substantialLy in accordance w.ith ~~lails a nd specificati~ns on Eile ~~~i,-h the City of Anahe:i~n marked E;xhibit Nos. i L througtl 5; pr~~vided, how~vtr, r.ha~ r~vi.sed plans ndicatiny ten (lU) parkiny s~~aces, in confurmance ;ait:h Code shat? be approvecl by r.he City ~iraftic Engineer and submitked to the pLar~ninc Lepar tmeri t , ,~ 10. ~~~hat the owner.(s) oL- subject pruperty sha'lt acquire a ceco:ded ~ cov~nant: granting an access ea.~emwnt- Erom l-.he prr,pr;r{;~, owner i ~'` . mmeaiarel~+ wec~ n£ subject property lur ingress dnd egress purposes h i~ o sub~ect proC~erty, fiaid ~~sement• shall be design?d in a manner ,f I s~tisia~.tory t~ the City ~l'ratf`ic Engi~eer, it sha11 be in a E~rm ~~,i satistactory to t'~e Ci~y t~*tor.neY', ~tncl a c~p y of tt~e recorded ~ do~umer~t shall be :ubini.ttr.d~k,i !;hr,~planning lle~-~artment-. I i~- c~ ,,~ 11. That prior ~:o issuance of a building permit, or within ~ period o~' ,; une year Lrum the datF uf this resolution, whir_h~v<~r occur.a first ~~, , CQndition [~us, l, 2 and l0, abot~r_nitntioned~ :;hal.l be c:omptied with +I " i . Extensions tor turtt;~ac t-ime t.o coi~plete sa.icl cUndi_tions may be ; grant~u ;n accor.~aance with SE'.4t1011 i~.03,U90 of the Rnaheim Munici al ; p Coa~. ~, 12. Tt~at prior to t'inal building and zoni.ng in::pect:lc~ns, Condik:ion No~~ '~ ~- '~, ~, b, 7, d and 9, abov~-ment.ioned, sh~ll be cornplied with. t ~ I BE T'I~ k'U12•i'Ff~R RL•'SOGVED thclt th~ ~~nahei.rr, Cit~ planning Commission does ; nereby LinU ana deter.rnine rhat ~dap"zon ot this Resot!~tion is expressly j pre~acated upon app'licant's cornpliance with 2ach and all of ~he cnnditions ~ he~einabove set fQ.rth. Shuuld any ..nch cond.itiun, ur ~ny part the.reof, be ~' ;. aec'lareu inva.lid or unen~orce~aale by rhe Eina'L judgmen* of ariy ~,;uxt of i com etent ~ P jurisdiction, then thi~ ?tesolution, and ~iny a~provals hereir~ ; con~ained, shall be deemed null and void. r.f; ~' _3_ , ` PCQS-85 ~} , ;': ~ _ . ~ - ~ : ~ . . ~ . . . .,... ,lr{ ~ ~°*. , ~ ,~ } '>, r;. ~~tIE ['ORE;GOING R'GS~~LGT:.ON is signed and appr.oved by :ne ~his 14kh day of April, 1986. /~) ^ . i i~, , k'~~! ~ ~ ~~~ _ '~~ Lf....Z.t 4 CJ-lP.T'~2WONInN, AP',AF'FIM C X PLANNS~~~o COMMISSION ATTEST: ....~`_~~ ~/~'~ - SECR~`PARY, AN~'~:i~INI CI'i'1: PLAidNiNG COMMISSION STA`P~ OL' CALIFOItNIA ) (;UUN'PY OF' 012ANGE ) ~ ~' • CITX OI~' ANAEiEIivJ ) , , I, Edith L. harri.s, 5~cretaLy ot the Anaheim C:~ty Flanning ~ :; Commisszon, uo rer~l~y certif~~ th~~t the ~or.egoing re.iolution tiaas pass,eu and ado~ted at a me~';,ing of the A.zaheim City P~anning Commissi.an helo on Ap~it 14, y' 19F~6, by tl~e rollow:;ng v~~~e of- the tnembers tnereoE: '~ pyE;S: C:069h1ISSI0[~ERS: BUUA;~, FkY., HERBS'i', LF~ CLA:IRE, LAWICKI, MC BGk2NEY, ~~.i P1ESS::: I~QLS: CGF]MISSIUD7ERS: NONE ~~ ABSBNT: COMI~ITSSIO!~ERS: P]t}Nli " IN WI~l'NE,~S wF1L'RI:lUF, I have het~unto set my hand !:his 14th day of ~ ~; i; ~pril, 19~6. .~~~ ' I, ~.~• ~~/?__~~~'~~L~ _ , SL•'CRr:TAItY, ANAHEtP1 ~'ITY Pr.,ANNING CUhSMTSSION ;;~~ ; -4- YC86-85 ~;',.' ~