PC 86-86-~,. kL•'SOLUTION N0. PC$(i-86 ~ti ~ A l2ES0[~U'iIUN OI` 'PHE ANAHGTM CI~!'X PLaNNING COMhIISSION `1't1A`i' PF,TTTIUN FOR VARTANCE NQ. 35~3 !3G GRAN'I'ED f WHL•'12PA5, the Aciaheirn C.ity Ylanni.ng Com[~~ission did receive a ver.•ified Petitioi~ tor Variance Lr.om WTLLIAM (~. NTCHOLSCfI AND RUTH C. NICHOLSON, 315. Blacic Oak, Analie.im, c:alitor.nia y28p7, owners o~ r.er.tain real oraperty situated i.n tuF~ CiLy or Ar,a.neim, CounLy ot Orange, St•.ate at ralitornia descr.ibed as: LU'I' ~J UL' Ti2AC'I' lU9Jti, AS S(~OWN A MAP RL''CORllBU IN BOOK 532, PAGE~ 20 7:'U "l5 INi:T,USIVL•' (): f•i7.iiCELLAN~OUS NIAPS, RL•'C~RDy OP O12ANGE COUtd'rY~ CALT I'U12N?~; . h'ki~;REAS, tnr~ City P1ai~nir~y Commission di.c] hald a publzc hearing at: tt~e rivic Center in tl~e City oF ?,nahe;.m on April 1.4, 19Fs6, at 1:30 p,m., not-.i~:e ot said puk~lic hearing h~viny ueen duly yiven as required by law and in accord~ance with t.tie provir,ioris ut the l,naheim Munici.pal. Code, Chapter t8.03, tc.~ hear anci cor~siUer evid ,:~ce tu~ a~~d ugaiiist saiU propo5ed variance and ta irivestic~ate and m~ke Yindin~~s and rec;ammendations in connection therewith; an~ WklL1ZE1AS, saiu Coituni.~~ion, a.lke!: ~iuF~ i.nspection, investigation and study maae b~ itsclt and in ;.ts behalf, and after ~iue cons:ideration cf. att ~videnc~ und reports ottercn at said hea~ing, does fincs and determine the following fac±:s; 1. That F..n~ petitioner p_c~poses a waiver of the folluwiny to construct a two-str.,ry, single-tainily residence: SLC'1'TON 18.y4.U~1'L,UlI - Max:mum sttuctural heiyht, ` ( ~S Yeet :in sc.:ni.c corridor permi±:ted; 3t) feet propas~d) M 2. ~.L`hat t-.he above-meni:ioneq waivers are herPk~y gran~ed on *he basis t-:at there arF_• spec.ial circums~ancc:; appl.icable 1-o the pr~~perty ~uch as size, sc~ape, Y.opu-~rax~tly, ioct~riora ar.a surroundinys which do no` apply to other iu::~~t.ical.ly zone~i property in tt~~ sa~nr vlcinity; aild that st.rict application ur_ the Zuniny c;~de dep~,-ivPS th~ property or privileye~ enjoyed by other properties lii khe iutnt:.icGil zone ~~nd ctassi.ficati.on in the vicinity. 3. Tl~at: there a~e excepti~nai or extraordinary circumstances ~.r. cunait.iuns ~.~pplicai~le tc~ tr,~ properry irivolved or to tne in`ended use oF the pro~er.ty tY~a~ do not. appl.y yenerall.y to rl~e pro~erty or class uf use in the same vi:,init,y anu zor.e. 4. Triat tne reci~ested variance is ri:;~essary tar khe pre.;erv, tion and ~njoymen.t of a subst~ntial praperty r:igh~ po~sessed by othcr. propcrtr ir, the same viciniry and ~une, anU aeniad to ~ne property ir~ question. 5. 'L'haL• the reques~ed variar:ce will 17ot be materialty de~rimental to t,t~e ~uul.ic welfare or injuri~~us i-o t:he pro~erty or improve~nen*s i.n such vicinity aizd zone iri wha.ch *he property ls locatede G. '1'hat no one indic;atecl their z~reser~ce a t said ~,ublir. heariny in opE~~sitiocl; and that no corr~s~ondence was received in op~osition to subjec4 pe :itiau. U764r PC86-86 '.>i , ,~: ;i:~ ~•~ parcel ~f Lar:•J .:on~isting of a~proximately 2.25 acres 'ocated at tre nnrtheast terminus ot Z~uckaa~ay Ci~c'1e, havir.g a Econtage oF approximately 30 feet on tl~e nort~l side ~t ~.[~uckawdy C_rcl~, and turther. describ~d as 1115 Sou~h Tuckaway Ci~:cle; anU aoes nereb~:+ appr~ove the Negati.ve Declaration u~on finding that it has con~iaerea rhz Ncyativ~ Decldra`ion toyether with any camments receiveG dur.iny the public review ~rocesu anq L-urther findi-ig on the basis of the ].C1ltlal study anU any con;ments !-eceived that thcre is no substantial evidence that the pr~;ject will. ha~~e a signil:ic~znt eEfect on the environment. r'~",,, ?'~a~ ENVTRONMENTAL Ih1PACT FIND2NG~ Tt~al: th~ anaheim City P.lanning c:ommission Yias CL'V1P.WP.U tne proposal to canstruct a Y.wo-story, sinyle-iamity resi~ence with waiver of maximu:n structnral laeight on an irregularly-shaped , NOW, ~l'Ef~it~;E'OR~, BE T7 RESOLVLD tna`. *he Anaheim City Plarninq Cornmissi.on anes riereby grant subject Petition far Var:iance, unon tY~e following conuitions whicl~ are nere~y faund to be a. neressary preregu:isite to thE proposed use of ths subject prapert.y in order to preser~~e the safety and genera:l •Y~~~ifG~'e ot the Citi2ens uf t:he c:ity oF Anahcim: l. ~ri,ar. prior to issuance of a Bui.lding ~ermit, the appropr.iate majar thorouyhtare ana :~ridge Lee st,a11 ~~ paid to ti~~ City of Anaheim in an amount as speciiied in ~he Major ~~horcughfare asid aridye Fee prugram i:or the i;Qtnill/Eastern ~l~ransportatian Corridor, as approved b.~ City Council j~LSOLUt1GIl No. 85R--423. 2. Tnat suuj~ct praperty shalt ue develope~ substantially in accardance witn ~lan.~ and s~ecitications on iile wit.h the City af Anaheim marked ~:xhibi~ No:>. 1 tnCOUgh ~. EiE IY~ t~URTHL•'1Z I2ESOLVEU t.tiat. the Anaheim City Dlannitig Comn~ission does i~ereuy iinu anu deteCmine t-i~at aaapt:i.o~l of hhis Resoiu~.ion is expressly pr.eaicateu a;~on aNE~licar~i:'s comE~tianc~~ witci eact~ and all ~f the conditions r~er.eir~aL~ove set torth. Should any such conaition, or any pazL- tPier~of, be dec:tareu invalirl or i.nentorc~a:~l~ by tl-~e tinal judgment of any court of competent ~urisdictzon, then tnis F.~solution, and any appravals herein cont:a.inecl, shall be deeme:;l -iu 11 ana vai.d. ~1'fIE FORF]GOTNG 1tL•'SULU"2ION i.s signed and approvec] by me this t4th day ot Apra.l, :l~~b. ~7 ~~, 1 C~z-~f~...f ~~~~.~r~= C[IATKHi~MAN, ANIIHEIM C PY PLAfdNING COP9MTSSTGN ;~I ~,`, i ,+ r:. AT'I'GS'1': ~ , ~; ~,~.e'.~. ~'~ ~1~~~. SLI:ftETARY`, ANAI•lEIM Ct'1'Y YLANNING COt9i+iTSSIUN _Z_ PCQ6-86 ~-;;: ; r'.M1;~ ; i; :; ~ Tft ~f~M1'~ . ' f , .._ . _ .:,~.y...n~ ~. . „u ~ ~ .. „- -. . . . ~ . ~ . ... ,,.. ., .. ,. , , .. ""~, S'.l'A'I'L UL' CALI1'URNIn ) CUUN'PY Uh U1tAClGF~ 1 ~~5 • (:i'.1`Y Ub' ANANE;iN'i ) i, Laiti~ l~. Harcis, Sec~e~~acy ot c:he P.naheim City Planniny Cotnmi:~sion, uo htc~:by c~ct~E.y t.hat. the Yuregoiny resolution was passed arid ~i,,~~~E~tt;~ dr, ti m~~tiny uf tnc: At~a;ie~m Ci+'y Pl~nniny Cummission held on Ap-:i.l t4, L~~~, -~y t.he L"Ul LOWlil~ vute uti the m~-nburs r.iic:reol: ~y~y; Ci)hIM.[~Si~)NL•'1.tS: EtUUAS, Hii,FtB5'1', GA c:LAIR~, 1.,AWTc:KI, MC BURNEY, MES5E NUF,S: ~Uh1I~1I55T0N~t2S: IJiINi~; AiiSH:td'1: CUt4MIS:itUNBRS: FRY fN WI`ilvi:~S WliElt~c)h', 1 havf: hec~~unt~ :,er my h~nd rhis 14th day of AC~ri,., l~l8b. ~ , J ;A / ~~. ~ w i~ v I~Q,~' N F~ SI;C:R1:'il.R ,^APdAiif:IM Ci'PY PLAt~NING CUMMISSIUN -3~ PC66-86 :~:' I f'%~~~n ~'~.4 ~ ~;: ,'~ ~!' ~~t ~...i.~ .:r,.s!dr ~~r ~~~ . .. _ ._ - -... ...s.v~-..~~rv..,., ~. . . .. . .. .'~''~!.