PC 86-87i:.iJ i..ti, " ~,~~+.. ilI:5GLU1'ION N0. PC8(i-~7 A RL;:;OI,UTION C1F 'CHF, ANAHI::[M t'ITY F?I~AIJNING COh;MTSS7C.'J `!'HA'.l' PE'.l'I'1'ION FO:t CUNli:['1'7.ONAL USE C~ERh1I'1' NU. 2779 3E GRANTED, IN PAkZ' WHi,R~::Au, rh~ Anah~i:ri c..it:y Planning r,~mm.ission ciid r~:ceive « verif-i~~d Pc:titio-i to[ Conditlonal Use ~'ermit t.rom LL•'AVER'1'~~M ROWLANU ASSOCIATFS, P. 0. ~;~; ~' 11ox 4bU4, Anahe.im, C~li7'orni~i 923p3, ownec aiid AtJ'1'EIONY J. NA'PAI,I, P. 0. 9c~x ~ ~6U4, Anahcim, Cc,l.i.iorr~ia 92BU3, agent tor certain real proper.r,y situahed in the City o.t Anan~~i:n, counr.y vt Uranye, 5~~:te oE c;ali£or~i.i~a, dec;;ribccl as: PAFtCLL L, IIJ i'I1L: CITY OF ANAHI::t1, CQUNi'Y Ur OlZr1NG~~ S'.PATE OE ' Cr11,IE'012NIP., Ak~ SNOWN U[v A h1hP I'I;,Eb IN '3t70K 196 PAGES 36 ANI) 37 UE . i PAkCEL MAPS, IN '1'FIE O:~E~'IC:l: UP 'i'Hls CUON'PY RLCUI2DCR 0[~ SAID COUN' I'Y. . ~' ~ WtiE;Rh.A5, tx,e City Plannlriy Commi:;si_on did hold ~i public nea:ir.q a~ tt~c: Civi.r_ ~~nr..~.t• in !:l~t ;:ity uf An~iheirn c~n A~ril 14, 19F36, at 1:30 p.m., n~tice ~~ :,aia puulic -ieaeiny haviny be~u d~.~1y qiv~an as r~yuired by l.~~v a~id in ~,cr.orcianc~~ wi?:i~ t:he provi:.ior~s oF th~~ ~naheim t~l~!nici;~ai Code, Chaprer 1~3.U3 ~ , to :,ea~ ~a:ui corisiaer evidence for anu a«~ins!•. said proposed condit9.ona1 use ptrn~it an~ ~o inveytiyu~e ai,cf rn~zk~ fi.nding:; ancl r.~commerida!:ions in connectian ~ therF~wir..h; and 1^~tiL•'1~EAS, said C(ilfllf~l::SlOt1~ after due inspecr.ion, investiqakicn an~l st:udy macac ~y itsett anu .in its k~ei~alt, a~id a[her due consi~e[at~on of all eviuenc~_ and report;: ofcerec: at sai~J heurin~;, ~oes tind ancl derermine the Lullowiny t~act.s: l. Tha` r_n~~ ~-,ro~,o: ;a use is prop~:rly one F~~c wtiich a conditional i ~se . permit is aur.horizNa t~y An.ne.~;n ,~iunicipal Cude Section 16.61.050.GU5 to wi~: to p,~rn~it: an inuuy*c.ially- ~:lar.~~ UFt.ice Uu.ilding in ~he ML(SC) (In~ustriai , L1mit~~a, ;;~e:nic Corriaur ~j~, r. i<iy) 'Lone witl~ waivers oE t~ie tollowin~3: (a) S~C'!~I, S l~.Ub.U~;U.U2l~ - b~inir~uim c.Simensions oE -~----- - parkin ~ aces. , 18.U6.Ot3U (~:.*_and~r_a _park:~nU space, ii-i/2 Eeet by i nNll 1b.61,Ubr,.U2() 19 feet or ~ teet by 1R feet and " ~ compact puCkiii~Ua~es ~%-.l/2 Eeet by 15 teet required; standar~ arkiny spaces ~ k 8-1/2 tt• by l7 Et , and compact parking ~ ~~ces 7-1/2 rr, t~y i3 fr., pro~,osed) (U) ::F'c:t'IUNS lh.Ut,,U5U.0'll2 - Minin~~m number of ~arking s aces. "^ ' ` 1~.p6.UEsG (l74 parking s~-,aces r~yuired; 172 ' • AP~D 18.oL.066.U5U ~arkir_~s~acc~:; (yy~ oi r.•equirement) ' r-_~ ~CO~JUS@C } ~ ~~ "i 2. Thar. rhe ceyue;;t~~r~ waiver (a) i.~ heret~y deniea ~n tl-ie basis that tt~e petiL•ion~r. c~larifteu ci*. +~ne pu!,l~c hearing L•hak ~}iE~ parki~.g spaees were ar,siyne<: t~~ overnany lar.dscapea ptanters ancl lh~~~ dimen. ions ot :.~ofi, the spaces ana *_r.e planrers ct~nfurm to Cvde t~~yuirert,an!:s. 3. Tt~a`. the reyues',:ea waive:r (b) i., heceby gr.an'ted on !:he basis khat -- ~i~ere are a~~rciai circw:~3te,ne:e:s ap~,licat;le r.~ Che prupcarry such as size , :~t~ap~:, Fo~~oyraphy, locar.inn unc :3uccour~~iny: N•hicl~ do not apply ro other iuen.*.ic:ully zonen proNr:~t.y ~,n ±he aur,~e vicinity; anri ~ha!: w•trict ~pplication ' ut *he l,on;ny Ccde acpr.ivec the ~roperty aE privileges ~nj~~yed by othcr pcopert~es in the iaentical 'l.Ofln and classitica*_ton in the vicinityi ;_; U765r ' ' :~~~, ~~„ . ..,~ . . PC86-87 ` ;k . .. .... ... . .. . ~. .. . ~ ,~ :~ ,~~ } r~ ;,,s , ~""*~, ,.~ak i .:~ ~ ;'~i 1 and on t,~e basi.s t.hat ti~e rec~ue~t is m.inimal amounhirig ho tess hhan o.U2$. J~ 4. ~i~r,at tne Prcpostd us~} is her~by granted on the ba3is that the o.titice uses shall b~~ li.rn.'tt~d to th~~ Lullowing; Accounl:ir~~ - tiioc~kkeep;.ng, CI~A Firms or Temporar; CPA hirrns Adv~rtisx.ng Appraisers Fianks CitokeCS - Rcal E~~t.ate, Busines:~ cippoet~.ini.`ies, Etc. ~usiness System ComE~anies Communication Consultants Creqit Reporting Ayencies Desigi~crs - Ir:dustrial, Interior, ~zaphic llevAloptnenL- c:ornpanies Insurance CumE~anies/Agencies Inventory ;~ervic~s Leasing Cocnpa[iic~~ M~inugement. Consultants/(;ompanic~s Marketinc~ Research Parsonnt L Agcr~cie:; salea Utti.c;es (outside, as it- retar..~s t:~ ~hc .i.ndustrial) Secr~tariat Ser.vic~s 5. ~j~r~ar_ the x~r.o~os~~d ust wi ll nGt adve:set,y afiect t:he adjoining lar~ct uses ana ~.rie growt.h and r~velc~pmen` ut rhe area in wnich it is pru~osed tu be lo;;atE~i. b. ,~iia~ h.h~ si~e anu sha~c of rhe :;ite proposed Lor the us~ is aa~c~uate to ~llow the tull aevelo~nncnt ot the pru~osed use in a manner not cietrirr~en`~l ro L•hc: p.~r!:.~cuiar drea n~r tu the peace, health, saFEty and yen~ral weLtar.e ut `.he Cir.izei;s uf L•he cir.y of Ar.aheitn, 7. `i'har tnt yra~t~iny of ~.iie Cond.itional U~,e Permit i~nder the :f CUt1Ul~lOI15 i!uE~osea, it any, will not ~~e detr~n•~ental t:o hhe peac~, h~alth , safety anu g~n~~ral wetfar~ oL t:h~ C.itizen~ ot the City r~f Anahe.im. ;4 ,i ~'. 'I'hcik th~ t:r.afEic y~nerat~d i,y r,he p.opo~ecl use will noh ~lmpose an ` ~W: unc.fue aurden u~~on r,tic; st~rett:s nnd hial~ways desiyned and improved tu carr;, ~he trattic in t:tie ar~a. ~~ ~ J. ~~llat: I1G o~~t inair.atea rh~ir presencc~ at :;aid ~ublic hearing in u~pusitxon; ana thar ~lo ccir:e~ponaence was rFceive~l i.i~ oppositinn tc the 4; ' :tut~~ect pet.ition. Y EPaVIRUNMEN'1'AL IMk'AC`l~ F?NDlNG: t'i~at kne Anat~cim C.ity Planning „~ c;c~mr,iission has reviewea tt~F: praposa't to permit an in~~ust~ri~l.ly-relaked of.fice ' ' ~~uilding in r.he t4L(5c:) (~.ndustcia., Li~niter~, Scenic Carri~or Overlay) Zone ~ ., ~~+ir.:~ rraivec ut rnLnim~un dimensi~ns of pnrking spacF:~ and minimum r.umk,E~r oE `; parv,in~ spa~:es ~~n ~: rectangul.3r1~~-shapea parcel oE land consist.ing of appruxi-na`ely '~ acres, haviny ~ Eronta~+e of upE~ro,cima*_ety 23~ fce~t an the e~~t Yf s~.de ot Hanc;ock Street, and Eurrher d:~scribeci ae 1?.9Q ~~ur~h ~lancock ~r..reet; ~:: artd c~oe~ t-eereby apprQVe: hhe rre~~~~r.ive t3eclatar„i~n upor~ firding that tr. has ---- Y+ cc-nsiuereU ttie Nega!:ive D~r.lzcakion !:ogethF:r with an}~ <;omments receive~ ~urfng ~; tne public reviFw pcocess and ,Eurhhec findin~a on the basis af 'h.: iniki~t ~! st.udy anu any cantnen*_s Ct3CE'1VCCJ tha!: !:nere 'ts no subs~antial ~~vide~nce r.htlt the '~ '°;~ ~coa~ct w.ill n~ave a signiEicanr. eErect on Che wnvironmEr~t. F?~ '~- F~C86-87 ,, ,~ ~€'~Ix~i~'rr~:.n ~..,..~.; . _ . .._ . , . .. . . , . ., . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . , . , _ . . _ .^~-, ~~ NUW, ~i~Hk;Itf:EUR~;, BL 1.7.~ l2k~SOLVGi) r.nar. the An~heim City Planr~iny Co;nmissio-~ cloes h~r.eby yr~i-it sub~ect P~ti.t.iun fnr Condi*..ional Usr: permit, u~on thc: followiriy cunditiona which are her~by toilncl to be a necessary pterequisite to the praposed use ot the siaUjact property in order ~o pcescrv~ the ~afety ana y~ner.a.l W@.Lt~tL'(' of thc~ C:iLi.zens ot the ~i~y of Ariaheitn: 1. ~1'hat Ull dcivr:w%ays sha11 br-. construct:ed or reco-~structed t:a accormnor.ate t.nn ( lU ) Loot Caciius curb returns as requireci by th~ City Trattic Enqin~er.. ~:. That c~r.ainaye of subject property shall be di.sposed uf in a manner sati.afuctory t:u the City Enyineer. 3. That sut>ject proper.t;r shall Ge ser.ved t~y underground utiliries. 4. ~Phat hr~x:~n sGorage areas shall be provided and maintaineci i.n accorUanc~ witii aoproved plans on file with th~ 5treet Mainrenance zinu ;;anitation Division. 5, ~~t~at: s4Ujec~~ proper.ty shall be developed substanrially in accord%anca witti r~la~-s and speciFications on file wi~h the Cit~~ ot An~~kiei.m mar.ked :;xhib.it Nos. l rhrot.iyh 5. ~. '['haf. afti~~e u:~es si~all b~ limited r,o the Eoltowiny ausin~sses, iti~hich mush pr.imaril.y se~ve anci l~is compati~le w.i`h .industrial uses: Accounting - I~oo~kec~piny, CF~A Firms or Ttrnporary CPA E'irm~ Advectisiny C1~~L C{ 1 U~L J Banks k3tokers - lte.il L~ta!:~~, E~uSlfli':i5 Op~ortunitie., E`c, Business ~ys}~tn Compar.ies Comrnur~ication ~un.,ultanr..~ ~redit itEE~uctiny Ayencies Uesiyners - Inclu:;tri~,1, Int-erior, (;caphic Devel~pln~nt Coin~~anies Insurance Cvm}~anies/A~,~~nc:.ies inv~ntory Services Lea~iny ~'anpanies Manayctr~~i~~ Co-~sult•ants/Com~anies Mark~?ti.riy Re:~e irch i~er:~onn~l Agen::i~s Sales OfLices (o~a*.side, a:~ it tel,atc~s to tti<• indust~ial) Sccretar.ial Servic:e:; F31, I`1' E'Ult'PHER kESOLVEU chat: thE~ Ar~~~h~im City Planning (;ommisUion does heret~y Eina ana dcter.rnine tnat a:Jopr.ion ~f ti~i:; Resolution i.s expressly ; ~re~icared upon appti.canr's c;omplian~:e wit.h each and all of ~he conditions here.inabove s~:t torr.h. Snouln any such condit.iona , or any part thereof, be ,~ ca~;clarF~u i nvaliu or unentorceable by ~~he tinal judgment of any court of. ~; ::ompet~nt 7uriN diction, t:h~an th~:t Resoluc:ion, and any apprav~ls herein i cun*_aineu, st~,al1 be r.i~Eineci nuLL and void~ ~~ ~ - 3 •- :~ k~C86-87 ~',~' ~.:~ ?~ ,. ' '.~i ,,;i r~ `'~' ~r+~ 1 ~ ,.~~ r i ~.:« ~ ~'t,~~r,~~°. f~i~t~, . ~ ~~, Z'HF; FUREGUING RE~30LUTION i, s:~gned ancl appr~ved by me L•his 19~h c~tty ' ot A~ril, 1y86. ~ /7 '" '' i- J ~.~- -: ~~G~-..e~-% Cl•IAIRWUMAIJ, Ai~AHL:I'M CI`PY PLAN~3TNG COMMISS:[ON , A'PT LS'1' : --- L~~ ~~____~~ ~' ~'~= ~~i~l SLCRE;'i`Alt , ANANEIM CI1'~Y !'LANNTNG COMMI~~SIUP7 S'rATE UH i:ALIFORNIA ) COUN`i'Y UF O:tANG~ ) ss. CI7'Y UF ANAkiFIM ~ I, Edith L. Harri.s, S~ccetac y of. the Anaheim City Planning Co-nmissi on, do heceby certify t:hat the tocegoing reso.lution ~das passed and ado~~tec~ ~3t a meetinc~ uf tne Anaheim Ci:-y Planning CommisUion held on April. i4, 19f~Ei, by ~he followiny vote at- the metnbers thextzof: AYES: COI~:M.CSSIONL•'RS: BGUAS, i~A CI~AIRE, LAWICKT ~ MC '3URNEY, t4~;SSE NUES: C:OMMISSION~FtS: HLItRS`I' A13SEt~T: COMMISSI.ON~RS: FRY Ic' w.i'PNLSS WHBRL.OC', I n4~ve hereunto s~r rr~y hr~nd this 14th day of Apr.il, l9bb. , i; d~~-C.s • ~ ~ ~-' ~--• uy `i SEC12E'I'ARY, A,JAHEIhI CITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN -4 -- YC£i6-87 ~ ,~ . .. . .. . .