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PC 86-90
w ~~,f ,,,,,~ ,"s , ,,,;, , RLSOLUTION N0. FCI~G-9U A!?}:SULU'r:[UN UE 'i'HI, ANAH~I:D9 C:1'1'Y PLANN7Iv~ C:OMMISSION 'ChA`:' PE'PL1'TUN L~UIt CONDI'PIC1i~iA1: U5E l• LRh17'T NO. 2786 c3F. GRnN'i'L''D WtI~ItF.AS, thc Anaiieitn City Planniny Cotmnis~ion did ceceiVe a VeriEied Pe~i!:ion Lue Cr~ntliticnal Use Yectnit froir~ 7'FRR~ l~ [FPiA PROE~F'R'PI~S, IIIC., A'I'TN: ~;;: JAM~:S l;. MAR~1'IN, IZ~IU Scutt~ 5*at~~ c:ollege f~oul~vard, ~196, Anat~eim, CalifoCnia ~ y[8U6, owner ot certa~.n real pro~erhy situa`ed i.~i thc Cir.~ of Anaheim, County ot Uranye, 5tatf~ of calit~~r.nia, desc--ibt~c~ as: YA}2C~:L 7_ AS SHUWN 0[d PARc:EL MA;? N~~, f:0-'~3f3, RIJCORUEI~ IN BOUK 145, F'ACH~S .j'1 11NU .i8 UL~ k~AIlC[;i, MAPS, Ih TfIE; OFPICI; Ol' i:-?E: CUUNTY R1;CORDLR UF' URANGI, !:OUN'1'Y, ~AL,I~~OFtt~lA. WN1:)tLF~S, ttic~ c;~r.y Planniny :;ommiasion di.d hold a publir. hearirtg ah t.ht~ Civic Centt:r. i.n ~he City c.~f ~~i~ahi:iiu on nprit 14, 198G, at 1.:30 p,m., '~ ~iotice ~~t sair~ ;,ubiic -I~aYlfl~~ haviny Ueen duly yiven a:~ regtlired l~y law and ia uccordan~e w.i~.n r;,~: provisions u.L kne Ariaheitn Municipal Coc1e, Chapter 1f3.03, to r,tiar. ~nc~ ~<~iisiue~r ~viciertc~ Eot ana ayaitist. s;tid proposed co:idikional use ~~3L:p1~ cAflp ',:p ;.Ct;'E';;t.lija!'.L at1CS iililF:@ f'lil~~ltl~,~ 111U Ct'tjQ1111TiC'IIC.~8t10[lu 11'1 c~nnection , rtlt?CeWl.rtl; i3(lU NltlE:ilLAS~ :iriLU COf(IiII1:i510[l~ Bt~NC (lllk' Lf1S7ECY.lOt1~ 1RVtr::aClQc1ti011 and sruuy n~aae by it.:.,elf anu in its beh~lf, and aE~er due consiUera~ion of att ~_•V1C~L!1C;~ iAt1Ci CC'.~OCt:y o1:LtareU ~lt: :idiU flE.'c~C1I1CJ~ IJOE.'S finc3 dll~,~ CjC~t:C?L'IT:111P. f:11C' LUL ~.UW1[1CJ LdC;i::i: 1. 'Ci-~a!: ~:~~t~ ;,roE~r~sec~ usc~ is proper ly une tor wr~ich a condit.ional u3e i~e~mir is auY.horizF;u tiy ~n;~h~~irn Elunici.E~aL CodE a@C~lUl1 1.t3.45.U:i0.29~ to wit: tv permi~ a 1-stoey, s~.1f-storaye facili;:y ir. ~t~~~ CG (Commer.cial, General) LJIIt? 'vJlf(1 W~1V(:~;; UL thf 1:Ui LOWlIIc~; (~y) S6C.rror~~ l.~.Uu.~:~U.U31, - Pt.inim~uri numL•er ut_parking s~~e:~;. ~ 1(i.Ub.UttU ANU ~ 147 s~~~~ce:; r~quirc~d; 10 spa;.•es proposea) ! E:.45.t,ib6.U~0 - (:~) SLC:'~i~~t•~ 1b.45.1)bb.(:5U - ttirimum rec;uired publ.~c parking area. (7.!:~ at iot arca devoteu t-.u puplic parkir~ rec~uireci; 1/7 pro~o~ed) ~' ~. 'i'c~~,t the re::~ua;~a!:eu waivers are her.e:,y yre,~-!-ed on *he basit~ that thc par-;Iny ~a~,ivec w~.ll r~or. cau;;r_. ,-,;i incre~:,c: in traffic conge~r.i~n in the a ~.mr~e~~iat~.: vi~inity nor adver:aely a ffect any aci~oining tand u~2s an6 gran~ing ut tne ~,ar-c.iny waiver uncf~c tne cunaitiunr; imposed, it ~~ny, wi i~ uoc ba aetrlmt~ntal to ~he ~,~:~~ce, i~ealrh, :;~ie.~!-y and yeneral wc~Cace ot the ci!:izens ot l:ht c:ity ut Ar-ah~itt~. s. 'ce~~r, th<: prupo~cu u~~y will r~u*. ~~~~vt~caety nfiect thc ~~~~oining land u:;N:; ana '-he ~rowr.r, aitc~ uev~ lo~-~~enr, of ~.h~s ar~}a in which :t is prupr~:~~_d tc ~ be LU(:~ilfr U. 4. 'lna': t.c~~, <;iz.; ara ;;napc of th~~ ~;.i~e pr.op~Ueu fur. }hc~ usN {s _..._ ~. ~uec~u~te ro aiEow *..hF~ Eull ~:ieveto~men ~ t~ oE *he ~~r~~pasec~ u:;e :n a~nanner nor, { uctKi-nenc.~at to tr;~~ part..icular arr•a . nor t~~ ;:he pra~:e, n~~a1r}~~ ~,;,~.ry, and y~nt:ral welPare ~t et~t c;ir,iz~~nz~ oE !-he c•iF.~ of qnaht~lm. U?btlC E~CS6-90 • ~«n~ ~_.• 1.' ~, ~. '1'hat t:n~~ giant:iny aL th~ Conditianal U~e Perm.i;: under the condiY.iu~is itupos~d, i~ any, ~riLl not be ~1et.rimenral to the peace, health, :~atety and yeneral w~ltare ct the C1C1'L~IIa of th~ C.ity of Anaf~Eim. 6. ~1-~ac tne tratLic •;~~nerated - y t~he pr:~posed use «ill nor. impose an uridue burden upo~ *he ~l•.r.eets ar~u highways der,iyn~ra ai:d .imProved to carry the ~CaLt:1C til !:ttt' c~Cea, /. '1'tliif. tl0 OI1G 7.l1GlC:dttd ~'rIC'lf pCt?:~~?[IrE? c!t 9a1C~ ~Uf~11C hE'~C1~1CJ ].fl U~[~0:;1~lUIl; ct[1d 4tltit: [10 correspoil:ler.c~t. Wc~:3 received 1f1 G(~jJOS1f.lOYi t0 the suuject ~et.ition. F.NV.IRUNML•'N'lAL Th1I'AC:'P i'I[vl):iNC: Tha` tlle Anaheim CiY.y Plann'tnc~ Camm.i:;sion nas reviewc:a the [JLJj~JSc'll *o permir. a 2-story, self~sLorage lU~itity in t,~e CG (Coinrnercial, ,F>ne.al) Zone wih.h waivers ot minitr.um numbpr ui- parkinq ..;paces ana minimum r~:qu.ire,~ ~~i~bLic packiny are~a ~n an :.rreyular.!y-shnpeu parccl uc iana consi.:,tiny ot approx.imately 0.9 arxe having u tri~ntaye ut u~pru~;imatc~ly 1~s2 terat or: r.he south side of WilkFn hay, being 1o~at;.~cl approx~m«heiy 43U te~~*.. tast oc *nE centerlinr a£ H~rbor Eloulevard; 4nd aoes hece~by ap~~ruve th~a r~~~ur.iv~~ Uecl:~r.-`:ion upon tinding that it has consiatreu tu~~ Neyative U:~clacation tc~;et.t;.:: wi~h any cot«ments rer.eivGd dur:ing t:~e ~ublic revi~w ~~rocess aract fucth~c Einuiny uri the b~'jy,LJ of f.he init:iat :;t:uuy aii.~ ar~y i:ommen`:~ --ec•~iv~ci `ha': t~here is no :;ub:~an`.i.a: evidence hnat tt~e pC~)]c;Lt '~ill have a siynir.icas~r. ef:fect r,n t-he ~:,uvironmen". ~~c~W, '1~tfEltcFU~tE„ Bl. I`1' uESULVPJ `.haf- k.r,e Anahcim Cit:,y Flar.ning Comni.issiun aoes hercl~y yranh :~ul~ject: pttir.ion tcr Condit_onal U~e ~ecmit, upon t~ie Eollowir~~~ cunriitiuns wt~ich ar.e hereby Louncl rc~ be a nece^Gary prere~uisite to the pcupcseu ust oc t'.he subJec!: propc~:rty in uru~r *o p:e~erve the safer.y ana yeneral. welt.~rc. c~~t h.ne CitirNns oE thr: i;iry pf Ana.heim: 1. That E>~ior to i~5uanct o~ a b~.i:~iin-., ;,~~,~~it, *he :approK~riatt: traffic :signal assc~umenr 1'~;~, ~nal! ~t~ paid r.o t:he City ^E Anaheim in an ar~~,un`. uy UF.t~rminF~ca t~y !:hc: C :ky C~~unci L i`.oc ne ~d corr,meicial building;;, 4• ~l~~l:~\, C7~~ (~~..iVf:~Vt~YJ :7f~G~~.l E)~: ~:Ufl :if[uC.~~4 or ~p~,~n~t.ruc~ed ~~ .:cc:ornmouat-.c: t~.r ( lU 1 ~u e~t rad.ius curb re~urr.-~ us cey~.tire~ by `he C:"-: 'ii'~tC.IC Enyin~.~_r. 3. 'ihdt UCd.lllca!1~' :il S:iV~'~~~r} ~~i:ir~l~~L~:~% ::~l~t~~ ~f! (jl'~J'~U:,'ntf cJC lfl A manner :;ui.1:,~:iu:.GC`f `(.~ i.11C (:1`}~ ~':Il~]l[l[:CC. ~i. '('(liir SUU]~.C~' })CU(~E'L'~~Y Sllill~ kl~~ ::kl'Vt:/ f~f 11I1(j~?L~3LOUfl(j U.`.ili*tei. 5. 'lh~i~ Nrsur Yn ~~p;;;,~:~~~~~~,~;~f:[~t ot :~trucr.ural fr.amin~.j, ti.C~~ hjcJ~.~ltt:;i :shdll c,~; lns*all~d ~su~~ ct;ar~~ed a~ reyui<<~o an~ ueC~~r.;ninc~d t~ be ~ecessary by 4:ne Cnttek ot th~ Fire Uc~r~ar'.n~~n~:. ~). `iCl.:t~: ~:.ia[1 st.urayi? i1C~tQ:i 'utli.t~l UC ~LGVLCIC~(~ f,1f1~J main~-ain~d in a~~corc~anc,e ~++:tn approv~u F~lan~ or~ tiir_ wi~.t~ `he F,rc~,:~.* Ma~n~~:nancs: and S~n~r.a`:o~: :1lvislon, 7. 'L'na~~ thc ~~~.++ncr ot sitb.}ecr. ero~~erty shall E,,~y tc: "_h~ Cit.y ~;,f Anali~im a 1:t?C~ ~U: st;Cc:er. liyht:;n~j ilZqil~j ~"J1tkF!C~ w~tj~ lfl .~~1 a~noun~ clti !;-~htClTllS1(?C~ LiY ~71~3 (; L t'~ (;C1U[IC1. L . _~~ PC06-90 ;~, ~ ; a~ r" ;, `,',\ :'r ~`^ ;~~~ ~t. ~1~hat c;ates ~hall nut be i.nstalled across any driveway in a manner whicn may adver:.~tly aLf'.ect veh.icul.ar traff.ic in !:ht~ adjacent public street(5). ins;allatian uF any gates shall be suk~ject to the r.eview ~~nd ap~tuv~l ol the Cit.y 7'raF(::ic Enqineer. 9. That Lice ;;pririkler~ shail be insta'LIeU ae r~qu.ired 1>y tlat City 1.~'ire t4arsha 11. lll. 7.~hat a la~uscape and irrigatioii p1;~n f.or subject pruperty shall be submitt~u to t:ne F~l'annin,y lle~artment. r~cr review and ~~~,proval. 11. ~i`:-a` tti~~ owner ok :,ubject ~roperty shall execur,e an:] rccord a covenan!: restrictiny use oi ~he propr:rty ~o a self-st:or~g~ ~ar.ilitY and that upon r.~r~~~~nar.i~n o1' said us~, owner shall seek ~iPproval of any new use LCG1L the Planni-ig llepart:men~:. 12. 7.~hat subject pr~per.ty shait !-,e d~velopeJ substant.ially in accardance wit~, plan~ ana sC,~cit:icati.ons on tiil~ wit'~ the City of Anarieim marked Exhiui`. No;;. 1 th[ough 5. 13. '1'qr,~t prior Y.v 15;;U1t1C@ of a building r~~~:Ri~.r, cr within a period of one year fro~i~ the,~ clate ot +;hi:~ reooluhion, whichevcr ocrur5 firs~, c:oilhition Nos. l, 7, lU ~anu L1, above~n:ent.io~;ed, shal.l be comp~ied w.ith. T,xtensi.ans Lar rurr.t~ec time ro complete said condiY.ions may be yr~nteu .i~~ ac~oruancN w:ith Serti.on 1d.03,0y0 uf the Anal-ei.m Muniripal (:~Ue . 14, ~j~na~ ~riur to ~inal building ar~u aon:n~3 inspection^, Condition Nos. 2, 3, !1, b, ft, j arid 12, above-•a~entioned, shalt be cornplied wikh. E~L: ~'J' E'JFt~1~tiL~t RF:SUL~~E;D t-.iiat !-h~ Anaheim City Pl~nning r_om:~~ission does nerc~k,y tinu an<a uet~rmine that ailopt:iun of this Resolution is expressly Nredicatt~u upon ~~p~~Licanc.'s c:ompliance wit.h rach and alt o.E the condiri.ons neres.nabove :;~t [or.tt;. ;;houtry any suct~ condit:ur~.~. ar any part thereof, bF ~eclar.~d in~:al.iu ar unentor.c:ea:>le by r~~~ g~,i•~~~~ judyir~en!: oP any GOUC~ df competent ~ur.isdi.c.`.zon, ~;s~n this Resol.ukion, anc3 any appruvals herein cont,~ i r.ed, sna L 1 i~e deemc~c: n;~ 1 L arid void. ~r-iL: i~UF:ECU3NG 1ti3SULUTic~f: is signeu and `pproved Uy mt this 19th day of A~ril, l'~~b. a ,: ~ ~ r ., : t i ., ~~C~.~-L~.. y: CHAI. RWUMAN, ANAF{EIM C i'Y' PLANNT!JG COMMISSION ~^ A'P`l' L S'1' : i ''` ~ ~~cr~ ~ {.:: ~ -~~~~ ~ : SEI:kETAR , ANAHf:IM (:i'!'Y PLA. fJiIJG CUh1M7.^;SIUtJ ~,f:~ ~.: '. r ~..~ -3' PC8d-90 ~: t,; ~ ::: - - - -- - - _ ': ~',i'r _ .. . ::;~ , ,<. , ~~ < ,~,~, , i+.K . . ,. , . . . ~, . .. ~. ~ . . ~ , c f,t~b;~~b ti,,;~,~ ~,~ r~~ . '' ~ S'1'A7'1:; UE' CAl,TPUkN.l'A ) (:OUN'PY ~H' ORANGE ) ss , CI'1'Y U(' ANAFiETM ) ,; I, i;Uith L,. H~rris, Sec:cet:ary ot t:he Anaheitn Cik,y Plannin h~ ,, ~o l~erF'by certil-y thah the toreyc~iny r•:~olution was ~ Commis.,lon, ;~ ineeting ot ~he Anaii~im City p.lanriing Commzssion held n~Aprilal9, ~ Q 6r~ by the to llowzng vot.e ot F.he memUers thereo[; kl ; P.YES: CCN;MIS;iiUNL•:RS: $OUAS, H~;RI3S5', i.~:~ CLAIRE~ I,AWII:KJ, MC F3URNt?Y, MESSE NUE;B: ~UMMISSIONLRS: l•JUNE: ' A1~5LNi: COP]hIISSIUNER:: r~~ly ! i ~ .IN WI'1'NL•'SS WH};}:EpF~ z have haL'eunto se~ m~ ~ A~ril, 19~6. •,' ~and this 14th day of ~ 'i../ . SLC~tI~;'i.'ARY~ NAEI~ rY PL ~it ., ~ ANNING COI4MISS10N -4- PC$6-90 ~~~ ~ ~°;~~ : t:;~~ <,;;; %~~ z`i ~' .i, ~~. ,„ ~;? ~ r'; f ,. ±;;± ~ ~.~' ~ '~~' s .,;+ J;;f ~- ~• ~ ~-Y~ I, '~,~. ~. ! ^ [i :,~, :~,;;; ._ .,~~~~.