PC 86-91~' ~~ ~Tw` . . .. . . , r'ii yyyy Ir~ e fi ~ir ~ RESOLUTION NQ. AC86-9.1 ' A kESGLUTIUN U[~ i'k1L ANAHEIM ~T't'Y ~LANN7NG CON,MISST.ON ~t ` THA`.i' "'I~TI'i'7:UN I~OI2 C:uNUI'i'.IUNAL USE PLRMI'L' N0. 2778 (3L GRAN`.P~ll 1^'F1ERF.AS, the Anaheim City Ylannin4 Cornmission did [eceive a verified Pet.i.',:ion ior Cc~nqitional pse Permit from P~URU U121:NU ANll ADELIIvA UR,51N0, 91~1 ; Nortt~ Dickel, Anaheim, CalitoX;~ia 9"l8(15, owners oE certain real pCOpert:y y,; situat~d iii tne City of Anaheim, c'ounty at Or~~n~~e, State oE California, "`" described as: LC `t' 16, BLUCK "F3" O1' Tf?AC'P Nu. 3; 4 Oi' ALLLN TRAC'P, AS SHOWN ON A MAP k~:;CUI2DED IN SIJUK 15, YAG : 28 UI' MISC:GLLANGOUS MAPS, I1J 7'HE OPFICE OF 7.'41I; R~;CUftllLR OE SAIll COUN:~'] . ~: WHLItF.'AS, t:nf. City Plann.i.nr.~ Comm~ssi~~n did h~1d a pub~ic he~~ring ak } the C.i.vic ;:~nter in r.he CiY.y oF Anaheim on April lA, 1986, at 1:30 p.m., noL•ice of saia ~,ublic heariny hav.'tng been dulX given as requi.~ed by law ar~d in accocdance wirh t:he provisions of Ct~a Anahei.~r~ Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, ~•' to heur ana consider evidence For and against said prnposed conditional u~t permit ,~nd to x~;vestiyar..e and make findinqs and recommendati.ona in connection tu~~r~witt.; and WHE;it1.AS, saiu ~ommissioi~, airer aue inspection, investigation and stuny made by itself anu in its behalf, and atter c~ue c~~nsidera~ion of alt ~v.icat,nce ar~u r.epart5 ot[ered at: said hearing, does tind ar~d d~termi.ne the tollawiny L•acts: 1. Ttiat che pro~oseu use is prr~per ly one foc which a ec~nc]itional use permit is autnoxized by Calitorciiu Governn~~nh Code Section 65852.1 to wit: to permit an exi.ytiny ;~truc`ure t.o be retainecl as a~~ranny unit ar~d !:o permit the cunstruction of a sinyle-family r~sidence wiCh waivers of. hhe Eol.lowing; ~u) SE;C`1'.ION Lts.25.062.U~~O - NI3X1111Uf11 lot c.overace. W (4U~ perrnitted; 503 propos~~d) (c~} Sf:C'I~IUNS 1~.U~I.U4U, - Miriimum structural setoack and ydCd 18.U4.U42.U6G, r~yu.irements. ~5-Foot sitieyard and LN.2~.UE3.U20 LU foot rear yard rN<1uired; 2-foot Ea AND 18.'16.U63.U:!(I 7.5 tout rear yard proposed) l. 'Pnat tne reyussteu waivers are hereby ~~ranted ~n khe basis that tiiec~ ar.e apecia 1 circurns~ances a~p~ icable to tl~e property suth as size, sii:ape, kopoyrapY,y, location ar~d :,ur.roundinys whSch do no!: a~ply to o{:.her. ident~ical:ly zunr~q ~roparty in t-i~~ same vicini':y; and tha~ strict a~plication at- the 'Loi;ing c;~ae deprivE:~ t:he pruFerty of: privilegPs enjoyed by orher pCa~eCties in Cne iuentical zone and classifi~:ar..ion in the vicini~y. 3. Tnat thc ~~roposeu use will not adversely aff.ect t.ht adjoining lana l1yr~S ana thc gr~wth a~tir~ cievelo~ment uE khe are~~ in which .it is ~rop~sed to be locater~, ~. That t.he si~e ana shapt~ of tne sikc proposed £or the use is adeyuatN to allow t:he full aevelo~ment: oP ~he propos~d u;~e in a maiiner r~ot ~ aetcimenr.:;i1 to tne purti.;,~l.xr. ar~a nor to t.he ~eace, health, ~afety and geri~cai wc:lfare: 01 tht; (;lY..}.~wr:r;s of th~ Ci~y uk F-nahei.m. U76yr PCQ6-91 ;':~ . ' . , . . . _ . .... . . , .. ..,. ..,. .._ •~ i;;~~~~ '.~ ~ ,, y ~,, ~ ~ ~ ~, a. '1'haF. rhe yrantiny of the Conditional U5e Permi~ und~r the ;''; co«ditions impusea, iL any, will not be detrimenta.l ta t.he peace, healt:h, Natety ancl yeneral weli'are ot the Citi~aens of the City ox Anaheim. b. ~i~hat th~ trattic: gt.nerated by rhe proposed use will nor imp~se an uticauP I:urd~ n ui~on tne streets ana hi.ghways design~d ,~~;d zmproved i:o ~arry the `" ~ teatti:: in the ar~ a. `;t 7. Tha~ 3 persons .inc~icated their. presence a.t waid ~ub.lic hearing in ~ppo.sition; and t-iat r~o corresponde~zce wa.s recei~~ed in oppositiun ~o the sub~er.t p~tit:ion. L;NVTRUNMI3idTAL IMYACT 'r'INUTNG: That r.r,e Planning Director or his > authori2ed representative has determinec:i that the proposed project falls ; within the uefini.tion ot C~iteyu[ic;al Exemp`ions, Cl~ss 3, as defit~ed in rhe ~' State LIIt Guidelinc~~ ana .is, ~I~ecePorr, categor.ically exempt fro;n the ' r4quirenient to prEpare an L•'Ilt, N~~W, Tl-lEl2l;h'C1tE, hL~ ZT RGSOLVED kh~~L• the Anaheim City planning Cc~inmissioii doES her.eby yranh suU~e~~i: Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon tne Pcfllowing cundikior,s wnicn are heret~y tiu~nd t~ be a necessar.y prerequisite to t1~~ proposE~ use oE +-ha suu~ec': ~~r~perky in ordcr to preserv~ tne s~~tety ; rznd yeneral weltare o1 the Ci?:izens of the C.i.ty c7t Anlheim: l. ~1~hat prior to issuance of a huild.ir,g perrnit., appr~pri:~te park and r.ecreat~.on in-lieu tees sha.ll be oaid tc~ khe City of. Anaheim in an amount as ~:ietcrmir~F•ct by r,i~e City Counci 1. 'i.. ThUt Nrior to .issuance ot a b~~ilCing pertnit, the appropriate tra£Eic sig:~al as.assment tF~~ shati be paiu ro the Cirv u~ An~heim in an amc~unh ~is d~~..~~rininea by t~he City Council. La: each new dwelling unit, 3. ~i~hat t:ie awneL at :;ubj~~c+- proE~~~rty sha11 irr~vucz~Aly offer to deaie~ahe tr~ the ~i.cy o1: ACi~xh~im a stcip o[ land lU teet in wiclth Erom t:he centerlin~ of the atl~y ior a11Fy wi.denircg pur~oses. 4. 'lhat: drai7•~~~ 01 sub~ecr ~~ropert:y shall b~~ disposcd of in a manner sarisLaclary t:o th~ City ~~ngineer. 5. 'rnai: r.t~e existzny :,truc~.ure shalt cornpiy ~.oith ~he minitr~um standards ~; r: ~` ~~t the Citiy of: Anahei.m, including ti~~~ Unitorin F3uilding, F~lumbiny, , ' El~c,r..ri.cal., Housiny, t4t:chanical an~ E'ice Codes as adoptNd by the City ~~L l.nahe.im• '; ,. b. `ih~t: th~ ':.41[)Pt(s) ~t sut,jcct property shall re~trict `he ocrupancy of y ~'?~ the yranny un:it to one ur two adul.ts, both oP whom are sixty (60) ~~ year~ of agF or o7.oer, ana f.urtc~ermore, shall re~~ord a rovenan+: "~ ayainst tt~e prupert:y so reshrict_ing the uccupancy of said unit. 8aid covenziitit :.ha.ll be su~mitted *o the Ula-ining Departmen~ for ~ t::rznsmittal tu che City p,t.torney's Office Eor rev~ew and a~,proval prior t.o r.ecurdat.ion. Proot of r.ecorriation sha.ll t;~en be Nubmitted ~- to the Plai~ning llepartm~_~nt. -~;:; _ - :;, ~ ' -~- PC86•-91 =~ i ~',~ ; ;:,a, , _ ..~~..~,...,~ .,,.,..,....T„ . ., . , , . --- ~„ . . .. . ., _ .. :` ,<. ti.:~~. ~}ti,~'it ,~,,.«n ., .. . . . ,tf~~. / "'1 ,~ ,`, ,, 7. '1'hat sub~ect ~:r.uperty shall be dev~lopeci substantially in acrordance wii.h pLans ana speciticatlons on xile wit.h thc ~ity of Anaheim mar.ked Exhibit ~~os. t tl~roiig.i 11. ~. That ~rior to issu~+nce oL' a builaing pE:r~nit, ar witt~in a period of une year from the rlat.e oE this resalution, whichever occurs tirsk, Conuition Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 6, above-menti~ned, staali bH compiied with. Exter~sions tor furtr~er time to complet:~ sai.d condit?.ons may ~e gcanted in accord~nc~ witn Sect.ion 16.C~3.09Q of the An~heim Milnicipal Code. y, ~.hat prior to final buildiny and zoninq inspections, C:ondit.ion Nos. 4, 5 ana 7, above-mentioned, shall be complied wirh. ~ ~iE I`i' E'UR~J:FiGIl 1tLSOLVED that tt:e An?.'~~im City Plarining Commission does `' neceby Eind ana deter.m~.ne that adopt'.o~~ ~f Lhis P.p .ol~kion is expressly ~ p~~dic:ated upon appl.icant's cornpliance '.~ith ear,h and all ot the conditiions ~ here~r~~bove set forth, St~ould any such cond.itiuns, or arly pact therec~E, be aeclared invalirl ~r uneilForce~ble Y~; the final judgment of any court oi• comp4tent jurisdiction, th~~n this Resol~ltion, and any aPprovals herein contain~c;, shall be deemed izull and voi~l. : 'Y'H~; rOREGOING RRS~JLUTIOC' iS sigriea and approved by me this 14r.h day ' ot April, 1J86, ~ ~ } _C.~~ ~~ -' ~ , :rd.~ °..~-- - CFiATI2tiJOMAN, ANAt1F.IF1 CI~'1 PLA1~NTNC, COMMISSION A'P,1 ~: S `P : / . l ~ . J~ /1 L~L~a SECRE`1'ARX, A~i~IM l`i':.'Y Pt~ANNiNG CUt9MISS[ON S~1'A`rk: Or i:AI~I~'C1:NIA 1 COUN'1'X 0(.~ URANGE ) a`~• CI'TY Uf~ AP+AHEIhI ) I, L•'dith L. HarriS, 5eccekary oF the Ariaheim City Planning ~o~amiss:un, do hereby certify Lhat: the iocegoiny resolukion was passed and adopteU at u meetiny of tne l~naheitn City Planniny Conuniss:ion held ~n April 1Q, ~.y~i(;, by ttie Yoll.~wi.ny vo~.z of the n~e:nbers l:heCeof: p1'E;S; CU~~iMISSTONr,RS: 3UUAS, HERBS'1', LA CLAIRE, LAWICKT, b1c: F3Ut2NEY, MESSC NOES: CUMMTS~iONI;ItS: NU~lE; ABSL'N'1: COMMI5S:I01lElt5: N'KY IN WI'Pt~ES5 4JHCREQF, i nav~~ hereunto set rny hand this t4th dax u£ ApriL, 19F~6. ~ -+~A- ~~5. ~ ~ i'~t`.^--~ ~c~ SE~K~'TARY, ANA[•fEIM CIZ'Y PLE~NNINC COMMISSIO~] _3_ PC86-91 r':; ~ ,, _ .,r;a ; ti. ~` ,. i ~ c~, 1 ~A~y'~!{~, J4J ~:1~ ~ ~ yy IK~y'i . ~ -~. . . . ' . ~~ ~ ~ . . . . , .. ~ . .. ~ . .~~~~'Y~