PC 87-10~`-•. ~! RESOLUTION N0. PCE~7-10 , ~~. A RESOLU'PION OE' mHE ANAHEIM. CI'PY PI,ANNING COMMISSIQN iHAT PETI'PION NOR VARIANCf: N0. 3597, IN PART WHEt2GAS, rhe Anaheim Ci.t~y plannin3 Comniission did recei.vP a verified Petition ror Variance fraiT~ HUCO A. Vr,7,QULZ AND TAK WATANAA~, 2240 Wey~• Lincoln Avenue, Anahei.m, C~li.f'ornia 92801, owners, of certain real property sttuat.ed z•~ i:he C.ity of Anaheim, Ccun~:y of Oranye, St;ate ot Cal.ifornia described as: LOTS 29 AND 30 OF "SMI'.EH ANll llEAN'S RE-SUBllIV:[SION OF TE1C SOUTEiERLY 409.08 FEET Ok' BLOCK "A" iiOTEL D~L CAMPO TRACT, IN '.CEiE CITY OF AN?1H~IM, AS SHOWN ()N A MAP THEHEOF R~CORllED IN BUOK 4 PAGr~ 31 MISCEGLANEOUS f4APS, RECORDS UF SAID OP,ANGE COtiNTX. WHrREAS, the Ci~.y Pl~nnrng Cc!~mission did hold a public hearing at t:he Civic Cerir.er i.n t.he Ci.ey oE Anatieim ..~n SepLember 15, 1986, at~ 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hear.ing havi.ng been duly given as rFq~iired by law and in accordance wir.r, t.h~ provisicns oE tt;e Anahein~ M!~nicipal Code, Chapr.er 1fl.03, i:o hear and c.onsider evidence f.or and againsi~ sai~ proposed variance and L-o invesi.igat:e anr,i make Einc?i.ngs and recorrmendat:iona in cortnection 1:herewit:h, said public hearing hav.ir-g been c~n~inued ta the mee~ing of January 19, 1987; and WHCREAS, said Commissi.on, af~~er due inspectio~i, i-ivestiga+:ion and study made by itse'l.f and i.n 9.~s behalf~ a~icl aft:er due consid~r.a`ion of all evi~ence and report.s offered at: said hearing, does s:ind and determine {.he follawi, g fac+.s: 1. That: i.he peri.tioner proposes waivers of ~hc follawing t.o consrr.uct a l-5t:ory, 4-unit: apact.menl: buildin,: (a) SECTTON 1~,34.qG'1..011 - Maximum st:r.tictural hei~. (b? SF~CTION 18.3~.qG2.020 - M~ximum site coverage. (55~ p~rmict~ed; 58.5~ proposed) (c) SEC:'IOL~1 1a.34.U63.032 - Mini-rium recrear.ional-?eisure areay. (average 2U0 sq. ft. per unit. reqttir~d; 169, sq, ft. pcopose~3) (d) 5ECTI0~~ 18.3~~063.03'll - Minimum ar~a ot ,:ivate recre~tional- r^ ~ leisure areas. (e; SFCTZQN 18.3~~.U65.0~0 - Minimum widi:h of ~ede~i:rian accessways. ~r~ ~ (B Eeeh required; 4 r.o 8 feer_ pr~p~sed) 2. Th~t t:he above-mn,ntioned waivers (a) and (d) are hereby denied on t:t~e basis t:hat lh~y were delct:ecf b~ the peti.tioner subsequerr to leg~l advertis~-nent, and .in connection with ,ubmittal of rf~vised plans. ' 1616 r PC87-1~J ; ~' ~'; ~ . ~ ~~~i~'r . ,.. .: .. _ ~+ ~:r~tr r< <-, T~r l'~. 3. That: i:he rtquesr.ed wai.ver (c1 is hereby denieci ur~ the k.asis ~:hat: t.he petiL-ianer ~+-ipular.ec] at I:i~~ public hearing to c~mply with the :nde requirE~ment. 4. ThaL• 1:he requesLeCi wai~~ers (b) and (e) are i~ereby grani:ed nn the basis that ther~ are speciaJ. ~ircumstance~: ap~.licable i:o the pro~.~er.ty such as size, shape, top~gra~hy, lcr_at:ion and jurroundings whlch do not appiy t_o other identicall~~ zoned propert:y in '.:he same vicinity; and rliat strict ap~li.cai:ior, of the~ Zcning Cade deprives t.he ~~roperty of priviltge~ enjoyed by other properties in che ider.tical zcne and ~lassifica~ ~.on in the viciniLy and sub.jecr. ~:r Intecdepartment:~l r.ommit:tee recQmmendaticr.s; and th~t the requc-sted waiver (b) is rc,?nimal. 5. 'rhal-. t:here are ~xcept:i.onal or. extra~rdinary circumsl-artces ~r conditions a~~licable to t:he properi:y iJlvalved or to t:tie :intended use of tht prop~rty that do not- ~pply generally t-.o t-.he rrc,~-L•1-y ar class uf u~4 in t:he sam~ vicinity and zune. e. That the re~~uesi:ed var.ian~,e is ner.essary for the preservatinr. ar~d erjoyment af a substan~~ial pr_~pe.rty ri.gl-,t possessed by qther property in t:he same vicin?Fy and zone, anc~ denied t:a t:he property in question. 7. That t.t~e reques+:ed v~triancF will not, be mafiPrial~y detrim~ntal to the public we1£are or injuricus t.o t:he propert:y or improvement~ in sucYi vicinity ;~nd ~oite in which the ~ropert:y is J.oc:ated. 8. Thar. rw~ (2) ~+et~sons indic~ted the:r ~r.esence at r_he September 15 and December 4, 1986, ~~nd January .19, 1967, public 'r,ear:tngs ii: opposi~ion; and rhat no corc~s~ondrn~e wa~~, recei•~ed in opposii:ion +~o subject: pe+:ition. ~'I~~/Ii~ONMENTAL IMPAC'P FINUING: That the Anaheir~ Cit:y Planning Commi.ssion has reviewed t~he pr.opr~sal to conszruct a 2--story, 4-unit aparrment building wikt~ ~vaiver.s of iri~zx~:n~im struet:~aral height: (delated~, m~ximum sil•e covera.ge, minimum recreational.-lei:!~re areas, mininum area of grivate recrearional-leisure ar~as (deletec3) a-~u minimum wi.dt:h of ~edestrian acces~ways on a recl-angularly-shaped par~el ox lznc7 consistiny oP approximat-.ely 6,695 square £eet, havi.ng a£ront:age of a~:proximai:ely 50 f~er on the east si.de of Olivc Str.ee~., and further described as 2Q7. South Olive Street.; and dc,es hereby approve r.he Negative Declaratinn upan finding that it has considered the Negative Declarat~ion r~~gc~r.her wi~h any comme~t:~ ~ecEived ducinq t:l~e publir_ review process and furt:her. fiilding on t:Yie ba~is oL I:he init•ia]. st.udy and any cornments received t:hat: r_~~erc is no substantial evider,ce t:hat t:he projeci: ~dill have a significan+. effect on F.h~ env.iconrne,:t. NOW, THEREFQRE, H~ TT RESOLV~D L-,-~t r_he ~t~aheirn City Planninq Cammission does hereby gran~ sub~ect: Pet.i`ion For Variance, in part, upon the Pollowing condir.ions ~~hic:: ~re hereby found r.o l~e ~~ nece,sary prerequisit.~ to f.he ~ro~nsed use o£ the subject: ~roperty in orcl~r r,o ~:reserve the safPty and gnneral w~1£are n£ the Cit:izer.s of the ~ity of ~naheim: .l. Thar_ r..he ~~wner. ~f subjer.i. oropert}~ sha11 pay ~o i:he ~ity of rlnaheim a Eee for tree planting ~ucpo5~s a1~.:.~ ~live St:reet: in an amo~an* as de~:ermined by Lhe Cir_y Cuuncil. , . .. -2- P~87-1Q 1 ,r`~~ ~^ ;~Sa,; ., . _ ; ~.,: :~: ~ , _ ,,.. _. „__,, , ,,,, : ,~<.;;• , ~, 's~~ ~~~i'~ ~~, - ~„ ':; ~ 14'. 2• '~'hat prior to issuance oE a buil~9in recreation ~n•-lieu fees shall ~~ ~ a Per.mit:, appropriate park apd ' amounL• as ~aeLermi.~~ed b1~ the City (:ouncil~ ~"he City of Anal^,eim i,n an ~• That: p;: ior ~:o issuance uF a bui.ldin , sigr.a.l assessment Eee shall }Je g p~rmit, t:hE apprapriate tr~Ef.ic a~~ount a~ det:ermined by i:he City Counc 1 t'he C.it.y oF Anaheim in au ~• That t:he owrter of subject property shall irrevocahly atFeC Fo dAdicat_e i-.o the~ C.it:y o~ Anaheirr. a sEr.ip of land 3?. zeet: iri width Crom the r_rr~terline of the shreer. along U1ive SCre~t ;Eax streei: w~dening Furpases. _, 5• Tha+: as required b y Seci:ion 18.04.08C~.Q20 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, t:h2 owner/deveJ.oper of subject properL•y shall eil•her f.aithful t~erformance bor,d with the Cit post a rernoval of eYisti.ng shrec~t im ,. y Engineer t:o guarantee the reconst.ruction ar_ tha u.l{:imatc o ation,'SOra ma e alcaeh S~reefi and the City of Anahcim f.~~ t:he cost oF ~` F PaYment t~ .~aid removal and recunstruction_ as provided for in said Cod~. 6• That drainage of subjec;t_ pr~per~.Y shall be dispos~d of in ~ manner sat-.isEar.t:ory to i_he Ci,~.y Fngineer. ~• That subjeci- proper~y shall be servet9 by underground utiiities. 8• That krash stor~xge aceas sha.ll be provided and maintained ii~ accordance wit.h approv~d p1an~ on f~1e H~ith t;h~ SL•rePt t4aintEnance and Sanitat:ion Uivision. 9• That:. t:he owner of subjPCS: property .;hall a fee Eor s~r.eet X~.gt~rinU aa~n~ OlivePa~, t~a hhe c'iky cf Anahe.im dc~rer~nined py i~he ;;i+-y CaUncil. ~ Stree~ in an amount as , 0~ Zhat gat.es shall no~, be installed ~crnss any drivewa or s~-reet in a m~nner which rnay adversely af£eci: vehicul r ~ra p~ic ~in t•h~ adjacenf: public sl•.reek. Instal.la-:i~n of any gakes ~iiall conf.orm to EC1~1i1C-_F?'f.11:CJ 3i_andard P.lan No. 402 and subj~~:t l:o I.he review and a~:proval ~f t.h~ c~i~y TLaEfi_c Engineer. 11. Thai: prior to issuance oP auzldin 9 pPrmit:s, i.he applir,ant sh~;.l.l ' present evi.derce satz,Eact:ory to LhP ChieL- F3uilding Inspect:or thah ~tl~ pro~,osed pr.o,;ecl: is in canformance with CouncS.l Policy Number 542 "Sound AttenuZt:ian in Resi.deni:ial Proje~t:s" ~and wit:h Noise Insulation 5tandards sp~cified i.n t:he Cali.Eorni~ Administcat:ive Code, Title '1.5. 12 . That: subject_ pc~o ec L ;- x~' P Y~ha11 be developpd Uubstantia.lly in accordance wir_h ~lans anci speciFica~:i<~ns on f:ile with ~he City of Anahei.m ~, ma~ ked Ftevision No. 2 of Exhibit Nos. 1, 2 end 3 ~ ~f builc3in5 Permii:s provide~l; nowever, lhat/r.•evisedr~Q~ t~ is$uance `~; submirt.ed to an a Pl~~ns sha.Ll be ~' minimum recr.eeit.i.onal-leisu e jare~s ia confor~ancePwit.h~CudPindica~ing `', ~`. ~~ kC87-10 , , 't; ~~ . . ..-~ ,.`f Y ~ . ' . } ' ~4:Fi ~ '; . /i'~ t'~ 13. Tha'c prior Lo issuance of a building pcrmit, or wit!~i.n a~eriod ~L :~ onA yPar from the dar_e of t:his resoiut:ion, whichever occur~7 firs~, ,1 Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9, above-mentioned, snall be 3 com~lied with. Lxtensions for fur.rher time t:o compleLe said ~ conditi~^s may be granl:ed in accorc~~nce with Sectian 18.U3.090 oE :~ the An~heirn M~uli.cipa.l Code. i l~i. TYrat pr..ior r_o iina.l building ~nd aoning inspec~:i.ons, Condition Nos~ 6 ~ 7~ 8, 10 and 12 , above-meni_ioned, shall be campl.i.ec~ wa.Lh. ~E IT FURTHrR RESOLVLD L•hat 'cne AnaYieim City Planning Commi~sion does hereby f-ind ana determine that: a~option o£ this Resolution is exQxessly predicated upon applicas~t's compli.~nce with each and all af t:he conditions hereinabove set Eor.th. 5hou.ld any such con~ition, or any park thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceai~le by the fi.nal judgment of any coutt of competent juri~diction, then thi_s ResoluL•ion, and any appr.ovals herein contr~ined, sna11 be deemed null and void. THE EOREGCING RE~QLU'1'ION i.~ siqne~] and approved by me l-his 19th day ot January, 1987. , 1 ~, J(~ J ~ ..;~ _~, /~.%~.:' CEiAIRMAN, AN GIM CITY PL P7ING COMMISST~t3 P.TTGST: ' ' ~ ; ~=~ ,~-'~ ^~i~ SCCRG'PARY, i~NAH~TM CITY P ANNING COhfMTS5I0t~1 ~ ;; ``;' S`PATE OF CALIC'ORNIA ) ~ COUNTY OP ORAi1'G~ ) ss . ..~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. ~arris , Secretary or ~.he Anaheim City Pianni.ng C~mir~ission, do hereLy ~zrt:i.fy t:hak ti:he foregoing re~solur_ion was passed and ' adopted at~ a meetina of: che nnaheim City P].anr-ing Commission held on Januar,y '' 19, 1987, by -:he Eollowing vot.e of rhe members therNOf ; ~_~ ~ AYES: CQMMTSSIONGRS: BOUAS, CRY, Ei~.Rf~ST, LA CLAIRG, LAWTCKI ;': ; MC aURNLY, MESSr.' N~ES: c:OMMTSSIONERS: NU~lE1 ABSF~NT: CUMMISSIONGRS: NO[vr tF IN WITNGSS WEIEREOC, I have hereunto set my ha~~d Lhis 19t.h day of January, 1987. , _ `, ~~ ~ -- t~ _ S~CRETARY, ANAHEIM CI;'Y PL NNING CONIMISSION ~ , i: ~~. ;:~:;'1 ~ ', _ t~fYJ...'..~. , ... . . ~ . .. ~ ... .. _~_ Qca~-Zu ; .r .,;,. ~ ~ t.' ,,,, ~ ~,;; . ~; . ~,.,~~i 1