PC 87-102_ ...:ii .. ..,i:.r .i....,.,,, ... ...... ....... . .• ~ . .. .,.... ...... . . . . ~ .. _ . . ~.. . . . .. ,.. . . ... _.. . . _... . .. . . . `~ ~ • , . ~~~\ . I.~~~'~ ~. ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC87-1Q2 A RESQLU`!'zON OF iflC; ANAHEIM CITX °LANNING COMNIISS70N THA'P P~`PITION FOP. VARIANCE D10. 365~} B~ GRANTEll, IN PART S~IiEi2EAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a~~erified Petil;ion for Varia~~ce f.rom WARREN ~3. LIU, F"1' AL', 2736-2740 West Linr,oZn Avenue, Anaheim, California 92801, owner and MAGAY HANNA, ~1000 MacA'rthur Boulevard, #630, Newport 3each, C~lif_ornia 92650, agent Eor certain real property situated in t.he Cit,y caf Anaheim, County o£ Orzngp, State o< CaliCornia, described as Fo:llows; THE ~AST 190.00 FEE'r UF TEIE WFST 315.Op FE~T OC 'PHE NORTHLAST QUAR1'LR 0~ '.T.'HL NORTfiWGS'~' QUAF2'PER OF THE NORTHGAST QUARTER OF SEC'i'IOP] 13, TOF4NSHI}~ 4 SOU'PH, RANG E 11 WL•'ST, IN THC RANCHO LQS COYQTLS~ COUNTY OF ORA~]GE~ STT.TE CF CAL~II'012NIA, AS PGR MAP RECORDGD IN BOOK 51 ~ PAGE 11 OF M,ISCPLL'ANEOUS NiAPG, IN THE OEFIC~ O F Tfi1s COUNTY RECORDPR GE S1: 7.1~ COUN'~Y. WHEREAa~ the CiL-y Planning Commission did }:old a~ublic hearing at th~ Civic CenL•er in h.he City of l~naheim on Apri:i 27, 1987 at 1:30 p.m., not.ice of said ~ublic heari-i~ kiaving been duly given as required by law and ii~ accurdance wi`h the provisiun~ oF the Anaheim Mun~cipal Code. Chapter ~8.03, t:o hear and consider eviden.^,e Lor and aRair.st said proposed variance and to inv~~txgate a-id make findings and r.ecom~neridaL-ians in connection therewith; and WIiEREAS, said Comrnission, attier due inspection, investigation ~nc] study made by itsel~ and in its behalf, and after due consideratio~ of a11 evidencp and reports oLfeced at said hearing, d~PS Zind and determine t}~e followiny fact•s: 1. That tl~~~ ~etitioner pruposes wa~.vers of +:he following to c:oristruct a 3 story, 111-unit, "utEorc~able" ap~~rtment r,omplex under authvrtty of Statc Govecnment Code Section 659J.5: (a) 3GCTIONS - PQcmitt.ed enrroachment inhe r~quired ~ard. ~I ~~ _1£i .3A .064 .02G ~' ^ APID (b) GECTION - Ninimum b~ilding site area ~er dwe.l.ling Ur.it. (1200 sguare feeh_ reqc~ired; 983 sc~uare feet proposed) w (c) SECTIGNS 18.34.062.U1~, - Mar,imum structural heigP-t. (1 story within 150 feet oE single-family AND 1Ae34.062.013 reaidential zoning; and 'Z stories maximum pertni.tted; Z und 3 stories proposed) (d) SGC'PTON 18,34.062.Oi0 - Maximum site coverage. ( "-~ ~ per~ni tted; ? 6$ proposed ) (e) SECTION 18.3~.065.011 - Mini~num distai~ce betNeen building:;. ^ Izl.lr F~C87-].oz ,i ,;; :1~ :i ,,~ ..~n.1 rn'S~L, 2• 'Phat subj~ct variance is heceby grantc~d unrier. autl-~oriky ~E Sta~e Goverrimealt Cocle S~ci:ion G5915. 3. T.hat the above-m~ntioned waiv~rs (a) and (e) are hereby denied on i:he hasis that they were deleted on revised pla~ls, Ehereby eliminating the need E~r. said waivers. 4, That the above-mer,tioned waiver.s (b), (a) and (d) are hereby gr.anted on the ba~is thar there sre s~ecial circumstances applicable to the property such as size, shape, top~gr.aphy, lacat.ion and surroundings which do not a~~;~ly to oth~r iden~~ca.l.ly zoned properLy in the same vicinity; anci t,hat stri.c•t appl:~ca~.ion oE L-h<~ Zoni.ng Ccde deprives t}~e property of• privileges enj~yed by other prop~rties in the identical zone and classifica~ion in the ~icinitX. 5. '!'hat there are exre~tional or ext-raardinary cir.cumstances ~r conditions applicable L•o ~he properky involved or to tPi~ intPnded use oP the property that do not a~pl.y generally ~o the property or class of use iri the ~ame vicinity and zone. 6. That the reauested variance is ner.essary for the preserv~tion ar.d enjoyment of a s~~bstantial ~ropecry ric~ht posses,ed by other pr.opect~ in ~he same vi.cinity an~ zone, and denied to the prapn~ty i.r. quesL-ion. 7. tt~e public That the we:lFa requcsL-ed vari.ance wi.il nut bP materially detrimen~al to vicinil.y and re zone i n or injurl.aus to which th the pronerty or improvernents in sucfi . . ~ ~roperty is locat~d. 8. '.rhat kwo persons indicated th~ir preaence at said public hearina in oPPositioii; and thaL one letter and a~,etil•ion conta~ning approximatEly 61 sign~ture~ were r2ceived ~n a~E~osition to suUj~~ct ~etition. j3NVIRONMEN~TAL IMPI~CT E:LNDTPIG: That the Anaheim City P3~:nn9.ng Commissi.csn l~as reviewed the proposals to consider alternate proposal of. ultimaL•e .land ;;;,~s including, but not limited tc~ General Contmercial an~/or Medium ~ensity I~esidential deaigna;:ions on L•he General P1an and ta reclaasify siabj~ct pru~~r+~y Erom the CL (Commerc.i.al, Lirnited) Zone to the RM-1200 (R~~sidFnt~al, Mialti.ple-Famizy) Zone to const:ruct a 3 sL-ory, 111-unit, °'afforclable" apart~r.ent c~mplex und~r autncrity of 5tate Guver~ment Code Sect:ion 65915 with wai~~,:~s of permitted encroachment iuto requ?red yard (deleted), minimum buildir,g sit.e area p~r dwelling ianit, maxiinum strucrucal height, anaximum site cr,v~ruge and minimum distance between buildi_ngs (dele~ed) ~n a rectangu].•~rly-shaped parcel o~ .land ~ansisi.'ng of apprnximately 2.62 acces, having a fron~age or approximately .190 feet on rt~e ;~ou~h s;.de o£ Lincaln Avenue, being located ~ppr.oximate.lj 800 fPet east oE the centerline af. Dale Avenue and furtkic~r d~sr,rihed ~s 2736-2740 Sq<_.st Lincoln Avenue; and does hereby app.ove the Nega`.ive Declaration upon f~nding Chat it has considered th2 Negative Declaration rogeth~r with any c~rnments receivrd durirlg th~ public revi.ew process and £urti~er finding on Ll~e basis of the initi~~ stud.y ~nd any cc~mments received ttiat ~hece is no subst.zntia.l evideace that che ~roiect w.ill havea a significanh eEEect on thc ~~nvi.ronment, W, THEREE'ORE, BE Commission doe~ hereb rant IT RESOLV~D b that the Anah~in~ City Planniyg , : ~; , Y y g conditions which are hereb su ject Petir.i~n for Var.iar~ce, upon the fol.lowin,y f d . '~ y propasec3 use of the sub'ect ] oun ~o bP property in a necessar r Y p•.ere d quisike to the ~ ~,,.:;;f;. gencra.l we?.fare of the Citizen s of the City or er to pres~rve o£ Anaheim: the ,dfety and ~;~;r' !.., ,~- •-i~ PG87--102 ~ ' c: ~; '" f~ .:s~M~!+.~.~r......i~.,...:;c ~ ,'x..w~Y f.Zw - _~ ~ ~ . . . . .. ~ ../: ~ ,.. :xr ~^~ =~ \ ~1 , ~ ~~.~ 1~ ~•y . ..' ~~ ~.I! r~ 1. Thak the owner oL- subject property sha11 ~iay to the City ~t Anai~eim a fee for tree plantiny purposes along Lincoln Avenue in an amount as determined by the Ci.ty Council. ~~:.;, 2, ThaL• prior to issuance ot a buiiding per.mit, appropriate park ~nd r.ecreation in-lie.a fees sha11 be paid to tt~e City of- Anaheim in an amount as cleteCmaned by the City Council. 3. That prior to ~.ssuanr:E of a buil.ding pe~:mit, the appropriate L•raffi.c signal assessmen~ fee shall be paid to the City of Anaheim in an amount as deL-ermined by the City Cuuncil. ~. That gates shall nat be installed across any driveway in a manner wl~ich may adversely af.fect ~~eh:icular traEfic in ~he acljacerL- public ytreet. Inst~1].akion oE any yates shall con£~rm to Enginee=ing Standard Plan No. 407 and sh~'ll be subject to th? review and approval o.f the City TraPf.ic ~ngineer. 5. That the nr.oposed parking si:ructure dr;sign shall confor.m to Engineer.ing ~tandard Plan Na. 40 ~--II pertaining to standard ciet~i'ls E~ parking strucL-ures and ram~ r~quirerients. 6. That the driti»~~ay ~hall be constrlcL•ed or recunstrucL•ec ~.o accommodate ten (10) Eo~~t radius cur~ r~turns as required by the City Tra~fic: Gngin~er. 7. That drainage of suhjc~ct pro~~erty ~hall be disrosed of in a manner satis£ac~ory to the Ci.ty Gr:gin~er. 8. 'Phat sub ject property shall be served by underground utilities. 9. That prior to commencement ot' s+.ructural framing, fire hydrants sha11 be ~nstalled and ct~arged as requiced and determined to be npcessary by the ChieE oP the Fire Department. 10. That ~rash storage areas shall be provided and maintaired in acrordance wi~h approvecl plans on file with the Street Maintenance and Sani.tarion ~ivision. 11, Tha~ prior to issuancs of. buildi.nq permi.t, thc appropriate fees due for pcimary, secandary and £ire pr~tecl•.ion shalJ. be p~id tio the Water Utiiity uiviston by L-he llev~loper in acco[c~ance wi~h Ru.les 15A and 20 of the Water Utility Rate ,, Rules and Regul.ations. 12. That the owneC of• subje::r property sha11 pay to the CiY.y of Anahe;.m a Fee for stzeet lighting along Lincol.n Avenue in an amount as r~etermined by ~he City Co~incil. 13. That the ownet/develaper shal.l com~ly with the fol:lowing as required by the Fire Departm~nt: a. That the enti.r.e compJ.ex includiny the dwelling ur~.il•s and garayes, shall. ~~e fully ~prinklered with a commerc~.al spci.nkler ,ystem» -3- PC8%-102 ~~~ r;'; +n ~ ;;.t. ~ ~ri ~ i I4 . . . ... _~ _..... ..':~N~ b. That 2-.l/2-.inch water outle~s ~3eliveriny 50U G.P.M. shall be installecl aL gr>ade level so tha~ no por~;.ion c,f the h~.ailding is furl•her than 150 Cect crom any ouCl~t., c. `Phat a loca.l Ei.re alarm :~~.y3tera ~tiall be in:~talled as revi~~wed and approve~3 by ~.;he i ice Depar.lmrnt. .14. Tti~t in the t:vent a p~7r.ce1 map is not recorded combining t:rE two existin~ lots, the ~ronecryo uwner sha11 furnish the P.lannir~y Depar~men~ : rArnriln~~ ,-fiVNtl,3n~ and ugreement in a f.orm a~~~rovcd by the City Atr~rney e~~ hcl~i si~h;act ~,roper. t:y as one parce.l . l5. That al~ lock-~ble ped~s~rian ar-d vE~h.icu.lar accerss ~ate~ sha]1 bn equi~ipr.u wi~t; a"knox bor." device to ttie satisC-acticn of the Chie: of Policc~ aild t•he City Fire Mat:,nall.. lf. That all air conditioning faci.~it.ies ~nd other roof. ~~nd gr~un~j mounted equip;nent shall bc properly shielded from view, and Lhe souna bufEerPd frum adjac~nt re.idential pcoper~ie~. 17. 1~hat prior to i.ssuance of building peerr.i.ls, the .~~plicant sha,l pre:aent evidence s~~ti3f~cCury to ~.ne Chi.NC Equi3ding In,pec-.or that the proposec~ ~rojecl• i5 in c:<~nformance w.it.h Council Policy Wumber 542 "Sound P.ttF~nuation in Resident_ial Frojec~s" ac-d witti Nofse Insulation Standard;; speciEied :in r.~e Calitornia Admini~tra~.ive Cod~, Title 35. 18. TLa~.: a six (b)-•Eoot hiyh ir~a~onry Uluck ~aall ahall be consfructed and mainr_ained alone~ the :~oui.h ati~d eas~ ~roperty lines, Nxce~t that a minimum ei.qht (8 ) Eoot high block wall shall be curistructe~ along the s~uthn ly p~rti~n of the ~ast propF~r.ty line adjacent to the exiyting foul G~I1gI~-f.~rtlliy dwetlings lc~catr.d ~ou~h cE tne ex! ~ting p.lant nur~ery. The de,iyn, colc~r anc3 rnat~rials oE thc Q-foot block wail 5ha11 be ~cceptable ~o ~~he proE~er~y owners to the ~ast and proof tha~eat shall be furni~h~~d to r_ne Plai~ning Depart~.ment. 19. That ~rior ~o ;:=~u~~n~:~~ o[ a building pertait, the de~elo~er :~hall enter inr.o a recorc?er~ ayrE~~rzenr_ wi~h ~hc Ciryo uf Anaheim pursuant to Go'~ernment ~ode 5ection oS9I`5 to prnvide thaC ten percent (;08! ~E the ~ermitted numb~~r of residF~nti-~l t~nit:, :~hall be renL•ed a~ low income hou;ing as clef?Tle~l in ~overnmer,t Code Ser_tion 65y15 t~~ E~~mi.liE~ aC 5~?~ of. r~ied:an in~..•n~ oc 1er~s and with a~propriate ren~:al cant:COls aa annro~~ed b y the c iry oE Anah~~ir.: f~r a f~er:od of not less r_han twcn~y (201 yeacs from th~ dar_e of is~u:~nc? of o~cupancy ~errr~its. 2U. 'I'haL- thi~~ Vari~nc~~ is gror~t~rd sut~jecr. ta the a~option oE rt~~ 7,oning Ur~.i.nanc~~ in r~nnecr_ion Nitri [te~:iz:;si`icati..~n ~1~~. e6-87-32, ne:. aFrdiny. :1.. That uuFij~.~ct pr.oE~~~t~ :~hali b~~ ~lev~lonecl :~ubsrant~aliy in acc~rdanc~ wiCn plsn:; t~.nrf •^,~'i~'~.1E1C7~lORU or~ file wi.th tt~! c:ity ~E Anahei~: :na~!:erl E:xh ii,i~ tsos. 1 ar~~] ?. -~~- PCfii-lU2 ~; 22. ~Phat ~rior l:o i:~~uancc of a tyuilding permit, or within ~ peclud of one ye~r Erum ~he datt ot th.is resolution, whichever rc~urn fiCSt, Conditi~n Nos. 1~ 2~ 3~ r~~ l.l~ 12~ 14~ 17~ 18~ 19 drld 20~ abovc;-ment.ioned, shall be com~li~cl wi~h. Extensions for fur~tier. time ko compl.eL•c said conditions m7,y be granted in acr.ordance with Section la , Q3 .090 ot th~~ P.n~3heim Municip~.~1 Cod~. 23. That prior to Einal bui:iding and zoninq ir~~~ec;:ions, Cvndit:lon Nas. 4, ~, 7, 8, i0, 13, .'.5, 16, 18 and '1.1, abc~ve-mentioner.l, sha.ll I.ie complied wiLh. F3F IT FU[2THFR FtES~~LVED ~har. the An~~htaim City P.lanning Commission does hereby find and determine tnat adopL-ron oE this Resoiution is cxpceasly predic~ted u~~u applic~nt's comNliance with each ~~~d a.ll of the cunditions hereinabove set 'ur-:h. 5hou:ld any such condition, ur any nart l•h~er.eof, be declarAd inval.ir; or unenEorceable bY Che fir~al judgm~nt of any caurt of comper_ent ~urisd.icti.on, then L•hi~ Re5olutian, and any lnprovals herein contained, sha:ll be deemed null. and void, `fHE I'OR~.GJING E2ESOLU'PTON i.s S1qY1ed Znd 'appCUVed by me tais 1.7th d~y Of April, 1987. ~~~ ~ / ~ ~ ~,~jr~~'j : <_..~Cl"~ C_, , ii ~ . ~ ~ CHA:I2MAN, l,NAH M CITY PLAN NG COMMISSIGN A'P'P F. S'P : ) ~~C~~~ '« -- - ~GCRF.TAR'C, ANA:iL•'JM CI7'Y PLANPIING CGt4t4I5STON S`P11TG: OF CAGi'rcTRNIA ) COUNTY Oe Oi?AtY„L•' ) 3S. CITY OF ANAH[:I"( ) I, Edith L. Eiarris, Secre,ary of lhe An3heim City i>lanninq •:ommisston, r3~ hereby certiCy that th~ fc:r~e~oiny r.c~solution wa:~ passed and adnpted at a meeting oE the AnaY-eim .;ity Planning Commis~iun held on Apri.l ?.7, ?947, by the f.ollo.ring v~te oE the mc-mt,ers tneceof : AY~5: i:OMM.T~SIOHERS: BOUA3, ~I2Y, HL•'RRS'~', LAWICKI, t4C' BURt~GY, Mr.SSE NOES: ~0?1M.IaSIUNL•'R,: NOC~E AF3SE:Pi'P: CbM14IS:~iONEH5: I~A CLA[RF: IN 47ITN~SS W!{Et?EOt', : have t~ereunto set my hand ~hi , 13th day of. ~pril, .15F37. ~ _ . . r~-U -Q~/(/t~J ~::CEtE'L'AF~Y, ANA6i:It1 CITY I~LA~JNINCi CUi4MISSI4N ~ •i -5- PC87-102 ' :~ r~+. ~ ~°; -t~ ~! i ~~ I ~ f