PC 87-104~
WH~;RGAS, thE Anaheim City PJ.anning Ccmmissian di.d receive a veriried
~eL• ition for. Recl~~ssiEicaeion from DL ~fdTGRPRISES, L2'D., 1535 ~;ast OCanc~ewood,
;~219, An~heim, Californi.a 9"180~, ATTN: J'IM DLNNLHY, ownnr oE certain Ceal
prop~rty situated in the r,ity oF Anaheim, Countl ot Orar~g~, State oE
Calif•ornia, descriuecl ~~s follows:
FAkCEL ].:
62° 52' c^,A5'P 58'14.00 EEET TO '.PElE LINE OF FLINT AP~D BIXBY'S ALL~OTMEN'r
t~ORTH 27° UB' ;dES'C 660.00 E'EET TO `^HE SUU'_'HEAST G012NER OE 'PHF; SAID
PAt2CI:'i~ 2:
WEiICH WAS [;iJTERED SE~P'iGMBLl2 12 ~ 18G8 IN BOOK "B" , PI1GE 410 (?F
62° 52' EA3T 6955.74 EEE'i' 'I'0 'I'HE NaRTHCAST L~GUNDARY L~~E Ot~ TH~;
1259.00 Ee;~:'P; `.CHENCE 50UTH 62° 52' WEST G955.74 h'~E~ TO 'I'HC PqIN'P OF
WHICH WAS EN'PEF!?f) SEk'T'r',Mf3F,R 12, 1$68 ID) BQOK "B" ~ PhGL 410 OE'
1I12C PC$7-104
27° Uii' EAST 312$.4U F'EET; THENGG NORTH 34° 45' GAST 6567.00 ~'EET `PO
WFIGREAS, the City P2anning Commiesion c3ic1 hold ,3 pu~li~ he~ring at
the Civic Center in tl'~e City c.F Anaheim on February 2, .19b7 ar_ 1:3U p.m.,
nnt~ r.e uf sai~i pUt):l].C Y~~?dCillq having been duly yiven as r~quired b~~ law and in
accordanre with ttie prov?,sions oL th~ Anaheim Municipal Co~e. Chapter 1A.03,
~o hear and consider evidence fc~r and a<~ainst said proposed reclassification
anr.l to investigate and make f:indings and recommendations in connecL-ion
therewith; an~! said ~ublic h~aring hauing been continued to the m~etings of
March 30, April 13, Apri.l. 20, and A~ri.l 27, 1987, and
4~HEREA~, said Commission, after duF inspection, investigatiun and
study mad~ b~~ its~.l~ and ir~ its b~~~alf, c~!ld after due c~n~ider.ation of a11
evidence and reports oEtered at said heariny, doe;; find anu deter.mzne the
£o.l.lowing facts:
1. Tt~aL- the petition~r pr~poses reclassifi.cat.ion of subje~t property
from L-he US(`~C) (~~~~en S~.,ace, ~cnnic Corridor Overlay) to l-.he PC!wC) (P.la~zned
Communit:y, Scenic Corr.idor Overlay) Lone to pcovidc for the develn~ment oE thE
591-acr.~~ Oak Hills Ranch to includ~ up to 2,176 resident.ial units, 30 acres o~
comnercial uses, a 13-acze public park :;ite, a 1C~--acrc~ Pl.ementary s~houl s~ite
ar,d approximatel~ 166 acres o£ o~r-n space.
2, That; thn Ananeim General Plan designates subject property for
Hil'lside E~ta~e Density ~esidential, Hillside Low Dens.i.Ly Resid~nti.al,
Hi1lsi.de M~~dium DcnsiL•y Residential, Neighb~3r.hood Park, Elementary School,
General Commerc;al and General. Open Space land uses. SubjecL- property is aiso
within l-.t~c Scenic Corr.idor OvFrlay 2one. G~neral Dlan Amendment No. 22:3,
recummendeci for anproval in conjunction with this kec]assification, would
redesignate subjert property ko Hillsic~P Gow-D~nsity R~:sidenGi~l, Hillside
Low-Med'tutn Dens:~~y R~:~id~ntill, Hil.lsic~e Medium Den;.ity Residentia.l,
Neighbochoo~ Park, Gle ~l-.ary Sr.hool, General Commerc~al and General Opef~
Space designations, which would ~~.tlow subaect request for a P7.anned Community
wi.th RS-NS-10,000 (5C), l2S-•50~~0 (SC), RM-3UL'0 (SC), CL~ (SC) and OS (SC) zoning
dee? ~tria~ions.
3. That the gcoposed re~la~sificat~on of subjec~t ~~roperty is
necessary anr~/or de~irable for. tnP orderly and proper developmen.t of the
~'.. T.hat tY~e proposed reclassif:ication of subject property does
properly relate L•o tt-,e zones and L•hcir perm.itted ases locally est~ab.li .hed i.n
close pr.~ximity ta subject property and L~~ the zones and theie ~ermitiCed uses
general:l.y estab.lished thcough~ut the coir.munity.
5. That one interested person indi~~ted liis preyence at tYie April
27, 1987, publi.c hearing; and ~~ne person a~ the Aprii 2i1, 1907, adjournc:d
meetinq, and four ~eople at the Ap:il .13, 1987, put~li~ hearing indicated theic
pres~nce in ~ppr~sition; an~ that approximately 27 letters were received ,tn
oppositic~n t~ subject petition.
•-2- PL'87-104
. ~^\
6. Thnt. the pctitioner submitted ~ Ge«er.al Plan of DevelopmEnt
(ExhibiE A, Revision Dlo. 1) f`or the S91-acre pak Hills Ranch dated March ?.0,
1987, presentirig the following el~m~nts for rev.iew and consideration:
A. Land Use, Flousing and 7oning Elemtnt - have bPen
comba.ned to show the relationship between the ~,roposed
land uses and rhe correspondin~ ~on.ing c:lassifiaations.
b. (:i.rcula~ion Plan •- indicates tbree major coads which
cr.oss ~ubjc~ck propecky - Weir Canyon Roa~ (si;-lane
divided Scenic Expr.essway), ext-.nnds £rc~m 91 Freeway,
E3auer Ranch ( Gas~ Hills ), and Wal.lace Ranch thro~igh Oak
Hi11s and is e~;pecteci to connecL with the Puture
alignmen~ af tt~e Eastern Transportation Corri.dor;
Serrario Avenue (f~~ur-lan~ s~condary arterial) extends
from Weir Canyon Ro~d on tt~e irlallace Ranch thr~ugh Ualc
l~ill:; to Anahei.m Hills; ar~d Oak Eiills Drive (Four-lane
s?condary arterial) extends in east/weat d.irect~i~n
ociginatir~g at Serrano Avenue, connecting with Wei.r
Canyon Road and L•erminating at C~al Canyon Ro~do
Landscape/Open Space - indicates approximatcly 28~ of
sub;ect 591-aere ranch will rema:in genEral oFen ~pac~~,
inc'luding a 13-acrA nazN, thC~A inL•erconnecting lakes
and general. ;iillside and strearn r,our.se open space, a
regianai r:~9ing and hiking trai.l, a cammunitv
pedestrian trail, and .15-•acre Cuunky park dedication.
Plans include 30-foot w~cSe :lar-dscaped setback~ with
~ndes+,:r ian ~rai.ls and/or sidewalks ~lonc3 We: r Ca~iyon
Road anc9 Oak Eiills llrive and 'l5-foot wide landscaPed
setback adjarent to Serrano Aven`e.
P~oulation c^,lement - indicate:; an estimat~d t~~al
population oE app~oximately G-U3~' pec,,ons based on 3.3
pcrsons p~r dNelling for 1aw aad low-tnedium d~nsity
r~sidential land uses and 2.4:3 pcrsnns per dwellzng
unit ~or rr,edium de~~sity land u~es,
Ser. vi ~~s ~nd Facil~ties E7.eu~~nt - thca submi~ked public
~acilities P1an (Revision No. 1) consi~t:; oF inaps and
l~at setting .Eerth the locatinn c,E ~ranoseci uti].ities
and facilitic~s zind further. as~igns res~onsibi:l.iLies,
timing and tinancial partici~at•ion relative i;o facility
ins~allarion and maintenance.
7. Tt~at. approvai of I.he General Plan oF D~velopment for. a
specifxc parcel of_ land recla.ssiCies that p7r~e1 by pl~cing '`_ under ~
resoluti.on of iritent l•o the •r.one specif:iec in the adopter/ 'Lonii~g EJ.emPnt.
Prior to ~he introduction cE an ordinancP fin-~lizing hht zoning on any portion
of L•h? preperty, ~inal soecit•ic ~~lans (sucF, as ten~ative tr~:;ck maps F.or
re~ideritia]. pr~posals) shall be submiL•ted for ~.Lanning Commissio;~ r~vi.ew and
approval L•u insure that L-he~ intent ~~F the Planned Communi~y Zo;~e is beiny rnet.
8. That the submitted Fiscal xmpact Ana.lysis (Revi:..on v~. 1),
as sup~ort da,.a for the Public 1~3Cili.tie.^~ Plan (~xhibit B- Revision No. 1~,
discusse~ the net effect r~~e dcvelopme~~t would t~ave on th~ economic b~lance ct
tha entire City based ~n revenues und ex~enditures that wo~..1 be assor.iated
wi~h ~e~~elopment u.E the Froject.
~ r~!Y
. ~.,~i ' F~~,
~ , . . ,t:, ;.
. . f'~"w. , ,
GNVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FIND:[NG: That aEter consider.ing Draft
Environmental Impact Zep~rl: No. 281 ~or the proposed Genecal Plan Amendment
arid i~lanned Community Zone fcr Oak Hi.lls Ranch and reviewing eviclence, both
written and oral, presenced to supplem~r~t Uraft E-ZVironmental Impact Report
No. :81, the Plann.inq Commission finds that EIR No. 281 :is in compl~ance with
L•he CaliEornia L•'nvironmEntal Qua).ity Act and the Skate and Cil-y Guidelines;
and ~l~aL• EIR No. 291 identifies I:he following impac~s wt~ich are considereci t~
be uoth unavaidable an~ adv~rse in nature and not fu11y mi.tigated to a level
of: insignifi.cance:
o Uevelopment will remove signi.ficant biological habi'-at including
areas af high, moder~te and low sensitivity.
o r'ire service access musL- nc pr~vided through Weir Canyon Road oz'
Serrano Avenu~. In additiun, unless Serrano Avenue i~ d~veloped
linki«g Temporary 1 ir.e Statian tla. 9 tu rk~e k~order af Oak Hills Ranch
prior ko the development oE Oak Hi11s Ranch, respon~~ time Eor
parc,medic units to Oak E1~.11s Ranch may be approximately 10 tninutes.
o Vehicular tri~s and energy conyumption generated by uses on-site •~ili
produr.e ai.c polJ.utant emissions 1r.d wil'1 be cumulatively significant
in combination w~th otkier similar. develo~ments ir~ tt~e air basin.
o l~eve~opment will alte~: ~~8 of the natural topography and wil.l
potentially impacl• views fr~~m oft-site including V~~eir. Canyon, open
space aze~s on the I:-vine property ~o the sou~;~ and in the Highlands
property i:o the west.
o Proposed land usea wil~_ consume enery~~ when consi.dered in combination
w~th other de~~zlopments in the region.
o Pr~posed :Land uses in the southwestern por.tian oL Lhe site do not
con.forrn t•o the <;our.ty of Orange General P.lan which calls for
c3edication oL- 45+ acres to the County tor inclusion in rhe ptoPosed
Weir Canyon Regional Park,
AND, CUF:THER that tr~E E~lanning Commission f.inds that the
benefit~ of tha pr~jec~ have been balanced against the unavoidablc
envirc~nmenta.l impact~ anci, pursuant to the pCOV1S1011S of. Section 15U93 af. the
,tate CGQA Guidelines, the occiar.rence of the signifi~ant environmental ef.fects
identiLied i.n r;t2 No. 281 as set Eorrh above, may be permittc:~i withouL• Furthe:
mit.igation due ta the toll~wi.ng overriding ca-iUiderations:
( L) ~canomic, social and ~hys.i.ca1 consideration:~ mGke it infea:~ik~le
Lo eliminate ~all ~f. the signific;ank environmental impacts af the
~rc:ject whi.ch h~v~ bcen i~1~•ntified in E:IR tdo. 2~1;
(2 ) Such enviranmenta7. impac~:. will be red~:ceci b,y com~li~nc~ with
City codes, ~o17.r,ie~ and procedures,
~3 ~~rhe pru jer.t ~~ill brii:g substantial benefits to the citizer.s of
Anaheim by pr~viding em~l~yrnent and permitting the development af
a variety of. h~gh-qua.li~.y resicienti~l clensit?.es ~nd unit types to
assist in e~r~e~ing ~lemands ior hou~ing,
(4 ) Mitigatior~ measures have been incor~~orated intu L-rie project to
reduce the rnajority of envir~nmental impacts to an acceptable
Thecei-ore, the Planniny Commission c~commertds that the City Cauncil
c~rtiEy Fnviron~nental .Lmpact Report No. 281 Eor thc Uak HLl.ls Ranr.h Planned
Communiky Zone and Cener.a:l I~.la~~ AmendmenL• and adapt the Statement oP
~verria.ing C~~nsiderations.
_q_ i~C67-104
~ ~ : `,`' ~ a3~2il~r~~'»,ii~~~
NOW, 7.'HEREPpRE, BB T'r RLS~LVED that the Anaheim Cit~~ Planriing
Comznission does hereby yrant subjec~ PetiLinn foc Reclassification and, by so
doing, that Tit1e 18--Zonin, o.E the Ariahei.m Municipal Code be amencled to
exclude portions of the above-descri.bed property from the OS(SC) (Open Space,
Sccntc Corri~or Over.lay) zone and to incorporate sai.d C~scri.bed ~roperfy into
the PC(SC) (Planned Community, Scenir_ Corridur Overlay) Zone in order to
implement zuning consi.stinq oE R~-HS-lU,OJO (;;C), RM-300D (SC), CL (SC) zones
sub~ect to r.he following condit.ians which are hereby found Ea be a necessary
pra~requisite L•o the prnposed use u[ subjeck property in order L-o preserve the
safety and general welEare o£ the Citizens of the Ci.ty of Analieim:
t 1. Thal the t_~roperty owner/deve.loper sha].1 be re~ponsi~lp zor impJ.ementati~n
~; oP all applicable sti.pulations stated in Cxhibi't B(Revision lVo. :L) (the
~~ docur„ent titled Public Facilities Pl1n f.or the Oak Hil].s Ranch
1+ ,)evelopment) a:, ultimately amended and approved by the Planning
'' Commission;Cil•y Council.
'~ 2. That the ord.inances recl~~ssifying the Oak Hi11s Ranch ~lanned Ccr~~munity
` shzall be adopted as each nar.cel is reac?y tu com~ly with the cor.d`.tions
'~ pe:taining ta suc;h parcel; provided, howevPr, that the wr~rd "parcel"
'' shali mean presently exish.ir~g parcels o~ record Znd an.~ parcel approved
for subdivision by the City Council.
3. That prioc t•o intro~uctio~ oL• ordinances rezoiting ~ac:~ p~rtlon of subject
~coper~.y as sh~wn on Exhibit 3 in t'~e documen~ titled Planned Community
zone L-or the O~k Fiills Ranch Uevelopment and dated March 20, 1987
(labeled F'xhibit A, Revision 1), and in accordance with the orovisions of
ChaE~ter 18.85 (t:he Pla:~ned Community 'Lone), the property ownec/develap~r
', shall submi.t final spe::ific plans ef devel~pm~nt For e~~ch portion to the
~' Cil:y Plannt~tg Cornm.t~.~ion for review ar~d apk~roval. ['inal speci£ic plans
~~~ shall include, but ma~ not bc~ limited ~o, the following:
~~) Location map - drawn to the slme sca.le as the maps in [;~thibit A
(Revision No. 1) and re.lating t;he ar.ea ro be rezoned tn the
`~ over.all Oak dil.ls Rancti Planned Commu»ity. Said location map
~~ ~hall include a.legal descri~tion of the pra;;erty upan which the
~~,; Pinal saeci£ic plan is b~ing filed.
,,~~ (b? Topogra~hic map.
`~.' (c) ~i~e plansy
Elo~r plans and elevations - sh~~wing the placement ~f
~ ~
all build.ings and structures; tl;e fronl, si~?.: artd r.eae
~'' elevations; the rouf ~~lan~~ and the ex~e.rior building materials
;; includi:-g roof.iny.
`~s, ~rj) Lot dimer,sions and pad size~ - ~f all lots sufficient to indicate
;;; the r~lati~nship oE ~he proposal to th~ rtature and axi:ent of the
' cut and fill eacthwork involved.
_' (e) Landscapinc~ plans - indic~ting the extent and type of ~roposed
~~ land3caPin,y and i-~cluding any existino veyeratl.on wbi~h ia to be
`~ retained.
'~ ( f? ~'ehi.;ular circulai:ion and parking plan -• in~9icaLing the nature
•z{ and extent of public and private streets, alieys ~nd c~ther pu.,lic
;;, acce3swa s tor vehicular. c~rculation off-street
y , parkiny, and
;~,;r vehicu:lar storage.
-5- PC8'-104
: ;;
: ~
(g; kence and wall ~lans - indicating tYle ty~e of Fencing along any
lo~ line of a site abuttiny a street, creek, lake or open sturm
drain. The s~eci~ic tence or wa11 location shal]. be shown in
addition to the color, matarial and hPigh~.. F.ny fencing J.ocated
in a manner w~hich may obstr~;ct the view .Erom a public
right-of-way sha11 consist nF decorative open-work materialU.
(h) Siyning plans - i.ndicating r_he prop:.s2cl signirxg program and
including, buL- not: limited to, any iclentificai:ian, bu~i.ness or
other signs; a,~d :,peeifying the size, height, l.ocation, co].oL,
material and li.ghting of such sign~, The developer shall provide
signs to :tdentif:y the Eastern Transportation Corridor. area within
one-half (1/2) ;nile of the corric•:r. In addt~ion, signs sha].1 be
provided to identxfy proposed future land uaes, such as the
commezcial site, futur.e park/school site, and rasidEntial land
uses, etc. All signaye shall be sub~ech ta the review and
appro~/a1 ~f the Ciry Traf.fi~ Engi.neer =or vehicular and
pedestrian visibi.Iity.
4. `I'hat all develapment including grading and landscape plans shall romply
~~ith tna re~nirements of khe "Sceriic Corridor Over.lay Zone" as d~ztlineci
in ChapL-er 18.89 ot the Anaheim Munici.pal Co,~e.
5~ mhat in con;juncti.on with the .^,ubmittal of any P.S-HS-1J,000 (SC) Zone
L•entative t;rac4 map or in connecti~n wi~h the submi~L•al o.f any grading
plan L-~r ~~n area designated for RS-HS-10,000 ( SC ) 2en:ing ~n Exhibit 3
"L'and Use and Parcelization P1.an" of Exhibit A, Revision 1(~he document
ti~1~a "P].r~nned C~mmunity Zone far. the ~ak Hi11s Ranch", dated ~yarch 20,
198'1), whichevc~r or.curs first, thP property owner/developer shall shew
that k:h~ minti»um building Pad areas are an avec:~ge cf ten thoil~at~d
{10,~00) squaxe feet, as .identi.fied in the Fascal Irnpact Analysis f~r the
Oak Hill~ Ranct~ Devel~pm~nt, dated t4arch 21, .19A7.
6. That any propos~d parking area li.qhting fixtur.es for commerrial
~3evelopment st~all bP down•-ligi~ked ~uith a maximum height ot twelve ( l;s y
feet. Said lightir,a ~ixtucES shall be directed away from adjacent
property lines to protect the residential inl-egriL•y oE adjacenL- and
nc~arby residential pro1~erties.
i. ~i~hat any s~ecimen tree removal shall comply with th~ tree preservation
reyulaL-ions in Analleim Municipal Cod~~ Chapter 18.84 '~cenic Co~.....,or
Overlay 'Lone".
8. That in accoc:lance wi~.h the :eyui.r.ements of :!nuheirn Municipal Code
Section 18.02.047 ~ectaining t~ L•t~e initiai sa ~n of re:sidencey in the
City ~E P.nahFin~ Planni.ng Area "F3", the sellec sha'11 pravide each buyer
with written ~.ntorma~ion concerning the Anaheim Gener~l Plan and the
exisL•ing zoning witt:in three hundred (300) feet of the boundari.es of
subject tr3ct.
9. That• as speaified in Anahcim Municipal Code Sections IE3.84.041,U12 wnd
1U.84.0'01.032, no roof-mounted equipmenl whatsoever shali be permitted.
,~.,~~~, , ,
. ~iJi~~s!.4J .... . . ... . , .. ~ ~ . . .
-6-' YC87-104
. . .~ , . ~. ~ .. . . . . . . . ~ .. .. ..... . ..,.-. , ..~i.(';..,".W~
10. 'Phat: in conjunction with lhe subtnit~al uE eac,h spec:ific plan i.ncluding
owner/d~veloper sha11
any tentattve trac~ or paccel m~an, thc propr.rty
~he :~izing reqair~ments f~r the water
pr.ovid~ informaticn r.egarding
act. t~ounu~ri.es; s3ici requirements to be
l ~~r tr
3ysL-em within lhe pacce
reviewed and apptoved by Lhe 4;ater Ctigineecing Uiva.sion.
11 'Phat in conjunction w+~h khe •aubmittal of eaGh ~~eciEic plan includin7
. ~
an~ *.~~nrative `r~ct. ~~r parcel r.;ap, the property ownFr/developer s
wa~er such as
make provisions CcY ciesi~~n Eeatures th,~t conserve
w:~ich emPloy drip ;rrigation, soil moistuce
cantrollE~d irri~ralion s.~s
minimir.e runoff and evuporation, and
;,ensors, and a~itomal•ic syster.~s
E soil to imNrove water holdir-g capacity of public
us~ oE mul:h on tu~ a:
~as; and, use of xeriscaoe and drou~_~ht-tolerant ~pecies for
ed ar
1~ndscaping. Plann indi.cating such aonservation measur.es :~hall
reviewed and approvc:d by th~• Puhl.ic Utilities ~epartment.
rior to aE»roval o` each ~peci~ic plan inc;cding L•entative rract or
' That ~~
the Water F.n~ineeri.ng Divi~io~i siiall have the opport~ni"y to
revie~o thar_ speczfic~ (~~'-~~r'-lO~IIDE?llf phase t~ dr•lermine whar .inr.remen
~talled cc suppoCt
\ n
any, oE the Lerminal water ~torag~ f~ci.li~y rnust
:;aid d.>velupment phasc .
ior to zpproval of: ~h~ fi.rsr_ s~eciEic plan inclu~ing any tEntative
~3, L
h~~ ~
the pr~per.ty c~wner/de~eloper shal.l entec inta a
~. m
tract or parce
th ttie watcr Eng.i.neerin~~ Division as to thP exac.~
reement wi
wr.itten a~
plac~me~~t of zl~e l•~~rmin~31 water star.ige faci.lity.
14 That ~rior to c.he ap~roval of r.hr first renf;ati.ve t:ract or par.cel ma~,
Maatec P1an of
. .
the ~roperty owner/d^veloner sh311 obtain a~uroval of a
Public Utilitf.es P~partmNnt, The
Improve:r.encs from th~ General Manager,
in accor.7ance with tne Wate[ Utility's
' ,
~,~ster Pl.an of i~npruvemen
nd it~~ulati~ns ani-1 the pak Hills Ranch Public hacilities
es a
PatF~~, P.u
ddc~~~ primary mains, rPyerv~;irs, projected water demanr3s an~]
Plan, a
pY~aaing ~f im~ravements. The M~st~~r Plar. 3ha11 ~covide h,~draulic
and pe.ik
m ~a
u:~alysis Eor ~he proNO:~f~J sy~tem under. averac~c day, max
ll give conA
t~ ~ha
no~r demanci~. The r4aster. Plari o[ [rr~.~rovemen
aiid the Water y
~ ti~ pr,~~sii.e zorea, p~~a~ing of improvernAnts
o-i a~+~:rova] o' the Master ~'lan al Im~~rover~ents,
u.ltirna"~~ 3ervice area.
cor~orated i-:to ~_he Public Facilities Plan hy
ll k~e ir
:~aid Plan s
~a carried out in accardanc~~ therewith. `Phe General
nd ~hall Y
~eEer.ence a
ttanager-Publir, U~i~~.ties De4;ar~mer-t r.e.~:3~rves ~he cight at any time t~~
rovided that such
~ p
CCVI.S~: and update rhe M~s~er Plan oE Impro
revi~i~ns shal
~I~3l:r?C Plnn
U n~~/~evelo~e
the proE~erty
Impr~~vetnents pr ic~r ro :~aid Kn_V L91~~t1.
15 . That a.l wat:er, supE~ly plannincl Eor. the projecr, sha11 be c.losply
prOVdL by
l d
l f
co~rcjinr~~ed with, ancl b~ c~~b)ecr to r.~vf~~w :in~
City of Ai:aheim Pubiir Utiiiete~ Dex~ar.r;nent.
l.G, ':hat ttie~ water r~u~uly :.~~'~tem Eo: Che n'!• Fitlls Har~ch dF.velopm~~nt shal.l tie
r Plan for Snccial
~ e
s Mas
desi~ned in acro:dancA ~~~h ~hc: Water ~3tillC~
Nt~cili:ina pist-'ict No. 1.
~ ..'1- PC8'1-10~1
~, f
'.' 1 d 4, ._'.i ,~_~.,A_.
. ' ,,`
17, Tha~ tx~e waL•er mains anci waLer star~~ge re~erva.irs shall be c]e~igned as
part ot khe Clty':s Mas~er Wat~r System ul~imately aerving ar.e~wide
18. That the pro~er.ty owner/devel.~E~er shall dedi~~ate ~he .land re~~u:Lred for
implE~mentation of th~~ water system ~o Che Ci~y in conjunctic~n with
:3L•rer.~s, and throuqh easr~ment.~ ~t `hc time ~E final tract or ~arcel tnap
rP.r,Otdation. '1'he resc~rv~~ir sit•es sl•~all be d~~dicated with the final maps,
or wi~en required by th, ~:ity.
19. ~Phat bundiny tor consr,ruction o£ L-he requirecl wat~r :;ystem improvemen~s
shall be furnishe•~ i.n conjuncti~n with each final map.
20. Tt~a~ che water Sur~~~:ly system sha].1 be fund~d anc~ constructed in
ac.cordance with the [ollo~i.r:g Water Utility's Rates, Rul.es and
Reyulations: (a} the oroperr.y dev~loper/owr,er shall ins~all thE~ secondar.y
syskem improvement~; (b) funds for const:ruction oE the ~pump ~tations and
reservoirs shall bc advanc~d t~y the dEVEloper through the nayment af
special facilities f.ees as provided Eor in Rule 15-8; (c) E~cimary mains
shall ba installed by the City wir.h Eunds pro~ided by the propert}~
o~~~ner/developer in the form of primar!~ acreage tees as provide~ £or in
ttule 15-A; (d) the ri~~ces~ary financia'. arranyements for c~nst;:ut;ci~n ~F
the sf~ecial facilikic~s and r~quired prii~acy R;ai.n fe~s shall be made ~riar
~o F.ina1 kract or paxc~L map ap~r~val.
21. Tha~ priar c~~ appro~~al oE the fir.st ~~ecifi~ plan in~~lu~ji.ng any tentative
tcacL ~r parcel mao, L•he pronerty owner/developer shall, i.n cooperation
with the City cf Ana'ieim ~n~ Ot~ange C~uiity .raa~it Di~tricL, prepare a
coor.dinatecl study t~, examine methods o[ ir~plementing %~ Tcansporhatiion
Syst~ms Managemant proaram wi~h speciL-ic gui~ieli-~es indicat;ing str?I;egies
to reduce the amounL• oE rrips arid increase the arnount of non-+ah:~cular
tran~;~orta~i~n. Sl•rategie~ m~~~f ir-clude trar-sit ~ervic~~, park anc~ ride
~~rnouts, c;arpool and vanpuol faciliL•te3, bikaways, and other
~ran~porY.atiun demand mana9~ment strai:eaie3 ap~licable to l-.he development
22. ~Phat in canjunctior. with the submittal of th~ tir3t ~peci£ic plan
incli.;ding any ~entati•/e tract or par.cel map, the pro~etty owner/developer
shall prepare a site-spe~ific traEFic sL•udy and an ~nalysis af potential
acoustic impact on the propospd school szL•e and adjacent resis3enL•ial
areas which ate located in both the Oak Hills Ranch an~ the Wall.ac.e
Ranch. The study shal:~ al~o adc~rPSS public saEety consideratinns of
pedestrian r~uCt~s Eor ~chao~. chi.idren.
23. '^hat in conjuncr_ion wi.th thc~ sebmi.ttal of eaci~ s~ecif.ic ~lan incLuding
any r,cntative tract oc ~c1CCZ1 map, saici plan3 sliall s'.~ow ;a) that no
stre~t intersPCtions along WPir Canyun Ro~B are lor.ate~ clo~er ~han one
thcusand three hundred (1,3UU) E~et a~art and (b) L-hat along ~treets
int~csecttng with Weir Canyon Itoa3, no vehic,ular acce:~s pnints are
located cio3er than r.hree hundred thirt~,~ (330) Eeel Co Weir Canyo:~ Roa~3,
as requitcd by the Tratf~c rngi.nee:.
,~' -8- PC87-104
, .. .. . .: ., ,a,~;~
24. That ~~riur Lo issuance oE the Eirst oui:lding permit, the propecry
owner/develo~er st~a11 con:~truct ~ccess to the c~ak Hills Ranch Developmenr
vi.a a Weir Canynn Ruad/Serrano A~•enue connectio~i (Serrano A~~enue northerly
Erom the west pcoper~y li.ne oE L•he Oalc Hills Ranch to Weir Canyon Ro~d
~hruugli Wa.llar.e Ftanch 'co its northerly h.erminu~ on F3auer Ranch) . No
consL•ruc~iur- vehic:~es shal~ ~~e permitted or. Serrano Avenue soukh of th~
westerly pro~~rty line.
25. That. rhe ~roperty owtier/developer st~a11 consCruc~ Serr~nv Avenue Lrom the
existing L-erminus of Serrano Avenue at Canyon R.ir: Road ~o connect wi.th the
E~xistinq ~~urh,er].y ter.minus of Weir Canyor~ Road c~n Bauer. Itanch prior to
occu~ancy oE the first dweliing unit. Priar. tu the issu.~nce ot a buil~ina
permi.t for L•he f:irst dw~llinq unit, ~l:e deveioper shal~ pr~~vide a bond,
letter of credil• or cash for t.he coadway c~m s~ruction.
2G. 'Phat pr~or to appraval of eucti specific p.lan, includin~a any tentative
Ccact or parcel map, the pr.~operty ~wner;devcloper shal.:l rr~ach agr~em2nt
with~ thP Traf.fic Enyineer reaarc9i.ng ~n-~ite vehicular circulatiun. Such
agreement shall consider the follow.ing: (a) access to e~ch pha~e of
tlevelo~ment sha1.1 he ~caluated by the City '.Craff.ic Engineer to ensure
adeguacy oE' drive~ra;~s, entranc;es and median cor.figurat.ion; (b} rrivate
communities shall. include the LolLowi;,g on-~ite features: spparaL•e 1~.nes
F.or rrysidents anci visitors, turn-arounds, and parking spaces u'esigne~l for
vi.sitor cars (iE full-time se~~urity ,yuards are noe r.rovi~ed); (c) all
~^~rcvemants a114J.1 cunfor.m to City o[ Anaheim Standards and Qha.ll be
sub~cyc~ ~o the approval oE thc City TrafPic Enginc~er.
27. Tha~ prior to approval ef the first ,pecific plan includiny any tentakive
~ract nr parcei map, the property ~wner./develo~~er shall. provide the City
of Anaheirn witt~ proof ot ea~i ar~cri~l hiqhway right-ot•-way dCK03S the
Wal.lace Ranch, l•hereby permitting the property ownerjclcvc.loppr to extend
~~leir Canyon R~3d and ;;ecrano ?~vf~nue th~ough the Wallace Ranch, ~herEby
providi7g access to tt~e Oak E~iJ.ls Ra-~ch.
2~. 'Phat prior to approval of eac:h snecit•ic ~~1an incliadi.nq each L•entati.ve
trac or. ~arce~. map, the ~roperty ownF~r/~eveloper shr~~.j. pCOV1CjP_ a lra:Ef.ic
impact stud,y lo as~e~s the level o: 3ELVLCO and intersectic~n c~~acity
uti.lization (ICU) at ~h~ in~erQP~;tion of Weir CanXon Ro~d and ~anta Ana
Canyor~ Road i~ the Eastecn TransE~oceation Cortidor has not yet been
canstriicted. Said study :ha.ll b~ pr~~ared ati the property
owti~er/c~evelor~er's exper~se and sha11 be revJ.ewed Eor adequacy by tYie City
Tr.aFfic Engineer. If tratEic iR~~~a;t:s are unacceptable and unmikigated,
devel,~pmer.t msy be halted u•~.til mit.i~atiori measures Co bring the
intersection to ~n ~cceptab.l? levc~l. c~f sc~rvice are identi£ied by the Oak
Hills Ranch propcr~y ownnr/d~,vel~s~~er and approved by the Gity.
29. Tr,at pr.ior ra i~trodur,tion of the first nrdinance rezon:ng any por.tion af
~ubjec: praper.ty, the property own~r/deve.loper shall agree Lo construct
bus bay~ as c4~emed necessary by the Orangc County 1'ran3it D:~"~ict and rhe
Ci.ty ~rr~~fEtc Enyineer, at no cosL• to th~ Cicy. t~~citten pr.oo[ of 3aiu
a~~reement shall be Eurnish~d to the Planning nepartmerit.
"~' PL'87-10 4
30. Ttiat prior to introduction of t:r~e f.irst ordlnance re~zoning any po~tion oF
subject pr.~~erty, t.he pr.op~rty owner/deve.loper ~hall :submit a phasing ~lan
Eor both tr.affic signalization ani~ roadway construction i.n l•he Oak Fiilltt
Ranch t~~ h.he City TraEfic Engineei- Eor review and ap~~roval.
31. That prior t4 approval of tiie £irst- sPecifia plan including any tentr~tive
Eract or parcel map, the propetty owner/developer shall cnozdinate l•.h~
consh.cuction schedulp, alie~nmei~t and develvner responsfail:.ties for. any
road construction through adjacent properties with the apr~ropriate
prop~,r~y owner.
32. That priar to zssuanc:e of b~tilr3ing ~,ermits, or as ~th~rw.i~e deemed
necessary by thc ~Prat£ic Cngineer, the precise locaL•ion and phas.ing of any
required siynals sha1.1 be suhject L•o review a~d appraval b,y the City
~rraFfic ~ngineer. A11 signals ~hall be interaonnected with tt~e City
:{3. 'rhat the property owner/deve~oper ~ha1.l pay l•.t~e F3ridge 'PhorougtiFare Fee
for the Eastern ~'cansportation Corridor in c~~r.plianc~ wzth City G~uncil
Resolution No. 8:-R-423,
34. That no ~esiaenti.al front-ons along arterial highways :ahall be inc.luded in
the Oak Hill~ Ranch davclo~m~~-t.
35. That all pr.l.vate rstreets shall he dev~loped in accordance with ~ne City of
;naheim's Standard Detail N~. 122 for ~rivate ~tceets, includi.ng
ir.~taliation o~ UtrEe~ nam~ signs, Plans tior the nri.vate street lighting,
~~ required 'ny ~h~ standard detail, shall be submit~ed to h.he Building
ilivi~ion Eor appr.oval and i.ncluded with the building plans ~,rior t~ the
issuanc~ cf buiJ.ding ~ermits. (PrivaL•e streets are those which provtde
~rimary ~ccess and/or circulatian w.ithin t~he project.)
3b. That al.l public resideritial strPet.s shall be designed .in a~cor~lance wich
City standards and revi.ewed and ~~proved by ~he City Engineer prior to
~.ach tnntative tract or p~rcel inap approval.
37. Z'hat ttie ~rivate street system design ::;1ia11 include G~roviaions f.or
accommodating the collection of refuse i,n 3ccorclancP with City
38. 'Ph~st E~cior tn f inal ~ract map apprnval, stc ect names sha.ll be submi~ted
Ear revze.w and approv~.L to the Flanning Departmenh..
39. Th3.t pric: to any occu~ancy, temparary sl•.reet name signs shall be
insta.lled LE permanent strePt name si.gns have not bsen install~d.
40. That no public oc ~,rival-.e s~ceet grrades sha11 txceed 1G$ except by prior
an~~r.oval of tne Chi~:f <~f ~:he Fire D~~partm~ant ~nd the Enhi.neecing Di.vic~ion.
41. That gate:~ :3ha11 not b~ i.nslalled ar.ro~s any driveway or ~ri.vate strePt in
a manner wh:ich may adversely aEfect vehicul~r traffic in the adjacent
public: stceet(s). tnsL•all.ation oE anp gates shall, con£orm to Engineering
;;~andar.d Plan No. 4U2 and their .locatior. sha11 be subjec~ to the revie~v
and approval of the City Tr.a.EEic Engineer Prior to thQ a~pravai af each
tentative tract or parcel map.
-10- pC87-104
f • f:~.
Q2. That any on•• ur oEf-sita coads sha.tl be constructed in accord~~nce with a11
~pp.licable Circulation Llement and E~gi.necring standards.
43. Tha4 t.hF~ ~roperty owner/developer sha11 dedicaLe the :land :t~r the puplic
street system ior pub].ic use with the recordation of each fina~ tract anap
for each indiv.idual rcyidenticjl area.
44, ~I'hat ~riox L-o approval o~ the L-irst finZl kract or p~rr,el map, ~h~ general
alignment oE the Oak H±11s road system including rESidential and lccal
street alignm~.nt~, shall be submil•kE d E~r re~~i.ew and a~proval tay the Ci.~y,
and prior to a~proval oF Pach final tract or par.cel mao, ;:he engineering
drawings Lor street impr~vemznts shall be suUmitted for review ani
approval by the Cit,y Engineer.
~ 45.
~ That bonding for on-si~e eoadways and trarfic signals sha1.1 be Eurnistied
as par.t of in-tract impravements, F3onding tor any oFf-site road ~xtension
; shall Y~e furaished at the t~m~ of issuance af. the first building permit Lo
ensure completion of canstructi.on prior to the occ:upancy of the first
c3we.lling unit.
`' 46. 'i'hat the pro~erty owrier/develope~ sh~.ll b<~ financially res~onsible for the
following: (a) de~ign and constr.uction of the public and private rc~ad
system; (b) design and consL•ruction assocr.ated with landscaping of the
p~~r.kways adjacent to puhlic and privat' ruads; (c) acquiring any permity
foc any on- and off-sike roadways ar~d any subseqt~ant environmental
ass~ssments deemed necessary; (d} maintenarice of khe private str~~et system
and all public and privale Ntre~t. parkways, ur,less m~iritai.n~d by another
financia:l mechan•i~m approved by the City.
47. Z~hat pr. ioc to a~proval of tt~e £irst final parce.l or tracl: -nan th~ properky
owner/developer shall prepar~ a Einancial plan Eor circulation
~ improvements subject to revi~w by ~he City Engineer anr9 ~ppxoval hy th~
Planning Ccmmission. Said plan sha11 determine the cesponsible party(ies)
and viable £undiny sourcES. The properky ow~~~r/developer of pak Hi11s
Ranch shall Li.nancial.ly par.~icipate in the construction of oLher ofE-site
rc~ads necF~ssit:atcrd ~,y Lhe ~~ak HilJ.~ project and other fiimilar
' developments., Such areawide impeovement~ shall include: ta) the widening
7, of 5anta An<i Canyun itoad to i.ts ultimate six-lane configuration between
' Lak.eview Avenue and thca i3auer Ra~,cn imgcove:nents; ~b) restriping of the
~~? eastbound ofE--~am~ Erom the 91 Freeway at Weir C~nyon Road to provide one
- right-t+~rn lane and one r~~,ti.onal lett-turn and right-turn lane.
48. ThaL• in conjunction wilh submiCtal ot- tt~e £irst specifi.^. E~lan including
any tentative tracL• or. parc;nl maP, the property o~aner/developer shal.l
select a~~ir_e tor a stren~ maintenance facili.ty, ~o be anpcoved by the
nireci:or oE Maintenance. Fucther.more, pr.ior tn anproval ~f the £irst
spe~iPic p.lan Including any tentati~~e trart or parcel map, ~n aqreement
betw~en the pr.npecty owner/deva:oper ai~u the Maintenar_ce D~partment shall
be reached to addc~~ss dEt~ils of the facility devel~pment. Wri.L•~en proof
o~' said agreemAnt shall be iucnished to the Flanning O~partmenk and t:he
,~, t+lain~enance Department and sha~l be ~ubj~~cl• ho a~proval by the Maintenance
DeE;ar~menr_ and ril•y Attorney's OfficE.
,.t' -11- P~87-104
49. 7.'!~at prior t•o final bui.lding and xoning inspec~ion~, °No parktng FoC
street sweeping° signs shal.l be installed as required by the Deparlment of
Maintenance ~~nd in accordance wiLh specificakians un fi'le with said
50. :^hat j~ri.or L•o recocda~ion of• each tra.cl oe pacc:el map, the property
c~wner/dev~loper shall record a cuven~nt requiring the seller to provide
t:he pur.chasex of ear.h residential dwelling with written i.nformation
c:oncerning Ar.ahcim Munici~a.l Cude Section 14.32.5CU pertaininy to "Parking
-~estricteci to faei..litate sCreet sweeping". Such w.ritEen inf~r.matio~ sha.l]
clearly indicate when on-street parkirig is prohibit.ed and the perial~y for.
51. That prior to aop~oval oi ~nv final map that incorpor~tes a privata
streal:, a financi4l mect~ani:~m, accep~:ltaJ,e to and appr~ved by the City, f.or
n~aintenancc~ of private stre~ts ~ha.ll be esrablished ~t th~ expense of the
property owner/dr~velop~r.
52. ~hat prior tc zn~roduc~iun o[ t:he Pirst ordinance rezoning any portian o£
sub ject prooecl•1, the ~ro~,ert.y owner/devel~per sha11 pr.o.~ide to t~tiE City
01` Anahei;n kh~ Oak HiJ.ls Rancl~ prepc~rtionate share of the cos~ Por
p~ovidiny ~ubJ.i.c f.acilikies and utilities (including a fire station,
elecl-rical and water Eacilities~ ~snd drainage facilities!, which
faci.?ities and utilities ar.e located in the Bauer Ranch but wi11 also
serve the qak Hill~ 22anch. Sai_d funds snall b~ used to reimbur.se Kaufman
and ~iroad (the devel~per oE the T3auer R.anch) f~r the Oak Hill's
proportionate sha~e of sa.id Eacili~ies and uti.lities.
53. That in cor.junc~ion with submit~al ot the [irst speaif~c ~ian including
any ten:ative tract or narcel map, the property owner/developer sha~.l
submit plans evidencing ac.cess to the Oak [iil.is Hanch from Eire Station
No. 9 vi.a S~rcnno Avenue; and, Fice Stakion No. 10 via a new 1Veir
C:anyon/Sarrano connection. Sucti plans chall bc~ to the satisfaction of the
City Eire Chief. and City Tratfic Engineer.
5~1. ~~hat prior r_o issuance of• eact~ buil.dinq permi.t, the property o[aner/
developer shall suhmit d~tailed des.ign p.lans for accessibility oF
emeryency firz equipment, ~:ire tiydrant location ~znd other conctr.uc~ion
features t;u the Fire Macshal far reviev~ and approval.
55. That the water supply system ior the O~Ic H.ills Ranch development aha.ll be
designed to ~ravide suffici.~nt Eir~flow pressuce and storage ln accordance
with Fice Deparcment requi.rernent,5.
56. Th~~t ~riur to c~mrr,enc«~mer~t oE struct•ural framing on each parcel or lot,
arce~sible fi.re i~ydcant~ shall ae inst~.ll~d and charged wir_h~n one hund:Qd
fifty (.15U) ~ee~ of all por~ions of. ~he exteriur walls of the first floar
of each building, in confor~nance witri Ci,ky :~tandacds. Specific -.-
i.nP~r.matirn or. the dhsign and implenten~at.ion o~ tihe required hydrant
system network ~Eor Oak ;iills xancn may be obtained frcm the Fire
;>„ -12- PC87-~04
~,;: ,, :
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. . ._ . . . . ... . . . ........:. .~. ..,: ...:•I Y.'1+y('~
.. ~~ ••~; ~~`
57. That prior to occu~ancy oi: th~ firF~k dwelling unit on any par.cel in the ,
Oak Hil.ls F2~nc1~, sufEicient u11-tveather street access fqr fize figlltiny
equipment and emergancy ~vacuatiion shall be ~rovided in accordance wiL•h
Cire D~partment poltcies ar:d requirements. ~;1
5£3, That build~ng~ sha11 be constructed iri confor.rnance ~aith the rirE safety
~aeovisions of the Uniform Buildiny Code. This includes the usp o~ fi.re
resistant roofi-~g and constructiur~ materials as .:equir.Pd by ~he Ci~y of
~ Anaheim for Fire Zone ~(Nire Administrative Order ~io. 76-01). Such
Further reguire-nents includ~, but are not li~nited to: chimney spar.k
arreshors, protected attic ancf under ~loar openings, CJ.ass C or better
ro~finy material and ane hour L•ire resist~i~~e construction of horizontal
surfaces when located wih.hin two hundrec9 (200) feet of adjace~t
• brushland. i3ui'1t-in fire pruteckion such as ~prinkler systems shall also
~ be proviaed where applicable in accerdance ;aiL•h City s~andards fot
}' commecci~l and/or. .re:idential buildin,ys.
59. Tl:ac fuPl breaks sh3.11 be prav.ided as determined t~ be necessary by the
ChieE of the [ire Department.
'~ 60. ihat native slapFS adjacent to n~~wly constructed residence~ shal.i be
~' lanciscaped wil-h a low~-fue7 cambu3L•i.b1e seed mix. Such slopes shall be
spri.nlclered and cveeded as r.equired t:o establish a minimum o~ one hundred
(.100) feet nE separatiun between Eiarirnable vegetation an~ ariy structure.
61, ~l~hat all _lockable pedesLrian and ve:~i.cular access ge~t~s sha.ll be eq~iipped
with a"knox box" device L~ the s~itis£action o~ th~~ Chief of Pol.i~e ~nd
the Cit.y E'ir.e Marshal.
62. :~hat prior tc approva~ oE the first ~pec;ific plan ir~olud.ing any tentat.tve
1:ract or parcel maQ L•or any port.it~~t of sui~ject ~~roperty, the properry
USJII~C%d@VP10[~E~!' sha.l.l ent~r into ~~ writt~n agreerc!ent with the Park:~,
F;ecreation and Con,munity Services ',.~ep~rtmenk sp~cil:yi.ng the timi.ng ,~n~d
dollar amaunt of :he proper~y owner•/develo~er's re:s~onsibiliL•y for park
f.aci.lity c~ons;.ruction. Said agreem~~nt sh~ll incYude the ~ollowing: (a)
idenl-iEica•_ion of the physica.l bo~nd~~ies of the park site, as a~reed to
b:y the Oak Hi.lls Ranch properL-y ownea'/dzveloper a.nd the Parks, RAcreation
~i~d Community S~rvi.ces U~partment; (l~) plans Eoc veh.icular and pedestrian
ac;c:e3s to tkie park site, includiny ariy nece~sary agr~~ament~s with adjacent
~~onert-.y r.wn~cs as a~~roved by t;a~n Parks, Recreat:ion and Communit.y
Services D~~partment and by the city :~r.a[tic Engineer; and (c) plans For
potenrial relocakion of the Four Coi~r,ers Pipeline (.locatzd wi4-hin th~~
~r~~~osed p~.r.k ~ite) as agreed to by t:he Four CornPrs P;,pelina_ Company ancl
th~~ Parks, Recreation and C~mmuriity 5E~CV:'LS:LS ;~epartm~~nt:; (d) arcess fro~n
Wei.r Canyoc. Road tc r.h~ par.k stiall ue limf l:ed to right turn zn and right:
turn out. otily, with a_~~r~._f.ont long decel~~ati.on 1ane. No other ~~cce;;.r
~ha11 be located : ithin 12u~ ~~~.~t of the Fark acc~ss. ~i'his acc«~s~ may be~
combined wxth a residential str•;~. .
63. :~hai: prior to approval of tb~ firsf; ~~sntativ~ r_ract or parcel map, the
~~ro~~erty ow;~er/developer ;,hall submiL• ~ alan showing the general :lignmPnt
~ind locatirns of the equestrlan and t~iking hcail sysl:em withfn th~ Oak
Hi13s Rancl~ to the c;iky Parks, Recreation and C~,nmunity Services
-1~~ PC87-104
~ ~'em'w~~~:..ri~~~---- -_- _
, , ^^~
Depar~m4r;t, for review ~nd approval. Prior ~o ~he appraval of each final
tract c~r parce.l map, the property owner/r~eveloper shall suumit Cl~e final
a5.igr~me,n~ of the equeskrian and hi.king tr.ail within that tcact or purcel
ma~~ L-a the ~ity Parks, Recceatior~ and Community Services De~artment fo:~
fina]. review and ap~roval. Th~ pra~,erty owner/develop~r shal.l de9icaL•e
elnd r~nstzuct the tr~ils (includ:ing trail access points, signage,
f.urni~lzings and other related Eeatures per City standards).
"~ 64. That. prior to a~proval of the first Einal tr~,ct or parcel map~ the
proper.ky owner/developer shall provide ari irrevocable ofP~r to dediaate
the approved park site. 7~he dedicatian offer shal~ alco provide that the
park :;i.~e Y~e graded f14t (:iess L•han 5~ slope) .
65. ~Phat when d~en~ed n~cessary by t_he Parks, Recreation and f;r~mmunit~~ SeLVices
Department, development of the City's park sitie shall begin and be
developed to City Parlc Department standards, subject to Park DeparCm~nt
approval and cons.i~tent witYi faci.lities provided for ol•her similar
neigh;~orhood parks within the City. Such improvement~ musi: include, btit
shall not b~ li.mited to, irrigation, landscaping (inc].uding turf, t:rees
and ground covers), ~aalkways, a children's play equipment area, restr.oom
ancl picnic ~impruv~nents. Pa~k D~apartment appcoval shall consist of the
f.oliowing: !a) approval c£• Landscape Architect and other consultants t~sed
to design the park anc] prepare the constructian c~ocuments; (b) app~oval of
Master Plan, schernatic plnn~, preliminary ~lans and Linal plans,
S~C~CLE1Cc~t7.OC1S~ cosr_ estimaL•es and other conslruction clocumenl•s; and, (c)
ap~r.oval oL- ,ii pro~~ct matecials and prc;ducts used in constructing the
park and the right oF inspecticn by City sta£f. Property onwet/developer
sha11 also provide c;ensultant(s} who pre~ared cons~ruction documents for
constru~tion observation to insiirP the project is consrructed as intc~ndecl.
66. 'PhaL- thE~ payr~ent oF in-licu Cees for additional park dedication obligat.ton
requirernent•s sh~ll. be made in acr.ordance w.ith City r.equiremenks and the
Subdivision Map Act when determined approp~iate by the Parks, Recrea~ion
and Cummun!ly Servic~s DeparL-menl..
67. ~Phat County trails sha11 he maintainea by the County or througl~~ a Speaial
Maintenance District or other financial mechanism acce~l-.able to artd
approved by the City, and shall b~ established at the expenae of the
praperty ownAr/devel.oper, prior Lo the approval oP the first final Lract
or. Parce.l ma~.
~: ,
68. That tt~e ~edicated park site shal.l be gr.aded fl~~t, with an average slope
af 1-1/2~ and no s.~.opes greater than 5B will be contained on the ~ite.
Variation L-rom these :~tandarc~s may be approvcd by tihe Parks, Recreation
and Cnm~nuriry Servires De~artmen~ based on grading, aesthetics, drainage
~nd th~ city•-a~proved Park Site Master P].an.
. ,. ; , '''~; Ir
69. ~Phal• the park dedication requirement shall be for. Lhe full 12-acce
requirem~n~ (based unon cur.rent ~apulation projections); however,
ad;justment5 may be made wit~h the first tentati.ve ~tact map submittals
should l~s ~ L•han L•he a~zticipated population in the d~-:velopment actually be
realized. Final s~.te accept~nce requires the approval of th~ DepGrtment
of Parks, Recr.eation & Community Services with the siibmi~tal oP the firs~
tentative tcar.~ map~
-14- P~87-104
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70. That a grading feasibil.ity study o£ the ~ark site must be submitted and
apE~roved by the DepartmE;nt of Parks, Recreation anc9 Community Services
and tl~e Enginr~erin
epZrtment to determine the average slope of the site
and insure th«t the graded ar
eas far the Uak Hills park and Puture
LVal.lace Ranat~ park dedication cari b
e provide~ consistEnt with Condition
iVo. G8. This g~ading feasibility study must b~
; provided with the Picst
tencative tract submitta.l. E~inal. gr~ding plans for th
~;;,; e park must be
apnroved by the Department of Parks, R~creatian ay~d Community Servic
Engi,neeririg Department and be ir. conformai;ce w~ith the
approved grading f.easibility study.
71.. T;~at the entire public park site shall be locatec~ east of the drainage
channel showrt bi
ng the oark on pr~vious proposals.
~ 72. Tk~at t!~e park site shall £rant on a re~idential streek Eor a minimum of
contiguous and lin~ar ~~~~e
73, 'Phal-. the property awner/r3eveloper sha11 jJOCIC with thF Fo4r Corners
Pipeline Company, the Wallac~ Ranch property owner/developer and the City
to dev~lop a feasibili~y study detailing the various alternatives
; availab].e for reloc:ating the pipeline within the Oak Hills and Wallac2
, Ranches. The feasibility study ~nust be approc~ed by khe Ci.ty prior to the
! submi~tal of lhe first tentative tr.acF inap.
74. That the p~rk site must ~resent a unifurm configuration ~ith no irregular
appendages. Z'he fina3. park site canf.~guratioc~s shaJ_i be subjecl- to the
a~proval oP the Parks, Recreation and Communit,y Services D~partment.
75. That the park site dedic~tion must cont~r~ue to mee~ the genera.l
conditions of the .local ~ark site cciteria.
7G. That th~e handicapped and ~edestrian accessibility musH be provi~3ed from
kne suk~div~sion improvements west oP the park site, subje~~t to kl~e
~•~aprova:l oE the De~artment of Parks, Recrcation ~nd Communil-y ServicEa
an~ the E~uilding Departme:it.
77. That ~he park ~levelopment must be completec] in one year £rom the issuance
oF the 1,051st huilding permit (based on an e:ati.mate of 21D0 uni.ts) or
the issuance af the £irsL- bui.lding permit for Par.cel 202 of Area ll,
wt~ichever comes Eirst.
7a. ~hat prior co ap~roval nF the first Fi.nal kCdCt or parce.l map, Ehe
property owner/de~eloper shall provide documentation, in a Eorm approved
by Lhe City att~,rney, oE acquisition c~.t eanements for any public facili~y
(including buL• nut limiLed to watEr, electrir.:~l, sewers, drainage) that
will be neces~ary to cro~s the I3ighlands property or Wallace Ranch, in
order to serve the R@EC~3 of the Uuk H~11s Ranch, as required by the Lity
Cnyi~eer and the PUI~Z:LC Ukilities Genera]. Managpr. Land or eas~ments
sha1.7. t~~ ~cquired and dedicated to the City at the s~le expense oi the
pro~pErty owner/develo~cr.
-~5- PC87-104
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79. That prior ta approval of each final parcel or tract map, the property
o~ti~~er/deve~oper shall provide gradinh, sew~r, waLer, stor.m drain and
street improvement plan~ for review and approval by the Pc~blic Utilities
Depart~nent- so ~hat Uti'lities' Faci.],i.t i~a 1~lans are coordina~ed with si~e
80. That prior to approval of the ~irs;: ~inaJ. tract cr parcel map to- anv
porL-ion oF subject property, t.}le propc~rty owner/d~veloper sha11 enter
into an agreemenL- witt~ tt~e Cit.y of Anaheim Libra.ry Depar.tment to pravide
the Oaic Hills ktanch proportionate st~are oP casts for provlsion of ~
libr~ry faci].ity to be 1~c~Lc:d on the Bauer. ~anch. Written proof oP said
agreement shall k~e Eurni~hed I:o the Planning DeparL•irent and shall b~
subject ~o :~ppr.oval by the Library D.irector and City Attorney's Office.
t31. Thar., prtor to appr.oval of t;h~ fi.rst Final tract or parcel map, the
pron`rty owner/developer sha13 enter into an agreemenL- with ti~e City of
_ y~~ahei_-~ Police Department to provide iks proportionake share of costs to
the City for proviszcn of an of.:-s~ite sat•el.lii:e poliae facility to ~erve
the easterly porL•ion o.E ~he City. Written proof of said agreement sha11
!~e furnish~d L-o ttie ~lanning Depart:ment~ and Police D~partmerit an~ shall
~ be subjecL- ~o a~proval b,y the Pol:ice Dep~lttm~nt and Cit.y Att~~ney's
~ Office.
82. That pClOr ta intruduction of the iirsi: or.dinance rezonin an
'' subject pro Prti, the 9 Y portion of
E~- Y, pcope:ky ~wner/developer sha11 provide the Planning
~ Departmenc with pra~f of a~oritten agreement between ~he Oak Hills Ranch
a and the Ota-:gc~ Unified Sahool Uistrict, agr.e~ing ~n ~he actual locatiun
and size of the elementary s~hool site as well as specifi~ tiiming oE
~ dedica-_ion, construction
, grading oF the sitE and any further obligations
~ benefil•ing tre ~rea ranch~s as to +~heir proportiona~e share of co~t for
; the school faci.lity. In addit.~.on, the agr~ement s}~all provide f.or tYie
' Oak I~ill~ Ranc:h prop~rti~n~te share in providing off-site elementary and
secondary school £acilities to meet rhe needs of Oak Hills Ranch.
83. ~Phat prior to approval oE each Final tract or parcel map, the pr~perty
owRer/~~evel~per shall sui~mit plans, inaluding sizing requi~ements Eor ch~:
sar.itary sewer systens within the tract parcel ~r bou:~daries, tor rFV~.ew
and appraval by the Cil•y EnginFer. The sew~r sysl•em for the
sh,all be funded, con~truc;t;ed and maintained ir~ accnrdance wipi:~~the
k'equirements of the City of Anaheim Engineer.i.ng Department.
f.%~~. '1'hak ~ri~r wo a~proval of the firyL• fir,al tracl ar
~:`~~a~ ~"~;, pha~iny, bondi~ig and deta~.ls of rt~P ~ Parcel map, the
•a~ter;r,i~:ec? ~ewer faciliti.~s shall be ~
by strF_:t conPxgurations, lot layouts, yravity flow and a ~
subsequent s~.wer ~tudy ~o be submitted to and a i
Engireer. pproved by L•he City ;;~
-16- ~
PC87-].04 - ~
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a5. That the property owner/develo~er of the ~ak Hi11s Ranch sh~ll be
financially responsibl~ for the following sanitary sewer-related items:
la) the acguisition of any required permits and environmental
assessn~ents; (b) the dnsign and construction of all loca'1 sewer line `:;I
extensions and related facilities as part ~f the impr.ovements for each
tract or parcel map, as appLoved by thz City Engineer.; (c) a Special
Maintenance District, or other Ei.nancial mechani:~m acceptable to anc~
approved by the City of Anaheim, Eor mainten,s~ce of the lift station and
force main which sr,all be establishf~d at 'he expense of the property
86. That prior to approt~al of ~he first final tract or parcel map, a
feasibiliL-y study of the properky owner./develo~er's propcse~ storm drain
concept shall be conducL-ed to address ~he er~sion, siltation,
sedime~~tation equilibrium and environmental cancerns, includir~g th~:
optimum level of high leve.l flo~v For sati.sfying both hydrology a~d
natural vegetation neecls w].thin Ehe dr.ainage basin. This study shall
also ~iddress these eEfec;ts on the propased pal:k sit~. In addition, fhp
study shall address the maintenancc co;;ts associatea with the
Eacil.ities. Said study shall be conducted by ~he Ci~y and funded by the
develr~per, The phasing of r_onstrucL-ion a~id iinal design, including
erosion aontro.l me~sures shall be in conformance with the F~r~dings of
said study. Saic3 study sh~~ll be approved by the CiL-y Engineer and
reviewed by th~ Direc~or. of Parks~ Rec:reation and Cr.mmur~ity Services,
CaliPo:nia Department of E'ish and Game and the Caunty Envirunmental
Managernent Ag~ncy. Furthermore, precise ali.ynm~nts of drainage
impr.ov~amen~s in the northzrn ~ortion of the major drainageway on-site
sha11 be located Lo pre~erve siynificant stands of oak tr.ees to thc
maximuir~ extent f.easible. The property ow~er/developer shall submit
results of. a rnap~ing survey oE oak trees in ~haL• area to the Parks,
RecrPatior. ~nd Community Services Departmen~, indicating which trees wi.~.l
be preserved, at the time the dr.ainage system plans a,:e eeviewed by the
City Engineer.
87. ~rhat priar to approva] of each final parcel or tcact• man, the praperty
c~wner/developer shal.l provicle sizing requiremen~s for stor.m drai.n systems
wiL•hiri the tr.act ur parcel bound~cies~ as reviewed and appcoved by the
City Fngineer.
88. That prior tu approval of ~he ~'inal grading plan for ~ny area having
int.ec£ace wiL-h the future Weir. Canyon Reg:tonal Park, the property
owner/c7eveloper sha:il submit t~ the City Engineer Eor his ap~roval a site
speciPic hydro.loy'v stud,y plan d~monsL•rnting that surPar,9 cunoff to the
park area wi?1 not increase as a rPSUlt of propo~ed on-site grading and
other development-r.e].ated drainage and urban r~.in-ofi effecr~.
~39. 'Chat tYie de:;ign anc3 instdllation of projeck drai.nzge facilities shall be
in accor.dance wxth the flaw criteria, de~ign star.oards and cpnsfruction
requicements oP the City of Anaheim ~nginper.ir,g Department.
90. That erosion contr~l m~asuces shali be .incorporated int~ the Fina1
grad,ng plans for the projea~ to minimize pai:ential increaaes in
short-term ervsion and sediment tr~nyport both on-site and downstream.
Such measures wi11 h~e provided i.n accordance with City requirements,
'"17' PC87-104
. . . . . . ~. A'~~
inclttding timely seeding of gr~ded sJ.o~~s and the use of ter.~porary
contral devices, e.g. sediment ~:rap;;, d~s_1tir~g basins, berms and
perimeter sandbagging.
~1• '1'hat the property owne,./developer qf the Oak Hills Raach sha11 be
financially responsible for the following il-ems• (~) ac'vancement oE
Eunds Eor and the construction oE the Master Plan drainaae faGiliti,es;
(b) the cons_.:uction of in-tract- a:,d local storm drain syst~m
improvements; (c) any permits and any subsequeni; environmental assessment
d~emeca ~ecessary by the Cit;~ of. Anahei;n.
92 • 7'hat bonding for the Masl-er PJ.an drainage facilities sha11 oe provided in
conjunction ~aith the various pha~es that ~ay k~e approved. Bonding for
in-tract improvements shall occur with i:ract approvals.
93. I'hat the phasing of in-tract drainagQ im~rov ents shall occut as Linal
tracL- mans are approve~ L-or a.ll developrnent a s,
9~. 'rhat local storm drains shall be constructed as part ~f the iinpravements `f
for each tracl;. ,.(
95. That prior ~;~ ~pproval of the first final tract cr i
maintenance dlstrict ur other funding mechariismPaacceptabl~a t~~cand i
apprav~d by the r_i~y sha.ll b~ eskablished at t-lie expense nf the pr.opE:rty
owner/developer for the maxntenanc~ o£ all open or natur.al channel storm ~
drain facilit•ies bot:h oa- a~d off-si.te necessitated by the ~3ak Hi11s ~
:~anch develapment . i.
96. That drainage oF subject ~:•~p~rty shall b~ dis.~osed oE in a mar~ner.
satisfactc~ry to L-he City Er~gineer. If, in the prenaration of ~he site,
su.~Ficient grading is r~quired to necessitate a gradiny permit, no
gradi.ng work shall be E~ermitted between October 15th and April 15th
unless a11 requ:red of.F-site drainage 'acilities have been installed and
are operative. ~ositive assurance sh~11 be provided i:o the City that
such drainage Eacilities will he ~:~mplete,' prior ~o Uctober ~.5th.
Neces~ary right-oP-way for off-site ~r.air;age faciliL-ies sha11 be
dedicated to I;he City, or the Ci+~y Council shall hava initiated
condemnation proceedings ther~[or (the ~~sts ot which shall be botne by
the proper.ky owner /develo~er) prior to the commencement of grading
o~erations. ~~he required dr~inage facilities shaJ.l b~ of a size and type
sufficient to parry runoEf ~~aters originaling from higher properties
through subject property to ultimate disposal s~s approved by the City
Engineer. Said drainage faciliHies sha11 b~ the firsh item o~
construction and shali be comnleted and be functional tk~roiighout the
l:ract or parcel and from the downstream boundary of the property to the
ultimate point of dispo~al prior to the issuarice of t.he ~irst final
building inspection or occupancy permit. To the extent the ~raperty
owner/developer may qualif.y Eor reimburse~nent Erom surrounding or other
benefited propert~es, he may petition t•he r~Ey Council for the
est~zhlishment f reimbursement ayreements or benek.it districts. Coshs
associated wif:h the estahlishment of an.y such district~ s:~al]. be at the
e~pens~ of r_ne proper~.y owner/developer.
~18~ PCS?-104
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~~ `!'ha~ prior to Approval of. e~~ch final parcc~.l or tract map, the property
ownec; develo~er shall subm.it a tina.l gra;3iny pi~-n prW~aced by ~ cfvil
enginei~r based on recom;nenaa~:ions o~ a:aoils enqineer and an engineecing
yeologi~t nubaequc~nt :o comp.letion af detailed soil~ an~3 geulogic
investigakions foc each subdi.vision mup area. Site••specific ge~te,;hnical
~L•udie~ shall ~rovid~~ ~p~~if~~ {~~,~~ible r.ecommendations for mitigation oP
.l~nd:~lid~~, sloE~e ~t~hilixati.on, liquefac;~i~n poten~iAl, soil3
enyineer.ir.g, anil apprnprlate drains and subdrains in each a.,:~. Gra~ing
~lans shall be apProved by the Ci.ty LnginPer and : ha11 be sub j~ct to a
gr.adtng pcrmtt: (a) ttiat greidiny operati.~ns in the vi.cinity of the ~ou~.
(:orners Pi~eline alignment (a4 shown in th~ Pub.lic t~ac.tli.ties Plan fnr
the Oak Hills Ranch Developmenl) shall include procecl~ar.es to ~nsure tyat
~~ipe.line operation is ~ot interrupted or jeopa-dized, These procec7urAs
~nay inc.lude avoiding f,.~ar.e.~ment oP Ei11 ~ver the ~ipeline, prov.iding
bri.dyii~g c~c supporC to th~ pipe, and provi,dinc~ temparary :~tabilizatinn un
~lanes as reyuired; (b) that grading ~,lar.:~ shall tnclud~ an erosion,
siltation, and duQt control pl.~n to be ap~~roved by the City Engineer.
Ttie plan shal.l include provisiors for measures such as imm~diate pXantin~
nE vegetation on a~~ exposA~3 slopes, te;nporary sedimentafion basins a.nd
3andbaqgi.ng, iE nec~ssary, and a waeerinq and :;ompaction ~rngram. The
plan sha.ll en~ur~ that~ cizscharge oE surface runoff frum the project
during construction activities ~hall not resu.lt in inere~sed ezos~.on of
siltation dor;nsL-rear~.
9t3. Thak any yrad:ng or aevelop~nent of the site shalt. conEorm to the general
r~~cor~mc~ndatic,n:~ presented in tt~e yeutec}~nical ~tudiea (Lownes Gecl.ogic
S~rvice:s, datNd 19d3; Geigr:~on and Associateti, date~ August 1986, And May
1.9f35 ) reEArred to in lsIR No. 28.1. S~ic~ recon,mendations shall iitclude
sPecificutions for site ~reparation, landslide rreatmen~, treatment of
c~~. and Eill, ,iope stahilir_y, :;oil:~ eng.ineecing, and surface and
sub~urfar~> drair~agc, anr] recommendah.ions f.or further. skudy.
9y• 2'liat in con;uncttor. with th~ submittal of each gradin~ plan, the pr~perty
owner.jd?vrloper ~hall provide infor.maticn showing thah ~h~ overall shape,
height and grade oE any cut and fil.l s.lope ~}~~11 be developed in
accoc-lance with City C~~uncil Policy No. 21I,
100. Th~t prior to ~~pproval oE ~he ftcst tentative tract ~~ parcel map, the
nroperty v~mer/d~veloper ~hall idc~ntffy thz l.ncatton of s.lopey ~d;}acent
f:~ roadwnys which provide acce~s to the Oak Ni L1:~ Rant:h
rcadway~ may t,e located iii ~he A'a].~ace j~anch or Highl.ands development)h
and furtt~Prmor~ shall, ~rior to aE~~,rova: uE r.he first Einal tra~t qr
~t~rcel rn,~~,, prov.idN Eor a zna.intenance rn~chani:s;n for. said rlo~es
accnpr_ablc L•u ~he r~iry Engineer.
10?. That Priuc ~o a,.proval or' each Pinal ~arcel or tract map, ~he pro~er~y
ount~c/develoner :;hall provir.i~ ~rodLny- ~twer, water, storm c~rain ~nd
r,kr~et im~r.ov~ment plan3 for r.eview ~~nd ap~r~,val by the public UtilitiPr~
ne~aremNnt uo r.ha~ Uti 1 ittes' FaciJ it ies E~.tan~ ar~ coorc3i.natNd Nf th ~it~e
d~v~lc~~smen~ .
1Q2. That the prc~pecty oca~~~~r/developer shall nave the Ei.nanr'.al r.e:~pnnsibil.ity
tor the in~tallation oE i~nderground rondui~, 3UI)a°I~IA:•. ~~t%s~ retaininq
walls an d L•or street: li~hting installattons on all ~treets, nub].i.c anr3
~rivah.e, at no co~l- ~o the City in ac~:acdance with th~~ City o£ AnshPim
Rates, Ru1es and Regulations,
1U3. That the pr~per~y c~wncr/develo~~er shall provide ~~nd conshr~:et fcr the
City all necessary L-eenches, backfill, con~ui!:s, manh~~l.es, vau;ts,
handhoJ.es ancl pul.l boxes per Cit,y o~ Anaheim Race3, Ru1es and
It~gu.lation3. The schec3u.ling t~nd funciing i'~~r the backbone system ~.~tility
cosl•.s shal.l be de~ermineci duriny the ~~reparaticn and prior. to improvement
pl.an(s) a~provals. The proE~erty owner/developer ~h,-a11 alsa advanr,e thi~
fee L•o i:he ~ity t~ complete the hackbone syste:m upen billing by r_he City.
104. That orior to Final tract or parcel map approval., the property
owner/d~veloper sha11 advance a non-re,fundable £ee for lots as dercrmined
by the Publir, Utilities Deparl•ment.
?05. 'that the elecrrical system and relate~ improvem~ants s}ia11 be in~talled as
dFvelopmenr. occurs. Bonding Cor the required elNCtrical faci.lities 3ha11
be provided in accordance with City codeN.
10G. That ~11 e.l~ctrical facilitie:~ sha.11 be lor•aLed within public streers and
ea~ements ciedicar_ed witti rhe recurd~tion of f.inal maps. 'Phe conduit
sysl-.em wil:h ass~~cial•ed concr.ete manholes ar~d vaults shall be inst~Ilecl
iiiidergrounc3t Switcrie:; and/or 4a~acitors sha11 b~ in me~~l cabinets
above-groun~3 moun;.ed on COf1rCAY.C' pads.
~.~Nf1Cl`AP : ~~f,
107. That in conjunction with ihe submiL•tal oE each graaing p.lan, the property
owner/dE:veioper shall pruvi.~~e .landscape ~1,ans apeciEying an Irrigation
t~fanagement Program fur the on-•site landN~~~ed acea3, ~aid plans to be
~-evicwed .1I1C3 ~~•pCUVn~ by the P.lar~n~ng Departmenr.. The ,ysh,em shall
e~iyure that ircigatior~ rrates do not excWed the infiltration ~f l~ca1
JOL~.J ~~nd that the a~~plicat~on of fe:tilizers ~nd peaticides does not
exce~d appcopriate l.eveis an~3 frequencies. The Irrigation Mana~ement
Progcam shall speciEy mett~ods [or. rr~onitocing the irrigation system, and
~hall be desiyned by an i.rcigatiu;~ engineer.
108. 2~hat pr.ior to a~proval nf ea~.h gcading plan, tk:e property owner/dsveloper
:~hull submit to the Planning Department E~r review and approval, a
7.dlld3r~lae and irri~.~ation plan prepared by a licensed landscap~ archLl:ect:
r.u intec~r~L-e and E~hase thF± in:;tallation of lan.9e,cA~ing with the proposed
qrading and con:~truction schedule. It sha~l provicie visual screening of
urt~=,n use3 (cF~sidentia.l, commercira~, ~chcol, ~+~ater tank) Eron! open s~ac~
ar.eas on- ~nd nE~-si.te. Fri<~r to occupancy ol• any structure, the
licen~ed landsca~~ arch.ttecc shall aer~ify Co thc City af Anahetm
Planning De~ar.t:ment that the .lands~a~inc~ ha3 been installed for the
individual ~Aveloprient arra in ~ccordance with the prepared plan. 'PhP
plan shall incl~ade heavy emahasis on droughr, resistan~ anc] fice :eGardant
vege~ar,ton a;~ci be in conEo~mance wi.th City requicement~ and st~naards.
-20- PC87-.104
lU~. That r.easonable landscap:ing, inclu~ifng irrigation Eact.lities, sha11 be
der=iqned, ~inanced ~nd insl•:a.llec] by `he praperty owner/developer in the
unaemen~ed ~ortions oP thc parkways ~].oc~g a~i.y arterial. higl-~way where
there i:~ an adjacent slo~e requ;ring mai.nrenance. ~~he respan~ibility tot
maint~nancc~ ot said landsca~in,y sha11 be Financed through a special
maintenance d.istr.ict or anoi:her Einancia:~ mechanism acce~table ~nd
apProved by the Cit;y c~f Anaheirn and sliall be e~tablished at the F;tpPnae
a,~. ~f ~h~ pcoperty ownEr/develor~er prior to the aporoval of l-he fir3t Einal.
cract csr parcel. map.
109. ~rhat prior to the first Einul trac~ or parcel map approva.l, the properl•y
uwner/devp~ope~c snall make provis;,an, acceptable to the City of Anahpim,
~ for ].andsr~F?in9 at~d maintenance af the :,lapes with.in a-?d/or ~rrya~~ed by
f the c~~~~velopment r.~f this ~ r.,perly.
> 1:10. That if landscape maintenance is r,o ~e Einanceci throu~~h a Ho;neowner's
As:sociation, w,iich rls~ociation h~a Ueen found te be acceptable to the
~ Cit.y oF Anaheim, thca Pro~erty c~ner/c~~veloper ~f subject pr.operty shall
s execuL•e an~] recor.d a covenant obJ.igating the [iomeowners Associatinn to
(1) maintain L•he landsca~ed portion of parkways of aay arterial strPet
parkways adjac~nt to Association irutnrained slopes and/or common area3,
and a11 uzedian islands insta.lled in conjiinction with said subdivi~ion
e:tr.ept those .located ~~ithin weir Canyo~ [toad; (2 ) ind~mni.fy and huld the
Ciryo uf. Anaheim harmless for damages resulting ~hereErom; and (3)
maintai.n liability i-isurance Eor said parkways a:~d median i~lands namin~
the City as an adaitional i~nsured. The form of said cov2nanr_ shall be
a~pcoved by the City Attorn~y's OCfice and sh~ll be recorded concurrently
w:ith ~h~ Pirst ~inal tract or par.r.sl map. The pr.o~erty owne:~developer
of each tract or ~arcel. shall improve and maintain the h reinabov~
dee,cribed parkw~ys and median islands, i,ncluda.n,y Frovidiny th~ nbove
s~zci£ied insurance, until such ti.me as the HomeowneKS As~ociatinn
becomes leyally obligaL•ed therefore as hereinab~>ve prov;.rled. The
pro~erty owner., deve.lopc~r shall ~.~o~t a bond i.n an amount and form
~atisfacl•ory to the City of Anaheim ro guar.antee performance o£ the
nronerty owner/developer's obligation~ herein described. ~v.tdenc~ of tlie
` cequired in~ur~~nce and bond sha1:L bc :;ub;nitted to and apprUVed by the
City Ar.tur.ney's OEEic~ prior to approv~l of r_he Eirst fin~l tract or
parcc' ma~.
' 11?. .'i't:at r ior to a
P pprovai oE the tinal graci.ir.g pl~n ad jacent to the Eu-~ure
' Weir. Canycn Regional oark bour~dary, the pro~erty c,wner/develnper shall
~ supmi~ a visual im~+act analysia to assist mitigation oP visual impacts
, Lhr.~4gh _efinements to fi.nal grading plan3 an~l s.iCe ~lans. The analysis
` ti~hall eyamine potnntial impacts t.o major viewpotnt~ o~E-site to be
identit-ied and prepared with the assi~tance of Orange C~unty GMA staEf
~ ,
anci shall be in accordance w.tth t.he Response r,o Commr.nts 5ectian of EIR
~ Nv. 241. 6ased on this ai:alysis, ~~cadiny plan:~ and site ~lans shall be
~ reCined to the greaL•e~t degrer.~ feasible !n order t~ re<ju~,e visual
+ intrusi.on from the arop~se~l Uak Hills rtanch developm~nt into the prupoaed
~` Weir Canyon Region~~l Paxk. The analy3is ~nd its recommendar.i.ons snall oe
i ~repared in cloae c~~operarion wit;h Uran~e Counky EMA st%~ff ~ho ~hall h~ve
-2.1- PCa 7-104
a minimum ~L twent;y one (21} days (Erart~ the 8ate af receipt) to review
and coR~m~~nt on th~ ana.lysi~ and its f.ind.inqs. The analysis and its
rPCOmmenda~ions shal]. ue approved by the CiL-y Gngineer and shall be
implPmer~ted in connection with commencemenh. o~' any development withi.n the
viewsl~e~d area, r^urther.more, gradi.ng wi11 emphasize scenic vi.stas c~nto
o~en space areas from all publi.c rigti~s-o£-w~zy, trails, and dev2loF~ment
parcels, and a m}.nirnum twenly (2U ) fOOr landscaped bui,.lding seLba~k shal.l
h~ maintained ~ro-n ihe to~, of. ail manuEactured slopes adjacenk to the
f.utur.e Weir C~~nyon Reyional ~ark bolllldaKy.
113. That prior to issuan;.e of Guilding permils, tye property owner/devel~~per
sha11 p:e4ent evidence satisfactQCy Lo the Chi ei F3uil.ding Znspector th~t
~~ach ~oction of the ~ropo~ed proje:t is in conformance with Council
Policy Numk~er 542 "Suund Attenuation in RPSidt~nttal .proj~cts" and with
Noi3e znsulation Standards ~~ec:.fied in the Ca.liL-orn:La Administrative
Code, ~ritle ?.5, exce~t when preservation oF ttie viewshed is i;tvo.lved.
' 1.14. 7~t~at cunstra~:tian activi~ias sha11 be 1i.mi.te~ to r~orma.l dayt•ime hours in
accordanc~ with the Citj~ of Anaheim Noise Ordinance. Consrcuction
equipment ~~ha11 be equiprc~d with efte~tive muPf.ling devi.;es t~ E~rther
reduce the proje~t's shurt-term constr.uctl.on noise eEfer.ts.
EPI~RG.`.' •:ON~:'ERVATi~)P~
115. Thal prior to issuance of building permi.ts, the properky owner/developer
shall confer wii:h the So~ithern Cali.fornia Ga~ Comoany and r.he City of
Anaheim Building Division during ~he building design pha3es fot.' th?
purposes nE inc.lu~ing f~irther. meth~ds oE energy cor~servafion to Li~e
e:ctent feasible.
116. ~I'hat a21 building construction shall comply with the ~.;a].ifor.nia Energy
Commission conservation requirements and tt,e sta~l3acds outlined under
Tii.le 2~~ of t}-e Calif<~rnia Administrativr_ Code.
117. That subdivision, architecturai anci 1ai~dscaFing desigri {~lans for the
project snall pcc~matP, to tl~e extAnt pASSi.b1e, oppor.tunities for
maximizing solar exposure, ::hading and nat:aral cooliny (~CP.Vailiny
breeze~), ~n~~ solac hot watex :1e~ting eithec direcr.iy with system
installaticn or indir~ct:ly with ~~rovisions Eor accom~ndating future
so~,tn wAS~rE ( xeE us~ )
I18. That ~rnject solid waute hai~c3.liny provisinns ~hall be in uccord~nce witk~
City cod~s for the screenin~ of trash recepl•acle ar.ea~ ar-d dCCC33 Eor
tr.arsh pi.ckup.
119. That the pro~erty c,wner/~ieve],oper shal: irn~lement regulac ground watering
and other Corms oE construction dust control in accordance with CLl•y
-22- PC47-104 '~
120. That a cerrif.ied paleontolonist shall be re~ained auting grading
operati.ons to provide a monitoring pc•ogram fUr bedrock gradiny
activities. I~ sufficient concentration^ o~ significant fossils arc
encountered during monitozing, ~alvag~ operations sha.ll ~e init,iated and
coocdinateu with lha prop~~rty owner/devel~pec and grading contrac~or as
determined a~prapriate by ~he consulting paleontologist. Should grading
of ~he sitN expose subsuri-ace archae~,logical rFm;-~ins, devElopment sha11
cease unt:ll a qualified ar.cha~ologist has been contac~ed anc~ a~propr:tate
mitigation measures are undertaken.
121. That ~~rioz to introduchion oE the fir.st ~rdinance re2uning any ~ortton a~
subject pcoPerty, the prooerty owner/developer shali. establi~h a
mechanism, acceptable to the City of Anaheim, ta ~~r.ovide on-qoit~~q
rnonitoring and ttansmittal to tlie City of Analieim of informaticn
concerning fiscal i.mpact oE' all. development, within r.he Oak Hi'11s Ranci~.
122. That prior to introductian of thc Eirst ordinance rc•~oning any portion of
subject r>ropr~r.ty, the property owner/d~velop2r ~hall s~abmit an al.ignment
plan For a Class 1 off-coad bikeway along Wcir Canyon Roed Por the revlew
and ap~roval of tne Orange CounLy Gnvironr~ental Ma.nage~;~enL- Ag~ncy (EMA)
and tt~e City T:affic Engineer. A copy o[ ~aid approved F~lan shal'1 then
be submitted L~ the Planning De~artment,
123. 'rha-: in conjunr,tion wi.th the subm~ttal oE the first sp~cific olan
incl~idiny any ~en*_ative tract or paccel map, the property owner/developer
shall provide the design of the propustcf l~kes sy~;.~m (as si~own in the
t~ublic raciliki~s Pl~n [or the Oak Hilis Ranch Uevelopment) for Plann.ing
Gummis3ion review and anproval. Said design ;~hall include enhancemen~3
oE the proj~ct's vi~ual environment, 2~hese enh~ncements sha'l1 incluc3e
~eatures associa~ed with the proE~osed us~ ~f the lakes as a biolUgical
habil•at, as well as oth~~c enha;icements whose purposes are purely visual.
124. That ~r.ior to the a~nro~~a.l of each grading ~lan, the Parks, Recreation
and Communi~y Services llepartment shall have the opport:unity to review an
oak tree/riparian preservati~~n ~rid management prngram which incorpor~te:
develop~nent cr.iteri~ r~ce~sacy to ma:cimize t.he prr~tection and
~reservation of on••site woodland resources within ungcaded area~
cantalniny r~aks (see ~nvironrncntal Impact Re~ort Nc~. 281).
125. That prior to constructian of thQ pro~oced lake system, the prapezty
owner/develaper sha17. submit regiilations and guidelines governing
~~roposed u:~e~ ~and activities in the lake ayQt~m (tor example, public
s.~Peky Eeatures such as gently slo~ing s.ides L•o prevent ~ntcy int~ d~ep
water Erom the lake°s ~erimeter) to the Planning Depart:ment.
~26. T~~at priur to submittal cf each speciEic p.lan including any tentative
tr ct or paccel map, placis shall be si.tbmitted t.o r.he Police and Fire
pepart~.ients L•or review and ~pproval for deEensii~le sp~~~e eanceNts and
9afpty feakures (i.e. access, vi~lbility, surveillance, etc.).
~~ , -~~. ,:.. -.~ ,t, ?~ti :
1 •~~i ,I+J~4~'v~~.'~' .
~ ;i(~
, ;~ •,~1
~ ,
127. Tha~ prior to the time that a bui.lding permit is issued, ~r prior to ~`~'
~ina7. tract or parcel map ap~coval, or within cj ~eriod ~f six (6) months
Erom thc~ date of this resolution, whicY,evEr occurs first, the property
owner/developer ~f subjECl• praperty shall execute and record a covenant
in a form approvc:d ay the City AttoLney wherein such property
owner/d~veloper agrees not ho contest the L-urmation of any assessmNnk
distcict which may hereafter be formed £or maintenanc;e or public service ~
~~: purposes, ~rhich distri~t could inc'lude the property owner/developEr's ,`'';
128. mha~: prior h.o the recarclation of rhe first final tcact or parcel map, th~
property ownex/developer shall fee-dedicate acre~ge as u1L-iniately
au~,roved for that area tc b~ annexed to the Wair Canyon Regional Park to
;, the County of Oranye for pe::manent op~n spa~e.
129. That a~l Speciai Mainte:~ance District;s or o~her ft~an cial mechanisms ~'~
ref~renc~d in previous condi~ians shall be establishec9 at L•he expense of
the properl;y own~~r/~ieveloper.
~ ].:i0. That thP property r~i,~ner/developer :.ha11 construat and dedicate to the
_'; CiZy of Anaheim all cable facilities necessa.ry to implement the City's
~ cable television nPtwork sy~tem. _.
131. That within sixty (6i7) days or final apProval of Lhe Planned Community
Zone Ly the C.i~y Council, the propnr~~~ owner/c]eveloper shall record a
~ovenant ayai.ns~ the entire property acknowiedging thlt khose conditions
of approval set forth lbove wr~~Cr, require aompleti,ori of certain tasks
prior to Eith~r submissi.on or approval oP the first lent ative or Einal
~arcel or tract rntlp are tied tn said maps for purposes oP carryi~g ouk
cumpletion of the purposes of khe ~7.anned Community Zon e and are not
n.ecessarily based upon t~he canterit• of said first map. The covenant sha11
Furthez provide th,t L-he pr.opecty owner/developer shall wa ive .f~r it:elf,
i.t~ succes.~ors a- ~ :signs, any oi~jecti.nn to im~osition of said
conr3itions upon tr: fi.rst tentative or Final parcel oc tract map
otl~er.wise ~ssertible based upon K~ermil•Eed conditions, exactions and fees
set Porl-h in the Subc,ivision Map Act.
132. That withi.n 30 day~ ~E hhe City Council'y action, the prop~rty owner/
developer shal~ provide the P7.anning De~ar.tment with tt~r~e cop~,e~ ot an
amendnd Planned Community Zone booklet and Pi,~blic Fa cilittes P1an
reflective oE th~ City Council's ackion. Upon review and app[oval ot tr~
amende@ documents hy the Plannirag DApartmeni:, 50 copies of each final
document shall be ~rovided by the pcoperty owner/deve loper ta the
Plann~ng Department.
133. That ~rior to introduction ct L•he first ordinance rezoning any ~portion o_°
su'uject Proper.ty, khe pror,erty owner/devel~per sha;.l pr~~•ide a Habitat
Repla;,ernent P. r~gram, approved by the Sr_ate ile~~artment of Fi:~h and Gamp
and in accordance with the Dr.aft F~tR No. 281 .:~nd Respor~se to CAmm~nts,
for review and approva.l by the Planning and Parks, Recreation and
Cnmmanity Secr.Cces Departmenks.
.,24- PC87-104
- i
. .. . i = :t,. ,. _. . ~~~~1(~ ..L:G~~tr rAlyti~~,~f~
134. That prior to appr.ova3 of the first sp~cific plan including any tentative
kract or parcel map for any portion of rhe subjeck property, the pr~per~y
owner/d~veloper sha17, canduct a feasibility study for relocation of the
Four Corners Pipeline to be reviewed and approved b~ the City and shall
lae at the expense of the proper~y ~waez•/dPVeloper. Fur~her,, costs
asaociat~d with the actual relocation of the pipeline, inr.liading any
nECessary easEments and/or permits assoc.iated therewith, sh~~ll be the
responsibil.i~y oF ttic property owner/developer.
BE IT FURTH~;R RESOLV~D Lhat the Anaheim City Plannin~ Cbmmission d~es
h~~~`~v find and determi~is that adoption af this Resalution is expresr,ly
~reclicated upon ~pp].icant's cornpliance witYi each and all ot Fhe condikions
hereinabov~ set forth. Should any ~uch condi~ion, or any part thereof, be
d~clared in~~alid or unenforceable ~,y tha final judgment of any court of
competent jurisdiction, then this Reso.lution, and any approvals herein
contained, shall be deemed nu.ll and voir~.
'PHf; EUREGO]:NC~ RL'SCLUT7.ON is sign~d and ~ppr~ved by me this 27th day of
Apr.il, 1.987.
~-', , /-~ ~` ~..
_.~,..- , ~~. ~:
~~ ~ ,-.,-
SBCRETAR ~~ ~~L1.s,~,~
I, Ed.ith L. E1t~rris, Lecretiaey oC the Anaheim City Planning
Cornmiss.ion, do hereby cerkify r.hat tne for~guir.3 resolution ~~+as pag:~ed and
adopL-ed aL• a meetin, oP the Ariai}ei.m r~ry Z~lanninu Com;nissian hHld or~ April 27,
.1987, by the following vote of the member~ thereof:
IN WTTNLSS WtiEREOF~, I have hF~reunto :~et my hand this 27th day of
April, 1987.
~ilit~t-Q ~