PC 87-109,r4,, RESOLUTION N0. PC87-109 A RGSOLUTION QE~ `i'H~ ANAHEIM CITY PGANNING COMIdISSION THAT PETITION FOR CON1)TTIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2911 B~ GRAN~rcn , ..ai;'1j~yjv r ~F WEiERF.AS, the Anaheim City P.lanning Commissi.on did receive a veritied Petii.ion Loz Conditional Use Pernit From HAROLD 13UTLER, H. S. FOOD SERVICES, INC., 19455 Cajalco ltoad, Perris, California 9237Q, owner an~ FIAROLD F. McGRATH, 23806 Cas;~andra Bay, Layuna Niguel, California 92677, agent for certain real pro~~eri:y situaled in the ra.ty of. P.naheim, Count:y of Orange, StatE of California, descrihed as: THF EAS'PERL1' 161 FEET UP THE WES7'ERLY 214 FEE2' OI' Tf.iL SOU'PHERLY 166 FEET C~F THE NOR`PHERLY 366 FEL"T OL' `1'HE NC1RT33WEST QUARTFR OF SECTION 7, TOWNS:IIP 4 SOUTH, RANGC 10 WL'S'1', ID] 'PIiE R?+NCHO LOS COXOTES, IN THE C'ITY OL' ANAHEZM, CUUNTY UE ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. WEiEREAS, the City Planniny Commission did hold a publi.c hEaring at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim en May 11, 1987, at :t:30 p.m., notir.e of said public hearing having been duly given as re~uired by J.aw and in accordance with the provisians of ti~e Anaheim t~lun:~ci~a]. Code, Chapter 16.03, to hear and consider evidence for and ~gaiz~st. aaid ~~roposed conditional use pern~it and to investiqate and make finding~ anc3 recommendations in c;onnection therewitli; and WH~.REAS, said Commission, ~~fL-er due inspection, investigaL•ion and s~udy made by itself. ar~d in its behalf, and aFter due corisider.ation o~ a11 evidence and ref~orts ofEered at said hearing, does Find ~ncl determine the f.ollowing facts: 1. Thai: the propo~ed u~e i^ properZy onc Pur which a conditional use permi.t is authorized by P.naheim Municipal Codz Section to wiL-; to permit on-sale beer arsd wine in an er.isting drive•-thruugh restaurant (Carmel's). 1 That. 2 the proposed use wil:l not advers~ly after.t ~he ad;oini.r,g ; , , land uses and the ;r~wth and dcvelopment o~ thP area in which it is propo~~d to be locat~d. ?, ; ' Thdt 3 the size and shape of the site prop osed ~or the use is ~ ~i . adequate to al].ow ~he Eull develo~~ment of lh e proposed use in a manner n~t „- ; <; de~r. imen*a1 to th e particu].ar arca rlor to the peac:e, healtr,, safety an , ' gener.al we].iare of thE Citizens oP 4he Ci~y of Anaheim: A.~' ,n'.~ ; ; ,,: ~ ~o ;'a ~ryar the 9 granting oi i:he Conditional Use Permit un~ez the , cor~ditinns impased, i. f any, wil.l n4t b~ de~rime i~~ e~`e~ health, ~ 5afety and g~n~r.al wel f~re cf the Citizen~ An heim of oP the Tl~~~-t. the 5 tr.affic qer~eral•ed by the pro~osed us~ will not impose an . unc~ue bucden upon the ~treets anc~ highway.c.1 dC'~~-C11gI1CC7 and improved to carry the traffic i.n the area. '~hat one 6 ~erson indicated his pres~nce at said public hearing in . opposition; and that no corresoondence was received in op~osition to the subject E~Eatition. PC@7-109 ?I23r , . , ,, ....,.....~ , , ~ ~ , . ~ .~- , ~, , F?NVIKONMENTAL I[~ACT E'TNDTNG: That the Anaheirn Ci~y }~lanriii~g Commissi.on has rPViewed th~ proposal to permit on-sale beer and winE~ in ~~n existing drive-Lhtough r~staura:~t un a rectangularly-shaped pzrcel uf laz~d consis~ing ~,f appr~ximately 0,61 acre~ having a frontage of appro~;i.mately 166 feet on th~ cast side o~ Magnolia Av~~nu~, being Iocated approximate].y 'l00 £~~et souCh o~ the centerline of L'a Palma Ave ue and further described as 1040 Nor;t~ MdgrlOli.a Avenue; and does hereby ap~cave thc Negative Ueclaration upon findin~~ that it has considered the Neg~tive Declaration together wi~h any camment;s receivr~d d~tring i~tle public review orucess and further fir}ding on the basis uf i:he ini.tial stu~~y and any comment~s rece.ived that ther.e is no subs~antia~ evi.dence that L-he project wi.ll have a yignific:arit effeck on the envi_c~7ment. NOW, THERCFORE, BE TT RESOI,VED that trie Anah~im City Pl:~nr.ing Cainmission does nereb,y ~7rant subject ;?eti,tion for Co~lditional Use Permit., upon the follo~ding condit~ons whicl~ are h~~:eby found to be a necessary prerequisite ~o the proNosed usE of the supjec~ ~~roperty i!~ ord~r to preserve the safety a.nd yeneral welfare of ttie Cii:i.LEns ~f the Ci.ty uf AnaPieim: 1. That the owner of subjPCt pr.cperky shall irrevocably offer to dedicate to the Ci.ty ot Anaheim an additio~~al strin oi J.and ~1ong Maynolia AvcnLe, m~asured southerly £ront the back-of--curLi ak tr-Q corner of the intersection at Magnolia an9 La Palma, and var.ying in width from 12 f.eet f.or the LirsL- 300 feet ;~nd L-hen transitioning fram J.2 feet fio 0 fe~t for the nexi: 300 fPet. I~i the event that Generai P].an Am~ndment No. 210 pertaining to Criticzl Intersections is not adopted by the City Council, this condition ~ha?.1 bE considered null. and void. 2, That the driv~ways sha.ll be reconstructzcl ~o ac:cammod~te ten (l0i foot rac7ius curb returr?s a~ requirc~d by the City 'PrafFic Engineer.. 3. ThaL trash stor-~ge areas stiall be provide~ and m~intained in accordance with approved plans on fi.le wiL•h thP ;;treet Maintena;~ce and sanitat~ian Divi.sion. 4. That a.l.l air conditioning facil~~ties and other ruof ar,d ground mountzd equipir,pnt sha.ll be prc~p~cly ~hielded from view, and the sound :~uf.ferPCi rrom adja<:enL• residentia7. ~rop~rties. 5. 'Phat the proposal shall comFly with all signing requ.irement~s of th~ CL Zone, unless a variance alZowinq sign waivers is z~~prove~~ by i;he Planiiing Commission or Ci~y Councii. 6. That a sir. (G)-foo~ hiqh masunry block wall sha].1 be m1~.nraineo' along the woui:h and east pru~~erry 1in~s. 7. That nn ~lcohol.ic beverag~s, except beer and wine shall b~ sold or consurned on tt-e premises o~ the subjec~ rest~urant. a. That beer and wine sha11 not be sold •ria L•he driva~-through ~~l.t1dOW. "Z- PC87-1C19 ,;: ~` ~ ;,~ ,';+;':- r!:!:ir .~ ;. ~ ri' ;': ; .'','~ ,:~ „i; ,;,. '~~; ',,, ~~'~s~ ~:'~ ;~,~ `;": ~ ,~ . ~,~, , i ..'o., °. ~Phat tt~e o~aner oF subject F~roperty ~hall submii:. ~i letter r.equesri.ng lerminatJ.on oE Cnn~itiuna.i Ur;e Per.mit No. 598 to th~ P1Anning ne~artmenE. lU. ~i'hat subj~ct ~ropecty sha11 b~ develo~eci :~ubstantiall.y in ~ccor~ance wi.th ~.lan~ and sptc.ifica~ion~ ou fil.c with the City ot Anaheim mArKed Gxhibit N~s. l. thr.ougi~ 4. j{ 11. That nrior to the commencemer,t oE the activity authocized undec thie K r.e~nlutiou, or within a peciod of one year. Er.om the datie oE khis resolution, whichever ocr.urs first, Cor-dition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 and 10, above•-mentioned, shall be complied with. :;xtenc~ionR fcr Eurther time to comnlere said conditiai~s may bE grantea in accordance with Section lE~ .03 .U90 of the An~,heim htur~icip~~? Code. DG IT ['URTH~R RESOL'JE~ t:hat the Anah~im City Plzinning Commi.s~ion doea nerzby Eind and deter.mine that ada~tion of t:his kesnlution is exptess'ly C~redicated upon applican~'a cum~lianca with Pach and a~l of the canditiona nexe.inabove set :ort.h. Shuuld any such condirions, or. any parr thereof, be declared invalid or nn~n~~~ceable by ~he final judgment of any court of COttlnn~cnL jur.isdiction, then this Resolution, ancl anr approval~ herein conhained, sr~all. be deemed null and voi.d. THc. F02CG0_TNG R[;SOLUTIO~i is ~igned and ar~proved by me thi:; 1. ~ t,i day of. Ma j, ! 9i~? . I ~f '' : ~ .~ ~ ~~ ~~'~/ ~y~~` /•j~ ~~~~~ / r.-~y~..~.rr..,~.{ ~~~. / ' ' '. A. , C'1~~,:r:tanN, AN-AHtiTM CITY PLA ~IP~G COMMIS~TON AT'PEST: ~~-~521.. SF:CRET.AftY., ANAHE*M CI'CY PLA N:NG CUM~4I5STOt7 STATE OF CALINUCtNIA ) C•J:1N'"Y 0~ ~RAN~~ ) ~s . CI'.I'Y ~1N AtVAHCI(4 ) `i:4W . ~ ', -~,_-~~ I, ~ditn L. Harri:3, Sacretar.y of the A.,ahei.m City Planniny Commis:sion, iio here~y cecCiEy that the foregofng resol~~tion was passed and adopted at a meetinq of the nnanPim City Planninc~ Co~nmi~siun held on May ll., .~ 19~7, by the follohinq vote oE tF~~ ;ne~nbers thereof: y AYFS: l'OMMISSLONF,RS: B~UAS, FR't, EiI:~.~ST, LAWICKI, MC 13URNEY, "r MESSF. ' 4~OE:S: ChMM,ISSiOWF.RS: N~:~E ~ ABSENT: COMMZS~I~N~KS: L,A CLATRF LN wITNESS WHEREOP, T h3VE' hnreunto snr ny t~an~3 tnis .tlth day oC Ma~, 19d7. ~~ . .~ v i SRritP.T11 . ~ ANAH[;iM ~~rmv vr.nr~Nit~G COMMYSSZON '3- PC87-109