PC 87-11.•-. - - ',w~ ;,;~,., Rr4p,*,~ i IUN NU. PC87-11 ~ A RESi)LU7'.[C:N OF.' ~r~tr' ANAHCLN C'L'PY P(,ANNIhC COMMISSION 'i'HAT Pr:'TT'CION YOR CUNDI'I'IdNAG USE PERMI`[' 'VO. '1.861 SE: GHAN'P~U, IN PRI2T WHL•'REAS, t:he Anahcim Cit.y Planni.ng Cammiss~on di.d receive u verifiQd F~~ti-:ion tor C~ndit:i.onal Uts~ Uerrni, £com HUGO A. VA7_~UE'L, 2240 We:3t: L~ncoln w~ Avenue, AnahCi~~, Cal.itornia 97.801, ownF~~, oE c.ert.~in real property sii.uaeed in t:tie Cit:y o[ Anah~im, Count:y O~ OCdR~n~ St:a1:c~ c~[ C'alifornia, ~3escribecl a,: [3EGINNlNG T.'P '1'1•1L NG COhNGft OE '.t'H~; W 1/2 UF TE~fi NE 1/4 OF 'I'[IE NE 1/4 ~)i' TFIE Nr 1/4 OE SEC.TION lf~ TO~JNSHIP 4S R l0 W Ih THE RANCHO LOS CQYO'1'ES, Itv TtiE CI'fY 0[` ANAEIEIM, COCJN'~'Y OF ORANCr, STATF O[' CAI,IFORNIA, PER MAP IN ROOK 5t PACG 10 OF Pt.h.; 2'HENCE S 0° J7' 3G" [: G6.U1'; ~'EiENCE S f3II° 58' 00" W 356.00' TO THE TRUE POINT OF F3EGINNING; TE!ENCE S 0° 07' 35" L 88,00"; 'rH~NCE N b8° SN' QO' E 16.00'; 'CfIL~1CL ~ Q° p'7' 36" .190,QJ'; '1':iE;NC.C S 88° S~' OQ" W 116.0~) °; '1'HFNCP. ~I ,^," u i' 3G" W 278 .OU' ; THENCG N 88° 5:2' OU" E iUU.00' TO 7`EiG TRUG E>OINT Q[' HEGTtdNINC. SAlD PAR~EL CONTAINING 30,~40 Oft 0.7~ A'~. WHLR~A:~, ~:h~~ City Pianning Cummis:~ion dicl hold a pub~ic. hearing at ~~'~e Civic Cen~:er in i.t~e~ Ciey of Anaheirn on J~nuar.y 5, 19a7, at. 1:30 p.m., noLice of said public h~aring havi~g bec_n duly yiven as required by law and .in accordance wi~L• r.he prc~vi~ions ~~£ rh~ Anaheim Municipal Code•, ~hapt:er 18.03, +:o hear and conr,ider P,~idence far and ayainst: ~:~3id proposed conditional use perm.it: and to invc~sr.igat:c~ and make tindiny~ ancl recommc~ndations i.n connect:on rt~erewirh; ~aid pub~ic he~~ring h~~ving ~~~~n continu~d to t:he reqularly-s~~h~~~iu.led meeting of Jan~~ary 19, 19B%, an:i WH~.REAS, said Comrt~ission, afr.er. raue intiE~ec+:i~n, inve~%igar,lo~ and r,r.udy marle t~y i~:sc~lf and i.n its behaAf, and af~.er due considetatlon of all evidence anc: repori ~ of[ered ar. ,aid 'nea-ing, d~es find and determine the fn:lowin~~ Cact.s: i. Tha~ -.lze pr~po:;ed u:~~ ~.; pr.opec~~+ one for whicti .~ conditional ~.~se ~:cr~i.r. is au~:hor. izF_.d by Anah~irn Mnni::ipaJ. Cor3e Secl:ton 18.44.OSQ.150 t.u w;s ,~.~ E;~~rmii a 7;-unit. m~~~.el wt~.t~ F.hr, fc~llowin~ wa.iver.a: (~~t) SE:C'PION 18.44.OG3.OA0 - MINIMUt4 STR~IC'1'7PAt, SE'CIIr~CR. (b} :iEC'PION 18.i4.0fi6.U33 - REQJIRED SCREENIFiG UP PARRING __.._ ._AREA~. - 2. T~.a-: r<:qu~:;~ ~~~i Wr~ivec~~ aer.e deletecl b;• r.h~~ subr~itr:al nf r.evi^ton plann, ~ubzequ~,r:', i o 1~~c3al ~dver~.isrm~~n~.. "s. T~~~t. !hc proE>o:s•.~:1 u::f~, a:, grant.e.:~, will r.or. adversely aEfec;t t:hc a~Jjoiniii~~ 111t1d use:; an~ rhe arowr.h a~~d !ievr•.lo~men~. of. r.hc atea in wt-tch ir i~ propc~oed ~_o t~e l.~car.e~3. ~i. Th~~-: ~.he :si2e and :~hape r~f. ~.he :~it:~ pCOposed f.o~ ~:he u~e, as qr~nr.~~], is adequar_e t.o al.low c.hr Eul.l dev~l.opm~~nt, oE r.he propo:sed u;~e !n ~ m-~nne no~. det.rim~nr,~1 ~:~ the pacr.icular ~icc~~ nor r_o r.he ~aeacc~, hr~lth, saEety and ga_neral welf~re of ~,hc Citizena of ~:he Ciry ~(~ A~,3h~:r;. , ~ i0l,9r PC87-11 Y ~',rr.~:;+.•.n~.., . .... .. .. . . . .. . . _ . -;~. ,^~, .""~ 5. 'Pha~: -.h~ gr:ant.inc~ of i~.l~e Co.~ditional Uye Permir_ ~~ncies t:l~e conr~it.i.~ns impo:~ed, if. ariy, wi.ll n~c: l~e det:ri.Taent:al t:o t:he peace, hea.lth, safe~~.,y and caener~~1 welLae ~ of r,1~~ Ci~.iz~an:, oL ~:he Ci~y of. A~~ai~~eim. n. 'I'h~it. t:h~ r.raELic~ aenerat:ed by t.he proE~o9~d usc will no~: imF~se an undue burden uFon t:he s~--ceet.;; and ;~ighw~yn c:eaigned and iuior~ved to earry Cl~e `rattic .in t.he r,rea. 7. Thar one E~ersan indica~:ed her ~c ~sencP a'. t.he .Tanuary 5, I9E37, ~ublic hFari.ng; tha~: no one i.ndicat:ed -:heir presence in opposition at the ,January 19, 1997, public hearin<~; an~3 i:hai: r~o ~;orresk~or,der~ce was received fn oppo~it:ion ro ~:he sub3ect: peri.tion. LtdVIRONMEN°,"AC, IMPAC'C,_ r:tc~n~.r~c: Tha~. t:he Anaheim Cit:y Planning Comrnission has revtewed r.1ie proposa: ~.c petmi.t a'15-unit mote.l with waivers of ininimUm strrctural setback (de.leted) and r.~~vuired screening of packing areas (deleted? on ~i rectangularl.y-shaper3 parc~J. of .land consi~ting of approximately (f.3 acres, having a Eront:ag2 of 3p~roxima~:ely ].26 Eeer. an r.he south side of Lincoln Avenue, ar1C. further. c3Asc~ibr:cl as 2244 West: Linc~ln Av~nue; and do~s h~r.eby a~~prove the Negative Dec:acar.ion upon '.he tindiny r.hat ir ha~ c•on:;icle:red ~.he Negat:ive Decl~~clt;on toyerher wit:h Uny commen+:s received dur.ing i.tie public reviea ~~rnce:;s and Lurr.her Einding on t:he na~i~ of +~he inicial st_udy and any comrt~enrs r~ceivF~d ~.har. s.hr~re i~ no sub~r.ar~t: ial. eviden:;e that L•he projr~c~: wi.ll have a significant r.ffecr c~n ~ he envirnnmen~. NOW, THERF:ECRE, tiE IT RESOLVCU t~hat khe Anrihaim CiLy Planning Commiasian does hereby yranf subject: Pel:it-xon tor CundiCio~nal Use PeCmit, IN PART, ~pon i.he ~~llow~m; r.c~nditions which -~ce nerek,y found t:o be a necessary prc~rec~~~isit.e ~:o -:hE~ propose~3 ~~sa c~f. t:he sub;~~cr. propert~y in order t:o pre~eyui~it:e r.o t.he prupo~Nd use of ~_he .~l:I)]ECt jJL'UpnCl'y ir~ or.der to pr~ser~ie the safe~:y and gen~~al weltare c>f t.r,~> Cit:izens of t:he Ciry of. Anaheim: 1. Thar. r,f~e owner ot• :3ubj~cr propc~~~:y shall E~ay i:o t:he City of I+nahetm a fe~ Ecr t.r.e~ ~;anr.ing purpeses ~lany •~incoln Avr~nue in an amount:. as ~~_t:ecmi~~e;3 by r:hc: Ci~.y Counci.l. 2. Th.~~: prior -:o is:~uancr~ of a t,ui~ding pernii., ~:hc ctppr.o4~riarc i.raEEic styn~I asses:;m:~nr. Lf~e :;hall b~ paid ~:o r,h~~ Ci~.y aE nnah~•im i.n an air,oun~. 7:~ ~ererminer~ by ~ I~e Ci~ y Cauncil. 3. ~iat a.ll engineering cec3uicemen~ s of r.he Cit:y oE Anahei~n along .i.~;:oln Avenuc, inclu9inu prepara+.ion of Lmprovement pla~s and insrallation cE all imncovetnent.s ;;ur_h as curbs and gult:ers, sidewa.lks, w~Cer. f:ari.lih.ies, s!:~ect. grading artd ~avement., sewer and draina~e facillties, or r~t:h~c app~~rr_~nant: wurk shall L^e cumpliPd wi~.h as rc~quired t~y thf~ City Fn~3i.neec an~3 in aacnrd.~nce with :~peciCica~_ion~ ~~n file in ~.he Otf.ice oF r.he ~it:y ~ngineer; •:~nd that ,ecurity in ~:hn [orm of a bonc9, cerl:iEicar~ of depouit:, lerrec ~~f crec~it, or ca ~h, in an ~imo~in~: and furm sat i3t~rr.ocy to rhe Ciry ot t,nah~im, snall b~ ~v:ar.~d wi~.n the Cit y t.o guar.+anr.e~~ rhn, ~ar.i~Cac~:c[y complntian oE :,aid im~rovemen~.s. Said SE~r;~Klcy 3hai1 be pusr.ed with ~:he rti.y p~ioc ~~o appr.oval oE i~nE~cuv~menk ~alan3, r.o guacan~ee r.hc fn.,t.a11:.~~:ior. nf t.he <abov~-:e~~utr.~ad i.mpruvem~nt~ prfor t.o oc.:~pancy. -2- PC87-11 <<-~.~ ~~ t~; ..Ye ~ ~ ; ( ~ .,~"'y ~ ` ~~ 4. 't'ha1: a11 drivew~ays sh~~ll be cr~ns~.r.ucted or rpcon~hruct:ed t~ accammo~lal:e ten ( 10 ) f.oot. radius cucb rc:r.ur.n3 a5 requl.red ~ y t:h~ , Cii~y :craCEic ~;nginF~er. , 5. Th:~i_ dr~inage c~f. subject. pru~ert:y ~ha11 be disposed oE in a manner. saf:isEacr.ory t.o the Ci+.y E?ngineer. G. ,, That: snbjec~. ~ro~e;t:y ;;h~li be served by undergrounc~ utilities. x., 7. T.ha~: ~rior t:o comm~nr.ement of st:ruci.urs'l Lr.aminc~, fire hydrants :~ha.ll be i.rsr.all~ci and chatged as reqnir~d and determined ~o be necessar.y by -:he ChieE ut r:he Eire Depart:ment. 8. TP~at~. trash storage are:as shall be provi.ded and maint:a.ined in ~ accordance wi~:h approved plan, on =i.le wi~~.h ~he Stree~~ Maintenanc.e i' and ~~nit~.ation Divi~ion. 9. Th~t in t:he event~ ,ubject: property is ko be dzvide3 f.or -.he ~urposF of sal~, leasa, or Einanciny, a p~ccel ma~ t.o recnrd the approved d.ivision of subjeck propect_y sh~iil be submi"t:~~d t.o and anproved k:y r ~-he Ci~:y of Anaheirn and r_h~n bc recorded tn I:t~e OfEice oE the Orange i Coun-:y Recorder. 4 1~. That a ceciprocal accass and I~arking agreement, in a P~rm aar_isE~7c-:ory t:o rhe City Atr.ornay, shall be recarded wi~_h t:h~ OfFice of ~:he Oranye County lt~corder. A coE~y o~ t~f:e cecorded agreement sha.ll +_hen be subrnir.t-ad +:o rhe Planning Departmen+:. 11. ~Pha~-. subjecr. property shall b~ dev~•`oped ~u~stantial.ly in accarda~ce wi~-.h plans and ~necitLc~t_i.~ns on L-ile wirt~ t:he City of Anahefm markr:d R~vision No. 1 af ~xnibir_ Nus. 1 and 2; provided, how~ver, r.har. kitchen ePEiciency iani~.s inay t~e inst.alled in no m~re th~n 1:we~1Ly-~iv~ percenr. (25~) oE t:he motel un.tts, w~ ~-h a maximum of f>-cubi.c Loor. zaLr.i.yer.ator.s, r.wa-burner srove~i excluding oven and bakiny Eaci].iti~:s, and sinyl~ comr~<ir'~menr. sinlcs, except that t:he m~~nager's unit: is permit:k.ed ~:o hav~~ Fvll kt{_caen faciiities. 12. Tha~: ~cior i_~ khe commencemen~- of ~:he a~t:ivit:y aut.hocized under this rer,olur.ion, or prioc i.o a.~~uar,ce oE c~ building permit~ or withfn a ~~ecic,d ~E one year. crom t.he dar.~ oE ~:his re:~olution, whiehever occ~~r~ fi~sr_, Condi.r.ion Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 10, above-men-:ioned, shal.l be cumplied wl~-.h. Ext:ensions for Euri_her ;:ime r.o :~omolete 3aid ' conc3it:ions may be gr.ant:ed ir- ac~ordar.ce wikh Secf-.ion 10.03.09U of ~.he Anah~im MuniciE~al Code. ~ 13. lha-: pri~r ko Cinal b~iL9in.3 anr.~ L~ning ins~ecr.ions, Condi.tion No3. 4, ~, 6, a~~nd 11, above-mE~ntioned. sha11 be compli~c~ wir.h. Bf i: FU7'PtiER RF;SOLVL•'n ~:har. t.he Anaheim Cft.y Planni.ng Commissi~n doen hereby Eind ~nd det:erm:ne r;har, adopt~.ton oE rr~xg ite3olur.ion is expr~s3ly predic:~~t:ed upon ao~lfcanf's com~liance wit:h ~ach and al:l oC t:he condi~.ir~ns ~ herein~above set. forth. S-ioulc3 any s~.ch eon~ir i~n, oc any parf thereof, be declared invalid or, i;n~~n[orceable by the final judg~nenr_ c~f any court ~f cumper.ent: ;~uri~dict:ion, r,hen th±~ Etesolur_ion, and any a~provals he[Ein `~ cont.ained, uhall be deem~~d null and void. ,ti ,~ , '~" PC37-11 ~ T~ 1~~i~i~. ~1:.' . .. . . . ~ . . .. . ., . . ~~~t'Y5A'..~1~ '~ ~..:~I I ~ ... . . `:. .i '~ .. ~ . . . ., ~ .~ + `~~ ,,"'y ~+;J . w°~~ ~ }.1~?; ~ .~ ~ ~ . . ' • , . . . . ~i.,i:~ ~ ,r~ i~l c ' Sq'r~ 7 . •.n<~'.~~ ~ .. . . . r'; THE [~'ORE;GOING RE50LUTION i.s nign~d ~and approvad by me this 19t.h day ,; y'; o£ Jr~nuary, 1987. ,~ .~ , ~~ ~'' .. ~ G-/.~.~ •. , ~ .,,~::... ~ i . ~ ~~ i ,% ~ CNAJRMAH, A~ ~IM CT'PY PL .ING CUMMISSION ;; ATTc,ST: ~ ::5;: ~ ', ;'' ~ fvtl~J ~~~, ~~ ' s~•~ S[:CRETAR , ANAFiEI~I CI:TY Yf~ NyTNG COMM7'SSTON S`rATL" OE CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF Ok2AN^vG ) ss. C72'Y OE ANAH~:[M ) I, ~ditt; L. Ilacris, Secrec:zry of t.he Anaheim Ci~y Planntiig Commission, cio ner~by certiiy rha;: r_he fore~~oing re~olution was passed and ad~pt:ed at: ~ r~eeting of ~he Anahzim City plann:inr, Commission }~~eld an Janua[y 19, ].9Q7, by i:he fol.lowing vot:e of s~`~e members ~he~eoE: AY~;S: COMMTSSIONERS: BO'IAS, _ Y, HGRH:,'C, ~..,': CLA.ih:~., t,~~[~JICKT t4C' BURNEX, MESSF tJOES; CUMMISSiUNEI2S: P70N~ ADSFNT: COMMTSSIONP:R~: A;ON~~ IN WI"PNESS WHF,RGOE, I havc:~ hereunto f~et: my h~nd t:his 19t.h day o£ .7anuary, 1987. ~ -.-f~2L~K.d.'~' .!.~ .. SL•'CRGTA~tY, ANAHEIM C!'PY ULANL`JING COMNISSTUN o.• -4- PC87-11 '~ 1, J'J ... ~ r.:.,. ..... , w- . _ ~ 'i ~ ~ "[ . , . .~, r ..~J._-.......... , .. - . - _ ' . . ... . , .. . ~ .~'.:.~.4: