PC 87-12.... . ... ,_. _. , . ,. .; ... ; ~ ~ ,. .... . ... ,,. . . . . ... . , . . , . .. r i }~,'~y7~,°:~~. tii~~4, + ~ ';'r 1.~~ ~~r.k, i,; {.~!., . ``. ~ H~so;,o'PION No, eca~-12 , A ftESULUTION OP T~iE. ADIAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG CUMt4ISSI0N THAT PE'P:[TION FOR 12ECLAS;;IFICA'.PION N0. 86-67..2p gE G:.Ai;TED W~IEREAS, r_he Anaheim City P~~n~~iny Commissian did reeei.ve a verified petit:i.on for EteclassiEicari~i~ Erom UR. WILLIAM ROEE22SON, '?7~5 WeSr Da11 P.oad, ; An~heim, CaSifornia 9:'.805, o~mer and HUGO A. VAS UF?, ~ Avenue. Anaheitn, C~Iifornia 42tiU5, ager~t: for cet t:a.ir. ~real ~ ~ro~ eo t W~~ ~ Li ncoln ~.he Ci1.Y ot Anah~im, Couni-.y of Oran P ~ P Y~ltu~ted in follows: S-. State of Cal.ifornia, desr.ribed a~ DEGINNTNG ~ 89° 21 ~ 55" OE' TN'PERSEC'PION ;?F E ° nALE ST. & DAL~ ROAD. TH ^VCE 'I`RUE POIN'P 2.1~1 .91 : ~rHLNCr OP 8L•'G7NNIN~ N 0° 26 ~ 4.1" w 53.00 ~ c TO N ~~tIF `CHF~iCE N 0° ; TEtE 26' :1" W 312 OU' Ptrg N '1'H 89° 21' S5" G .150. ,; 00 Tfl'r',[VCE 5 p° . ; 28' 17" ~ 175 Op ~ F.NCE TH •' g 39' Zx' ~ ~ , 3 ' . (d 0° . ; ?.6' 4.1" W 3~ 00' L NCB ' N 89° 2J.' 55' E 90. 05'; 0 ~HENC;~ S 0 ' . : 26 91 r; 171 0 itiaNCE 0 ' ' '' I1 Sg° 21' S5" E • ~ ~ . I3F,GINNIyG. CON'.('AINItvU 73f33$ S~ 1 0 1' T!1 G TRUL POINT OF THF . T. 7R 1.69!~; F(;. FIHCREAS, r.he City ?lanning Cu;nrn~ssion did h~7.d a public ttearing at the Civic CentGr in the ~it:y of Ar~aheim on ~~anuar 19 1987 at 1:30 nr~t:ice r~[ sai~ public hearing !-,uviny been duly yiv~nyas required z~y la~d a~dm~.n accord~ncc wit:h i-he pc•r~visions o[ rhe Anaheim Municipal Code. Chu~ter 18.03, r~ h~~~ anc] consider ~~~.•idance for and againsk sa.id ~ropused reclassi.ficaL•ion and ro invest:igate and rnake finding: ar~d recommenda~ic~s in connecti.~n ~.herewith; ~~~ i~tiERCAS, said Commi,sion, ,~f~ur duc .fns~N~llon, invastigation and sl.ua}- mad~~ by irself and in i.L-y behalf, ~,n,9 af~er r)u~ consideratxon of all evidence and report:s ofterad at. ~~,o hearing, does F.ind ~r;d det:•r.rmine r_he followin7 Eact:s; ].. That: r.he pe~.ztior.er propose:; r.eclasstfic~at:inn of from CL (Commercial, Limirr~ri) and RS-A-43 00~ t,~ ''~l~j~~l property Zones r:o -:he RM-120Q (R~~si.ci~±n~_ial, Mult:.~plp_~.'~mi~y) ~R~~edenlial, Agricultural, 2• Thar. the Arl~hf~lm Genera.l Plan dc!siq~ar.P;; subjcct ~ropert:y Eor -aediurn der.si~~.y resicienr.ial land usr~s, 3. Th~ir, r.he prr,po,~~ r.ec;Ius~ifica+~ian oF subjecr, property fs necessary and/or d4sira~l~ kur i.tte ~~ruer.Iy ~ind oro~er develo~mcr,t oF r.he communiky, 4. ~1'hat i•he prup~:;ed reclassf.ficat:ion ot subjPCt proper~~y doe~ ~roper, ly r, elar,~ r:o t.ne aones and th~ir oerm; t. t:<rd ~i<,~~ close pr.o~simity +:o suta'ec+. , 1°ca11.Y ?crablished .in ] properr.,~ an.~ ~:o t:t,e zones anri r.h~a.ir permit:reC~ us~s genera.lly es~abl~shed throughc~~~r '_he crnnmuniry. 5. Thar. r:h~ propoQ,n.~ r~cla.^,sifi.cation of ~aubj~ci. ~.,ra~erty ;~q~ire~ ~:he dedica~~~n ;.nd improvement: of abur.t.ti~g sr~;~et;; .in acr,ordu:tce wir.h r.he Circu.lat:i~r: r;Iemenr.. •~g i:he Gencar.al Flan, uur -;.~ the dnticip~~r~:~3 i~ncrras~ in tratEic which wi.iJ i;re g~nerr~~:e~ bY r'"c intc:nsificat.:ion UE l~nci u~n. 1021t PCE37-12 ~, A~si~ixt,,;~; ~.r„ _ ; :. , •t:..: . , c :- . .. . , _ . . ~ , , . _ . . ~ ~' '. ~ f47~.4 r'~t f`{K ~ . ~~'~~~~ . ~,il +F, , , •s'~ , ~;,,. .j ;~ ,, i 6. 'Ptial: no one i,nclicat.ed Lheir ~r.esenc~ oppusir:.ion; c~nd r.hat no c~rr.espondence w~~s r.eceiveda`in~ o~ ~ublic hearing in 4~e~:ition, pp~~i _lon ~:o SUD~@C1: EN~'IRONM~NTAL TMPACT F2NUING: Cummission has rAviewpd r.h~ That i-he Anaheim CitY Planning pro~osal t.o reclassify subjecr. pr~pe~~y frorr rhe ,;., CL (Commercial~ Limi~ed) and P.S-A-43,000 (Res.idenria~, Agricult:ural) Zones t:o '"° t=he NM~1200 (Resident_ial, Multip.le-Fam.ily) Zone t:o consr.ruct: a 3_StQry~ 72-un~t "aftordable" a~artment; con~plex under authorit.y of Si:at:e Gov~r;,ment ~o~~ Seclion Na. G5915, with wai~ers of minimum buil~ing site area p~r dwel.ling un.it., matimum :zt:ruct:ural heighi., masimu-r, site c~verage and minimum str.uckusal serback on an :trregular.ly-shaped parcel oF land cunai.sting of 3ppruxi~nat.el.y 1.59 acres l~cal-.ed nort:h arid east: of t:he nurtheast corner c~f B<~11 Road ~Znd llale Avenue, und furt.h~r. described ~~ i775, 27E35 ;~est t~a11 Roaci anci 910, 920 5outh llale Av~nuc; and does heCeby ap~~rove the Negative Declaration ~pon findinc~ t:haL- i.i: ha~ c~nsidexa~d the Negative Declaration ~~ i.ogether wit=h any comments received during the furth~r fir.ding c,n i:he basis oE r.he iniLial s~udy P~bal a;~y Pconn~en y~ received th~t: i:~,~t•~ is no subslan+:ial evidence +--i3t the project_ will have a sigr~iEican~ z1'~ei=~: ~n t=he environment:. NOW, TFfEREFOi~.~:, (3E r~r RESOLVED rhaL• t:h~ Anaheim CiL•y plaMing C~mmission does her~by grant subject: petition [or Rec].assif.icat~i.on and, by ~~ daing, +-hat 'rir_1e 1~_Zoning oE t:h~ Anahefm Munic:lpal Ccde be amPnded to excl~ide the ~bov~-ciescr. ib~d propert.:y troin the CL RS-A-•43,000 (Rcsident:ial, Ayricultur.a.l) ZO11e,~ ~~~aommorciancorporat~a' S~~,a d~scribed prop~ari:y in+:o the Rht-1'Z00 (Residential, t4ul~iple-Family) ?,one upon rF~e fnilowing condi.t:ions which are hercby found t:o pe a nFCe.,sary prereguisite to 1-he propo;e:l use ~f subject: pz~p~rty ,in order. t:o geneca.l welLare oL- t:he Cit izens of r..~~~ Cit ~ ~r~gerve kh~ ~;afnL•y ~;~~ ~ of Anaheim: 1. 'Phat:. tt,e own~r nI sub-jec~: propert:y uha11 ir.revocab].y ocEer to ~~edicae~ t.o rhe Cit:y ~t' Anaheim a srrip oP land 53 L~et in w.idth .from t:he cent:er.l.ine c~E the st:~eet ~l~~ng Ball fiuad and 45 F~~k in widt.h f.~-om '.n~ cent:arZine uf 1:he st:;•tee a],ong pale Avenue for street widenin9 purposes. 2. 'Phat all engineering requ~remenr_; pg f-.hr: Cit:y Q~ An~heS,m ~1ong Ball Rc~~d, i.ncluc~ing preparakion of imJrtovement: plans and insi~.dllation of z-11 improvement:s such as curb:a and gur_i.~~rs, sidewalks, water EdC111L'.ipg~ St_,;eei, yr~~ln~ ~~c Pavement, sewer an~i drain~ge faciliti~s, or ot:her. ap~urtenant. work sha11 b~ requirad by t:he Cit g~ , complipd ~rith as on Cile in the Offi e ofgthe`Citn~Enr1xnp~ordancA wit:h specif:ications torm of a bond c~~ t.' Y 9~ , ar,d ~:r~at seaurity in r.he , r Lficake of de~osit, 1ett:er of crPdit, or ca~h, in ar. amounL• and form sat:i~facr_orY t:o khc Ciry of Anaheim, shall he pos~~.eJ wir.h i:he Cit.y ro guaranrPe r.}~~ sa~~~fact:ory c.omple~ion of ~aid impr.ov~mec~t3. Said securi~.y shall bN p~st:ed wit.h t:he Ci.ty pxior hn int:r~~uct:ion oE an ordi.nance r.ezoning subject propert:v, ~o gu:~c•antee =~~ inst•.a.llar,ion a[ i:he Ubov~-required im~rovemenks prior !:o ~~cc;tpancy. •2- PCd7-12 i~~~ 3. ~~ ~ 7'ha~ ~t:reet: lighting Ea~.il.ities along Ba11 Ro~cl and DAle Avenue shall be install~d as required by the Utili~ie~ Genera.l ~tanager. in accordance wi~h specificariocis on file in t:he Of£ice of Ufili~ies Gener~l Manager, and r_hat ~ecurity in t.he Forrn cE a bond, cerl:ificate ~f deposit~, lett~c ot credit, or cash, in an amount and Porm sat:isfactorv t;p the Ci.t:y oE Anaheim, sha.ll be posl•.ed wi~h the City to guarant:ee t.h~ sa-:isFactory completi~n o[ the above-menCioned impeovement:s, Said securiL-y st~al.l k,c posted with I:he City of Anal~eim prior to a~~roval af' improveme7t plans . The aUove-r.equir~d impravemen+:s a1~a11 b~ ir-st:al.led prior i:o occupancy. 4. 'I'hat: prior ta r.ne int.racluction of an orciin~r-ce r.ez~r~ing subject propert:y~ Condition Nos. 1, 2 and 3, above-mentioned, sha11 be complet:ed. T.he provisions or rights yranted by thi.s resolutian shall become nul'1 and void by ar.rion or r.he Planning Commissiun unless said condi+:ions are complied wir_h within one year from tr,e date of ttii.s resolut,.on, or such f.ur~.t,er time as t~he Plann?ng Commission may granr.. BE I~ P'Uk'PNhR P,F,SOL,VGD t:hat the An~heim City Planni.ny Cammission does hereb y[ind and determin~ Ltiat: ado~kion ~t this Resolution i.s expresyl,y pr.edicated ~:pon app.licant's ecmpliance wi~.h cacti an~ all oP the condil-i,ons hereinabove set [orth. Should any such conc3ir.ion, or any part~ t:hPreof, b~ declared ir-,vali.d or unenforceabl.e by L-he final judgment oF any court of r.omE~etent: juris~ict:ion, t:hen {:his Resolut:ion, ~nd any au~~rovals herein cont_a ined, shall be d~emed null and voido 'PHE ['OttEGCtNG ?ESOLUTION is ~ic~ne~ and a,pproved by n~~ t:his 19th day oE J~nuary, 1y67. L.~4Z'f~! rl ~y ~'r ~ ~~ ~ ~•- CF?AIRMrIv, AN HEIM CI'I'Y /i?L iQTNG CUMh1ISSI0N , A'P'Pu S T : y /~ _ . F GG.eF..4:e.' ~ ~ /L.L SrCRF~ , ANP.'tif:IM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSTQN S`PA`CE Or CALIFORNIA ) COi1N'PY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI'1'Y OF AN:aHGI ~t ) I, Eciit}~ L. Harcis, Secretary of the Anahe.im Ci~y Ylann%ny Commission, do her.eby certify t:hat: k:he foregoing resolut:ior~ was passed and ado~L-era at a mecting af. th~ Anaheim City Planning Cor~mi.ssi.on held on January ?9- Zy87- by 4he following voi:e uE t:he members thereoF: AXi:5: I:OMMIS:3I0NGP.u: BOUAS, FRY, tiGRSST, I~A C£,AIRE, I~AW3:CiC.1, MC EiURN°X MESSG , NOES: CUMMISSIONEitS: NONE A9SG•'NT : COMMTSSIOPJERS: NONE T IN WITNI3SS WHE RLUP, I havG h~reui~r.o ser. ~ny harjd this I9t.h rjgy oE ~ anunc y, 1987 . ~ ~ ~ , SF;CRGTARi ~ ANAFiEIM CITYrPLANhICiG COMMISSIUN -~- Pi;f~7-12 u~ ~ ~ . r:`'r 1 f(`. 1 iG~ ~ i'+ :~.~ ?;, ~ ~, :,:~..~,.~.w~~v",