PC 87-1291T . . ~ . . . . . . . *,,;~~ f l l i„~ '`~~~' ~YAr, ~ I ,I~y ! ~ ,j PS RI:SOLUT[UN N0. PC87-129 ~ A RESOLU`PION OF TH~ ANAHEIM CT'PY PLANNING COMMISSIQN ~ THAT PETTTION FOR VARIANCE N0. 366b BE GRANTEC ;•I WHL'REAS, the Anaheini City Planni-ig Commis~ion did r.er.eive a veri~icd PetiLion fnr Variance L•rom 6~dILL.iAhl V. ALMANr AND `.;HTltLEY ALPIAND, 3335 W. Linco.ln Avenue, Anaheim, C1~ 92801, ~wners of cert~in real p.roPerty sihua~ea in the City oE Anahei.m, County oF t)range, State oF CaiiEornia d~scribed as: 'Pi3E EAST 100 FEET OF ~.'H13 SOU`i'H 350 PEE~P OF TE]E SOUTH HAL~ OF' '.PiiG SOUTHW~ST QtJA~tTLR OF THE :OUTHW~ST QUART'~R OF SECTION .ll, 'POWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 11 WGS7.'~ SAN IIERNARDINO ~3ASE AND t~IERIDIADI~ IN `PE~F RAtICHO LOS COYO'i'ES, IN THE CITY OF AIvAEJEIM, IN Tfi:: QFFICE 0[` THL• COUt~TY RECORDER OF SA1ll COUN'PY. WHEREAS, the Cit:y Planning Commi^sion ~id hc:ld a~ublic Yiearing at the Civic Cznter in the City of Anaheim on JunQ 22, ],9g7, aL 1:30 p.m., notice of sai.d public hearing hav:ng been duiy given as required by law and in accordance w.ith the provisions of th~ Anaheim bIunicipa:l Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider ev:idence f~r and againsr. sai.d pro~osecl vari.ance aiid ta invesL-igate and r~ake findings and Lecor~mer~da+-ions in connection therewith; and WE!EKE;AS, said Commission, after c3ue inspectiAn, invest~.i.gation and study rnade by il:selP and in its behalf, and after ciue c;onsider.aFior~ o~ all evid~nce and reaorts offered aL- said h~ar.i.ng, ~oes iind and de~ecmine the followinq facl•s: 1. That L•h~ ~etil-~oner: propos~s waivers of. the tollow.ing to construct a 7-Unit c~~ildomitzi.um cc~mplex: (~) S~CTION 18,37.062.020 - Maximum :;ite cove;cage '"~ r (40~ permittr~:d; 52$ propoaed; !b) SECTIONS 1a.31.Ob3.[l21 - Minimum Structural Setback ~ AND 18.31..063.U22 (13 ro 14 teet reauired; 6 to 14,5 feet proposed) ~ ,: , : y (c) SGC'i`IUN . - Minimum Recreational-•Lei sure ArEa , " . . {1,200 square feet p~r unil- ~ `'; requxred; 81~ sauare EeLt proposed) '`' 2. Thar. thM aF~ove~-mEnti.one~~ w~~i~ers ~arz h~:reby granted on the ,; b~sis th<<'c that tnere are ~pECial circum: C~nces ap~licabl~ to tkie prnperty '$ such as size, snap~, topography, locakion and surrounding~ which do not apply ~,;~ to other idenrically zoned pr.operty in che sam? vi.cin~t~•; and t;hat skrict ' I application nt tlie Zon.ing C~de deprives the property of. pcivileges enjoyed by s~ ~ ~ ot:her properties in r_he identica.l zone and classificatiar- in the vi.cinity and ~ ~ subjecl• to Inter~,a~artmental. Co~nmit~ee recommendation~; and Furtk~e~ gr~nting " waiver oE minimum recreationa.L--].eis~axe area on rhe basfs that the okner r stipulat~~d at the public hearing to recflrd an un~ul~qrdinatEd intere~k and "` ;: ~ covenant aga:inst the adjacent praper~y t.a the west currently developed as a : j, . `'~ ''~ ~ 1x4Gr PC87-12Q *; 1 ,; ; F~, ~,~.. , lta. , ~ . , . . _ . , . .. . . . . . . . . . , . . ... .. . , . ~ . , . . . ,., , ---- - _ . , ~ . ~ . . ~ . . . . . ~ . - . ~ - ~ . . ... ~ ~ k . . r;~te;ITi.J!„ .9 ~ y ~ .~ i . , ~ .~~~ ' . .... ..~ <<.., ... , . ~~N ~ ~' :r.~: ~ Y7.~`'?~ ~,1~.~~ rF~l Yi~: C, l~aP1~7.ry{ ~~.~, i ' .. . . -, k,"';"', ~~Sd74• f~ . Y ' ,athy . .;~':~~. mobilehame park in favor of su~'ect poal and recreational facil.ities at ~he~mobilehomeK~arkg~,use oE the swimming the conduminiums ta be dHVeloped on subject property, y thE: °ccupa~~ts og 3. That there are except:ional or, exkraordinary circumstances or ~ condi.tions a~~plicable to the proper~y inv~lved or to the intended uyE Q~ ~h~ i property that do nol- ap~.ly genera7.ly to the r~ '~ same vicxnity and zor~e, P ~perty Ot' Cldss oP use in the ``.~ i ~H ~1. Tt;ai: the requesked var. ianc.•E is necessary f:or tne preservation ~nc1 ~njoyment of a substantial property ri.ght p~~ssessed by other proper.ky xn the same vicini~y and zone, and danied to the proparty ir. guastion. 5• That ti~e r.equested variance will not be materia.l.ly detrimental ~o l•he pub~ic welFare or injurious to the property or improvemenh.s in such vicinity and zone in whicl~ tk~e property is locat•~d. Q G. Ttiat no on~ indic~ted t:^eir ~~resence at said ~?ublic: hearing in pposition; and that ilo correspon~~ence was received in opposition to subaect AErit.ion. ENVTRc)NMENTAL IMPACT FINDIP~G: Tha'c tt~e Anahe~im CiEy p~~nning Commi~sion has reviewed the ~ p:opo~al to construct a 7-unit condominium c~mpl~x vritk~ waivers c~f maximum site cov~ra~e, minimum stritctural sel•bacl; and minimum rccr.eational-ieisurc area ~n a rectangularl ~F approximately 0.71 acre , Y-Shaped ~arcel of land consisting - E~~~~zn9 a frontage ot approximately 100 feet on the north side oE Linco].n Aver-ue, being located ap~roximately 1,235 F~et east af the centerline cP Kn~tt Str~et and [urther described as 3335 W~st Lincoln Avenue; and c3oes her.ehy approve the NAgative Declaration upon Ea.nding that it Fias considerEd ttie Negative Der~laration cogethec with any comments received ~uring i:he public review pror_~s,, ~~nd furi;her. finding on tt;e basis of the initial study and any comment~ ~eceived that L-here is t:hat the project will have a significanc eEf.ect on thenenv.ir~.onm~ntal evidenee NOW, THERGEO1tFa, BE IZ' RESOLVED t:t~at the Coi~missian does hereb Ananeim Citl y graiit: subject PeL•ition Eor Variance, upon thenf.ollowing ~onditior,, which are hereby found to b~ 3 Iti~c~s;;arY. preregui~ite to the pr~C~osed use oE the subjert pror,erty in order ~o preserve the safety arid gene,-al w~lfare oE the Citizer~s oE tht City of Anaheim: 1• Thal this Variance is granted ~ubject tc~ ti~e adoption of che 7.aning qrdinance in c:onnection with ReclasSiFicakion No. 86-87-35, n~w pendinq. 2• That Fire spr ink.lers sha.ll be i.n: talled as required by ~h~ C:i~y Fire Marshal].. 3• That nCior. L-o issuance oE l~ui.ldinr; p~rmit the a aue For primary, secondary and fire Ppropriate fee~ ta the Water UtiJ.ity Divisiun by thc~Developer inaaccordance wiLh Ruley 15A and 20 of. th~ Water Utility Rates, Rules ~r,d Regulations. -. -2- PC87--129 ,r~~ '; c, ~ ; ~`t 4. That all [~rivate skreets sha11 1-e devPloped in accordance with the City of Anaheim's standard DetaiJ. No. 122 for priva~e str~ets, includi.ng insta].lal•ion of slreet name signs. Plans for the private street ~.ighking, as required by the standard detail, s:iall be subniitted to t!~e Building Division Lor appraval and included wi~h the building plans prior. to the issuance oP building permi.ts. (Pri.vat~ srrePts are those which provide pr.imary acreas and/or circulatian withi.n the projeck. 5. Tha1: the on-s.ite sanikation L•~uck turn araund area sY~all be marked or st.riped "No-t~arking" to ~.he satisfaction of the Ci.cy's Stree~ Maintenance and S~nitation Division. 6. That tYze awner of subjecl properCy shall pay ta the City of Anaheim a fee Eor tree planting purposes along Lincoln Avenue in ~n amount a~ determined by the City Council. 7. Thar Qrior to ~inal tra<:t ma~ approval, appropriate park and recreation in-lieu feas st~all be paid to tY,e City oE Anaheim ir~ an ~amount as det~ermined ~+y the City Counci].. f3. 2'hat. prior to :issuanc:e of. a L~uilc~ing permit, the appropriate traf£ic signal assessment fee shall be paid ta the City of Anaheim in an amount as c7eL-~:rmined by the ~ity Council. 9. `i'hat l.empc~rary street name si.gns shall be installEd prior to any occupancy if permanent slreet name signs have not been inst:alled . 10. That ga'te~ yhall no~ be inskalled across the d~iveway ir- a manner which ~i~ay adversE~J.y aff.ect vehicu:lar tra.Pfic in thP adjacent puL-lic street. Tnstallation of anl~ gates sha11 conto:m to Er.gineering Standard P1an No. 4U2 and shall be subject to L::e r~view and zpproval of the Ci_cy Traff~r. Engineer. 11. '~hat the driveway sh~ll be construcl:ed to accommodate ten (.lUl f.uot radius curb returns as rPquired by the City Traffic Engineer. 12. That drainaye oF sut~jecL- property shal]. be disposed of in a inanner satisfactary to the City ~ngineer. 13. Z~hat ryubject property sha1~ be ser•~ed by undergr~und utilities. 19. Tha~ prior to commencemen~ of stcuc',•.ural framiny, fi.ce hydrants shall be installed and charq~d as requir.ed and de~~rmined to k~e nPCe3sary by the Chief of the Fire Depattment. 15. That trash starage areas sha11 be provided and main+;.ained in accordance wit:i approvpd plans on file with the Stteet Maintenance and ~anitation Divi.sion. ;~ ~: :; ~; y -3~- ~ca~-129 ;,~:, , ;,~.~ .; : ,~r~; ~~~ 16. That all azr cor~ditioning Eacilikies and otUer roo~ and ground mounted equipment sha:il be properly shielded £rom view, and the sound uuE~ered from acijacenc properties. 17. That pri~r ta issuance of a bui.l~Jing permit, the applicant shali pxesent evide-ice satisFac~~.ory to t•he Chief Building i~spector t:hat the proposed Nr:oject is in conEorman~e with Council Pulicy Numl~er 5~~2 "Sound A~tenua~ion in ResidentiaJ. Proj~ckU~' and with Noise I~isulati~n Standarcls specif.ied in the Calirornia Administra~ive Code, Tit1e 25. 18. Ti~ac a six (6)-foul- high masonry block wa11 sha11 bn constructed ar~d maintairied along the east property line. 19. Thai: the owner of subject properl;~ sha11 submit a letter requesting terminati.on or Conclitiona]. Use Pei-mit P1o. 7.7U1 to the Planning Departinent. A .`1~~~~ ~.Y~~ ,:Kaf~ ~? i: %. :, 2~. That subject property shall be devHloped substantially in accor.dance with plans and speci£ications on file with the City of. Anaheim marlced Exnibit Nos. 1 thzough 8. 21~ 'rhat prior ~.o issiiarice oL• a building permit, or. ~.+~ithin a period of ane y~ar Erom th~ daL•e o~ this reso].ution, whichever occurs L-irsL•, Condition Nos. 1, 3, 4, 6, (;, 17, 19 and 23 herein, shall be complied wi.th. Extensions for further time tu comple~e said conditior.s may be granted i~ accocdance with Section 1~.U3.U9U o.E the Anaheim ~tunicipal CorJe. 22. `1'k-at pr.ior to final building and zoning inspections, Conr~it~.on Nos. 2, 5; 9, l.l, 12, 13, 15, 1G, 18 &'lU above-mentioned, sha.ll be com~lied with. 23, That prior to ~ummencement of activity autr~orized by this conditi.ona.l us~ permil:, the ownec ot subject propcrty sha11 submit to t.he City Attor.ney',s Okfice for anproval, an unsuborc3inatea interesL- and covenan'~ ~o be recorded againsl- ~he adjacent propecty to the wes'r., rurrenL•iy developed as a rnobilehome pack, in favoc of subject property, autnorizing use oP the swimming pool and recrPational area in the mobil~home park by the oecupan~s of L•he condominium t~ b~ developed ~n subject praperty. F3L I'P FURTHEIt RESUI~VEll that the Anaheirn City l~lanning C~mmission do~s Yiereby Eir~d and determine that adop+:ion of this ResoluL•ion is e:tpress~y predicated upon a~~].icant;!,s c:om~li.ance with each 1nd all oE ehe conditions hereinabove set £or~h. Shoula any such cundition, or any part thereoi, '~~ declared in'~%~lic3 ~x unenforceable by the tinal judgmen~ oE any court of competent jurisdicti~n, L•hen this Reso.luc.ion, and any a~provals herein cant~ined, shall be ~.~eenied null and void. --4- PCS?--129 ': ;i '';; ; ~i`~ ' :~i. '~ ,;~~ ,>; ; ~~<<~ f+~+~y ~~ .~ ~, ,'~~, t i~~ ~ , '~~ ~.~! . . ' .; ,''~r 'PNE FUR'~COING R~SOr~UTt~N is ~iyr-ed an~ approvecl by me thi~ 22nd ciay uE June, 1~H7. ~ ~' , %/ 'r _~~~~` " r ~,s-r_ i,E1nIRMAN, A--~Pi" CITY PG NING CUh1NISSIUN AT'^ES`P: ~ . . - -~~-~ , _ SmATE Clr' CALIE~'ORNIA ) Sf;CRETAI Y, ANAHEYM C:L'i'Y PLANPIIN~.~ COMMiSSION ~OUN'l'Y OF 0[tr`„lGE ) sr~ ~ C I`CY. OE' ANAHr:II~1 ) I, C:dith L. Hlrris, s~ecretary of the Anaheim City P.lanning Comm~.ssion, do h~?[~by cer~ify ,:hat the fureg~:ng resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting aE the Anuhei:n City E'lanning Comir,i~sion held on Junc 2'J., 198i, by ti~e fol~owing vote of the members thereot: AYES: CUMF1i5SZ0iJERS: k1UUA: . EP.Y, E{ERIiS`T, i~AWICKI, ~4F.SSE, MC f3URN~;Y NOF.S: COMMISSIONEI2S: NONE ABSEN'P: C~MMiSSION~RS: NONE VACANT: CUM'1ISSIONL'RS~ UNE: ID~ WITNESS WHER.O[', I hav~ hereuntu srt my ha-ic~ 4`II.J 22nd day oC •June, 1997. __~~~~~ ~ c~.u~, SECRL'PARY, ANAHEIM :;T`.Y PLA~:NING COI9~iISSI0t1 -5- PC87--I29 .. ~.,,'~'~' +~