PC 87-1321~~ . . . .. .. , ~ ........ ..... ..- r...~. . :,.....,~ { .ni~r..
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; RESOLUTTUN N0. PC87--132 ~~
THA`i' PE'l'ITION 1~OR CUNUI'PIONAL USE~ PG12MT7.' NQ. 2y17 }3E GRA(VTg'J '~'`
;, WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning ~ammission did receive a
;.; veri.fi.ed ~etition for Cundita.onal Use Permit Frarn JUANI~.r~ xr,~UA~'PH, E'.I' AL, ill ;
`':" Illinais Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92805, awner, and HUGU A. VAG~UIsZ, 2240 W. .}
"` I,incoln Avr_nue, Anaheim, CA J2~tZ1, agent tior. certain re~l ~rop~r~y situated
in the City of Auahezrn, County of Orange, State of Calii~r.nia, d~scribed as:
WHEFEA5, khe City i~lanni-ig Cammission din hold a public hearing ,~t ~
the ~ivic Center in L-he Cit:y of Anaheim on June 22, 1:87, at 1:3U p,m., notice
oE saic:i ~,ubli.c heari.ng havinq be~n duly qiven as reruired bv law and in
accor~anr.e with tk~e provisions ~f t:he Anahei~n Municipal Code, Chapter. 1d.03,
to hear. and consider evicience tnr and ayainst said proposed cond:~tional use
permit anci to investigaL•~ anu makp Findings aiid recommendations in connection
th~rew:ith; and
WHERF~:AS, said Commission, atter due inspection, .ir.vestigation and
study made by ikself and in its behalt~ ar~d aEter due consideration of a11
evidence and re}?orts ofEereci at said hearing, does tind and deL-errnine the
io:~lowing tacts:
` 1. '.Chat the pr~posed use is pru~erly one fr~r which a conditianal
{ use permit is authorizec; by Anaheim [4unicipal Code Section to
wit: to perrnit a 2U-uni.t mpt~l with waivers ot;
l'a) SECTIO~JS i8.U4.Q92.05U -- Minimum f:ront s~tback.
t,ND .18.45.UG3.UlU (5 f.eet requirec3 based on khe existing
averac~e setback ~.lonc~ ,;ubject block of
Ero~dway; 1 Co 6 feet propo~ed)
(b) SEC'PIUN 18.U4.U43.~~5U - Yermitted encroachment into
r~quired vard. r~"
(2.5-Euot front setb~~ck for
bal~ony reguirEU; U feet pro~~sec3)
"l. That the eequested waivers are hereby yranted on ~,he basis '`
rhat there are s~aecial ~:ircumstances applicable to thG proper.ty such as size,
shape, topography, lOrazlOtl and surroundings which do noL• ap~,1y to other
idenL-i.ca.i:ty z4-ied propert~~ in tt~e same vi.ci.nity; and ~hat slrict app].ication
of the 3oning Code deprives i:he property o~ privileges enjoy~ad by nther
properties in the iden~.ical zone and classiFiration zn th~ vir.inity and
subject to Interciepar~menL-al Commitcee recammendations. '
~ ~~ ~ ~~,
. , . ~,
'r°'n~ ~ q:
. ,. . _ :_~.~.:~~~~'~
no zn~pose
an undue btirden upo;~ the s~rcetu and highways ciesigned ~nd improved to c~rry
~he ~raff.ic in the area.
3. That thc pco~ose~i use wi].1 not adversely affech the adjoining '`
land usas and the growrh and det+elopment o~ the area in which it is pLaposed
L-o be located. -
~. 'i'haL ~he size and shape oE the sit~ prop~sec? for the use is ~'`:~
adequat~ to allow the lull develo~ment ot the pr.opo~ed use in a manner not '
de~rimental to the parl;icular area nor ~o L-he pear,e, health~ safety and
yeneral weltare of the Citizens oE the City of Anaheim. '~y'i
5. 2'hat ~he ~-~ranting of. the Conditienal Use P~rmit under the
condii:ior~s impasec3, if ariy, ~aill net be detrimental ta 1:he peace, :~ealth,
saEety and genetal welfare oi the Citizens ~F the City of Anaheim.
G. ~Phat the rraEfic genera~:ed by the prcposed use will t' ~~
7. That one person .indica~ed their presence at said p~,iblic
heari~ig in o~positipn; and tha~ no ~~c~-res~onaence was teceived in ~ppositiun
to the subject petiti~n.
;; ~NVTROI~MENTAI, TMPAC`P FINllING: 'Phat Lhe Anaheim City Planning
,, Commission has reviewed the proposal to permit a 20•-uni.t rnotel wi~h waivers of
° minimum fronl• selbar~k and permi~tec] encroachment into required yard on a
'~ rPatanguJ.arly-shaped parc;el Af land consi:;tin uf. a
4~ 9 p~roximately U.24 acre,
r, having a f rontaye of approximately 70 feet on the south sid~ oE Br.oadway,
~,:~ approximately 165 feet easl ~f the centerline oE Lenton Stree~, and further.
~' r?escribed as 12~ West Broadway; and does hereby approve the NegaL-ive
?; Declaration upon Li.nding that it has considered ~he Negat~ive Declaration
~ together with any comments received during Lhe publia review process an~
;; fur~her ~inding ~n the basis ~E the inii:ial study ana any commenL•s received
" that there is no ~ubstankial evidenr.e that h.he project w:il.l hav~ a significa~it
~ ef.f2at on the envirunment.
NUW, ~L'HERLIORE, D~ I`1' RESOLVGll that tl~e Anahwiit~ City Planning
Commission does hereby grant ~ubject Petitic~n for C~nditional U~e t~~rmir., up~n
the F~.~llowing con~itions which ar~ hereby found to b~ a necessary pr.eraquis.ite
to the proposed use ~f tha ~ubject ~roperly in order i:o preserve the safety
and general welfare o£ L•h~ Citizens ef. the L'ity of Anaheim:
1. That prioe to iss~iance of a building permit, the appr.opriate
L•r.afEic siynal asses.~ment Eee sha.ll be paid to the City oL
?~nahei.m in an amount as de~ermined by the Cily Council.
'l, That ttie o~~ner of subj~cl- property sha11 ircevoczbl1 ofter ~o
dedicate L•o the City o~ Anaheim a stri.p of land 26.75 irec~k in
wic3~h .Erom che centerline oF the streeL• along Broadway for
streeL widening pi~rpos~s.
3, That the o~vnet:/developer oF siibject pr.oPerty sha11 make a c:ash
payment to the CicX of Anaheim for che cost aE tr,e remaval oE
existilig street imprc~vemenks along Broadway rand
rec~nstrucl•ion/constru~tion uf fu11 street imgrovements at the
ul.timate location. Said puyment shal'l be rnade ocior to
issuanre of a builcl.iny permit.
. ~ , , . ...,,,.i~'i~W
~~ j ~.~. ~'~
~!. 'i'h~~t the ciciv~way shall be COIl9L'CUCtGI'1 to uccomrnoda~e ten (lU)
foot radius r.urb r~c:ucns as requ.i.req by the City ~['rat~'ic
Ln~ inE~e r,
5. 'I'h-,t dcainage oE subjF~cr, pCnr~;;~~y ;;l~~i~l be di:~~osed ot in ~-
mannec ~aLis.E~ictvxy to ~he City ~ngineer..
u. 'i~ha~ ~:~,b jf~ct pconerty shal.l be s~r.ve;i b7 undcryrouncl uril.iti.e9.
• ~. 'Cha~ tratitl StUC~1t3(? ,;rr?~~;; glli~1], b~i pCn',i,U@(j ii1'1d maint~31f1C<j J.fl
accorclance witti ~~p~roved nla;,:~ on fi.le with rhe Street
MiillltfJlli.l(1Cc RI'iC~ :~~r.:~Etl'.LOrt Uivision.
ti. liiat the ownF~r.~ oE subject propecty s}ia11 pay to th~ 4ity ot
n:~ah~~im a Eee Eor sr.reet lightiny a~-,nq 13~oadk~ay ;.n an amount
ar~ dcterminer .,y tt;e City Council.
y. 'Phat riie owner ot sub;e~;t pro~ert~~ shal.l I.ay to thu City oE
Anc~xheim a E~~e tor tree plaiiting purposea alony F3rUadway in ~;,
: amount as de`,-.erntin~d ~y ene City Ccuncii.
lU. '1'nat a t i.re alarm sy;cern, rev_ewed an~J approv~~~ ~yy the Anaheim
Eire U~n~zr~:went, :~hal.l be insk4l.led ir~ ~~,;Uject mot~~l.
il. ~l'hat yU~es ;,hall I:'rJr ne i~staixed acros:; L•he driveway in a
;nann~r whic:h may advecsaly ~ff.ect vQ;;icular traffi.c in the
ac:jacent public str~-~t, ;i~staJ.lat.ton oE any yates shall
coni'orm to En,i~eering Standard P.l~n No. 4U2 and :ahall be
:~ubject ~u the -evi~w .;nc! a~prova? ~~ti the Cxty Tra~tic
C•:ng i i~ee r.
1"l. Tt~at r;~~ propoued ;~arking structure de:~ign sha.ll c~nFurrn ~o
-;nyinn~riny srano~~;d piar, yo. ;U2-h ~~~rt~ainin~ t~ standard
der,j__ls £oc parhin~ ;trur.tures.
13. 'l'h«t nrior Co ranmr.ncemcnt ot s~ruc~ural f.raining, fiz~-~
hy~+.r.~nr_s :ihall r» inG-:~llru a~d charyed as reyuir•~d ~nJ
detnr.,~~nc;; cv bc: nc~cessary h~y the Ch.i~:f oE ~he FiXe f
l4. '1'hat al.l J.ockable pede3trian and venicular. access yate:t sh~ll
bc: eq~.tipPed with a"hnox bux" c:evice to the aat.is.Eacti~n ol
the Ciiiet oE ~~~lic:~ anci tne City Eire Mar:;ha11.
15, ~ha~ ~11 air ~•ondtt.ioning t%~cilitie:; and ukher root ~nd ytound
nounted ey;~i.~;nent shall Un f~rt~pe~ly 3hielded Er~cn view, ~nr~
the ~o~nd :,uEter~,d ~roir `::j4cenc: re~i.dantial pro~~r.ciea.
ib. 'r'haL• ~h~~ propn;;al shall comply w~th ~l.l ~jignin~,~ rcc{uicements
oE the C„ 'l.hne, ~ n.les.i a•~aziance allowing r,ic~n w~ivets ia
apprcverj Dy th~~ t~lannin3 Conrnirssi~n or c:iCy ;;o~~nci1.
17. 7'hac suk~~jeeC proPecty shall he dev~•lopE:d snDSCanltally in
ar.corr:anC~ wi.th planti and s~ecificatian3 ~;t ti.t~ wir., ~:ne c:i~y
o[ ,~iiahei~ mark~rl i;;ct-,ibi~ rios. 1 ~hrouc3h ..
~,~. , . . . . . . . .. .
t'~,~,r'r~ : ~~: ~ .
PCts7-1 3:
i8, That pric~r to 7.33UclIlC~` oE a huil~ling peri
~~~riod oL onc~ year. f.ru~n t:t~~ da~e nE tliiy
occar.:; f.ir~st,, Cnndi.tion No:~. 1, 2, 3, ti,
at,ave~-rnent.ic~tied, sha11 be complied with.
furth~r ti.~nE~ to com~letr~ said cc~nclit.iuci~
ac:cord~nc~ wilh ;;ectiun 18.U3.U'!0 of r_hP
nit, or within a
re~,oluti.on, whi~:hever
) & l'l
r;xtE~n~~ions Eor
~~iay be granted i.n
Anaheim Municipa.l
1`~. 'ihat prior tc.~ f:inal ~uilding ~nd zoniny inap~ctiUnt~, Condition
Nos. 9~ 5~ 6 ~ '! ~.lU . 14 ~ 1S & 17 ~~bc~ve~-m«~pk icned, shal.'. b~
coinplied with.
HL•; i~l' f~UltTFIER 13E;SC~L,VE1) L-na` thc~ t~naheim ::ity Planning C'ornmission
does her~k~y fznd an~] der_~rniine th~~t adoption ot this lteaolutic;i is ~xpre~sly
~~r~~uicu_ed u~3n applicant.'s compliance with each and all oE the condition~
hereinabove s~~t Eoc~h. Styou~d ar~y such condiliuns, or any part thereof, be
de~c?ared inva:lid or unenEorceable by trie linal judgment ~f any courL• of.
curnpetenti jurisdicCion, then tt~iis Res~lut:i<~n, anci any approvals Y,ere~.n
cr~nt:ai.ned, ,tia.ll be cleemed null and void.
'.['riG cOREF;vIti~~ I2'c',SULU'PI(iiv is :;igr,eci ar~.d 'appCOVed k~y me thls 22nq
day oL .1une, 19d 1.
.~-'j'~ /~ ,~~/~ iy r.
(:HA.IRh1A;l, P.tl EIF.I~ (:I'P~ y ANN1N;; COt1MISSSON
A'C'I'GST: /
~~d~S~~_ /'-i'wiil~.e.i
S1'A't'E ~~F (;ALI:~~)RP]IA 1
~=UI;N'1'Y UE' Gk2ANGi: ) :;:,,
~~I'P't c~E' ANAHL•'IM !
[, ~di tn i.,. t. :r r i:~, Secre*.ar}~ o~ ~he i~f1i111@1111 Ci t_y ~lann i.ny
CC[!1((~1a31G11~ do hereLy ;,ertiEy that tlie l-'arcgoittg r~:~ol~iti~n ua, pd33ed and
a~lopted at a meetinc~ c~L th~. Anahc~~,n Ci~y t~lanning Cui~mi.~sion ;~P1d on ,lune ?.2,
? y87, t,y the Pol lr~wing voti~ , 1 tne memr~~:rs r.;~ereo[ •
+ AYES: CC)~1t~lISStUPlhftS: i3O~AS, E'IZY, HGF:35'P~ f~AWi(:Y.I, M(: HUk2I~I,Y, Mi;S:,;l
NOfsS: CI;MMT:iStONt,lt.:i: NciNE
rl[i>;I;NJ': C;QMi4IS.,~UNE:RS: NUili:
~~d v1I'PCit:SC- Wt-r:l~:;Jr', [ h>>ve nere~nr:o s e~~ my hine: thi:~ Z2nd r)ay of
: Jun~, .l~lis7.
` .; ~~
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~,'•"''ti'i'ARY, A~lAHh;Ih1 t::'PY PLAI•i:iI~IG ~_~JMMIS5IUt1
7 •Fr :.l Ii
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o- ;: '"q` F'~87-:32
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