0826OR DI N lT C747 NO . fo�� 4 A�' ORDIMANCF' OF THF CI'T'Y OF ANAHPIT.4 APPROVIVG mTT A1%•r..XA , * Ta THF'~ CITV nT' t�"T.r,.H 'I !� OP THE TT"RR IT()RY KNOV NT AND DF'S IGNA T"- n AS WEST LA PALM AVENUE AMMUTION N0. 2 TITF CITY COUNCIL 0V THS` CITY OF ANAHT'IM DOTS ORDAIN AS SF GTION 1e That the City Council. of the City of Anaheim did on the 12th day of November , 19 52,, receive a rritten i?otitiori asking treat certain new territory described in said petition b,,2.L annexed to the City of Anaheim. That before the filing of said petii.tion, the proposal for the annexation of the territory hereinafter described to the City of Lnahein was submitted. to the Boundary Commission of the County of nrfinge, State of California, and reported upon by said Boundary ori)�1ission with respect to the definiteness and certainty of the pro- o -,sed boundaries. That said terri tor�T proposed to be annexed to said City of Inah.eim is situated in the County of Orange, State of California, and cant 6guous to the City of Anaheim, and is uninhabited territory. 'What said petition contained a description of said territory in words ani.l ficures as hereinafter in this Ordinance described. That the ^ity Council duly assembled at a ,r(tY-Jx1ar xneetinc; of. said City Council held on the 12th day of November , 1952 , dUd find that said petition at the time it was f.led. and received was signed by the owners of not less than one- r")urth of the area of the land i.n such territory and represented not 14%ss than one-fourth of the assessed value of said territory proposed to be annexed according to the last preceding equalized assessment roll. of the County of Orange, State of California, in which said t-;rri.tory is situated and that said territory did not form a part of ar.A?r muni.c1pal corporation and did find that said territory is con- tlieuouy to the City of Anaheim and is uninhabited territory. That on thelath- day of Novomb-cr , 19 52 , at a regular meet ung of said City Council of the City �naxlE:im, Resolution No. 2041 was duly passed and adopted spec - 1. call - y describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be !Dnriexed to the City of Anaheim and designating such territory as WEST LA PALMA AVEXU ANNEXATION NO a 2 and giving notice of such annexation and fixing the �..19th q«y,. o.f ..._._..._...�.�l9 ._5.�2., at the hour of o'clock _ eQ4: T; . y}. at t�,e City Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of rnah.ei; , as the day, hour and place for hearing of written protests to said annexation and, when and ;-dhere any person owning real property .sr 'U.hin such territory so PrOT,osed to be annexed and having objections to '.he ;�rn�,osed annexation might apyear before the City Council of '• ^lt T of Anaheim and show cause whit such terri tory should not be .11e C a~�ijcfxe d. to the City of Anaheim, and directing the City Clerk to pub- '.sh c, A. r cause to'be, publishedpu.shed a cop;�T of said Resolution at least tw! ce, but not oftener than once a week, for two successive weeks Prior to the date of said 'gearing in a newspaper of general eircula t cin printed, published and. circulated in. the City of Anaheim, to tri 1 THE ANAHEIM BULLETIN of Anaheim, .-.range County, California, and also in a newspaper of general circu- lation rrrted, published and circulated outside of the City of Ana- heir.rt,, but in the County of Orange, in which is located the territory hereinafter proposed to be annexed to the City of Anaheim, to witi THE PLA. CENTIA OOURIER and directing t ha t gpid publication be completed at least twenty (20) days prior to the date. of hear -.ng hereinabove mentioned: And further directing the Oi_t` Clerk of the 01ty of. Anaheim to cause written notice of such _proposed. annexation to be mailed. to each person to whom land within the territory proposed to be annexed is assessed in the last equal - zed county assessment roll available on the date the proceedings ,e,ere initiated, at the address shown on said. assessment roll or as 2- known to said City Clerk, and to any person who has filed his name ?nc3 address and the designation of lands in which he has any interest, e.lither legal or equitable., with said Ca.ty Clerk; and that in the event that land within the territory proposed to be annexed to the City of ra.-01e irn is owned by a county, that the City Clerk shall cause written �t. r cc if" such proposed annexation to be mailed to the Board of Super-- "' Qors of such county and. directing that such notices be given not ^s than twenty (20) days before the first public hearing on the :'rr�pnsE, d annexation. That on the hour, clay, and at bhe place specified in said ,,solution No. 204119th wit: Cori the 19th day of December , :1.9-52 at the hour of 4:00 of clock F.M. in the City Council _.__.._..__ ohs.Y:ibers in the C 1_ty Mall in the City of Anaheim, California, the ity Council of the City of Anaheim diel meet and assemble to hear and pass on all protests filed or received up to the hour of 8:40 o'clock P . 1 . on said date and the City Council did find that the ire2olution fixing the tirre and .place of seidx hearing was published 0111 the City ty C1.erk as therein directed, and that written notice of proposed annexation was railed to Each person to whom land with - the terri. tfory proposed to be annexed is asf,jes sed, or in which such -,D: .� tract- of cif land bring i-rithin a portio,.z of the South - Wes t 1 of Sec tion �? , �o nship 4 South, Range 10 'gest San E.ernardino ?ase arC. i.erid.ian, 9nd +lore particularly de- scribed as fol1oi.!s : a. point on the e7isting City Limits line Of the :pit y ofinj., sid point being on the West right- C'cf-4•Ta,:r line of Brost Street and Lrl distance of 660 feet more or less 1Tortherl-j from the South line of Section 4, Toirmship L.. South, bane 10 'gest, San Bernardino Ease and :Aeridian; ss.id line also being the monumented center line of La Palma +_renue ; thence s?ortherly along said West right-of-?,ra.y line of 'rest Street a dista-zce of 40 foet :::ore or less to the "car to line of that certain parcel deeded to Joseph Packer .nd 11C.-zie Packer, husband and ?rife, as described in Certi- ::'ica.te of Titla �o . 1 , 345 filed in _ ook 49, Page ?3a R. C.0 thence ':'esterly along said forth ling a distance of 186.13 -et ::lore or less, to Eln angle point t ierein; thence South- ..L,,.westerl %7 �.lon`; said :'ort L-ierly line and its extension C. distance of 338 feet more or less to t'ze East lime of that certadn parcel deeded to George Albertus Coll+lien filed in oa:ti 11;7, Page 4?3,ocu::ie,zt iso. 481, R.C.C. ; thence ?c�-rt'h,rl�r e!long said ]U"C&st line a distance of 165.43 feet more or less to the Sout'herly ricvht-of-tray line of the .zrla�haim Union ".terCom-par,y as referred to in said deed; thence Sout1n.rester1y a.lon; said Southerly right -of -tray line a distance of 414S .9 feet r_iore or less, to the ?:Test line of that certaia Marcel as deeded to C eor; a Albertus Collr�ian piled in Book 11? r , Page 4:;3, R.O. C . ; thence Tortherly 1g the a --tension, of said ' .est line a distance of 18 feet I-Tortharl�r rjr- t--of-T-*ay line of said more or less, to the na"l-iai :i Union ':Tel.ter Corpan�r; tlhance Southirresterly along sa.iCt _?ort aerl`T i'i-.j1 t--o-j'- .y line to its intersection Trith t he w?ort_-►_ li. Ae of that cert�a in parcel deeded to Eugene P. � ooci and:?nevi ev* n Ha.p ood, husband and wif a, as c'uscri'�c'. in C• rti.ficate of T itis No. 93C3 filed in Book 4C 139 R.G.". ; thence `Iest�,zrly along said Forth line c�.istance of 037.1 feet :;ore or less to the s";est lane of said ::)ar oel; said lina also 'acing the Tast line of Lot 3 6:.s slliar-rnh on a R/S filed in took 1, Page 55, R.O.C..; thence So1itearly �.lonE said line a distance of 181.1 feet ,More or lees, to the existing Clity lig .its line of t_ze City of Anaheim; thence -1-11 starly continuing alo n`; said City Li�iits line a i 1fiiciZee of 30 feet to a. Point; thence Southerly continuing :alo}; ; said City Limits Line a distance of 56.7 feet to a -_)oint ; thence masterly continuing along said City Limits line a C i s tance of 556.77 f e t to a point; thence Southerly con— tinui-h`; alon,; saic,. City Limits line a distance of 275 feet to a .00iat; Vhenoe Easterly conti-nuing along said City Limits li:1e a Oistance of 409. "O feet to a point; - hence I?ortherly 00l1,ti11ui11J aloe-.- City Limits Life a distance of 451..80 feet to a point; continuing along s�.id City LiiAts Line a distc7ance of 40S.5,40 feet more or less, to a point , sa.id ;,)oil -,Lt "bei E on t'ho ITest right-of-'v0ray line of '.rest Strt�ut ; the, -rice i`ortlorl�r continuing; along; said right- of"r,ra.y line a. ,d scid. Ci t�.r Li.-_Ats line a distance of 153.20 fe t :Fiore or less to the oint of beginning, hereby a;�;�roved and said territory is hereby annexed to and incor- ��^t �d in t".1c Citi* of Anaszci� 3 Cu:�lzty of Orange, State of Californi.4.. anJ is 'hereby- deli; nate(' as the TIEST LA P111M.I+N. AVENUE SIT+T�X�liGil "170, -4ftw ------,to the .- - ty of Anaheim. S�'CTIOrw 3: 'that .frow and after the effective, date of this ::'rdinance and the filing of a certified copy thereof with the Seer_ e- 17'ar:�7e of State of the State of California, the annexation of the tcfr.»_tory herein described shall be deemed to be and shall be complete, `?.riC! thenceforth suer annexed territory shall. be, to all. intents and -::tzr;?osas, a pert of the City of Pna.heini, and from and after the effee-- L.�.ve date of such annexation, all property therein shall be subject to taxation equally with the property within the City of Anaheim and shall be taxed to pa �; its proportionate share of the existing Indebt- edness and liab.i Lity of said Cit -y of Anaheim contracted prior to or existing at the time of such an -.L exation pursuant to the written con- sent of the owners of property in said annexed territory filed with 4W -17..o Clerk of the: City of Anahein. prior to th(, adaption of this -1 JLnalice . SECTION 4:: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of Vhis Ordinance and cause tht sante to be, published once in the .__.._. ANAHEIM BULLZTIN _ ., a daily newspaper printed, .�lisheca. nd cirru:l.a! —d in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, �11 taL o ." California, and thirty (+30) days from and after its final. ratssage it s�iall be in full .force and offect. mRr, 7,.--;,-r:-lt'G*CTP; F �'C ' was approved and signed by rye this 13th da -,V- o f Ja:riu pry 19 53o n �+� tS i. O • MAYOR OF THT" CITY 07- ARAHrIlim .5. k� i ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM 21 �i I, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the . foregoing Ordinance was introduced at an_-.�oneaRe,u... a:Lr ........................................................... 4 1 lot meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the _ .t' . day of_...D?99M. 5Qr .......1 19 2., � 11 and that the same was passed and adopted at a ....Rag lar..._..meeting of said City Council held on the 6 .-,i-3tAL--day of JaM� .................1 19...5.3., by the following vote of the members thereof: 7 !� li AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wiseer, Heying, Boney and. Van Wagonea E 10 NOES: COUNCILMEN: None 13.11, �F 1 �2 I i ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. l3 �; 14' 1 f AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed, 16 said Ordinance on the -131h—day of-........ ------------------ 19.53 ....... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City 17 I E II of Anaheim this .-_13th.day of-.-----.... ' 20 E; ( SEAL) 2211 i I 2411 26 11 2611; 27 i' 28 29 30 31 32 i CITY OF ANAHEIM 204 B. CENTER ST. � ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA i -- --- - ------ ----- -- ...... .... --------- City Clerk of the Anaheim. I AFFIDAVIT OF- PUBLICATION :-;T I'A 1,1 F(- 1. N I X. f t)1 •rs 1. .. . . .. ..... ....... ........ ... ,)f :--aid comity. bv:ug first duly sworn, says—that lie is a ynale (.1ti 'Zoll ;f tll(- l-JIiit(!d States, and of the State of Call- fornin, over !he age of eighteen years: that he has no in- ter! -St in. nor is he ;I party to the matter here.n mentioned: III -it llip if, the of the U J neN% l,a I) e i printed. Iniblished and circulated tll(= Said III it ty 'r Orange that snid U . ..... ............. ... Sp.l;)e. I- Of t:1-1101'ltl Cil'(' -111,11ti(jIll with a list of paid subseribors. -Ind is published for (lie dissemination of both Ical .41111 fir neral 1 and hitelli,-ence of a general char- mt it is not lievoll-d to the interests or published for thr ent ',rtaillillent -vf .1 particular class, profession, trade. vallin;-r. rare or den-imimition, or of any number thereof: illf?t it "as 111,01, T,- litl-d and publislit-d in the City of Ana - 1!411111 , 1 1:.. lint%- Of 01"filLre, State of California for more than Y-f*J'.` lle%t tbr• r1rst rMy of the publication "Preto attm-hed-, 1111t tll"• ... ....... ....... ............ mille- -A in, :I tirintell. ( opv. xas publishod in f 4 ........ y .... ........... 0 a nd ­yi d! nv- .,n t I I.- dal cif I A- , (J C 9 .111d that S,: j1!1hIjSI-#­I on 0!., folln.'Ong- dny�-! L A kA S i i !4r- ilwit a nd -.- - - I-, , I - - 1-4 c 1 1 1- Til- t his ------------- .. . dny of 19 .. .... .... ....... .............. .. .... . . . Notary Pijblle. A-; N0 2 531-qd moirj% So followa, fl -Svi 1 0 - A t-,-ast of land Ivins within of the Southwest 14 of -1, 'R1-irtion ec"47-r! o-�-rnshlp 4 South. T, a L. P �V-�lt San Bernar- d I n "' B Ro g.ind Meridian. and rnorp. i1arr­:1i1a-rlr described at f ollows. Beginnf,-i-­ at a point on the existing Cit 1, imirs line of the City of Anni-:iris. said point be - Ing on thte ]fest right-of-way line of t=est. Street and a dta- )f 41;',r)fQet more or less N, .Wherly from the South line • i;vtion 4. Tnwns-hip 4 South, Range 16 W-ast. San Bernar- dino Base and 311rnridlar. eaid 11 ne alen, being the monument - e d renter firs of La Palma A;enae_- therrr Northerly alon right-of-way line o VV'e.:-;t. WW'eet distance j of 40 f -pet. mere rir I Asp t the North I tint of that ror+aJn Parcel i dpP-41-:-d to Ao.,iepb Paek\-r ar4 lie-; hi.taband and ais dnacribed in Certift- r)f T;'7'C- Nn L2,249i filed 21 R.O.C., Is along said lilsUince of 186.18 . LesG- to an angle tlir.-nce South - said Northerly line and it;; Axtllnziou a dis- of,.S 3^ f ?i -t. more or less Iiie East line of ghat certain varopt tca George Al- k1irtus Collippin Ciled in Book i.127- 'Pap,4p $21-3. ­?,,cuniont No. -iiert----a Northerly said , Ea.* t, 'it -t a distance Ir -e -t m -%re or less to the 5^tiiht'r�i1g,_.t-of-wav line of the Union Whet (_ 'QMPE.--ror ee, ,�-L . erri-I to In said rv-e!] -. r h P n r- e ,Southwesterly ;I10ng said Svuth,rly rlght-of- 'k-137 ling. a riistm)ce of 446.9 roe,. mora or lees.to the Went I!nt-. of th.-it rertairr parcel as d­!e-ded to i' ' '"t-rinp, .11,bertus Coll- ftted � rian tr, onh 1127, Page 4.13, RJ', ?,. Northerly along Ll: -;e e).rensir)n of said LEGAL NOTICE 1VP5t Ill',? a rfiqtant-e of 18 feet . n -10--e 'Or lees. 'to the *ZZortherly OR3?;-N-ANCZ--W 9213 -AN right. -of -way line of said Ana- heim 'U'nion Water Company; ORDINANCE OF- THE CITY AN OV ' AMUM APPROVING THE A .101f TO THE CIT T i.)F NIMXAV IN 'OIP,: ANA tlienee SOLIt.ri,%-esterly along said 2%-ortilerly aright -of -way line to 0-s imter.c�ectwn with the North with THE TERRT- limn 0 1.2 f parcel TORY K OWN AND DESIG-'deeded. NATED AS NVEST'LA PALMA to Engafi-? P. Hapgood and, Clenpviev-e G. fiapgood, hus- AVENUE ANNE XATION .%NO '2 THE CITY COUNCIL OF 1V THE. ANAHEIM tll� 'CITY ..bard and Wife. as described in certificate of Title No. 9902 filed PAIN_AS."FOLLOWS,.., .*S in Book 40 Page 129 R.O. 0.; thenc? Westerly along said SECTION 1. That th*.'.-4MtyCoun- ..North -line a- distance of 631.1 ell of- the City of Anaheim did on fee, ninre r.r* less to the West the Uth. day of November, 19.5-9. 1-inP, Of U -id par --4: said line receive a written petition asking that certain new territory describ' also bell the-Enst line of Lot .1 aa sh' ii It'on a P, 'S filed in Book, 14, ed In said petition, be annexed to the City of Anaheim. 5. I,j age 5 r_11%.C.; thence Southlsrly, along said line & dis- That before the filing of said tanC6 of ISM. fest more or less. petition, 1 ' ble propop-al 'for tha an -J, to the f!xisting City ]limits line nex&tlon of. thp. territory ., bereln. ' of I'lle. Cit- i-tf, Ar-,,ilejn 1- t . hence after dexicrfbeld to flit City, of Ana- -E:R-Sterly nixing stlong said helm was submitted to thea Bound- Cjty Li-mit:s lin ?. dist-anc!e of .ary Commission of. -the County rif 290 .feet. 0 - a.' point.; thence OIraftg6,' Ststp -of ''California.. and ' III JI i7 1-1 -vily'lingaKing said rip�6rfi&d -upon by said BoundarN- 0 1Y f -units Litre a distance of Commitsion- with respect to ths.56.7 feet to . a: point; thence .definiteness and certainty of the Ea'sterly continuing- along said Proposed Votindariea. ' That Ut_3K_Tjimj1's lfrie'.a .distance of '556.17 said territory --proposed to -feet to.. a: point: thence be annexed to said - City of An -9- w8entherry . ci)ntihid-ng -along said "af. beIr In"44bta'ted in. -the County of City Liraitut -11-Fre distance of. .Or=96, State- 'of - -California, and Is' 001A*4611i'to the City of Ana- 276 'feet . to- a. potat; thence - tirlY `430fitthuilk-g.- -Along said. 'City Krid to uninhabited territory. Lftdits* linea distance of That. said petition contained a de- 409.20 feet to "a point; thence scription of said territory in words Northerly continuing along said and figures as hereinafter In this City Limits Line a. distance of Ordinance described. 451-80 feet to a point-, thence. That ire City Council duly as- Easterly cont! uirig, along g&". City. n ty. Limits Line - a -distance of. sembled at a •regular. meeting of @aiCT­'Crt!V-: CduTiell hifif on the 12th -495;40 feet. 'in ..pirei 'ar.'Iessli to 4 .dg y.- -of NoV6niber;, -1052, did find thJkt,4.6&jd--Vetitt1DV at..: the time it Pairit,. sairl point being on the West 'rlghtzaf vv F line of Went i was -filed Ajad f6oelv6d was signed ' Street -thence Northerly con.-� - b .: the owners of -not' less than tinuing d -long. said right -of - 0* ne.a.fourth - .'Of the - area of the land wair and said City Limits line in suctL..- territory aad. represented a distance of. -.1.53.20. feet more not' 1686 ''tha-A' ofii-ifourth of the or less to the point of begin- ning. -assessed value of said territory Proposed to be annexed according is hereby approved and said terri- tory is hereby annexed to to the last - roosding equalized s"ffl8MAAt.'.r`p1?` of- -tits County of and in- corporated'in th.e. City of Anaheim. of.-.0altfornia. in 1-Which--'s'aid terrttory, is County of O�angp, State of Call- fornia a:hil' ii 'herebv designated as situated and that ' said territory did. not form a part of any municipal corp- the WEST LA PALMA AVENUE ANNEXATION NO. 2 to the City of rration and did find that said ter- itory Is Ahaheim. SECTION contiguous to the City of Anaheim and Is uninhabited ter. 3: That from. and after the effective date of this Ordt- ritory. n&nde and the fi)-ing 9f a certified .. That ...-on the 12th -day of Novem- ii mixer -191111. at a- reg War - meeting of copy thereof witil the .Secretary of StatO ..Of the State of- C&jIfOrjjj&. ` ZIA 'Cttjr Countil 'of theCity of A nVWimi-11tesolUtf0dNo. 2041 was '' the' Kliftexati-on of the territory herein desdribed sh&11 be deemed duly PeEssed and adopted specifi cally describing the boundaries Of to be end shall" b e complete and thenceforth slid:' annexed territory erritory so proposed to be the tede annhtim shall be, to all intents and pur.. poses, a part of the City to the City of Ana and designating suoh territory an WERT of Anew helm, and from and after the -ef. fectLve , date LA PALMA AVENUE AN- NEXXTION-_ No. -2. and giving no- of such annisxgtjov. all--- property therein shall be sub - ties of such annexation an id flxin jest .'to"-taxatton. e . quAUy with the ' the 19th day - ,61- December, cernber, 1951 :pr"drty-Within the CRY of Ana- "At tba- thodr.". of 4:ff0.-'--'0'c lock P.M. -and shall -: hehii.taxed to pay its be ..at-. thO­CitY Council-- -Chambers In propor innate share' of the existing Indeb.tkness the. City.'. Hall Ari, the City of Ana- heirs, -as 'the - day'. hour and place and liability of said .. City .'-Of Anaheim contracted prior for hearing of written protests to to or existing at the time of such said annexation and, when and where any RATIOXAtion purusant to the writ. ten consent of the owners of - property owning real ..property within_ such territory so ''be -=annexed prop ert3r. -in said annexed territory -fiith thethe City. -Pr`OV0A4d--'-to and hav' ..�ns.--o.b.leattouis..,to-,tlxj J)roposed an- .Clerkof of Anaheim prior to. this -ILdoption". ot Afixitidn mIght. appear before the this". Ordin an to. -City City Council of: the City of Ana- SECTION 4: Tho- Clerk 0..2141h6im, and .directing the City Clerk certify to the passage of this 'Or. to Publish -.or .cause . to be publish- dinalice and cause the same to- be ed a •copy of said Resolution at least twice, but not oftener than Published --once In- - thle ANA73j81'K BULJXTIN, a daily newspaper once & week,. for two successive Printed, published and circulated we.ekw,pr1ar, t6f. -the-'.'date of said -bearing., In a .nem VaA, or of general in the City -of Anaheim. County. of Orange; -,Aate' of California, and .-published and thirty (20) - days from and after Its -6fircuTiLt-64-in' the Cit ' 'of Anaheim, Wit: THE' Ai4ZFZIM BULLE- final Pstsage It shall be Jim hailto.,, force' and effect. TIN- Of. -MaIMM, Orange County, Gallforiiii, ..and -also in it. nomrana. TI-1E--­FOREG0'ING' ORDINANCE verac, a,—.:- - . . ...a..w..c i %�a.iJLornia, an 1- reported upom y: •said Boundar; C.ommiesios•. -- with :respect to th def{niten $11 and -certainty of th proposed br6uV a.tiea. ' . That said territory proposed t be annegod .:io= fisja - City of Ana nal... fu . _tlie County o Oran9 11 it $ -o! talllornia. ani -IK oonticit6us" to .-the City of Ana halm, dhd is.: unlaisabited ,territory That. +aaid petition- contained a de scription of said territory in word and figures as . hereinafter in thi Ordinance described. That the ' City Council duly as sembled at a . reSular. meeting o 'said'='Crtk-:�Cousiefl hill on the 12tl `.daV '.:Nnv'emlter; '1952, did fine tet. aaid-.-petitiov at the time i ' was ' filed "i,iad �retetved was signet I by the o4trners• of -not lees thai nine. fourth • :of the area of the Ian, in such::,territory.-. and represent+ec ' not leas -:than one-fourth -assessed value of said territor; Proposed to be annexed accordini to the last edint equalize l.asesiysm�e>Ei't :col --of-Ahe County o rang6v.. ata.te-• Of...California, it virhicls- = .aaid territory is situate and that ' said territory did no form a part of any municipal corp ?ration and did, find that said ter ritory is contiguous to the City o Anaheim and is uninhabited ter ritory. . That..on : the. 12th . day of Novena, her -..1958, at a- regular . meeting o; said , City Council ' of the City o: Analyeim; Re,sdtUiti'o>1 No. 2041 was allduly describing dthe boundated ries ifs the territory so proposed to bo annexed to the City of Anandin and designatin,gg .N such territory ai WET . LA PA'I,114A AVENUE A. NE XTION- No. -2-- and givin no. tics of such annexation and fixing the 19th day,- 6-1-- December, 1952 iA t the: ghoul. of 4 Tied o'clock P.M .4-t-: the- -City Council= -Chambers ii the. City.. Mall .in the City of Ana. helm. is 'the - day, hour and platy for hearing of' written protests tc Paid annexation and, when aw where any person owning rea: property within arch territory tic -PeOVbd4d '.to -`be- : ahnexed and hav i•n-X objeetiogs ,-'to : tlla proposed an. nexation might- appear before the City Council of' the City of Ana• heim, and directing the City Cleric to publish-. or- .cause -to be publish. eda -copy . of said il.esolution at least twice, but not .oftener than once a week, for two successlvf wesk*- prior o• 'the date of saii hearing. in a :n�vi^,�pager of general circtxat)pn ..pri,nted, -•published anc eirctiidtetir - tri tfie. Ci i of Anaheim , to.; wit- THS' ANA;F" BULLS TIN- of. •Anah0tra, Orange County C0,11fornfe;,'..and -also in, a newspa- per. of gemeral'* .circulation printed P-ubl1Ah6d -acrd circulatird outside of t. h e - .City. .pf­:-Anal*j6jm. ' but in the i :aunty...-_of_.Oraage„ . iii which to located the territory hereinafter proposed to be annexed to the City of Anaheim, to wit: THE PLA- CENTIA COU,RZER and directing that said ji011ication be Completed at least t*enty (.20), daps prior to the datb ..Of hearing hereinabove men'tionel.: And further directing the City' Clerk of the City of An - "Alm to cause written nottee of Ruch pr'opobsd annexation to be mailed to. each . person to whom land within the territory proposed to be annexed is 'smsessed in the last equalized - County assessment roll available on the date the pro- ceedings were initiated. at the address shown• on said assemament roll or as known to said City Clerk.a.hd to any .-person who has filed his 'rlikM6 and address and the designation of lands in which he has ariyy interest, either legal or Pgt.titable. 'with - said City Clerk; and that in- th-e , event that land within the territory proposed to bA annexed to the City of Ana.- hAirri is owned by a County, that the City Clerk shall. -.cause written notice of r+.uch • pirapbmed annexa- tion to be 'mailed" -to the Soar4 of aupervisdrs of such county anddi- recting that such notices be given not less than twenty (20) days before the first publio hearing o the PrdPoaed- annexation. That on the hour, the place specified tnda�. $na at lutibn NO. 2041, to wit: Re+s e lath da On the y of December, 1958. at the hour of 4:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Council Chambers. in the City Hall irr tiib' City :df. krit.heim. Cali- fornia, • tbe,.Cita► = -ouneil of the ("ity of Anaheim .dld. •m66t and as- semble- to )tear and pass on all Protests filed orreceived np to the hour of g--f}D' O,Clock P.M. on said date irnd the City. ColitlOil did find. that the Resolution fixing the time and lisPl&Qe taf: said hearing was pub- dirhed ed l5yr .the City Clerk as herein directed.,•, -ails that written• notice of Stich' proposed annexation was "taile dto eaeh person to whom. land tvithth"'tti'a territory proposed M be annegted is assessed, or in w11ic#-: ffu-n- --Fer!!on has any inter- evt, by— - thtb' City."Clerk. as directed In sial:'`,::eeilirtltrn. That written : V'rotest*'. "dr re s�rt5t made by the o«tirer or Owner& of ..one-half -of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed accordi-ng to the last equalized assessment roll of th•P County . of Orange, State of. Califorrila, nor were protests made bar public or private owners equal ` to one-half of the value of the territory- proposed to be annexed as deteri pined by the City Council: SECTION 2: That the annexa- tion of the territory included wit -h - !in the bOundaries of the WEST LA iooutnci,iy ir,ontin'uing along said City-Winits' Lille a distance of 56.7 feet. -to :e: point; thence Easterly- continuing- -along said 'Cit-y_-T41mit$. 'Ifne-. a .distance of -556:77--Peet -107 a ' point: thence $9utherly � e6iitibuifig ..along. said C14. -Limits :.lure.:.a: distance of-�. 375' :feet "to: a potut; thence Easterly continuing., along said. City Limits' line a distance of 409.20 feet to -aa point; thence Northerly continuing along said City Limits Line a distance of 451.50 feet. to a point; thence Easterly continuing along said City Limits -Line- a -distance of 4g5;4Qfear ..torsi 'or' less, to a ptririt. - ir8.id point being on the lVeat rI9h L-;aV ' Ay lime of West • Street; -thence Northerly earn- tinuing ' along.. said' right-of- wa.%? and saId City Limits line a distance of -.153.20 feet more' or less to the point of begin-' ping. s hereby approved and Bald terri- ory is hereby annexed to and in- :orpora ted ' i n thy. City of Anaheim. ;ounr.� of tlt�angP, State of Cali- ornia. and' is `hereby designated as WEST AVEE NEXATIONANO. 2L o MA the City off taaheim. SECTION 1: That from. and after he effective date of this Ordi- iance and the filing of a certified :spy thereof with to 9e4rstary of (tate . of the State of CalifoMia. h'e.' annexation of.. the territory iereln described shall be deemed o be and shall be complete and henceforth such' annexed territory hall be, to all intents and pur.. loses, a part. of the City of Ane. ielm, and from and after the of. ective - date of such annexatios5 .11 --property therein; shall be sub- ect - to '• taxa.iton- equally with the Z'roiserty:' within the City of Ana- ft and shall -,be taxed to pay its iroporinnate share of the existing ndeb>Alless and liability of said City of Anaheim contracted prior 0 or existing at the time of such .rinexation purusant to the writ. en consent of the owners of prop- irty,, in eaid annexed territory sled with the -Clerk of the City. of LnaheiM . prior to th*' -adoption'' of his Ordinanee. SECTION 4: The - City Clerk sbalj .SECTION to the passa$e of this Otr- �tibl shed noncecause Ire the Athe NA to be RrM 3ULI-ETIN, a daily newspaper Printed, .'published and circulated n the Cit�yy of Anaheim. County.. of)range, 6ts tai " of California, and hirty (.8;0). days .from- and after its incl Passage it shall be in fhsll orce ,&nd effect.. THE- FO I; EGOING ORDINAIITCX rag, app roved affilsigned by me his )8th -day. of .January. 1958. CHAS. A. PEARSON Mayor of the City,. of Anaheim IARLkS 'itv Clerk of GRIFFITH the City f Anaheim SIAL) TATE OF CALIFORNIA OUNTY OF ORANGE lj ITY OF ANAHMIM j -1- - CHARLES R. GR17FITIL City lark of the City of ' Anaheiin. do ereeby . t,ert ifv. `tha-t. the foregoing 1rdinance teas 'introduced at an .djourns&--Regtilar meeting of the ity .C•aunell of` the City of Ads,. aim;- held on the 19th- day of De- 9rnbfpr,' 195'2. and that- the sa=ne As passed a net adopterl at a Rerg• lar m -Jti.. of -said City Council eld on the 13th day. of January, I53, by the following, vote of the iembere there.of - . . AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearspa. 46ser. Hey ing, Boney and Van ragoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: bone. ABSENT: COUNCILMIGN: None. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that Ie' Mayor of ..the City of Arlaheirn PPr_ov-ed-• and.'sijried- said Ordi- w.U'ce on the .18th da' 16.8. Yof January, IN WITNESS WHEREON`. I have areurito set. my hand and affixed ne meal of the City of Anaheim IN 13th day of Janu&ry, 195L 'EAL) lty Clerk of the l.City) of Anaheim Pub. Jan. 1!,. 1953)