PC 87-134,, 4 •t ~...,, ttESOLi19~2oN No. Pc87-134 A R!?SOL(JTION Qr' 'I'Hk~ ANAIILIM CITY F~L~ANNING CUMMISSIUN 'PHA'P PETITION E'OR RFCLASSiFICATION N0. 8'-88-02 BE DENTED W!{CRGAS, the Anahc~im City Plannir-g Comrnis~i~n did receive a veri,`.ied petition £ur Rcaclassi.fication Erom JERAL D. S'1'ANLEY AND DORT.HFAL E. STANLEY, 236 ~outk: Ash StrFet, Anaheim, CA 92805, owners, ot certain real property situated in the City of. nnaheim, County oL• Orange, ~t~~te of CaliFornia, described a:~ ~ollows: LO'P 8b OF TRACT NU. 1565 AS PER MAp SHOWtr IN I300K 49, PAGt;S 2Q TJ 24 :[NCLUSIVF OF MI5CFLLA~EOUS t•iAk~S, Trl '.CHE UEFICE ~C THf' I~ECGRDER Oa SAID ~OUfJTY. ~ WHEREAS, the City 1~lanniag :.nmmi~~sian did hold a public: hearing at. khe Civic C~nter in ~he City oE Anaheim on ,Tuly 6, '19a7 at 1:3U p.m., notice oL ~aid ~ublic hear iny haviny been dull~ giv~n as r.equired by law and i.n ac;:crdanr~ w~.th the provi:~ions ~E tre Anaheim t~unicil~al. ~ode, Chapter. 18.03, - ro hear an~:1 consider evidence rer and againsL• said proposed realassiEication ~ and to inve:>~igate ' and make Eindi.;~ ~;~.~ and eecomme~ida'-ions iii ccmntetion ~' ther24~ith; W[iI:REAS, said Coinni~:~ion, ~E~er due inspection, investigatic-i and st:~ady madc~ by i~seli' and in iL•s berialt', ~inc] a[ter due consicieration af a11 evi3enr,E and reports of: Eered at sa iu hear. in~~, do~~s E ind and deter, mi.ne lhe fellowirig facl:s: 1. Th~it the pet:it ioner pr.oposes ~•eclassii ica.tio~i of subject ~~:opert} Lrom t}~t~ RS-7200 (Re:~identitil, ti;inc~le-Fami::y) Zone Lo thz ~0 (Commercial, OfEice anc7 P~~a[essi.onal) Zon~ or a lass inL•ense rone. Z. That th~ 1111c'1I1~1.if1 General Plan d~signa~~s subjecL- proper.ty f or .low dens ity r e~ ident ial iancl ~i,se::~ ancl that rer.~ning to coilim~re i.a.l would be ",^,p~L•" zoning. 3. `f'hat tha_ ~rropos~d reclass i: icat ion ~t sub ject property i.s no~ n~cessary nor desirable tor the arder.l.y and proper devel.opmenL af the ~=ommun ir.y; ~3nd would be "s~ol zoning" c~; a res.idenk ial :;t.reet. 4. •rhat t:he ~ro~osed reclassi[ication ~aE subject property does not pro~~~r1y reiate to the zones ~~nd Lhpir permitL•~d u~es lo+:al.ly established in c'osa proxi.mir;~ to subjer,~ prcperty and to th~ zor~e~~ and thexr permitted ° use,> yenerally ~stab.lished throuyhu~.tt th~ communi~y. 5. 'Phat 4 ~ier~ons in~3icated ~hF~ir presence at gaid public hFac ing in ~p~as il-. ion; ;~~zd ~haL• u ~eL it ion cont~~ in ing ap~rox imatelY 10 sigr.atures ~,raa rr~ceiv~d in opposition to ~ubject petition. f , 1152r QC8'7-134 ~ 's',;:; ~::,rt ~ '.,i,:: :ti ~~ ~ ,,, '~c .r~. jf ~41, i.NVIRCNMF.N'PAL IMI~ACT ~INllING: That thc ~1nah~~im City Plannj.ng Commisuion ha:~ reviewed t;c propasal to rcclassity subjer.t pr.o~erty [rom the RS-7200 {kesidential~ Single-C~~mily) zone ~o thc C~~ (Commerc~al, OCL•'ice and ProCe,sion~il) zone to permit office use o~ a rssidential sLruckur.e with a rraiver of minimum number af parkijtq ~pac~s on can irregu.lArly-~hapeci pareel oE land consisting ~~E approxim~tely 8,431 square [eet, located at the n~xl•hFast corner oE t3ro~~dway and ,~3h S~reet, and furL•h~r d~sc~ ibeci as 23G South Ash Str.eet; and does herea1~ ap~rc~ve the N~gaL• ive Declaration upon f. inding tha;: it hc~s cc~n:idNred h.he N~yar.ive Declarat.ion togett~er with any comments r.eneived ~~uring Ll~~e public review process and ~izrtl~er LLnding ~n the basis of the initial study and any cvmments recei.vt~d rhat Lhere is no substantial evidence that th~ project wil.l have a sigr,ificant eEfecc on ~he envir~nmen~. NOW, THEKE[~~RF~ 3F IT RESOLVEU that ~he Anahe~.in Ciry Planning Commissian does hc~reby deny ~c~~it:ion for Fte~la~,sificati~n on the basi.s oF tl~e aEornmenr_ioned f.indings. TElE E~Ol2l;GOING RL•'SC)LUTION i~ sign~~d'~and apprc,~~ed by tnc this 6th day cf ~ul~, 19~7. / ;~) c~-~-~ l. _ ~ ~~ Cf1AIRMAN, ANAHPIM C TY PL7~DINTNG C~JNlMISSICN A'PTEST: ,~.,,.~4.. - ____~~ .;~~. . SFCRETARY, ANAHEIM Ci.TY PI~ANNING CUDiMiS;;tOh S`I'A`i'E OE' CAI,IFORNIA ~ COUNTY OE ORANG[; 1 sc. C!'1'Y OE Atdllf{LIM ) I, Gdith 'L. Harri.s, Secretary of th~ Anaheim City Planniny Commission, ~io hereby cert.it•y that the L~regolny reso.lur.ion was passed and adop~:fd at a mee~in~~ of' tr,e At~aheim City L~l~.nning Com~~.is,;ioa held on July 6, ].987, by tn~ f~l.lowing vo~:e o~ th~~ membecs thereof:: AYES: C~MMISSIONERS: F3~UAS, H£;RBS'!', MES5L•', M~ f.iURNLY NI;~S: ~UP1hiiSSI0NEf2S: A13SGN'P: COMMISSIONERS: JACANT: COMMT.SSIONEI2S: TNREr^, IN W~~PNL•;~~5 WHP.E2r:UF , I have hereunto set my hartc~ r;~ia GLI~ clay oE July, 19a7. Q~¢!~'~''~ ,~,~' ._~..~~:'L .. ._.. ~ 1/r-~ . SECEIf,'L'AitY, ANAHf~,lhi C7TY PLANNING C()MMISSION ; 1152r -2- a ?t31'>5 ~~; . . . . . . . . . . PC87-134