PC 87-136RFSOLUTIGN Nb. PC$7-~136 A RG~OL,J'I'TU[~ OE` TH.E ANAHFTM CTTY ?LANNING COMMISSION THA`P PPTITIUN COR CONDITIONAL [iSG PERMTT NG. 2919 DE GRANTL•'D WF[LR~AS, the Anah~~im CiEy P.larxnin~~ Commi~sion dic~ receive a ver if :ied Pe~ it ion For Cond it ional Usc Pe.rrnit f rom V~RNO~~ W. MONROE, 5209 Bayshoce Dr~ive, Newport Beach, CA 9;?663, o~aner and ELEk~TCARL SEP.VICGS, ~/o 3030 L. Cardinal St., Anahei.m, CA 9~806, agent Po!- cerl-.ain re~l proper~y sir.uar.ea in the City oE Anaheim~ Councy of Or~~nge, St~ate of California, clescr ibe~~ as: PARCE;I,S 1 AND 2 IN THL CI'CY UF ANAHEIM, COUNx'Y OE ORANGE, STATE OF CAI,IEORNIA, AS SFIOWN UN A P,'~RCFL MAP FILCG I[V BOOK 93 PAGES 3 ANU 4 Ul? PARCEL MAPS, IN 'PHP OFi ICL Ok' THF; COUNTY P.ECURDGR OF SAID COUNTY. w[iL.REAB, the City Planning Cummissior~ did hold a publi~ hearing at the Civic i.enL•ec in the City of Anaheim on ~7~.1y 6, 1987, at 1;?0 p.m., notice ot sai~3 public hearing flaving been duly giv~n as required by law and in accur.dance with the provision~ of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Ci~a~ter 18.03, to hear and con~ider evidenc.e Eor and aga.inst said proposed conditional use permit and lo in~estigate anc] rnak~ findings a:~d r.a~~ommendations in connectton therewiL•h; ;'~ WHGR~AS, said r_o~nmf,,si.<~a, 4Eter due in:;pection, inv~:;tigation and : stiudy made by itselE and in its behalf, ~nci aEt:er due consi.d~ra~ian oE all ; evider.c:e and reports of.Fere~] ai: said i~e~ring, doe~ find and deter.mine thP Eollo~~ring faci::,: 1. That lhe propo~ed us? is pr.operly onc~ L-cr whicti a.:onditional use permit is authorized by Anaheirn Municipal Co:3e Sect:.r~n 1a.03.03p.OlU ~o wil:; to ~ermit an automobile rep,air Car.ility in rhe ~.[~ "rommercial, Limztea" z~nE. 2. That L•he proposcd use is hereby ~~rant~d subjec~ t~ the p~titi.0-1~~•',c~ sci.pulati.on at the public hearing fhat: any road cestiny and ingresy and e~3res., oL vehicle;~ w.i1J. occ;ur. on].y c,n Se~uoia Av2nue ar~d DrooF:hurs~ Street and not on ~he nearhy r~sid~~ati,al .7L•reeLs tu ~he west; and thar the reac doors Eac~ing the residential area to the west shall zemain closed at all times. ?. That Ll~c propo~ed us~ ~~ill not adversely afEect the adjoining ~and uses and the grow"_h and developrnen~ oE ~he ar.ea in whic;i .it i~ proposed Lo b~ locahed. 4. Thah Fh~~ :; iz~a and ,hape oE the ~ iFe proposr_-~ ror the use 's adequate to a11ow t:he full dev~.lopment oL tne proposed use in a~~annh!- r~ot detr.imenta]. tc~ the parL•ic~l.l.1r ~u~ea nor to the pcaace, heal.th, saf.el•y and g~n~~ral welLate of the Citixens oE thP City of. Anahf~im. 5. Thal: ti~F grantiny oE the Condition~~l 'J~e ~ermi~: under the ~ condition~ i.mp~.:P~, i.f any, wi.ll no~ be detrimentu.l C.o the peace, healt.h, w~'; safPty and yeneral ~~relEare ot the Cicizen:, oE Che City o~ Anaheim. .t , 1155r 2C87-135 r t •v ----.. .. _ ~ . ~ ~ . . ~ . . . . . . . .. . . . _ . . . . ._. . . . . . . . ' ,';r ,,,~, ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ ~ . . ; ;r`p:!S ~ +~~ }: 6. ThaL tl~E trat E ic generat~d by tk~e proposed use will nat impose an undue burden upon th~ sL•re~~L•s and hiyhways d~signed and impraved ~o carry the traLf ic iri t}ie ;:,rea. 7. That 2 person, indicated their prasenc~ at sai~ public hear'.ng in opoosition; and L•hat no correspondence was received ~.;7 opposi,tion to khe subjsct peL•ition. E6IV?RONM~^sNTAG IMt~ACT FINUTNG: That Lhe Anahc~im City P7nnning Commission has reviewed L•he proposal to ~ermit an auka!nobile r~pa~,r faci.li~y on an irregularly-shaped parcel ot 1.and consi.s~ing aE apprc~ximately 3.4 acres, located at the s~uthwest corner oF Sequoi~ ~venue and Brookt~urst St:reet, and fur~her described as 2240 Sequoia Avenue; and does t~ereby approve ~i~ ~ Neqative li~claraL•ion upon f..inding ttiai: it has considered the Neyative ~•eclar.at~on toget:her with ~ny coniments receivnd during the public review process and further findirig on the basis af tfie initzal srudy and any cumments reeeived tt~at thPre is no suk~s~ar.tial evi:9enc~ t;~at the project wi11 have a siqniEicant eEFecl: on the environmenC. ;:; NOW, THGRGhORC, BL•' I~P RESOC;~~D that ~he Anaileim City Plaiining , Commiss~on does hereby grant subject Petitic~n Fur C~nditiuneil Use Per.mit, upon ~' the coltow~~,~ concl.itions wh.ich are hereby found ~o be a necessary prer~quisite ,; ho I:he pr.oposed use o.C the ~ubject proper~l in order to F~reserve the safPty ; and <~eneral welEzr~~ of the Citizens o~ ~he City of Anaheim: 7.. 'Phat the ~~arkiiig spar.~s serving th~ ~enter in which subject use is lo~~~.:ed shall be striped in cor.tormance with submitted plans anc~ as a~rroved by cne Cii:y TraPf ie Engineer. 2. 'I~hat L-ratih s~c;r:age areas shall hc provided and ma:intained in acr,or~9an~.e with approved plans ot~ E ile witn the SzreeF Maintenance and Sanitai: ion Divi.sion. 3. 'Phat: all air co~~diP.ion.ing [dc:ilities and other roof anci yr.ound rnounted cqu~!ptnent shall be properiy shielded from v.iew, and t:he sound bufEered ~rom adjacen~ residentia.l pruperties. 4. Thai: thP pt,-o~osal s;ial;~. comply wi~h all signinr~ ,:equir~m~n~s ~ oE the C~~ 2~one, unle~s a variance allowing siyn waiaers is r: appr.oved by khe l~lanning Commission or City Ccu-~ci:1. '' S. Tnat any E~rupo;ed parking area lighting Eixtures shall be d~wn-l.ighked wiL-)~ a ina.t.imurn height uf :i.2 feet. Said ligt~ting Lixtures shall be direated away Erom adjacent property li.;,es ` ~c p.rotect the resi~entlal inteyrity of the area. 6. 7.'ha~ no ouLcoor sturage oE or worh un venicles or venicul~~r parl•s si~al.l be permir_t,:d. ;; 7. 'rhat. s~abject oroperty sha11 be developed substanttally in ~` ac:corddnce with plaa~ and spec iE icat zon~ on P i.1e YriCh the C ity ~ o~ Anat:e:im mark~d u;xhibit Nos. .1 ~ind 2. `2 PC87-136 v • ~'~ ~, - ,~ ,, , 8• ~'h~E prior to the commenc~ment oE L•he activ.iL-y au~hora.zed under l:his reUol~ition, or final building and zoning inspections Hihich~ver occur.s firtit, Condition No~, 1, 2~ 3- and 7r above-mentioned, ,h~,ll be com~.lied witti. 9. That no test.irig uf vel~icles sha;.l be done res a.~ent ial ;:treets .in the arez and an ~,. ~n tine sha11 occur on Sequoia Avenue c~r Brookhurst atreet ~ni~±ng .10. That l•.h~ zc~r ~7oor tac ing the resi~7ent ial area to the WFc': sha.il remain rlosed ak a11 ti.mes. DG TT F~U1"tTFIGR P.ESOLV~;D that the Anahhim City Pla~ning Commission does hereb,~ Eind and determine t-.hat ~doption ~t G~i~ 1~esoluL-i~r~ is exoressly pr~dicated upon app.licanE's com~liance with Pach and a11 of the conditions herei~;al~r~ve set forth. Should any such conditions, or any Faz~ thereoL-, he d~clarer~ invalid or unenLorcc~bl,e by thc final judgment oE any court of cqrnpet:ent ~jr• ~~ Reso.lution, and any approvals herein containec3, shall be tdeemedt~en Ehis vuid. nu11 and THf, FURGGOING 12LSl~LU~CIO~ is si~7r..e~, an~ a a 6th day oE Ju?:', 14L'7. /J P rove~, by me Yhis J~- ~ ~ Z'~~~~.~. CHAIRMAN, ANAEIEIM~pL PINING CObi~hjr,~"-' AT'PES`P: SSIODI g , , m _ ` ~~_/~~~-~Vt--c-~/ hCitC_ARX, ANAhEIM t;ITY PLAN-UI[~C ~OMNISSIUN S'~ATE OF CAT,TFORNIA ) COUNTY UF' ORAN(;E ) ss . C I'!'Y OF A[dAHf'IP9 ~ ~Y}~~;: COMMISS'IONLIZS: 90UAS, EIERr35q'- MC BURN~X, M~;ygL NGES: CQMM?SSION~RS: NQNE ~~^~~«`~, COD1h;IS^aION~;RS~ NONE VACAN'I': COMhIIaSIONGRS: THfir^.,F, 1:, F~a~~t~ L. H~~rzis, Secc•etary oP hhe Anaheim City PZanning Commis,ion, ~o her~by certify ~naL• khe Poregoing resol!lhxon was pa:JSed a7c~ adu~ted at a meeri.nq oF the Anaheim Ci~l' P1anr~ing Commtssio: held on .lu1y 6, 1987, bY ~;~~ ~ollai,ring ~ote of the memF~ers L-h~±r~~f- 1 TN WTTNE;s, wEi~:~;cor, T have here~;nto set my hand ~his 6th day ot July, 1987. ----._.._._. ~~, .~. ' . s~;c;~~;TAR ~~'"'d" ; ~ k, ANAHFIM r..:ITY f~.LADJ~;LNG COMM.LSSr~N ~~~ :. i -3- ~'C87-136