PC 87-148. ... ~ .. i.)~~~
RESOL'J'PIU~'_ N0. P~g7_148
WEl~R1;AS, Lhe ,'~nah~3im Cil,y Planning CommiUsi.on did rer,eive ~ verifiad
L'~~ iL ton for Var iance ~ro~n ALi~YN f3. SCltEV AND RpSEMaRY fs.
Box 25Q, UFland, CA 91785, owner and MARY LOU eLUWN:~S, p. S~HEV, P. 0.
CA y1785 AiVD C~~LD~•:E;LL RANKER, 1900 SLude' ~• B~~x 2.,0. Upland,
AT~i~N: DIAI~C tiAML~TN, ag~nl L•or cerLain ren~ aaher, ~100 CerriLos, CA J0701
Anaheim, CcunLy of Orarige, SLate oE CaliEornzprc~P~~ribed La~~L~a l~ ~t1e ~i~'y of
'•~: LU7` 1 0~' T12AC'I' N0. 32~16, IN THE C:ITY UF ANAHEIM,
3Zls`CURL`~U Ttd BOOK 99 r AS P~;R MI~P
M~~~ jN ~ PA~L•'S 31 r\~lU 32 OF ~IISCET.,7,AIJEOUS
WHERLAS~ Lhe City Pi~znning Commi:.sion did holcj
~l~e Civic Cenler in Lhe~ City of' Anaheim on ~'uly 20, i9g7, ~ i~.3Qi`' t~~`~ring ~1L
of. sa ia ~ubl ;c hear inq haa ing be~n du;.y y ive: as ~. ' ~'• m• , not ice
accord«nce wi~h i:he ~ rey~ired by 1aw and in
provisions oL- lhe Anaheim t~iunicipal Code, Chapl.er 1$.03,
I.u he~~r anp considnr ~~{;.7en~e Eor ~nc1 agai.ns~ said
invesL igaLe a~zra make E ind ings and re :ommenda~ ion:~ in connect~ ion v~}r4r w~~;han ~ndo
WEiL•R~,AS, said Com,~~issfon, after ~9ue i~~pecliun, invwst:igation and
st:udy mad.e by iLselE and in ils hehalf, and ~ELer due con~ideralton oP a1].
~~vidence 4nd repor~s eFlereci aL said neariny, d~es f i~~d and d~t:ecmine Ct~e
followin<~ [ac~s:
1. Thal_ I.he peLilioner pr~po:~es wa~ver. o.E Che Lollowi.ng lo permiC
two re,taur.~nLs in ~;~~ ~~:{ Ls~ ~r~~~ conuner~,ial r~n~tr with waiver o~;
SGC~1'IONS 1$.O~~p, 022 - Min imuin ni~mb~c o ,~Lk in. s aces.
18.0_.._~~0._0231 ~ (1Q~ 9 s~aces CN ~ _..3...~..,,"
1f3.06.~80 -~-IU trC-~d; 61 s dCeS
.-_.__ E'X i 8 t t ~ g).
Arrv 1}3.a4.U66.050
~h~~= L~~~e patk E That lhe
ny waivtr, ab~ve-;ri~;:~nt zoned
will nu~ wri iver is herc~by r~ranCcd on the bas i
nor adver
;~el s
an incre~~e i~~ traEf ic cunye;,Lfon in
yranL inc~ of lhe
park ing .
wa iver. under 1
hr ~fFe~~ ~an,
~ ad join ing l~nd use~ an~
be del:rimenLal
cili to
lhe .
pAace, heallh
, ~
ccndiLfun:3 imp~~sed, ir any, will not
zens o[ t:he
use;~ will b
Y o~
Anaheim; and on ,.
Y an~3 gene••al weiEace oP the
khe b~~sis t
a donuL
shoP and a san .
.~,~-' ~~ropc~yed re~sC~uranL
dwich shop ra~~,
. c~r ~t~~~n Cull s.arvice
3. Thai: ~t»re are ~x~epLi~nal ar ext_raordtnar•y circ~~msCar-ce~ or
con~i~ion3 aPplicabl.e ~.o Lhe Nr~perLy involved ~r l.o I.h~ inlend~d ur~e o[ ~h.~
E~rap~arty L'nal do noL apP1Y yenerally L~ Lhe pro~erl.Y ur c•~1~~ss c~E use -n l:he
same v~Ecini~y and 2on~.
4. Th~t lhe requesl.ed vari.ancE fs nec;F:s;;ary fr,• ~}1e , P-
and ~n ~oymen~ of. a r;~~,4 ~,~~nL ial pro~er~x r iqh L ! C-~ervaL ion
Lhe s~~me vicinfty an~ zone, ind denied ~o ~hP ~ossestied by ~I.her properi.y in
pro~erl:y in quest; fon.
} tr,,
.,. , . . . . . . ,. . .t', , ~. ~ .j'.. ~ .
5. Thaf: the requ~S~A~~ variance wi.il nof: be maLerially delrimenl.al
~o Lhe p~abl.ic we1L•are or injurious Lo Lhe properLy or. impeove~ments in such
vic in i~y and zon~~ in wh ich Lhe prupecty is lor.aLed.
oPpos il,'_on6. and~hl,haLl r oeLCOrrespondenc was prece iv~d ain sa id
~.~ public heari.ng in
,_ Pel iL ion. op~os.iL• ion Lc; subjecL
Commission has r.eviewed lhe 21ia~ Lhe Anaheim Cily 1?lanniny
commerc ial. cenLer wi.th ~va tv~ ~r o[ 1 m in i ~u nm ~numb r r oE~aa ranl.s i~ an ex isL ing
r.ecLangu].ar.ly-shaped park.ing spaces on a
' locaLed a~ the porLhwest~1GU~ 1e~i~~~~ ~r lnttis 11Dr, ive ~lp~'r°Y imai:ely 0 8 acre
; fur~her. de, and ~uciid Slreel:
4, scr ibed as 1001 i:o 1011 NorLh E~~c.1z,7 Stre~t; and c3o„s hereb u~ ~nd
•r ~.he tV~g4qL ive Decl~iral ion upan E i.ndiny lhal iL f~as ~• , Y ~~rove
Qec7.ara4ion Loget_her wiLh ai~y coinmenL~ rec;ei.ved dur nJ~~heG ~he Neg,~t:ive
nr°~es~ anc; Curti~~r f i~~r? ing on L~ie b~s is of t.he in i L ial St,,~c~ publ ic revi ew
receivec~ t1~ai: Lhtr.e is no subsL~-~nti~32 4vi.dence thal Lhe .-~ ~jn`~ ~ny comrnenls
si.gnit•icanl. ePFe~.I. on Lne environ:,enL, ~ P-~7ect will have ~
'' NU47, TElf3REFURk? GN,
Comr~is~ iun c?oes ~ ~ LT EtESC>L~VL•'D 1.I~iaL ~he
h~rek7y gr.anl subjec;L Pel.ition for Varia-ce,h uponcth~ followinq
cond iL i~ns w'r~ ich are tlerGby found l.o be a r~ece~sary pr~~e uis '~
~.~ropc~sed use o[ t.h~, .,ubjecL ~,roperly in order ~o ~~ , 9 ~~~ ~0 1:'ne
general. welEare of l~~e Citizens aL• l.!~r ~.i~y oE Ane3l~eir~Pr~J~'rve 4he sa~eLy and
; L. ThaL Lk~ie o~.~ner o[ subj~~cl ~~roperL.y sr:all
Anahei;n a Fee toc l.ree naY Lo lhe CiLy of
an~l Franc.i~ Driv<~ in anlaa~ ~unL pas~~,~~es a1~nu ~;uclid Skrcet
Counc i.1., Lermined by Lhe c; ~~~•
2• That. t.he dr ivcway pil t;uc1 i~i Slreei. ~hall be riconstrucled ~o
accc,rnmoda~e t:F~n (.1~)) loot. ra~liu:s c:urb reLurn~ as requir.Ed by
~~~' ~ i~-y Traf: f ic Ln~~ ineer .
~. ThaL str.~eet. lighlinc~ Cac~lit.iey along ~;uclid SLreeL st,all be
ir,s~allnd as requ i rea by i.he U~. il i.t iev General Manaye: in
acrord~ince wilh specifir.a~ions on £i.le in i:he OEL•ice og ,
Ut i.l il ies Genera: Manaqer, and LhaL
bond, c~~rL iL• icate c~C c3e osit. ~. Uacuri~y i.n Lhe f:or.m of a
P ~ IetLc.c of, crerl il, or cash. i~ an
amounl, anci [orir~ sril. isEac:Lury Lo I,he Cil
post_e~i ~,~il:h the Cily Lu guaranl~c , y°f ~nnahe~m~ shall be i
a[ the above-m~nLioned im rove ~~"" ~alis~acLory cnmplat~iou
~ menLs. Said securi~,, sha11 be ~
posi-ed wiLh Che CiLy oE Anaheim E~r:or Lo i3suance of a bui.lding
~~r~iiL. Thc~ above-required improvern~ql.,, ,,h~Zll be in~slalled ~
F~r ior lo commencem~n~ of. lhe ar.t iv il}• author ized by Lhis ~
resoluti~n. ~
~• Thal. Lhc ~wner. uf: sub jec;~ pro~erty shal l ~
Anah~irn a[ee for s~reet_ 1 igl~,~ ing along rancis Dt iv~ ~ i~ an l~
amoun:. as ~ieLermined by f.h~ Ci~y ~nuncil. {
_____ PC8'1 ~:L 48 ~.
_ , ,,w,
5~ ThaL Lhe o~aner ot subjecL E~r.operty shall irrevocably oECer l:c
de~l ical:e ta Lhe C it.y of Anahe im an add i~~ io~.ial sLr ip o.f, lan.c~
along Guc: id S~rEael, measurE~d souLherly trnm l:he ba~k-of-cur.b
al: Lhe corner oF ~he inl.er:;~ct ion of. Eucl id Si:reeG and La Palma
AL~riUL~ and var~in~ in ~vidi:h from 12 fee~ tor 4he E irs~ 30U
[eeL and Lhen Lransi~i.onitig E~om 12 Eeet to 0~eel: Eor lhe nexL
30U EeeLo In Lhe ev~nt LhaL G~neral Plar~ AmendmenC 'No. 210
c perta in ing lo Gr il. ical InLersecL ions is noL ~3do~~ec7 by Lhe C iLy
Counc il, lh is cond il: ion shall be cons idered null anc7 vo id.
G. Tha~ ~he own~}e uL subjec:l: properLy shal.l submii. a leLLer
r.equesti•~g l~rmii'~al:.ion oL Variance No. ~90 Lo i,he Zoniny
?. Thc,L I:rash sl:orage areas :~hall be prov i~9ed anc; ma int:ained in
accordance wi.Lh apE~roved ~~lans on file wiLh Lhe Slreel
l~taint~~n.~hc:e an~ Sanil:aLion Divi~i.on.
8. That a.l : a i~- cond i~~ c~n ing Eaci1 iL ies ~znd o~.i~r:r rooE and ~round
mounLc~d equ ipmeni. .al l be properly sh ield~c9 f rom v iew, and l:he
sou7d i>>al E~reu ~ com ad jacenL res ident ial E~roperL ies.
9. 7.'haL the nr.oposal shal:l cc~mply with al? signing :equiremenLs oE
Lhe CL 7.one, unl.~:~ , ~; va~ ia~tce allowin9 s ign waiveis is
a~proved by Lhe C iLy Counc i:l, Pl.ann i.ng Co,nmiss ion hr Zon ing
A~1m in isLra~or.
10. Tha:. a s ix ( 6)-•f ool h i~~it mz.~onri block wall shall be
consi.ruct,ed ~~nd ma inl. • inEd along LhE WesL propertiy 1 iney anc~/or
l:ha~: a br~nci in a~ amounL and Eorrn sa~isfactarl Lo Lhe CiLy oL-
Anatieim shall b~; pus~ed ~~~ilh Lkle ~~ity ~:o g~tarantee L'n~:
insLallat.ian oti said w~.~ll prior l.o f.inai buildin~ ir,specLion.
1] . That. any ~roposed park in<3 area 1 ight ina £ ixtures ad jacenl: lo
~ny r, es i~~iec~L i al propt~rty shal.l be down-l iyti ~eci w il.h a max i.mum
he i.ghL of_ 1'l E~et. Sa id 1 iyht i.ng f i.xLUre,a shall be d i rec~ed
away f rom ~~d ja~.znt r. t~s idenl, ial properi.y 1 ines l:o prolecl. ~he
c~s idenLial in~ec~r iLy oE t.he aXea.
12. '.l'hal. sut, jec:l, pruperL.,~ st~all k~~~ dcavelupec3 substan~ i~'tlly in
r~cc,urdance wiLh plans ~~n~~ s~~ecif. i.caLions on £ile ~aiLh Lhp Cil;y
oP Anatieiin macked Gxhibi~ Nos. 1<~ncl 7..
13. 'i'yat prior ~o Lhe com~nencemen~ oE t,he acLiviLy authotizacl by
I.h i~ resolut: ion, or w i~h in ~~ ~er iad ~L- one ye~ar f rom Lhe d~~~e
oE Lhi;~ rc~soluLion, which~ver occurs Eir.sL, c'ondi~ion tdos. 1~
3, 4, 7 and 8, abova-men-~i.oned, sh~~ll be complied wiLh.
LxLens i ons Lor L•arLher cim~ ~o comple~.:e sa id cond i-: inns ma~~ be
qran~ed in accor~]ance wit;h 5ec~ ion 18.03.0~0 oE t,he Anaheim
Mun ie ipal. Cc~de.
p; .
i: t
~_~ :;
-3- res~--iaa
. ~ ~ ~ .. "ti Y .;,i)
~ :
i '
' I'.
4 ~ ,:
~,~~;a~,' t
h,~ ,
t' ~ . a.t,~~a,r.~~~. , r~
_' ~.:~'+p'ey~:l~
5. 'PhaL sir~ewalks shal.t be .instal].ed al~--~3txe~'t~""'Street ~s
equired by the C.ity L~ngl.n ,~r...-~m~~ccordance with standard
~ ans anri _;~.tae~i~'ii:aC.~i~is ~~n E i1e Ln the OLE I.ce oE the City
~ r, q-.~ri~'e r .
\ _,. _____--~_.__._.___..._
G. 7.'ha~ the exi:~ting rnos~ east,~rl.~i~..~w'ay on Fr~ncis Drive sha11
be i~e oved_,3.n.d--~p:1:a~J with ~1 sta.idard c:urb, gutter, sidewalk
~~c~ . "~SC.~~ i~~g .
7. Tnat the owner oE subj~~:t pro~erL-y shall irrevar.ably ~EEer to
ded icate o the C.ity of Anaheim an ad~9 ~ t ional str ln of land
along ~uc.l'd Str~~~t, measured southerly from tha back-of-curb
at. tki~ corn o.E th~ inter.ecti.on at FucJ.id Str~et ana La Pa1.ma
Avenue, and aLying in ~vidth from 12 fe~t f:or t:he EIrsL- 300
Leet and th~n transit.ioning [rom 12 feet to 0 feet .Eor the next
300 E'eet-. In ~he ~~vent-. thal-. Gener.al D1811 Ame~dment No. 21Q
pertaina.ng ta C it ical Intersections is n~t adopt;e~9 by the City
Council, thi~ con it.ion s}ial.l be conslder~~d nul'1 and voicl.
8. 'Ehat the owr:ar o1` subject_ proper~y shall subrnit a letter
i-ec~uesting l.~rminat~on o[ ~~ariance Nr. 990 to the Zoning
1'! iv ision. \
9. i':~at trash s~orage are s shal.l b~~ pr~~vided and mainta.ined in
a~:cordance wit•h approv c, plans :~n f ile w.lth the Street
Ma~ int~nance ana S~~n :tcl~ lOI , ll tvl.s i.on.
1~. That al'1 aLr conciitioning E~ir.i.lltiE~s an:~ uther xoaL- and yround
mounted cyuipr~.c+~~ ,hali be p~per7.y shiPlded Erom view, and the
.so<<c•~d '.,uEPerc~d Er~~m adjacAnt r sidential ~ropertie,.
11. That the praposa.l .^,hall ~Ol1lp.L~ iL•h all ~ignl.ng regulcements oF_
the c;L Zone, unl~ss a vartan e allowi-:g sirn waivecs is
ap~:~~ved by thF~ City Coulic i'~, anni~ig C:omm;.ssion or Zon.ing
Adm ~n ~ct.rator .
1'1.. That a ~ix (6)-£oot hJ.gh mason. b].ack wall sha1Z be
construct~d and m-ain;.a.ined aloiig the est property llnes and/or
thal•. a bond in an a~r,ounL an~ for~n sat: sL-acL•aiy to i:he ~tty oF
Anah~aim :~ha7.l l~E posted wi.ti~ the ity l-.o gu~rant:~e the
~nst~ill.atiori ot ~aic] wal.l or.ior Lo [inal bui].ding inspec,l:lon.
13. That: any propoU~d parkiny ~:.r~a liqhting ~`Eixtures ~id jac:enL• to
any resident ial pro~~cr.y stia'll be down•-li~~hted w.ith a maximum
height oE 12 L-ec~. Said lightLlg Ei~tture:•.~ sha,~l b~ directed
away L roiT~ a~i j~cent ees IdenL i~11 prop~c ~ f 1 i~~s to ~rotecL- the
re.r,id•~n~.ial inL-egri.ty of the arc~a.
14. Tt~at sub ject ~ro~ezty shal.l be ileveloped y~Abst~ntlal?y Ln
accordance with ,~i~~ns and :;E~e~ti ications ar. f ile~wikh the City
oE Anah~im marked Lxhibit Nos. 1 and 2.
-3- PC87-148
14. ThaL prior (:o Lhe commencernen~ o[ Lhe act;iviLy auLhocizer] by
~ Lh is re,olitt ion, or i inal. build ir.g and 7,qR 1!1g inspecL ions ~~
whichever, occur:s f irst, Conditi.on r~os. 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12; 13 t
and 14, aUove-men~iuned, shall be ~:omplied wi1:h.
BE IT ['UR'PHGR R~~S~11,V~;ll I:h~zl: t.he Anaheim City nl~nn ing Commissi~n ~:?
, docs hereby f ind and detFrmir~e thal. ado~Lion oi th is R~soluLion is expressly
pr.ed icaLed upon a~~,,l icanL'~ ~ompl iance wiLh e~ch and ~~11 of Lhe condition~l `'
~ her. einabove sel: f urLh. Shauld any such cond i~ iun, or any par~ I:here~~E, be r~<
declared invalid ~r ~~nenForceab.le by ttie final judgmenL of any cuu.rl of
rompeLenL jurisdici:;c~n, Lhen Lhi.,a ResoluLi.on, and any appravcls herein ''
ronLained, shall Ue deemed nu11 and void. ~`,
TFIE FOFtCGUING RESOLUTTON is a iyned anr] approved by me i:h is July 20,
].987 .
i . ~1~'
; ATTE~'C: . /
' _~._.__^~~~~_.~~.....~_r-.l~.~-~.-.
STA'rF.'. Oi' CAI,ICORNI'1 )
l, Ed it_h L. Flar. r i.s, Secr eLar.y ot l:t~e Anahe im City P~.ann ing
Cemmission, do hereby cerLiiy ~~haL Lhe Lorey~ing r.~solu~ion was passer~ and
adopled aL a m~el ing oL lha A.?ahe im C i~y P1ann iny Cornmi ss zon hFa7 d on July 20,
19~37, k;.y khe followi.riq vol:e af lhe mambers thereof:
P~U~~: COM~(ISSIOPJl;lt5: [vUNL•'
of ~Tuly, 1967.
IN c9I'I~NESS WHEftGOE~, i h3ve hereunt:o set my han~l Lhis 20i.h day
~ • ~ ,
a~ i
-4- PC87-1~0
; if