PC 87-15~ ;.,.:~ •,r~ ,q. •. RES~JLt1'PION Np, PC~i7-15 A R~SOGUTION OF THF AVAHEII~ ~ITy pGANNING COidMTSSIGN THA'.P PE~~jq'rON F'OR c;ONUITIUNAI~ USE Pr,RD1iT N0. 2874 RE DFNSEq ~~1HEREAS, 4.he Anaheim Cil:y Planni.ng Comrnissi.ori did r.~ceive a veCif.ied PelitiAn Eor Ccnditional Use Permi.~ from LOD~:L ~~~ , Wuodxand Drive, Anaheam, Cali~ornia 92Fp~ FIpWrErAL ~ O~~M~~gTOPJE 2BUILDERS~ INC., 1739 Sou~l~ pouylass Itoad, Suii:e F', Anaheim, Cali~ornia 928U6, a~ent: o~ certa~ n rn~~. propert:y si.L•uar_ed ln t:he Ci.t:y of Anahei.m, County of Ocange, 8c:ate o: ~a_ifornia, d~scribed as: THC NnRTH 100 : LET 0: TrIAT NO:t'~`IQtV C1I TE!F P70R'PHI3AST Q~IAR`PLR Ol TH[: NORTHr',AST QUARTGTt OF SLCTICN j9r TQWNSHlP 4 SOU'PH, RANGE 10 WEST, S11N BERNARUZNO BAS~; ANn M~RIDTAN, TN '1'EIF CITY UF ANAHEIM, C~UNTY OI' ORANGE, ~'~12'~ UE CAI,IFORNIA, DESCRIBP•,D AS FOLLOWS; BFGTNNlNG A'I' A POINT I!~ T[iE EAST LINE OE :iECTION 19~ '.CUWNSFi.IP 4 SOU'I'N, R~1NGE 10 WG;;7', SAN BERNAP.DlNO DASE :~NL' t4eR:[DIAN~ SATU E~OINT BETNG SOUTFi 0 DEGRF.IsS 27' WE;;g' 6UO~U0 FEE'I' E'AOM T[iC NORTH~'AS'P CORNER 0(' SAID SFCTION 1J, RUNN:[NG 'PHENCE ??F;OM SAID [~OINT OF fiEGINNICtG SQUTF! $4 DECREES 54' 40" ;~IF'ST PARALLf.;i, TO 'PHE NORTti LIN~ OF SAID S~CTIUN 1y, 175.00 FLE'P TO A~OTN'~'; THENCE Sf~UiH 0 DGC;RFe^,S 21' 'AES'P, !'AkALLEL ''t'0 THG EAST LIP7E pE SAIp SEC'~ION 19, 265.91 N EFJT 7'0 A POINT IN THE NqRTHERLY LTNL' OF' TEJA'1' C~.RTAIN PArZCFL OF L,AND DES~RIEED IPi DF,ED RECORllED JULY ?.8, 1897 TN DUOE~ 31, PAGF, 62 OF UCEDS: 'TE{ENCE; NU~2TH 58 CEGRE~S :i8' 20" EAuT TO A.LONG SAiD tdUR'PHGRLy C,INE 205.93 FE~'P 'PO A POINT IN Ti1E LAST LTNE; UF SAID SECTZOI3 1J; P~;ENCE NORTH 0 DEGR~•FS 27' gA,gT ALONG SAID EAST LINE, 159.U0 FEF,'P TO 'PfiG PGlN•P pE' F3GG INNIf7G . AN ~A~EMGN'C FOR ROAD nr~n U7'ZLIiY I~URt'GSCS nDGR, UNDER AN~ ACE20SS 'i'HE F,ASTGRLY 60 E't.E;'P qr' SAID L.;,,D ~S ,kANTGi) 'I't) Tfi~ CITY r)C ANAHEf.M. ~ WHEREnc, r.he rity p,anniny rominission did hold a ".he Ci~~ic c'enr.er in tbe ~:.Ley o~ Anaheim ~n ,lanuar ,o public heariny at no~ic~~ of srid public fieari.ng ha~~.iny bnen c9uly yiven as rPquired by law0an~m~n acc~~rriance wi':h the provt~,ions of r:tie Anahe:m Mursicfpa.l Code, Ci~ap-;er 18.0.3, to hear r:nd consid~r evider~~.e ;for and s-tgains~: sa.id propored conditinn~~l usc~ permir ~nd to tnv~s~:igat:E and make f,indin~3s and r.ecomme.idationc i.n cnnneci:ion -:herewi-:h; a~~d '~INERe:AS, said Comm.is,tun, atr.er. due ~nspect:fon, in::;;~t:t~ irion and 3t.udy made by i~:3e,f and in ;,Cs beh~lf, and a£rer due :onside:~~.ioh of all evidence and repoc':s oEE~red ar_ sai~ ~~earing, doe3 find <~nr1 dp-:er;nine -:hq followitig F.act:s; 1. 'rhak t.Fn ~~Upn~e,~ ~5,, t~ pro~er.ly onF~ ~or which a condzt:ional u~~ pernit: is aur.hp~~i~ed bl An~heim N,unic;ipal Cod~ Sect-Lon t:o wit: t:o pn:~mir: a .zn :i~ikonobile ~a1es :o~. 'r lU~Cr I:'C87-15 '''""". 2. mha~: t.he pr~po~ed use wi.ll aciv~rsely afF.ect: the adjuining land uses an~ r.he growth ran~ developm~nt of ~:he area in which it: is E~roPosed t:o be .locat:ed . 3, Thar the size a-~d shape of r.he si~~ ~rroposer.l F~r r.he use is no~ adequai:e Lo allow t:ht~ fu.ll development of the proposed use in a manner not detriment:al t.o r_11e ~a rt:ieu.lar area nor i:o ~=he pe.ace, t-ealc.h, safety arid general we].f ar.e oE the Ci~izens oE the Cicy o.C Anal7eim. 4, Thal -:he grant:ir-g of: t-he Cond~i~~ional Use Permit under h.he candit~ions i mposed, i~ ~ny, wi11 he detrimen~:a:l Lo t:h~ ~cace, h~alth, saPety an~ gFneral welfr.e oF ~.l-e Gir izens cF r_he C~I.ty of_ Anaheim. 5. Thai- no one indicated r,hciL prpsence a+: ~aid ~ubli~ hearinc~ in opposit:ion; and t.hat: no corres~ondence wa:=. received in op~~u~iLion r_o L'ne ,uoject: C.,e~:i~.i~n. EDiVIRONMENT~t~ TMPACT FINDINU: That i:he Anaheim City Ulanniny Cummission has reviewed t:he praposal to r~ermit an automobila stite~ lot on a rect:anatalarly-shaped par.cel uE land consi~ting ~f z~proxima~-el.y U.26 acre, hav.ing a Prontage oC app[oximately 100 f~et on tk~E: weoC aide of Brookhurst Srreet:, and rucr.Y~~r described as 1237 South f3rookh~.:~.s1: Stceet; and does here~~ approve t:he Nega~ive l~ec.larrxtion upon Einding Lhas: it '.~as con~iderec] the Neg~+r~ve Uec~aration toge~.her wi~:h an•r comnient.s rFCeived du~ing t:he pui~:lic ceview proce3s and fucr.her fin~i~~g on Lhe basis ~~F the initi.al sZudy and any commenr.s re~eived rhat: !-h,r.ce is no subsL-an~.ial evi.dence ~:ha~, r_he projecC wi11 havF a ~igniEican` ~tEect nn +:he envi.ronment. NOW, T~iE~2EFORh1, f~G ZT RE50L~VF.U i.hat the Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion da~~ herPby cier~y ~ubj~cr Pe~.i~ion Ecr condi~:ional Use Permit, on r_he basis of s.he SZforeiaentivned findings. '"HL•' i GItF.GUING R~SOLU i'ION i.s 5iyned ~nd approve~~ b~ tne r_h;.s 19th day oF ,7r~nuary, 1987. ,. ' ~-~y- ~ ~ . /i,, , ~ f . `~~' (,- ~ /' .' / ,.r~'_'~~• .~-~-. !~.r,. ,., CfI~:il3MAN~ AN HEIM CI'I'Y PI~ tIINC COMM,ISSION ~ A'PTE51: i ~ ~~ • . / +, , ._ ~ '; ; - ,~_,Ltl~-A-~~~ SECRE'P RY, ANAHEIM C1TY PLAN~IING CQMMISSIUN '7 ST~1'1'E Ui' L'ALIFORNI.~ ) ~ ~ COUNTY OI' ORAI~GE ) 3s . l CITY OE ANANE?M ) ,xr ,,~ r' _Z_ PC87-15 B;i~ ~: . . ~ , .. , . .. .~. r.. Gf~t ~ ?~~, . ~ , .. .. ytt; I, Ldit:h ~,. Flarris Secrerar~ oE ~h A h i Comrnisslon, do hereby cert:ify adopted at: a meet:ing of. t:he An 19, 1987, by the following ~otE AYES : C(~MMISSIO~JERS: fiOUAS ~ MESSE NOES: l':()MMISSION~RS: i~ONE i`. ABSrN'~': COMMISSIQhERS: NON:. ^; ,;. 7•' ~' ' ~ ~Cf ff ~, . ... ~ •,~ e na e,m City r,~anning ~har t.rle Eoregoing re~olut:ion wag pa~sed and ah~im Ci~y I~lanning Commission t~:eld on January of t:he members I:hereot: C'RY, HE;RBST, LA CLA7RE, LAWTCKI i~:C HUFtNEY ~ IN WI~xNLSS ~nir,~~~oc, .T. havq hereunta set my, hand this .l9rh day of January, 1987. ' ~ . SGC'F2ET ~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COM[~17SSSON -3- Pc:87-15