PC 87-152.~ ; :~ i ,, ., , .. _ . . _ . .., . , , . :~; ,,,,;.., t~rsoLO`rwroN ~io. ~~87-152 A RESOLUTION UF 'i'HE ANAFIEIM CITY PL7~NNTIvG COMMIS; IUN THAT I~ETtTION I~`OFt CONDITTONAL USL•' PERMTT P~O. 2934 13G I)GNIEn WHERI:AS, the Anah~ im C ity Plann ing Comm iss ion d~~ re~e i.~e a veriEied PeLit.ion Por (:ond1t;;,~n~a1 Use PermLL from RUE~Y G. DELGG~1pp, 102 BucalypLUS Dri.ve~ ~na}7z.im, CA 92307, ow;~er and FRTLNDS OF LUEAVITCii OF OFADIGE COUNTY,~ 5i2 S. Aroukhurs+_ S~., Anahe im, CA 92804, ATTN: MOSCI~; SHUR, agenL f•or ~~rL•a in real rroperLy ~ iLual.ed in th~ Ci~y o£ Anah~im, Cottni.y of Orange, SLale Qf Ca.l iforn ia, descr ibed as: THAT PORTIOPJ Or i,Qm 18, TRACT DIG. 1.17, AS S!-IOWN UN A h1AP 12GCORUri) iN ~OOK 1.1, PAGF~ 15 Qr MISCELI,ANEQUu h1APS~ IN T[iE OFF~ IC~: OF THL COUN'I'ii REC012DEP~ OF SAIll ~RAN; B COUNTY, DESCRIl~ED Ag FOL[~OWS; ~~ ~! CiGGTNNING A'I' `PHf; Ihl'.PLRSLC'PIUN OF TkiE SOUTHL•'ASTLkT,Y ta T NL' r~F PARC FL 1, TNA?' C ERTAI N 1~ARC ET~ OF LANll DESCRIBED TN 1)EGD '.PO '1HG STATP, OF CALIEORNTA, RLCORDE;D Di:Cr;Mt1ER 19, 1951 IN I3QUK 2265, PAGL' 498 01' OFFICIAL RGCOI2GS TN 'I'HG OEFICE OP SA;.p COUNTY RL;C;ORDLR t~TTH 'fHP NORTHEASTGkLY I~INE qi' SAIU 'LO'L' 18; `ry~H~L' ~OUZ'H 55° 40' Qp" EAST 165.36 FF,ET ALUNG SATD f1C~R`rHL•'AS~f;Hj,y LTNI; r~~ AN rHTF;E'tSGCTION WITEI THL•' NORTH~AS'P~RI,Y 1.XT~NSTUt9 UF iI•IE NORTHWLSTEPLY LTNE C~F THrI'P CLR'I'A:'N PAFICEL OF LANI) DESCRIB'~p IN UF,Ep ~'0 H. J. TiiOMAS, JR. ANU WTi ~,', l;ECORUF,U FrE3RIIA;~~ 25, 1970, IN BqOK 922:?. ~ACE 5~1Q pE' S~.lll 0~'FICIAf~ t2EC0.RllS: TEI}3NCG SQUTIi 9G° 31' 30" WEST 234.81 rBET ALQi~;; SAII3 'P10RTHEASTCR.LY F.X'fENSIClDI, ALQNG SAID NOR`PHWGSTLRT.,y LINE nND 'PHG SOU'PHWEu'.['ERLY F.X'.I'ENSTUN T~I1'l2LOf~' TO THE SOUTHLdLSTE:I2I~Y I:,I.IE OE SAID LQT 18~ THf:NCE; NOt2'1.'[i 5U° 33' 00" WL;ST 67.43 [~GET ALUNC, $a:;:I) SOU'PHWLS'~'~RLY LINF TO Tf1E MOSI' SOU`i'Hi,RLY rpj~EK 01? PARCEL ?. DL•'SCl2IIiLll TN SAII) DLEL~ 'PO TI•1E STATC OF CALIrORN.IA; Ti~I;N~G AL~JNG THi: NOR'I'Hf~ASTEItLY LLNE OF SAIU PnRCF'L 2, NORTH 30° 24' 35" WT;ST 5(i.76 EEE'P Ap]D NURTFI 5~° Z7' 35" WggT ~,95 rEL•"P 'PU SAID SOU'CHrf2Pf~STl;RLY f INF OP PARCLL .1; THL~CC•. PIURTH 3G° 32' 3~a" EAST .199.2Q EEG'P ALONG 'rEJis SAIU SOUTH~ASTI'sR:,t LINC '.PO 1'HF•.' POINT OP i3EGIPINING. F.I;SGRVZNG THEREFROM ~lN k;ASEMEN'.~. c~OR INGKE,~~ ~~ ~crtr;ss OVF.R THC SOUTHEAS'i'ERLY 20.00 F'EE`P. AI,SO RE~S'r,'RL'ING 'i'FiPREEROM T1N EASE~9LP1~` I'UR :IPdGRESS A:71~ EGk2~S5 OVF,h 'PHL; SOUTHWEST~;CtLY. 3Q,QC~ E'EET. t1U14r PC87-;.52 ~' ~~~S~~-aw , ,..:.; ..,:,_ . . , ,. .., , . _:. ~.. .. . . , ,,.., . :. .. . . . . . . .. : ..: . ,: "' . ".' „', ,,,~ r~ r~y3,i,FY~,~ y,!~ ' ~ ti+ `~; :~ ~ _ „ ti 1~`i ' ~ ,' , f~Y~x, , . . ,•.ti WHERGAS, Lhe ~; •~ty P.lann ing Comm iss ia~ d id hold a publ ic hear .ing aL the Civic Cenl:er in Lh~ Cit}~ ot Anaheim on Auyusl 3, 1987 at 1:3U p.m,, not: ic~ ot sa id pubi ic hear. inq n~~v ing bcen duly g iven as requ ired by law and in accordance w iLh lhe prov ~s ionc, ot Lhe Anahe ~m hlun ~c ipal Code, Ch~pter 18.03, t.o hear and cons zder tv idence Por and aga inst; sU id proposed cond iL ional use permiL a!~d 4o investigake and make find.ings and recommendaLion~ in conneci.ion Llierewi.i.h; and ,:, WIlERGAS, .a id c~mm iss ton, af ter due inspeci. ion, invesl:.igaL ion and s~ud,y ;nac~e by Ltsp1E and ir~ its behalf, and af.~er du~ cons.ideral• ian af all evidence and r.eports of:Eer.ed aL sa id hear ing, does L• ind and detPru,ine Lhe Eollowing £acls: 1. Th~xl t_he propo,~d use i:; prop~~rly an~ tor which a ' cond i.t. ional u.ce perm it is auLhor ized by Anahe im Mun :c ipal Code Sect ion 1~.2~.050.02U and i.o k~iL: Lo permiL a synagogue wiLh c lassrooms and ch il%~ ;;are £or a max iinum of ?5 ch i].d . ren w ith wa ivers oE ~l~e following: (P.) SLCTIQN 18.04.0~4?..020 - Permii.~ed locat:io~rking lot. (minimum 15-~ooL se~back fram Lhe soulh~~st PxoperLy l.ine requi.re~; 3 - feet. proposed) - (B) SL~T.iONS 1a,06.~750.0'.3C6 - ' Mii;imum numb~r o_~_ar_ king s aces. AN1~ 18. L3.056.010 (55 reyuir.ed; :~3 proposed) .7.. TFlaL I:he prof~e,ed us~ is tiereby den i~d ~~i Lhe bas iU lhat park in, is inadc~quaLe and lha~ ingress and egre:;s onl.o SanLa Ana Canyon Road ' v ia L ucal,yptus Dr ive is inadayua~e and ~u1~aF.e parl Lcularly for the da ily ~.raf.f ir. of a ch i.ld d~,}' C~1Ct? Eac iJ. iLy. 3. ThaL Lhe p~oposed use will advers~ly af.L-ect: the adjaining land u:~es and ~he grow~h and deve7.opmenL of. l:he area in wh ich il. is prop~sed Lo be locaLed. 4. 'rhal Lhe s i~e and shapE o.f Lhe s ci:e proposed C-~r liie use is na~: a~3eq~~~Zte to allow l.he fu.11 development af. ~hc~ ~c~~~osed use .in a rnanner noL del:r. :menl.al ta t:he p:.~rl ic:ul~,r area nar. Lo l:he pe~~ce, healLh, s~E~Ly and general weltare oE i.he C il: izens of Lh~ C ity c~£ Anat~e im. 5. ThaL ~hc~ granl; ing of ~hr_ Con~3 iLional U:~e Perntl. undar i h~ coriditians imposed, if any, will be r3~Lri.menLul tu i:he peace, h~alt.h, sa~eLy and genceal welt are oC Lhe C i!: izens of. Lhe C ii:y oE At~ahe irn. 6. Th~at the lr.afE ic ~c~neral:ed by the proposed use will i.mpose an u~~clue bu:den upon Lhe ~tree~_s anrl highways r3esi7ned and ~.mproved Lo car!-y the ~rafC ic in t:he ~+rea. 7. Ti~aL 12 per•sons ind tcaLed Lhe ~r pres~nce al: sa id publ ic hear ing in oppQ:~ i~ ion; and lhat no c~~rres~ondence w~s rece ived in opnos ii. ian Lo ttte sub jec~ ~eL it i.on. , ~. ,; `; ~ `2- ~C87-152 ~_- - - - _ _ ~ ';:~ ;rrN ~~, ^,',( ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAC`r FINDING: ThaL L-he Anah~im Ci.Ly Planning Commission has review~d i:he propo~al Lo p~rm.iL a synagogue with classroams and ch.ild day care f•~r. a maxi.mum oP 2S children with waivers c.E permitLed locat- ion of park ing ].cl and min imum number oE park ing spaces on a irregul.ar.ly-shaped par.cel of land con~isL-.ing oE appraa:imai~eJ.y 1 acre 3.ocated aL L-he souL•k~~asi: corner oE EuaaJ.ypL•us Drive and SanL•a Ana C~nyon Ro~c3 and f~~rther descr ibed as 10?. S. Eur.alyptus Dr ive ; and does t~ereby approve L•he PdegaL• ive Declarac ian upon E ind.ing l:hai: ic has considered the Negative Dec:laration l:ogether with any comrnents rer.e ived dur ing L-he publ ic review procesy arid Furi:her f ind ing on the bas is of i~h<~ in tt ia1 sLu~~•~ and any co;nments rece ived thaL- there i.s no suL•s1:an' evidence 1:haL- the projecL- wiJ..l have a significa~aL eFEeci: on ~hF~ ironmenl. NOW, THLR~FGRC, F~G IT RLSOLVED i:hat. Lhe :~n~he im Cit~y Plann ing Comm iss ion cioes hereby deny sub jecL Pel- it ion Por Cand it ional Use Pcr~~itL-, on L•r~e ba~ is oC L-he aforei~~ent: ion~~9 f. ind ings. THT' FORGGOJNG RESOLU~PiUN i~ s.igned and approved by me L-his 3rd day oE Auyusl-, 19f't7. // ~ "~ CHAIRMAN~ ANAHFIM CT PI,A~ OM~'ISS]:UN ~- AT~PES'I': -.~~--~~;~~a~~~.~~~__Sx~~~..;e -~ s-!-~'~ SF.CRETARY PRO TEMPORE~ ANAHLIhI GITY NLP.NNTNG COMP4ISSTU[J STATE ul.~ CAT,IFOI2NIA ) COUPITY OF ~NANGE ) s~ , CTT!C OF ANP.HEIM ) I, Pame.la tl . SLarne ~, S~crelary of. L-he An~F~e im r_ ity Plailtl illy C011iti11SS LOl1~ do hereby cer. t ify ~hat Lhe ~arego iny re ,olui: ion was passed and adopLed aL a mee~ :ng of the Anahe im C ii~y Ptann Eng Coiran ~ss ian held on AUc~U~.~il: 3, 1987, by Lh~ tollo~diny voLe oE thr members L-k1~areoF: AYES: COMMTSSIOr1HrtS: BqUAS, E3U~US7.'UPi, HGItBST, MC t3URNLY ~IULS: COM~IISS [G~iERS: C'~)LDHAUS, MESSF AI3SEN'N COP-iMISSI0PIERS: CARUSILLO TN ~•iITNESS WHFRGUF, I hz~~e h~reunt~.o set my hand Lh Ls 3rd day oE August, 1987. ...___.~~ ~. > SECRETARY PRO ~P~r4PORE, Z~' ANAEIf3IM CITY ~~LANNIPIG COMMISSIQN -3- '~ P~.87-1 ~'l ;~;