PC 87-161f r~~d~ (7 t~ Y .~f . . 4 . . ~~h ~ ~ . ~ ~ . ~ E~ :~~ ; , ~ .~,1 ;~ -:~~~ ~!.lf: '~ ~: (^, .1 ' .~~~~~~I RESO~u~rroN t~o. PC87 •161 ''~ ~: A l2CS~LUTION Ob' THF ANAHEIM CITY PLAPINING CUt9MiSf.iIO~J ,~ THAT P~'TIT10N :OR CONJITlONA.L USL PPRMIT N0. .^.937 BG ~RAN'PEQ ` ~t WHh~RFAS, the Anahei.m rity Pt~znna.ny ~ommiss~i.on did recei.ve a veritied ~~ Petiti.on for C~nditional Gs~ Pecm~.t From KGh~ WhAN FIP, ANf~ ItYUNG H~L HA, 3670 Wil~hi.re Blvd. #27C~, Los Angalcs, CA 90010, owner and JUDY E. CFIAIN, 1~}66 ,'~ ;;'~ Wznn Drive, Upland~ CA 91786, a~ent: .Eor certain real. property ,situa~ed in rhe ~I~ Cz!:y of: An~ahei.m, Coun~y pt Orange, State oP Ca li~ornia, descri.bed as: "~;' ~~ ;~; LOT 15 OF TRACT N0. 4703, C.LTY OF ANAHEIM, COUN'PY OF ORANGE, 5'rATE OF CA'LIFOPNIA, AS SHOWN UN A t•!AI' " s ;'~ti~ RCC:ORDF.D IN BOOK 169, PAGES 2S ?~ND 26 OF MISC~LLANEUUS MAPS, RECORpS OF ~RANGG COUNTY. r, _ ~~ WHLREAS, the City p).anning Con;mi.ssi~n did 'nold a;~ublic hear.fng at ; the Civzc C~nter i.n the City oF. Anah~zm on August 17, 1987 at 1:3Q p.m., ; nol•ice uL sai.ci public hearing havir-g bF_en cluly given ~~s required by law and zn '~ accur~iance wzth the prov~isi~ns o~ the Anahefm Mun icipal Code, Chapl:er 18.03, u to hear and consider. evic]ence [~r and agai.nst said pruk~osed condi.tiunal use ~ ~ermi~ a»d to i.nvestzgatc~ ancl make £indi.ngs and recummendatzons i,n connection l:hcrewi.i~h; and WHFREAS, saici romrnission, aEter due in:;~ecti.on, inve~~igatfon and stucly ma~~e by i~~elF dl~d zn it.; behalf, and aE~er due censideca~zon oE al1 evidencE and reports oPE~red at sai.a heaci.n~~, does Lind and determine the Eol. la~tinq f ac ts : 1~ Thac. ~he propos~d usn is k~roperly one Eor which a conditional use permit is aut.horired by Anaheim Mu~~icipai Coc9e Secklons aqd t$.61.050.070 to wiL; t~ r~~ain ~:he sales an~i repai.r oE mo'.:or scooters wi.th ,' wai.ver ot- the Gellowi.~ig: .f SLC~tI~~N5 18.05.OSU.0222 - M.inimum nurnber oE parki.nq s~ace,:. ~ 18.C5.Oci0.0223 (75 required; 45 propoUPd) 18.06.J50.0261 ~ ~- 18~~16.U5Q.Q31 ~, 7.8.OG~1180 AND 18.61.U6G.050 'l.. Th~t i:he rer~ue,~ed waiver is hereby granl:e~1 on the basi,s anci that :he parkiny waiver will no~ cause an lncrease i.n ;.raEfic c~ng~s~ion tn L•he iimnedi.a~e vici,nity nor adversel.y aE.C•ect: any ad~oin:Lng land uses and ~3ranti.ng oE l:he parking waiver under. the conditions i.mpo~ed, if any, wi.ll no~ be detri.ment~l to the peac~, healtF-, safery an4 genera;. welfare of the cit~izens of the City o£ Anaheirn. 3. That ~he proposcd use w9.11 noL- adverstly affect the aajoining '~ land use~ and the yrowtl~~ and developmenl• u£ the area in which :Lt i~ propo~ed , to !~e loca~ed. y~ 002Gr PC87-161 ~~ ~ ~;~~~; .,. , , . '71y~'Y Y.YM'fY~lW - . . .....:~. ~t~, ~y) ~ . . . . . . . . . ' . . ~a.'~3w~4;,tv.;:~ir~ ;+~.~,~..<, ..,. ~ . .. ., , .. r~--. 4. ThaL- the s i.ze and ahape of rhe s ite propasec7 Er~r ~he use is ac7equate to allow l.he Eull devel~pmen~ oF. the proposed use i.n a manner no~ detrimenral ~o the par.~i,cular. area nor to the peace, health, safety and general welEare oL• the Ci~izens oE trie Ci,t:y ot Anahei.m. 5. 'thac: t.he gr~~nl:zng of the Candi~i.onal Us~ Permit under hh~ ' conditions i.mposed, if any, ~vi.li. nol: be det-.rimental to t:he pear_e, heal.th, u:: safety and general welf.are of th~~ Ci.tizens of. the ~.i.ty of Anaheaim. ,:.' G. Thar the l-.raF. f i.c gen~rate~ by the propos~d use wil l not impos~a an undue burden upon the street^ and hi.ghways dF:;i.gnad and improvecl ~o carry the ~raf•.fi,c in the area. 7. That no one i,ndicaked kheir presence at said publi.c hearirig ~,n opposi~iun; a-id that no correspondence wau xecei~~eci in opposi."_ion tc; fhE suUject ~et:ition. ENVIt20NhIENTAI~ IMPAC~ FiP]L'ING: Thal- h_h~ ~;xty Ptannzng Cnmmission ha~ reviewed the proposal Lo rel-ain the sales and repair of motor scoo~ers wi.th wai.ver oF ina.nimum number of parking spaces on a rec~angularly-shaped parcel oC lar,d conszsL-ing oE a~prc~:ci.ma~ely 0.8 acre located at the norrhwes~ corner oE Orange~t:orpe Avenue anc3 Orangethorpe [~,.,rk, fur.ther c~escribed as 1709 North Oranca~thor.pe ~a~k (Scootervill_2, U.S.p,) and does hereby ap~rovF ~he Negative DF:ctar~tion upan Lindinr, t;hat ih has consi.derec~ tre Negakive Declaration togeth~r with any comments reczi.vec~ dur:ing the public review procesy and Lurther t i,ncli.ng on ~he liasis oF. thE Lni~i.al Study and any corun~nka recei,ved ktiat there is no subsl-antial ~viclence ~haL- tEie ~rcject will have a si.gni.fi.cant ef Cect on i:he environmeilt. ~ NOW, TEirRL•'FORG, IIt; .[~ RL•'SOL'V~D thal: ~he An~ahei.m Cily Planniny ,, Commissi.on does hereby gr.ant subject Peti.tion Eor Condi.~i.onal l]~e Permir, upon th~ following condi.ti.ons wh.ich are Y,ereby found ~.:o be a riecessary prerequa.si~e ~ to the proposed use oL' the suhjecl proper'.:y in or.d~r t~ preserve the safpty artd yPnera? welE~~re oE the Cil.izcns uE the Ci.~.:y of Anahezm: l. That within a peri.od of 90 (n~nety) days ~rom the date af lY~is resolution, a traflic signal assessmen'. L-ee er~ualin:~ the difFer~nae ` be~ween the i.ndustri.al anc,l commerci,al assessment F.e~:s ~ha11 he paid tu ,; s' the City o~ Anaheim ii1 an ~,nounl a~ det:ermi.ned by F~he Ci.ty Council. f% !~ : 2. That gal-es shall not be .installed acr.os~ any clriveway 9.n a manner wh~ch ~ ma,y ~.dversely af.fec~ vehicutar trafEic in ~ne ad jac.ent publi.c streel~~ InS~allat:lon oE any gal-es shall can£vrm to Eng.i.neering Standard Plan No. , 4G2 and shall. be sub~PC;I ~o l-he review and ~pproval of the Ci.k.y TrafEir ~ Engineer. 3. That i.f requi.red l~y the Fire D~par~men~, all loc:kable pedestrian and vehicular access gaL•es shall be ~qui.pped wi.th a"knox k~ox" devir,e to 'ch~~ satzseac~i.on o.[ l:t~~~ C9.ty ri,re Chi.eE. ~~;~t ,:, ~ :;i;a, C > `,;~ +2~ PC87-161 ~ qi,mh'~k:~, o ...ac~~.... ,..... ....,.~ .,...~.. . . . . .. , . . - . - ~ . . . . ~~, f ` :it~'tl t;;' 4. Thal: trash sL'orage areas shatl be pro~ride~ and maznta~.ned in accordance with approved plans on £ile with the Streeti Ma:inrenance and San~tation D i.vi.s ion. 5. That the propo~a.l shalt comply with alt si.qning requi.rements oE the ML Zone, unteys a variance allow~nr sign waivers is approvc~ by the Ci~Y Council, Planning Commi.ssion or Zoning P.dminist?:atoc. 6. Thak: no outdoor display, s~orage o~, ar work on vehi.cte: ~r vehl.cular par~s shall be permi.rted. 7. That l-.h~: owner oi subjec~ E~ra~erty shall s~zbmi.t a 1Fltet requesting t~rminati.on of Cond~l.tional Use Permit Nos. 1568 anc! 1596 to th~ Zoning Divis.ion. 8. That subje~t pr.o~er.ry st~att bc develop~d subs~:an~iatly in accor.dance wi.th plans ~nd specif ications on f ile wi~h thP Cil:y of Anaheim mazked F~xhib3.t Nos. t and 2• 9. TY~at rondition Nos, t, 3, ~'~, ?' and 8, ahove-mentioned, st~alt be compterPd wj.l:l1in a perzod of 90 da~~ fr.am the da~e of. th~is resot~ztzon. ~1~ IT. EUitTHER RESOLVED ~hat the Andh~im City P],anni.ng Commission does hereiay L• inci and deL-ecm,ine that ad~~p~.ion oE this Rc~solution i.s expres ~ly ~redicat~ed upon app'lican~'s r.ompliance wirh each and all of the cdnc',it~'.ons herei.nabove sPt forth. Shoutd any such condi.ti.ons, or an,y parr ther.~~f, be deet~red invalid ur unen~orceabl~ by the f:i.nal judgment of any cuurt oC competenr ~uri.~dzction- then this Reso'tuti<m, ~~nd ~ny approvals herezn conta~.ned, shall be deemeci null and vozd. THC E'OFcEGOING c2E.SOLUT20N is sian~ and ap;~roved by me thls 171:h day oL- August, 1987. i / ~~u'~-i' ~,Q~-^-_'. CIiAIRMAN, ANAHE.[h1 C~TTY PT,ANNING CC~MMISSIUN ATTEST: ~t~G~~ SECItFT11 ', ANAHEIM CITY PLANNl'NG COMMTSSI()N c J~''~ ~; , ,~ ; ~ !, ~~ ~pj ' }Sr`' -3- PC87-161 ;;;~ °~;r . ...,. ..... K o.Y.K4F",~YI~ •'•.1 S'.CATt; OF CALIFORNIA ~w .''"~\ !""`~ CGliNTY OF OFtANGF ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) T, Edi.th L. Harr:ts, ,ecre~ary oE the Anahe;~ Comrnission, dd l~erPby cerk:iCy that L-he EorPgoang re~~lukion adop~ed a~ a me~tiny of thP Anaheim City I'lanni.ng Commissi.o 17 , 1987 , by khe Lol lowi.ng vote o~ ~he memk~ers ~hereof : AYFS: COMMISSlONFRS: BOUE~S, DUYDS'!'UN, CAhU52LL0, H'ELDEIAUS NJES: COMMISS;[(~r1GRS: I30NE ABSENT: COhiMSSSI~NERS: MC BURN1?Y IN WTTNLS~ WfiERGOF, T have her.eunto set my riand l. August, 19~i7. - - - ~ d L-c..e.f ~ .1,~ .~ ~~~~.fL/l..G~i SECRETAI2Y, ANAHrIN CITY ~LANIVTNG COM ir,s ~~~C" ~~(r ~ s"~~;'~~r. _g_ '~' .s ,+J ~~r,~'~~~,~1~~;i r 7~ ~` . f r , yY l~ . - ~ t ~ . , . ,:,,~~~ ~t~j ~ ~ ~ ti ~4a ' : , ~ Yk .,~; „` City Planning `':?>~ : , ::y was passed and n held on .August ~ ~ ~~~ y ?;! ,t:~ ::~ ' ~i~ ~ HEh.sST, MESSE ' .. r- . ' ~~ :t''i. i ~ ~ ;~;~. h is 1% th day oE ?:~ '1; ;~ ;r sr; ~ TSSION ?: `,'~~ ;A, ;; i`~' , ,; ,; ~, y :~;~. ~ ~ . .:;,t ~ ~: . . .;,.:'Ij. ~Y ~ ~~ '';~ ;"1.~, -'1S~ ~` ( i , ~ . I'A il: ~', '`J ) ,',Ay ~) ~ m M '' ~. f 1~7 . . '..t1.~, ~f; ~ i! /.1'. i ~~: ~a ,.1~ ''~~ . . '_,I;_p. . ~ ~~~:'~1•., ~'i ~'V ~~~~ ~~r~ . . ' ..~~''!.~~ ~~~ . ~ `~~,~j;~ : )~, ~~ _ ?::z - ;'. -a s.} s ~':~9. ~~ ; ~~ P.C87-161 ~k mf ~ i ~4 :'~{~'~ ,. . , , .. ~, , . _';,.~ r ~H> a•.,'lHl~~~'~