PC 87-163~ ,.~, `} ~'°i ~' ' ~c~o~u~~zoK rt~. E~C8?-163 A 12ESOLUTtUN QF TIII: ANAHf~IhS CC`Pl E'LANNTNG COMMTSSIQN TfiA'P P"raTT'PYUN kU1i VARZI~NCE PIO. 3Gf34 EiE GRANTED WHEl2EAS, tl~E~ Anahezni Ci+wy Planninr~ Comrni.s,ton did cecezve a veriE:ied Pe~ition Eoc V~riance [~onz ^10N~E V~RANO COURT ASSOC~A~1'L'S c/o ~;UMhIERFi.ILG bEVELOPt4~;NT CO., 1122 E. Linc~ln AvEnup, Srn. t13, ~~r.;nge, CA a?.665 ATTN: ELtAS JOHN CARCTA, nwn~r, of ~~r.ta~tn rPal proper.ry sikuated in ttic Ci.ty ot Anaheim, C~unty of Oranye, Stare of Cal~iEc~rnza des~ri.bed as; PARCGL 1 GF PAFCEL t4AP 85-230 IN 'PH5 CJTY OF ALVAI{EIM, COUN'.CY Ufi OFL~NC;E, STA:E 7F CALIF'ORN.IA Aa^ SH047N ON PARCCL MAP k2L•'CURDF.D IDl 900K 210 PAGES 1,2 AI~D 3 OI~ PARCEi, MAPES. ~+ WHCRCAS, ~_he c.i~y Planning Cornmiss.Lon did hold a publ.ic hearing at kne Civic Center in the r1"~~ of Anah~im on Aug~!st 17, 1987, at t;3p p.m., notlce ~E ~azd publi.c h~artilg having been duly yiven as requ~.red b~ 1aw and in accordance wi~n F_}~e E~rovi:3ions oL the P.nahei.m Ptun~ici~al Code, Cha~ter 18.03, to hear and cunsider e:~zr`InY1CR Eor and against said progosed var~ance and to inv~stigate and mak~ f:i,n~~iings and r~~commendati.ons i.n connec:t?on tiit!-Nwith; and , ~n'[[GRL•'AS, :,a.id Commi ~sion, aEter due inspecr.ion, in~~estiqa~i.on and srudy made by itsetf and in its behalE, anci aEter due conszderatiun of all evYdence and ref~o~ ~, oEfercci ~;: aa id h~ar ing, does f~nd arid determine l-he ; follo~tny [acka; 1. That kf~n pe~iC.ioner E~rop~se~ a;,~l,ver oE the f~ill~wing to c~ms~r.uct t~vo cnl•ry monumen~ si.gns [~,r. an aE7a;kment complex: SLCTI~JN, 13.05.qt3U.030 - Max im~m nurrber and si•r.E ot A~7D 18 .?4.~16' .03U z,Ient 1E ±cati~n s i.yn:; (one 20-square f ~~G :~ ign permi~ted; two ~~,prox imately F 1. 3 3qu.3re_ L•or~-_ monument s~gn ; ~~rog~,ed) "-. `~'hat the •al,nt~r .s~~nt~.oned waiver i~ hereby yrantera on the ba;,fs rha~ lhc~ p4~.:i~xone: dt~rr.--,nstr:~tec: t,i~tat a hardsh:[p eaiuts in r.F,ar, there ,ar.e saeciai circum~;~ances a~pi. icahle to the ~~roperl-y Fuch as szze, shape, Loporraphy, locaL-ion and ~ueroun~izngs wt~l.ch do not a?~ly Lo ot:her idc~n~ical'ty zoner3 proper~y in the same vi.c;nity; n.nc~ tha~: st;rict applzcati.on of. t:hP Zonzng Cod~ denKivea thf~ pronerty o[ privilege, ?njoyed 'uy other ~:rc,k~~K~'~s~ ~n ti~e irlen~ ica l. ~one and c~ asc~ i.L i,cat i an .in the v i.r. tn ity. 3. ~t'F-~~ th~re .~re except or c:~nditions ap~lica:~ir; t.o c:he ,:,roperty ~tie proper~:y ~hal do nnt, a~p1y y~nerally the :~,ime vicinit~ and ~o;~~~. ; co2ar i.nn~i: or extraordinary circ;ums~ances involved or to ~:hi: .tntended us~e oE ~o t;hra pto~erty or class nE use in Pc87-1~3 ,,;,:; ,:ya ;,'l: ;. .r .~. . ~~ ~ . . . ~..~ . ..~...: . _, . . ~ . . .. . . .., .r ,. , . .. +' .. ~~~9 ~`~r',~'',~';I~~I'Q{~~l~r 4. Ti~al the rc:quesl:~:Q variance i.s neces;~~ry Eor the nreservatf.on and enjoym~rt oE a substanrial properl:..y r.i.gliG possessed h,y other ~ro~c~rty i.n r,hF: :~ane vicini~.:y anci ~one, and den.Led to the ~ro~nrly :Ln qucstion. 5, Thal ~he reque~le~9 variance wi.ll nol: be mulera.atly detr.imenl.at to ttie ~ublic wetfare or ~injiari.ous t,o '.:he ~roper.ty or improvemer.l-s i.n :~uch vici.nity and 2one .i,n whicti the ~roperl:y is Localed. 6. ThZI: on~ Ferson in~liaa~ed his presence a~_ .~ai.i7 pUbli.c, heacir~g iri oppoQiti.on; and that. no corres~ondence ~vas receiveG in o~po~Lti.on t;o sub;ject: pet;rion~ EI3VIRUI3MPNTF,i., IMPAG'P E'I[IU.iN(y: The Planntng Dlrec:to[ oC his authuriz~d repre:sentak~.v~ h~s c3zterrnined tha~ the proposed E~roject falls withi~ Lhe c3ef. ~.n il:ion o[ Categoricat Gxernp-: io-is, Gla 3s 11., a~ deI` iried ~J.n the Sla~e rltt Gui.delines and is, ther~fore, ca~:ec7prically ~xem~~r. Er.um the requi.remen~ to prepare an LIY2. ^IOW, THGRGFORG, BL I~P 1.tL'.~OLVLI) t~~at the Anahe~.~n C.i.ky~ Plannl.r~g Commi:,.,ion dues hereby gtan~: :uc,ject: i~otitzol f.or Variance, upoii I:ha Eollowing conciitions wn.i~h are hereby found to be a necr_s:~~ry arerequi.site t:c tt~e propose~.3 u:~e oE the subjec~: prooer~:y in order ~o pre~erva ~h~ safety and general wctf are oC thu C i~ izen ~ oE I:he C i.~y oE Anaheir,i: 1. That the OWII@C ot s4bjec~: proE~erCy shall pay ~o the Czty of An~~~ei.m a Pee Eor tre~ planting E~urpos~~s alo~~g Broadway an~9 C9.cron Str~et in ~n amount: as d~L•~~r.mined by t'r.~~ Ci~~ Counca.l. 'l.. That: ~he owner oC subje~:t pruper.cy yhall submit~, a l.el:ter rec~uesking l:t~rrninatlon of ReclassiEicu~:.un clos. 84-85-11 and 81~82-16 and Vari.ance No, "3436 -~.o ~h2 Zoninn Divi.sion. 3. Th~t :,ubject pro~~erty shal.l be ~levc;loo~d sub~t:anl:ially in .~ccordance with Nlans ~an~] sE~ecificaL-i.ons on fi.i~~ w~~:h the City ot Anaheim ~na~~ked Exhlbit No. t. 4. Th431: pc i.ae ~:o Li:e co:nmencemen~ oL kt~e actici.l:y aut;.hoc i.;~ed by tl~ is reselut;on, or. ~r ioc ~o is:~uance oE ~a t^rn~~t Eor r_n~: Nror~osed :cigns, or withi.n a perioc3 of one y ~ur from thF. date oti this re~ol ut:ioc~, wi~i~~,r'r^r ^~"'~1]C$ iirst, Condi.'~ion Nos. 1 and 2, above-ment:.onec, shalt he c~mplfed wirh. Extens;,ons for further ~ime to coro;~ie~e s.~id cnn~3i~ions may k~e gr~nled in accordance wi,th Sec"io~ L8.03.090 of the Anah~aim MunzciJ~ul Cocie. 5. Tha2: pri.~r ~o the c~mm~~nr.emEn~ of th~ ac~ivity authorized by F:}~fs resolutLon oc pri.or t~o Lir_~1. buildzng and zotiliny i.n:~E~ect:fons, wh;chever oucur.s E1rs~ Condition l•~r 3, ah~ve-m~nrionec~, ~hall be connlied wi~ti. BF r U:t'c-iutt ItI;SULVF,n tha~ rh~ Anaheim Ci.ty Plannlny Commission doe~ hereb~ f inci and cj~tr.Ctfli.ilr_ t,~a~ ado~~tion oE this Re:~olu~ion .L~ ex~re~sty ~rNdica!:•~d upon ap~li.c~nt's comf,i.iance wi~h each and ~all oE th~ con~iti~n~ h~: ~i.na~uva :,e'~ Eort:h. ahould any suct~ CUr1dl.! ionu, or any par~t ther.ec?E, be declared .tr.va lid or unenEurceable by ~he F tr~~l jud+~ment of any court of competent jurisQi.cLi.on, thnn this Resoiutf~n, anci any a~pcovals hereir. conk<1Lned, :~hall hi~ dnemed nu1.l ancl v~id. ~ -2- PC87-16.3 '~ ~ ti ~'~; ~; ~~.' ; ~+1 ,d b+~ i'r: . . . . . Yfi('~ ?21 ~.J. ~''1. ~I ; ^`+~ ~r.~~~ C'OR[;GOING oE Augur3~, 1987. ~'.C T ES'r : ~ GlCa'.~[:-t~~ ---~ SE;(:RE'I'ARY,' ANAHEIM C [TY a'tA'PE QI? C;A?.IFORNIA RE~OLO'PIUN i.s ~:.gned a~ ap~~coved by me l:ha,s 1'1 th clay "~ ~~/ ~~-~ ~~/~ . ~~ CfiAIKMAN, AI~A[{Eiri C.iTY FL~nNI~ING COMMISSION - . ;: ~ d_:: ~~c4~.~c.L~. PLAN ING COMMISSION COUNTY dF' ORANGE ) ss . ~ITY UF i,NAEiETM ) I, ~dith L. tiarcl.s, SecreLary ot• ~.iia nnaheim City Pla,nning Commi~,.ion, da hereby r,erL•iL-y that L-he ~orF~aai.ng resalutlon was pas~ed and adoL~ted at a meelf.nn ot• ~~he Anahei.m Cii_y ~lann.tng Commission hel~~ on August 17, l.'.~fi7, by the Coilow;.ng vo~e o~ the ~nernbers therea[: AYES: COP-YMTS5IUNERS: BOUAS, B~YUSTUId, CAitUSILLO~ PFLDEIAUS, H~Rk3ST, M~SSF ~lOES: COMMISSIOPILItS: AIONE: AElSF.N'i': CQPIMIS5LOP7L•'RS: MC HUl2NEY IN 41.fTNESS WEfl,tt~,Ce, I have hereunc:o s~~ my h~ind this 17kh ciay oL• Au~ust, 1937. _ Y -6~I=~ = ' "' ~ ,1/l'.c.~/ SF'CREiAR.Y~ 11NF1f•1Eth1 C.[TY PI.ANNING C~JMMI~SION -3- PCk37~16's