PC 87-167;:~ `F - !'"'°~ `, - ~. iirsor,c~TION ru~. ~c87-•167 A RL;E',OLUTION Ub' TH1; ANANLTM C.L`PY PLANNING COMMISSION '.Ck1A'P l~L'tITION FOFt COCIDI'PIOI~AL USL P1.RMI'P N0. 2~)3G EiE GRANTED ~r1HLRLAS, Che Anaheicn City Planninq Comrnission did rac°ive a veriFied Peti~ir,n [or Corditianal U:;c Perm.it f~:om .JOSE VALDIVIA AND CiONNIE, VALUIVIA, 1075 [3. Har.bor B1vd., Anaheim, CA, ~wner.s a~1d RUOY VAI,DIVIA~ 2410 N. Gxand, ~anta Ana, c:A 97.706, agenL• Lor cectzin rea.l prop~rLy situate.d ln L•he Citiy o.f An~~heim, County o[ Oranga, SL•atc~ ot CaliEornia, de~c[ibed ~a~: THI~ Sc)UTH 90 I~GL'P OF 'PHL NORTH 36? rF:ET '~G~ I,t~T 13 h1TLES I2ANCHU hiEASUEtI,ll '1'U 'PEiI; CEN'PERS QF THE STk2GETS TIDJUI NI fdG LXC EP': THG 1'OR`.CION Dr SCRIF3ED AS T liG WFS'L ~ :Lf3.8 FLE'P AS PER I4An RLCO.RD~U iN F300K ~ r PAG~ 7 MISCLLLANEOU:3 MAPS, I2GCORU5 OF OR,'~NGE COUNTY, ; CALIL~ORN1'A. 'AElI.REAS~ the City Pl.an~~inc~ C~mrni.ssion ciid hol.d a~~ublic h~ariny at thc ~ivic Cente-: in the Cit:y oE ~?nah~i,n on August 17, Z~97 at 1:3~) p.m., f10C1C~ of said public hearin~ having aeen 9u.ly giv~n as requirtd by law and in accorda~c~ wil-h the ~~r~visions of tn{a tlnaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cr.nsider ~~vi~~ence for and against said proposed condit.ional use permit an~l ~.o investigaL-e and makN f indinys and recom~re~idations Ln cc~nnecl:ion thare~;ith; and said ~~u~1ic t-~~ari.ny I~eing r.cnL-inued to t.he meeting of August 31, 1987; ancl W:ii:Rl;AS, ,ai.~l Coi^.mi.s:;ion, after d~e in,pecti~n, investigation and stuciy ma~e by iL•sel~ ~ind in i.ts bPha1C, an~i ~fter due ronsidr:ration of all evidc:nce and r~apor. t-s nf fered aL• Sai~y i~r Zr. ing, does f ind and detecmin~ the Eolloaing f.acta: 1. 'Phat t:h~ pro~osi-c3 us~F~ is E~r.operly on~ L-or whi.ch a condirional use p~~rmi.t is authorized by Anahe?m Municipa.l Cocle Section 18.b3.030.C10 to wit:: L•o rc~t~iin an aut;omobi.le r.ePair Eacility with wa:Lv~:r oE the f.ol;owirtg: (a) Section:~ ?.~.05.05U.032 - Miniinum number of~arking s~ar.es ~ ~ .i3.t16.05U.0222 (5.1 requACed, 31 existing) ~ A 18.~~)6.U8U Attd 18.; 5.066.050 I / ~ f ~ (b) sectiun JH.95.~''15.~)70 - i?er~r.itted out~ioor use5 "'-"-'" ~ (ouL•d~~or uses aot permicted; outdour repair existinq) - ~ ,~ 'l. 'Ch~t ~:his perin.it is ~aranted for ~ Z~~r. ior] ~E one ( 1) year, tu `~ ex~irc~ :~uguaL• 31, 19f3E3. ~'?:y That r_he requ~~at~~d walver 3 (a? is r~ereb.y yran4ec] ~~n the basis . that ~h~ ~arkiny wai~•ec will nut causr-: ~.n increaUe ~.n ~rafEic cungestion in ` tih~ immediate vici~tiity nor ndv~~r.s~,.ly ~~ffecG any adjoining l~~d ~cea and _ yxantin~ cf r.t~e ~arklny waiver under Zhe r.ondition~ 1111~.~U3~~J~ if. any, ~ail.l not cietrimenr<~1 tu the pe~~c:e, h~alth, ~ ~afety and ~3eneral. welEare c~E the ~ c.itizen:s oE the C.ity oE F,naheim. ,f FCt37-157 ' 9Q.', I r - " 1~~ ~~ .. . .. ~ ~~ ~ . . . . , _ . . . . . . - i4MMM4<••_.~ - . . . ~ . ~; ~a"''•.~ 4. That Lhe requested waiver (b) is hereby yranred on the basis that there are speaial circumstance~ applicable to the propecty S41Ch a~ size~ 3hape, to~oqraphy, .location and :~ur.roundings whl.ch du not ap~~y to cther identically zoncd E~rop~:rty in th~ sam4 vicinity; and that Nl-rict a~~t:.cation ot• the Zoni~~g Co<ie ~e~~r.ives ~he pro~~erty o£ privileges en;joyed by other pr~perties 1.n l-.r~L identi~.a.l zone and classiFicatinn in the vicinity; and EurL-her oii the bas.is that the outdoor repair. shall be limited to those minior r.epairs permitted in Section 18.87.q?2.095 ot the Anaheim Munictpal Code. 5. Thal- L-he proposed u~e will not adversely aFfecr the adjoining land uses and the yrowth and develupmtnl-, of the area in which it i~ proposed to be located. 6. Ttiat the size and .~t~~a~e oC t.he uiL-e proposed tor ti~e u~e is adequate l-o c~I10Y7 the Full dev~la~iment: oE the pro~~osed use in a manner. not dctrimenYaZ ko th~~ particulaL ar.ea nor to tY;e peace, health, sa~ety and gener.al welfare of the Citizen~ oE tha Ciryo uE Anaheim. 7. That ttie granting oE the Conditional Use Permit ur~der the conditions imposed, if c1~xr will not be detrimental to l-hc peace, health~ saEety and gent~ral we].Eare oC• tr~e Citizen:, c~E the Ci~y oE Anaheim. t3. That the rrafEir. gr~nerated by the pro~osed us~~ wil.l r.o~ imp~se an unc~ue burden u,aon the sL~re~ts nnd higYiways c]esigned and impr~ved t~~ carry the traE£ic in the area. 9. Thal• one ~ersan indicaCed t~iS ~1C@SC'[1CE ar. the Au~us~ 17, 1987, ~ublic hF~aring and ~ne person in~]icated his persence al the August 31, 1987, puk,.lic tieari.ng in ~k~po~ition; and t.tiat onc~ letter of. corre~pondence was r:eceived in upposiki.on l-o thn :,ubject pekition. CNVIRONM~N~PP.L IMPAC'C H INDiyG: That l:lse Anaheim City Planhing Cornmi331()Il has reviewEd the proposal to reta.in an aut:omobile rE~air ~aci.lity w.ith waiver:~ oE rni.nimum numbe:r oE ~arking spaces and permitted oukdoor uses on a rectangul.arly-shaped ~~ar.c~l oF. lan.: consisting af a~proximately 0.68 a.;re, having a Cronta~~ uE ~,pproxi~nately 9'l f.ee.t an the west side o[ Fturk~ur Soul~~vard, haviny a maxiraum de~rh of app: oxi.mately 327 Eeel an~l t~eing :locat~d approxiinai:ely 300 fe~t soul•h ut the cei~te..lin~ a[ Romneya Dr~ve ar-d Cucther de~crih~d as 1U75 North tlarbor E3aulevard; and cioes t~erek~y ap~cave rhP Negative DeclaC~ition upon tinci.~~;; h~»t- it. has consid~rer] t:he Ne~7ative Declara,tlon togethes with any comments received ducing the public :.eview proce~ss and Curhher Linding un ~.he ba,I:, of the initial stucly and an,y conrt~ents received that there is na ~ub~tantial evidence thaL• the project will tsave a signiflr,ant eFEect on khe environment. NOW, 'PE[L•'ItGFURE, BE IT R~S~LV~u thar tl~e Anahelm Ci.ty I~lanni~y ~;ominission does hereby grant ~ubjert petiti.on Eor Conditiun~l U:te Perm.f t, upon the Collowi~g conditions whir,h are hereby found t~ be a nacessary prerequisite to th~ prnpos~d ii:~e oE the subject pxoper~y i.n order to preuerve rhe saE.ty and gencral welfart~ oE the ~.lkiz~ns of the City ot• Anaheim: 1. That the owner af ~ubjec~ ~~KOE~f~rty ~hall pay L•o thf~ Ciky of AnaheJ.m ~~ fee ~or stre~~t ligY~~ing facLl.itit:~ alorn~ N.arbar 'dc~ulevard in ~n amount As ~~etermii~e~3 by r.he C.tty C~uncil. ''~' 1'' / ~ ~2- PC87~167 ~ ~:-., ~~~ ?• That the owner oE subject pcc~perl•y shall for tree planting pu1po,~y along HarborY F3oulhvar.~3 t in ~ an aam una ra,~ c7etermined by the C.ii~y Counc;il. 3• That trash stur.age areas shall be with approved p;.~Zn~ ~~ Ei.le wit}1 p~VSare~~nd maint•ained i.n accocdance ' Div.isian. Mainkenanc~ and Sanitakion u.: ;,' ~• Tha.~ th.is permit shall t~r;ni.nate on Augus~ 17, 1988. 5' ~'t'~~` ~t~~' proposa,l shal.l coi,~pi~ with a.ll signing requir~rnen~s aE ~he CL Zone, unles:; ~-t ~rari.ance allowing :si.gn waiver.s is appro~~ed by the Cit ~ouncil, Plann:~ng ComrZi:s;:icn o.r. Zonir;g Adminis~r~tur. Y b• ~ihat any propased ; i°~~.idential Par.l<irtg ar~a lighting Eixtures ad'a~~nt ~.o ~roperty ;;hall be down-lighted with a maxirnum height oF a12 , ..e'•'t' Saici lighLing Cixtures c rE:; ir.3e~it.ial ,, hall be ~~irectec7 away Ercm ad;,iacenL• pr.opcrties lines ~~~ protect tt~e eesid~p~z~i integritx o£ the drEc7, t;' "' ~• That rhe uwner of subjcc~ prop~rty s,hall submit a letter request.in t~=rml.natian of Varicince rlq~, ~~~ a n~ 2~ 7 5 ~ o ~ h e Zonxng Division. ~ 8• T1iaL the CiEy Tr~~f.E:ic ~nyin~er ;,hall have tiie op~ortunity to •• ' ~G~i~rove che parking loL- r3~as.ign Eor .^,ut>'ecL r..view arid maximum park.ing ul•il.irat:i~n. ~ propPrty, in ~rder to assure 9• ThaL- subject properl:y sh~~.l.l be dr.~veloped n7.ans and s~ecifi.cat.ions on fi.le with ~~~~~ ~CiL~`~nL•ia11y in accordance with '-'l~' • t• 1 of elnahe im marked Exi~ibi t ~ 10. ~rhat: Condi.kion ~Ius. com~:~l~~ed within ~ gtri ~~ ~~~ ninet~ and y' above-men~ionec~, shal.l be re,,olutior~. ' Y~~~ ) days Fcem I:he ~a;.e of. this 11. '.Ch~~t ouk~3oor r.epair sha.1.1 be limit~~d '~o the i:wo hyc!raulic 1.iLL-s locat_ed oui~sia~ ~t~e nor.i:h wa11 of the auto~r~~atz t~hQp =~nd t,o the perf.urmance of mincr emer•~ency ~t~~%~i' replacement ot accessor ;~t~, ~ 7 repai.rs, and t}~~, servicing li~~hts, windsh+, ~' ~ Y ~ns ~~a~-h ay batteries, hosp5, fanbelts, lcl wipers, and a~t~~l~rn~~n~, ar detanhment of trai.lers; E~rovid~c7, -;:;wever,, that r.o ciiscaided aut:orr,ot.i.v~ ~• ~ ~ permanfantly d.isabZed vetiic.l~~~ :;Iz;~11 oe s~arQd outdoor,,~ ~nked, wrecked or t~r.clost~d trash areU. xcept within an 1{ ~L{ ~~.a~t~ryA~) ~~ ~ ' ( PI[l~Y~ t~ ~j~ ~'~ ~ . ! f : , ~t ~` ~i~ ~'- ~ (~~ ` :~. . ~ J~'1 1~~~"'~,''~y ~ ~A ~ . . ~ )'~' s`s~ $~:rf?~e ~~-s; ,~.;<. _3_ PC87-.1 f,7 ;•; `; `~~ ,,., '~ ~. ! ~' „,~ [3G IT FURTHGR RGSOLVED L-hal the Anaheim C.iLy Plannin~ Commi~sion does hereby Eind ~nd determine that adopt-ion of this Resu.luti~n is expressly predicated upon ap~licant's compliancc with e:~ch znd all of the conditions hereinabovE_~ set EorL-h. Should any such con~~iitions, or any part thereof, b~ declared inva.lic] or unenEorceable by the Einal judgmen~ o£ any cuurt oE compet~nt jurisdir~ion, then Ehis Resolution, and any apprc.~uis hE~rein contained, shall b~ deemed nu.l1 and void. i~.; t ,~; ;,:•; THE ~OR~GUT~G RLSQLUTTON i~ signed and a~proved by me this 31s~. da,y of :~ugust, ? 987 . i ~/~~ l ~~ ~" ~~~` -` _'1 G[IATRMAPI~ ANAH 1ltd CTT, PLANNIN~~ C~MMISSION A`P'CEST: / . ~ i 1 SF3CR$T RY, ANAHFIM CITY P ANNTNG COMMISSICN STA`.['P OE' CALTFUIt[1IA ) COUN'PY UE OI2f1NGG ) s ~ . CITY OP ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. tiar.r:is, S~rr.etary oE tlie Anaheim City Pla~ininy Cornmission, do hereby certify ttia~ the fr~regoing tesolution ~sas passed and ado~~ed at a meeting o: the AnahFirn City Ylanninq Commission hEld on August 31, ].997, by' the tollowing vote oC l•h~ ;nembers L•her.eof: ~YES: CO[~1M:C~SIO[~F:E2S: BUUAS, EOYDS`.CUN, CARUSIL(,Q, ~'ELDFIAOS, HERBST~ MC ~URNf;Y, hiFSS[; NOES: CO~~If4TSSI0NF12S: P~ON4 ABSENT: CQI~iMIS5I0NGRS: NUNE IN WI~PNt:SS WHERCOP, I have hereunl_~ set my tiand r.his 3lst day oE All9ll~t, 19~7. ~~ ~ . ~;i~~~~-~'`~K.~ /I SF,C::2R7'Alt~ N11fiE;7M CITX PLANDIING COMMTS~iIUN ' i,'y ; 1 ~~~a~'~" yi6: , ~, /} ~ ~~As~1~~~Sa~ T1t1~,~e~YlY~~{ 1~~~'. -9 - PC87-167