PC 87-183~'~ RESOLU?'IOIQ N0. PC87-lfi3 A RESOLUT70N OF TIiB ANAHEZM CITY PLANIJING COMMI5S10N~ T.HAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 87-88-03 B~ GRANTED ` WHERrAS, the Anaheim Cit:y Planning Commission dicl r2cea.ve a ;;'; verif.ied peYition for Reclassification from PHILIP W. GANONG, et, al. , 2307 MyrtlE Street, Bakersfielc~, CA 93301, owner, and SA2dD DOLLAR pEVELOPD4ENT, T:~C. , 17802 Skyp~rk Circle, 5uite 109, Irv:i.ne, Ca 92714, Attn; John W. Ullom, agent, oi certain real nroperty situated in the City ~f Anaheirn, Couzity of Oranqe, State of California, described as follows: LOT 4 IN $LOCK 34 OF YOP,BA LINDA TRACT, II3 THF CITY OF ?.NAH;IM, COUNTY OF' ORANGE~, STAT.E OF CALIFORNIA, A~ SHOWN ON A MAP R~;CORD~;D IN BOOK 5, PAGE~ 17 AND 18 OF MxSCSLL~ANEOUS 2•fAPS, R~;CORUS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. EXCEPTIN~ THEREFR~JM TFIE FOLT~OWING: B~GINNTNG AT TH~ MOST H012THERLY CQR23ER QF SAID L' OT 4, SAID CaRNER BEING ON THE SOUTHWEST LINE OF SHORT STP,EET, 50.00 FEET WIDE; THEI~CE ALONG xHE N~22THWEST LINE OF SAID LOT, SOUTH 30° 27' 30" WEST, 412.46 F~:ET; TI~IGNCE NORTH 40° 30' 19" EAST 177.30 L'EET; TH~NC~ NORTH 30~ C3' 43" EAST, 32.34 FEET; THENCE SOTJTH 60~ 02' 02" GAS'T, 215.1s E'~:ET; TF~ENCE SQUT.H 27~ 08' 32" ~AST, 32.59 FEET; THI:NCE SOUTH 9° 16' 52" WEST 92.59 FE~T; THENCE SDUTH 12° ~5' 11" EAST, 46.10 FEET, MOF.F. OR LESS, TU TFIE F7F~ST LINF OF EY.ISTING QRCHARA DRIVE, 60 i EET WzDE; '!'H.EZICE NONTHrRLY ALONG SAID LAST MENTIONED LINE '.CO THE Pi~ZLIT OF IDT~ERSECTION OF SAID LINE •AITH THE NOKTFfEASTI':;RLY LIN~ ~F SAIll LOT 4; THrNCE AI,ONG SAID LAST MENTII~NED LTNE, NORT[i 53~ 07' 47" WEST, 295.3$ FEET TO rFIE POIIv"T UF "EGINNING. EXCEPT.ING ANY' PORTTON U^ LOT 5 OF RLOCK 24, AS A~6CRI8EU TN DEEDS TQ THE STATE C~F CALIFORNIA, R~CORDEll ~PRTI~ 11, 1y62 IN BOOK 6071, PA~E 3Ei3 OF OFFI~IAL RECORDS ;4ND RG-RECqhAED APRIL 26, 1962 IN BGOK 6089, PAG~ 98 OF QFFICIAL RLCORDS. ALSO F:{C~PT.ING TH~REFROM ALL THAT CERTAIN LAND CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF ORANGE BY DE~n RECORDED DECCMDER 13, 1965, AS iNu'~RUMENT N0. 9852 IN ROOK 7771, PAG~ 488 ~F OFFICIAL RECORDS. WHEttEAS, the City Ylanning Corruni.s3inn did hold a publi~ hearing at the Civic Center in the Citl of Anaheim on Augusi: 3x, I937 at 1:3Q p.m. , notice of said public hearing having been du~y given as required by 1aw and in. ';' accordance with tne provisions of tY~.e Anaheim Municipal Code. Chapter 18.03, ; to hear and consider evidence for and against saia proposed r.e c lassification ';', and to inve~tigate and make findS.ngs and recommendations in cc~nnection ~ ~herewi~h; and said, public hearing beir.g conrinued to September 14, 1987; and ~: 'rVHEREAS, said Commission, a£tex due in;pection, inv~stigation ~~ and study made by itself and in its behal~, an~1 aftar due consader~tion of a11 ~+ evidenen anci rep~rts off~red at saicl hearing, cioes fi.nd and ciztormine the z" £ollowing facts: 005~ir PC87-183 ' ~: - - -- , .:,s ~ w~°~ + -:~yY~'~l ^I :t~ ~ 1. Th¢t the petitionez proposes reclassiEication of subject proparty Erom RS-A-43,000 (Residential-Agricultural) to RS-50q0 (Residential, 5ingle-Fa~r:il:•~ zone. 2, That lhe Anaheim General Plan designates subject pro~ierty for Low-Medium Densi.ty Residential land uses. 3. That the proposed recZassifica~ion of subject property is necessary and/or desirable far the orderly and proper development af the community. 4. That the proposed reclassification of subject pr~perty does properly relate i:o Lhe zones and their L~ermit.ted uses locally P_:itablished in r close proximity to sub~ect ~roperty and to the zones and their permitted ~xses ;% generally establxshPd i:hrcughout the commur~ity. 'i ? 5. That the px•oposed reclassi£ication of subject p~ aerty ~ requir.es th~ dedication and irnprcn~smenL• of abutting streets in accordanca with ;j the Circulation Elemen*_ of the General Plan, duL to tne ant~.cipated increase ~ in traffic which will be generated by the intensification ~f la;~d usa. 6. That four (4) persons indicated their preserice at said publir, hearing in oppositicn; and that no corr~spondencF was recei,ved in or~position tc, subject petiticn. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPA~T FINDING: Th.at the Anaheim City Planning CQmmission has revzewed the proposal. to reclassify subj~at pronerty from the RS-A~-43,OO1~ (Residential-Agr.icultural) zone to the RS-5000 (Residential, SiYigle-Family) zone to establish a 12-lot, 10-unit sinq].e-family residen~ial subd'.ivision with waivers of re.•~aired lot f.rontage ai7d minimum tot v:i~th on an irrP<~ularly, -•sY:aped parce~l of la:..d consisting o£ approximatelv 2.3 acres loc~.~~ed aY. the south.aest cornez: of Short 5treet and Kellogg Drive, having appr.oximai:e frontages of 'L30 feet ~.: the :,outh side of Slior~ Street and i10 Fae~ on the west side of Kel.logg Urive und further described as 6000 North Kellogg Drive; and does hareby appruve the Nogative Declaration upon finding that it has c:onsi~ered tl.e ~fegative Daclaration ~ogother with any comments rece=~ved during the public review process and further finding on the basi.s of the initial study and ,:ny comment~ receivea that there is no substani:ial evidence that tYie project will have a significant eEfect on L-he envzronment. `~ r ~,s;'~ a. ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT R~SOLVED that ~he Anaheim City Plar.ning ;;°+ Cumm.ission does hereby grant subject Petitiozi f~~r Reclassification and, by so yt- d:,ing, that Tit1e 7.b-Zoning of the Anaheim Muniaipal Code be amended to .~` exclude the a}~ov~-described property from the RS-A-4~,000 ,,.t;+ !ResidanLial-Agricultr.ual) znne and to incorporate said ciescri.~e~ property ,;~ iut~ the RS-5000 ZResidential, Single-Fam:~ly) Zone upon the £o11a~ring ~i~ conditions v~hich are hereby found to be a r,ecessary prerequi.site to tne ~roposed use of subject property i~ order to pz•eserve the safety and general welfaxe o~ the Citizens o~ tihe City c= A~naheim: ` 1. That the owner of subjact pr.orar.~y sha11 irrevocably offer to dedicate to the City oi Ar.~hei.m a st.rip of lana 45 feet in width r,, from th~ centerline of khe stroet along Ke17.ogg Urive for stree~ widening purposas. pC87-3.83 ~! '~ - ~ - ~a,; ' ~~~~~': ~,. , ~ ,r>' ; ~: °}ti; `~ , ', ~~ . .. ' " `rii ~`'" ~.i ttr CS y7y~~;/},~j~ r r-i i .' ., ~}~~ `'`v~f1C~!'flli"tK~+1~l,~J:~r i . J .. . .r,..,. . ,.. .. . . .. .~~ c. I . _ . .. . . ~','Y~~i :1/. ;sS~t4,~ P,~~ 2. That all engin~ering r~quirements oP the City of Analieim alang K~llogg brivQ, including ~rQpacation of. improvemant plar.s and inst:alln~ ion ot z~ll impr~vornonts such as curbs and gutCt~rs, siti~~walk~, ~aator f'aciliL•iae„ ,treet grading and pavemQnt, 3awor and drainnge faci2ities, or oh.hor appurt~nant work shall }~o complied wi.th t~s roquired by the Cir.y Enc~inQer and in accorc~ance witl: spdcif:icati.on: on Eile iri tt:e Of.fice ~f ~he City Engi.neec~ and that : ecurity 3n th~ form oi a bond, cerL-ificato nt dc~po~il, letta~• of crenit, or cash, in an ~mounL• and farm satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, shall be posted witr~ the City to c~uarantec~ the satisEACtory completion of said ~.~nprovemonics. Said sPcurity sha11 bp postQd w.itti the City priar to int.roducti~n of an orclinance r~,zoning subjact prc~perL•y, to guarantie~e L-he :nstallation of the abovo-rPquired improvements prior r,o occupAncy. 3. That street lighting f~cilities alony Ks'lloqg Tlriv~ sha11 be installecl as required by the Uti~ities General Manager in accordance wit}i specificaLions on file iri thQ Of~ice o£ Uti7.ities General Manager, and that ;,ocurity i;~ the form af a bonc3, cert•ificate of deposi~, 1QttQr of cz~edit, or cash, in an amount and f.or~n sa~istactory to ~he CiLy of Arxaheim, shall be posLed with tho C.ity to guaranteo the satist•actor.~ corr.pletion of the above-mention~sd ?rnprovements. Said securitl shall be posted with t:ie City of• 'analieim pr.ior ~o Ltie introduch.ion of 1n ordinanc~ rezoaicig subicct gr~perl-y. The a~uve-roquir~d improvements shall be insta].led pr.ior to occupanc.y. ~1. That prior to tha introduc~ion o;~ an ordi:iance rezoning subject proporty, L'ondition N~~. 1, 2 and 3, above-mPntioned, ~hall be comp]Rted. The pruvisians or rights granted by rhis r.solution s}iall become null ana void by action of the Plann3.ng C~mmission unless said condit.ions are complied with wiL•h.in one yQar from tbe date of this rc~solution, or such furt.her time as the Plar,ninq Com~r,i~sion may gr..~nt. BE IT ?UR'1'HER R~aULVED lhat tho Anaheim ~ity Plannzng Commi.ssian does t~ereby fi1~:3 and dot~rmine ~hat adoptiion of this Resolution is expressly precl.icated upon applicant' s compliancc~ wir,li eac}~ and ~11 ~f the condition~ hereanabove set. torth. Stiould any such condiCiun„ ar any part r_hereof, L~s declar~d invalid or unenfozceaale by the final j~idyment of any co~irt oE competent juri,diction, thQr. t:his RP3olut:ion, and any appr~vals horoin cancained, shal] bF: deemed null ancl void. xHB F'OREGOING RES~LUTIUlI is signed nnd approved Dy mA this 14th day of Septerrber, 1987. ,-~ ; } ~ ~C~.~~:~~.~ l~ ,~_.r_~--~-__._., CHAIRMIIN, ANAHE:IM CI PLANRJi1G COD4{ISSlUN r~r~sr: ~ / . '-,-',~ r .,. - -- ; It ~ -- ~~l"' r~ r~ * f t .y...__. _ ~ _l~~LSL.JLY.'~ :J_._. i ,5$Ctt6~' r,~1IiM~,IM CITY I~LA:i,i:tJG COMMISSIOt7 •p. C. ~ ' ,`c~ rr ,; (~l i, ~ Y JM~n1C~yNr ~- ~~ ~. . ' ~,h A' r 1 ~ ~ -3- ~`° ~ PC87-183 ~ ~F~l;,{, -,; '~~~ '~'~. r ,,~ `, , ~ by the f.ollowing voto of ~hP membars~~hQreoE~lon h~ld on Sc~ptamber 14, lgp7, AXES: COMMh4ISSI0NF.RS: BOUAS, BQYD5TUN, CARUSILLO, E'ELbHAUS, HFRBST, MEESE NOF,S: COb4dISSSONERS: NONE ABSENT: (:Ot~fISSTONERS: MC BU1tI1EY IN WITNESS WF~ERCOF, I havQ hereunto sc~t my h~nd this 14th day of S3ptember, 148'1. ~~ ., / ' ~`~ '~~ ~ ~ SECRE~'ARY, ANI~FiEIM I Y PL~ANNING COMMISSIOP; ~~ ,~,; , j r,~ ~= ~~ ~l ~'• ~''i :~ STAT~ OF CALIhORNTA ) ;;i CUUNTY OF ORANGE ) ~S, C:T~'Y OF ANAHESM ) 'r ~., T. Ec]Ith L. FIArris, Secretar..y af the Anahe.im City Planning Con:mi~sion, da hereby certify that the Eoregoing rosolation wa, }~asc~~d and adoptad at a moeting of ~,he An~hc~im City Plannin Cnmmi^ ' •'+ •-4 •- ~~~ t:::,r ,r FM;fti~w ~ , ~~ ' , : ~ k5 ir~~~~ r ~,, ~ 'J $.~M, ~fG c PC87-18~ -i ;~ :~~ :~ „r ti ;~