PC 87-188~""'~ FESQLUZ'IUN' N~ PC~7-1~8 ,~~y A RESOLi3TTON OF THE ANAHETM CITX PLANNING COMMISSTON THAT PETITION FQR VARIANCE N0. 3697 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim Ci.ty ~J.anning Commission did r~ceive a veri.fied PPtition far Variance Erom YOSFIIKO XAMANE, 2675 West Ball Raod, Anaheirn, CA 92804 and WIL~,IAM P,OBERTSON, 2775 West Hall Road, Anaheim, CA 928U4, owner, and J~UGO A. VAZQUEZ, 2290 W. Lincoln Aveiiue, Anaheim, CA 92aQ5• agent, o£ certain real property situated in th~ City of Anaheim, County of Orange, StaL-e of C;~li£ornia, descr.ibed as follows: THF ~ANO REFER.R~D TO IN THIS RFPORT IS SITUATEA I~T TFiE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CAL~IFORNIA, AND TS UESCRIBEO AS FOLLOWS: THAT PORTION OE THE 4JEST HALN OF THE SOUTHWEST QUAR"iER OF THE ~OUT.HCAST QUARTER OF S~CTION 13, IN TOWNSHIP ~~ SOliTH, RANGF 17. WEST, IN T~iE RANCHO LOS COYOTES, AS SHQWN ON A MAP THEREOF R£COI~DED TN BOQY, 5l, PAG~ 7, ET SEG., MISC~LLAtdE0U5 MAPS RECORDS OF 5AID pRANGS COUNTY TIGSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGI'rINING AT A POTNT 0*I 'lHE SOUTH LIN~ OF uAID W~^a'.C HALF 200 ~LET WEST OI' THE SO;iTHEAST CORNER THEREOF, THENCE GVFST ALOI3G SATJ) SOC~TH LINE ].00 F~E:C, THENCE NORTFi PARAL'LEL TO TEiE EABT LINE Or SaID WESi HALF 355 FEET TO TFIL•' NpRTH L~NE fJF THF LAND CONVE;S:ED TO BULLY B. IiC~YKIN AND WII'E, BY DEED RECORDED DECEMBEk 2~, 1948, TN BOOK 1779 PAGE fil UI'E'TCIAL RECORllS, IN THS OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORD.ER OP SAID ORA.21G~ COUNTY; THENCE EAST AT,OhG TEIF NORTFi I~:INE; OF SAID LAND OF BOYKTN APiD WIFE, lU0 FGF.T; TEiENCE SOU1'H 3G5 FEET TO T'FIE PbINT OF' BFGTNN'ING. THh.T PORTION l1F THE Wi~ST OtIE-:1AI~F UF T.FIE SOTT^:rIWEST ~UAfiTER OF THE SOUTHF'AST QUARTEk OF SECT:[ON 13, T.Q(ti'~TSHIP 4 S~UT.H, RANGE IZ WEST, IN THE RI~NCHO LOS CQY(:TF.S, CITY pF AtvAHEIM, ~OUNTY OF ~RAIJGE, STATr OF CALYF~1FtNIA, AS PER DSAF RGCORDED IN IIOOK 51 PAGt i.l MISCE;1'~I,ANEUUS MAPS, TN T.HE QFFICE OI' TFIE CQUNTY kECORLER OF' Si~yD C~~UNTY, DFSCRTBED .'~S T'OLLOWS: BEGINNTNG AT A POIN'~ ON TH~ SOUTH LINE l7i' TAE FFG;,•T HALF OF TFIC ~OUZ'HWk;ST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHCAST QUART~R OF SAID SECTI~N, 300 FEGT WEST OF THE SOUTH~AST CORNER 'xI3F[2E01'; TiiBl~f~E WGST ALONG 6AID SOUTf~~RLY LINE, 150.00 FEL~T, 't~iENCE N~7c2TH PARALLEL WITH THE WEST ~Y.NE; OF SAID h'EST ()NE-HALF :i65 FEET TO 'iHE NORTH LIN~ ()F THE; LAND CONVEYED 'fQ HOLLY II, BOY.YZN AND WiF~ BY AEED ~ECORDED DErEMHER 24, 1y48 IN BOOK 177g PAGE 8i Jr OFk'.ICIAL R.°.CORDS; TH^cNCE FAST ALONG THE NOKTH I,INE OF SAID LAND l?F BOYICIN AND 47TFE, 150 FEF:T; THENCE SOUxH 365 I'E~T TO 1HE ~RUE POINT OF BEGINNIN~. PC87-1$8 .,'.; ' ~ . ;4:~ ;it ,i ;:i ~ ~~ ...~` ~~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ w(N': S ~~. ~ ~i WEiEREAS, the City Planning Commission di.d ho1~ a public hearing at the Civic Cer~~Q~ in the City oF Anaheim an Sep~Qmber 14, 7.987, at 1:30 P•m•, notice of said public hearing naving been du?y given as :equired by 1aw and in accordance with the provisions of rha Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to lxear and consider evidence fo~ and against said proposed ~ariance and to investigate and make L•indings and recommandations in cunnec~ion lherewith; and WHERFAS, said Conurtissioal, after due inspec~ion, investigation and si:udy cnade by itself and in its behalf, and a~L-er due consideration of a11 evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and deterrnine the followi.rig f~cts: 1• That ~h~: paL•itioner proposes wai.vers of the following to construcl a 3-story, ?7-unit "sf£ordahle" apartmen~ complex under authority of 5tate Government Code Section No. 65915; (A) S~E TION 1~,3~.Qhi 01,~, - Minimum buil~in, si~e ar~a ~er c~w411ing unit Z1200 sa f't required; :1013 sg., f~ prop~asEd) . ( B) ~L~TIO_ pts Y,~ • 34 Of~? ._011 _ M~ximum~ r tural heic h_ 18~~.4_:_Q62~012 (1 s_torv perm.itted w•ithin AIJD :150-feet at single-~~mily residc~ntial zoning and. 2 stories over-all permi~ted; 3 stoi~ie~ nroposed 5 fQet from RS-A-43,000 zoning). (C3 SECTIQN 7,,$~3~.Q6'l„02Q - Maxirium , i e co~__ ~e__r~c~_~ ~~5~ permitted; 61~, proposed). (D) SE TION ;18.~4 LOti3 • Q22 _. M~nimum ,_,_~1g~,~r~~etb~~k ( ].0 f.eet requir~d for apartmant walls contRinS.ng windows; 9 fa~t proposecl). (E} S~TI_ ON 18_~.p63.023 _ Miz~imu~m structur.al set-na~k (~~~~ required Eor apartmPnt wa11s wi,thout windows nr doar.s; 4 Peet' proposed}, 2. That the ubove-men~ioned waivers are hereby grant~d on the basis that there are sper.ial circumstances applicable ta ~r,e pr~perty such as size, shape, topogr~phy, locatior.. ar surrauniiings, which do not apply tc~ oth2r identically zoned properties .in thQ vicin.ity~ that stric~. application of the Zonir.g Code deprives the property ~E pr:ivileges c~njoyed by ot~er propertzps in iden.t.ica~l zoning c;LassiEication in t;ne vicinity; and that waivers (d) and (e) aro minirnal. 3. That there are exceptiana~ ar extraordinary circumstances or coriditions npplicabla to the propert~ involved or to the ineended use of the property tha~ do n~t apply generally Lo the proper~y or class of use in the same vi.cinity and ~one. -a- Pc~~-.1as ,; , ,~ ~'. ''4 i. i,. 'r l~~ ~~ ~~~. ~~~:~Lw:~i , :,.~ '' t ;~~iR~"S~1M~ ~ ~ ' ~ ' ,i r~ 4 rc °sl'~~ • ~ ~ ~ i~Sr~~% 'n; s-: J t '.1 . ~ (~~Si ~ 4. T2iat the requested variance is necessary for tli~ preservati.on arid enjoyment of a substantial groperty r.iyht possessed by ather property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in ques~ion. 5. That the requested variance wi21 not b~ material].y detrimental to the public welfare ar. injurious to the property or improvements an such vicinity and zone in whict:. thQ property is located. ~ 6. Tha~ no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in ;~" opposition; and that no correspondence w~s received in opposi~ion to subject `.~~ ' getition. ENVTRONMLNTAL _ IMPACT FINDING: Th~3t the Anaheim Cit,y Pl~nning Commis~ion has re~viewec~ the proposal to reclassify the property ~rom the RS-A-43,000 to rhe RM-1200 zane to cunstruct a 3-story, 77-unit "affordable" apar~ment complex under authority of S~ate Government Code Sectiori N~. 65915 with waivers ot (a) minimum building site area, (b) maximtun structural ~ height, (c) maximum site coverage, (d) minimum sidepard ;,r~tback and (e) ~ minimum structural setback ~n a rectaxigularly-shaFed parcel of land consisLing of approximately 1.79 acres having a frontage of a~proximately 250 feet on the north side of• Ball ~cad, having a maximum depth of approximately 312 feet ~nd being locat~d approximatQly 210 feet east af the centerline o.f Da1e Avenue anct further described as 2767, 2775 and 27$5 Fiesl-. Ball Hoad; and cloes hereby ap~,r.ove the Negative Declarati~n upon finding that it has considered the Neqativa Declarat:ion togethtr with any comments recei~~ad d~xring the public review grocess and further finding on tlie basi.s o£ Y.he .initial study and ang conunents received that there is no subs~axi~ial evidence that the project wi1.1 have a significant efiect on tY~e anvironment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 12ESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plann3ng Comm.ission does hereby grant suhjecL- Petition far Variznce, upan the fo~:lowing conditions wliich are hereb~~ Found ta be a nec~ssary prerequisite to the propospd uae o£ tYle subject property in order to ~,reserve the safety and generaY welfare of the CitizFns oi' the ~'i~y of Anaheim: 1. That the ow:~er of sur,jert proper~~.y shall pay ta I:he City of Anahei.m I a fc~e ~or tree pla:~tzng purposes along Ball Road in an amount as ';;; def:ermined l:iy the C;.ty Council. 2. That prior to is.ua.nce of a building permit, appropriate park and '~ recroation in-lieu FeeS s.hall bp pair7 to ttl~ CiCy of Anaheim in aa '4z amoun~. as determined by the City Council. ;;~~ :, 3. That pri~~r tc issuance o[ a buxlding permit, the appropriate ;;; ~ tr.aEfic si~nal a~sessment fee sha11 be paid to the Czty of Anaheim in an amount as determined by the City Council. ~; 4. Th3t the pL•oposed parking struc~ure design sha11 cpnform to Engineering Standard Plan No. 40.'.~-B pertai:ii:~g to s~a~nr3ard details ,;~~ for parking str;zctures and ranp requiremonts. ~; ~i., 'M; ' S. That 8rainage c,E subjecL- proFercy sha].l be disposed of in a manner '; satistactory to ~,h,~ City Enqirleer. ri~_ _; . 5. That subject ~,roposal aut;hor.ized .by thi~ resolution sh~11 be served by underground utilitaes. y, ~3- PC87-188 '~ ,~ n :,. ~ h Yt.e~ ~ ~.r.'~~% ~ e ~'.,. '~ . - ~,! ~ . . . . . ,~ y e , ~,r,~+~ , , ,r ~ ,. ~~ ri~~,~,s ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~i~:ut! ~~ , ~ ~. r - . . ~~, ;;'i ):.~ yA~~~ ' yJ 1~f ~ ' ^`1 ~~ i 7 "~KI Y~ ?'`,. tti ',' 7. Thzt firn sprinr.lers sha11 be insta7led as requ.ired by the City Fire Marshall. 8. That i;rash storago aroas shall h_ provided and maintained in accordanr;; wiLh apnrovea plans ~n file with the Strcet Maintenancs ;(~. and Sanitatian Division. 9. That this VariancQ is gra;~ted subject ta th~; adoption ot the Zoning ~ Ordinance in corinectiun w~tY~ Reclassiiication No. i37-88-J.?., now pendi.ng. ;?~`~ 10. Tha~ in t~:e event a narcel map i.s not record~d r_ombininr the Z r., existing lots, or a reaorded covenant and agreement :.s not recorded ~;, obligating the owner ta hold subject property as one pareel then a , reciprc~cal parking a:ic1 ar.ces~ agreement, in a~orm satisEactory to ~ th~ City A~torney, shall be recorded wii:h i;he office of the Orange C ouiity recorder. A copy of ~he recorded agreement shall then be ; submitted ta L-he 'I.oning Division. , ~' i '~ 1.1, Tha:. yates shall not b~ instal~ecZ acro ,s ~ny driveway in a manner whicYx may advers~ly aftect vehicular traffic in the actjacent public " ' street~s). Installation of any ~ates shall conEorm tc ~ngineeriug S taiidard P.lan Nn. 402 anci shall be subj~±c~ to the review anc~ 3pproval of. the ~ity T.raffic Engineer. ;, ~: 12. That all driveways sha11 be constx•ucYQCI to accommodate teri (1Q) f u: not radiu: curb returns as requirod by the City Tratfic Engineer, ' -}~ I3. That ~rior to commencement of sL-ructural framing, f irc3 hydran ts ` . shall be installet~ and charged as roquired and d~terrnixied to be ~ ;a uecessary by the Ch:ef of th~ Fire Dapartment. •.F ~ 19. That if required by the ~ire Deparkmen~ or Poli~e bepari:ment all ; ;`~ , lock~xble pedestr.ian anci vehiculax access qates sha11 be equipQed with " " '~ a knoa box device t~ tha satisfaction af the Chief of Poliae 3 and th~ City Fire Ma,:shall. :~ : 15. That all air coiiditianing facilities and ather ronf and gr.~und =i mounted ~quipmerit shal.l b~ pzogerly shielded f.rom vi~w. 16. That prior to issuance oP a buzldix~g permit, the applican~ shall present evidence satisfactory L-o the Building llivision that the proposed project is i.n confoxmance with Co~~n~cil F'UZ1CY Number 542 "Sound Attenuation in Res:iciential Projects" and with Noise Insulation Standards specified in t-'e California AaministraCive Code, Title ~5. 17. That a si~c (6)-~foat high masonry block wall shall be constructe~ ;+ ar.d m~;intained a:long khe r.or~h, east and west property lines, y~ except l:he roquir~ci front se~tback wher~ t:he wa11 height shall not exceed three (3) Eeet. ~ -4- ::~ PC87-18H ~~; ~~ ~,:<~ ~ ~, ~~,s , • r o;a~ , ,. ~ ~ . ..'.``~J,. ., ~ ~11 18. That prior to issuanco of a building ~~eYmit, the clave~oper shall enter into a recordg~ agreoment with the City of Annheim pursiiant to Government Cocle Section G5915 to ~rovide that teit percent (" tl~b) of tho permitted numbor ot rASi(lontial units shal]. be ranted as low incnmo houstng ax d~finQCl in GovarnmAnk Cod~ Sect.fon 65915 and with appropriate renLal controls ns apnroved by the CiS:y of. Anahei.m for a p~riod oL not iosa than twenty (20) years f•rom tho dake of issuance~ of occupancy permi~s. ig. That subjecL praperty 3ha11 bo ~levQloped substantial]y in acaor~3anr_e with plans and spacitications on iile with the City of Anaheim markod Bxhibit Nos. 1 through b provid~d, howeve:, that a minimum o[ 2.5 parking spaces per unit shal]. be provided in a design and lor.arxon as ~pecif~ced by Codo. If ~oWer than 193 3paces a.o providod, tha nt~mber of units shall be reduced tQ maintain a rat:i.,n of 2.5 spaces per ~xnit. 20. That priar to tl:c~ commencement of thQ acti.vity av.thoxized by this resolution, or prior to ~ssuance of a building parmit, or within a peraod of oiie y~ar from t:le date o£ this resoluti~n, whichever ocaurs first, Coniiitinn Nos. 1, 2,. 3, 4, 9, 10, 16, 17, anc: .1.~, above-nc~n*,ioneci, shall bc complied with. ~xtensions for further time to c~mplete 5aid conditions may be granted in accordance with Soct.ion 18.03.090 of the l~~~aheim Municipal Code. 2~.. That prior to final building and •r,oning iMCpect3.ons, Cundition Nos. 5, G, %, 8, 12, 14, 15, :17, ar,d 19, abova-meiitianed, sha11 be romplied with. bE IT i'UR~HER FF.SUf.VGA that tho Ananeim City Planning C~mmi.~sion BoQS hereby find and detern:ino th:it adoption of this Resol~xtion is ctxpressly predic3ted upon applicant's complianc~ wzth each and a11 af th~s condltions heroitiabove set forth. Should any sucki cpnditions, or ~ny parL th~reof, bo dQClared inv~lid or unenfoxceable by r_he final judgment o~ ar.y court ef compet~:nt jur.isdictior., then this Resolution, and ant ap~roval3 herein conCain.~d, shall be deemed ~:ull and void. ATTE::T: ~ . ~ . („~ y, ---.___.._-_~E'+.11~..~l~~!~!~_`~ . ~--- ------ - SFCf2rTT,R1, ANAHEIM CITf pLANil taG COM.MISSIAti ~FiC FQREGOING RFSOI~UTION ~ sign~ ~nd approved b7 m1 this 14~h day of Septemher, lyA~. ~~ ~• _ ' .__~._~_~~I'~''~ ~ '~~~~..~_.~..~._\___~.~ CFIA7RMAN, ANAH"F.IM CII Y PLhNNINC+ COMMISSION ~ ,5.. P~87-18d ; ;.,~ ...~ . ... _ .. ... . :~.~ ~~, ~ +~`~ .^~~.:r rr f uaA~+sxwNdt~Y~ , ,:;y~ ~r'1 . ~ .. ': ;v~; a~{ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) S$~ CTTY OF ANAFTEIM ) I, Edith L. Iiarxis, S~;crol:ary of. ~he Anaheim City Planning Commissaoai, do hereby cartify thar, thP foreqoing rosolutiorz was pass~d and ~dopted at a meet:ing of the Anaheim Cihy Planniny f:ommis3io~i held on SQptembex 14, lgg7, by tho following vote of the mnmbers thoroof: ~Y~S~ COW~fIS.;IONERS: BOUAS~ BOYDSTUN, CARUSII~LO, kF.LDIiAUS, HER$ST, MESSE tdOCS: COMMISSIONERS: NON'd ABSENT: COMMISSXONERS: MC BURNEY IN WITNESi WHFRGOF, I havQ herQUnta s~t my hand L•ris 14th day of Se~l•ember, lgg7, % _ ._~._ ~--'C'~,~ ~ ~'1 ~! ~ SECRET RY, ~~t7A.[1EI'+! CITY k'LANitT~lG COr~ihSIS4IqN '6~ PCt37-188 ~: qf~,.., ., ,'~~ ~ :tifi