PC 87-189-n~rj . . . .. . . . ~H ~~~~ ~ .e7d6L `'~ F+.p.~~ f t~ r. h ;ii ;r~ ; ~I RE,SQL TI N M,0 ~~g7-~,~c ' A RESOLUTION OF THE Ab1AHEIM CITY FLANNING COMMI>SION THAT PETITTOhI CdR I7ECL~ASSIFTCATTON ZiO. 8^-8f3-13 B~, GRANTED wFiEREAS, tha Anaheim Ca.ty Y2anning Commission dia ra~eive a ;, verifiecl pet::~ion for i2eclassificdtion from kICFIARll GARANE;R, 510 Bluamour~t ~I"• Streot, Lagur,a 8each, CA 92651 and MARY E. McRILI~ and ALICE JANE LAMIIERT~ 127. }° E. Pondor~sa Lane, A.na~Qim, CA 928(12, ownor, ancl PTERRE CES, 385 8aysida Dr., Gong Beach, CA 90RU;., 3gent, ~f certain real property situahed in the Ciky c,f Anaheim, County of Orange, St1te oE Calif~rnia, described as follows: ~ ALI, TIiAr C~ltTAIN LANi~ STTUATED TN THk; COUTTZ'Y OF ' OR1~.r?GE, STATE OF CALIrORNIA, DESCRIBEU AS FOI.LOWS: 1:. ~ ~, THE WESTER*,X OttE-HALF WESTERLY ;1/2 ) OF LOT TW~:NTY' (20) AND AI,L OF LOT TWENTY-pt1E (21) OF "TRACT N0. 483, LA ~'ALM.1~ G\12DENS", AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECt~RDED TN HOQK 17, PA(iE 30 OF MISCE:LLANEOUS MAPS, k2EC012DS OF ORANGE COLTNTX, CALIF'Or`2NIA. LOT NINETFEN (19) AND THE ~AS~ ONE-HALF (E 1/2) OF LOr TWENTY (20) OF TRACT N0. 983, "I,A PA~,MA GARDENS", IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATk: OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP T1iERE0F RF,CO~iDGD IN BUOK 17, AT PAGE 20, OF MI5CELLANEOUS MAPg, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGF. COUNTX. WHERf at the Civic Center S, thc~ Ciry ir~ the Cit Fl~nning Commission did hold a of A h i public hearing noCice of said public y . na ~ m on hearing havang beon cluly 5eptember 14, 1987 ut 1:30 p.m., gzven a i accordanr.Q with the proaisi~ns s requ rod of the Ana}ieim Mur.icipal Co~3 by law and in Ch tu Y.e~ac• r.nd consider and to investi evidence f:flr and agaf.nst e. ~pter lf3,p3, saicl praposQd recla~si.£icatioii gate tharewith; and and maka findings and recammendat;ions in connet;tion I~IN~t2~AS, said Commission, after due insrecti~n, investigation and study made by itself 311C1 in its berali, ancl aftor due conside;ation of all r,videhee ~nc] c•~p~rts offNxed at said rearing, doss find and determine the follcwing fact5: 1• ThaL• the petiCioner ~~roposes rec'.'.~ssific~-tion of gubjoct. propez•ty f.rom the RS-a-93,000 (Rasiclential, Agricultural) zone L•o the CL (Commorr.ial, Limit~d) zone. 2. That thc Anaheim Goneral Pl~n c7c~signates subjact property t'or General Comm~rcial larzd L136u. 3. That Che pc•oposed reclassiiicarion of subjoct psoperty is nece4sary an8/ur de~frable for the ordarly and proper deva]opment of the community. °~'' 0050r ., ~ PC87-189 ;; '~~ a~ . . . . _ . . ~ . , \ ~yYv+IxM1'~'f',,' . . . ~ f ..:~,~ ''~;9; ~ ~ st; 9. ThaL the proposod recla3s~.fication o£ subject property does properly~ relate Co the zones and their permittod use:t locally established in close proximity to subject property and to th~ zones and their pc~rmi~tod uses generally establisheci throughout kho comrc,unih.y. 5. Th ~t: th~ proposed reclassifica~ion ~t sizbject property r~qu~.ros ~he dQd~.cation of ab~atting streohs in acr.or.d7ncc~ with the Circulation Elemer.t of the Gen~:ral P1an, due to tho ani:icipated increase in traffic which w.i].1 be geixerateci by *.he int~nsiiication of land use. 6. T~iat one person indicatec~ his presance ar said publi4 hearinq in op~ositic~n; atid thaL- no corresQonu~..~^e was receivod in opposition to subjer.t petit.ion. ~ ~N_VIROtIM~NTtzL YMPI+~T NINDINC~: 'rhat the Anaheim Ci~y Planning ~, Commission has reviawod the px~~)?osal tu recla5sify subject pioperty from ~he ~; RS-A-~1~,000 (Residential, Agricultural.) 7.one to ~h~ CL (Commerci.a7., Limitedj - zone to permit a self-service car wash facil.ity with waS.ve.r of rnaximurn w3dth of vehicular accesswa~ on a rectangularly-~shaped parcel of land consiuting of ~ppror.imately 0.45 acre, having ~ frontagQ of appror.imately 150 feet an ~he norrh side of La Palma Avenus, havir~g a maximum clepth of approxzmately 130 ~. Peet and tieing 7ocatn~~ appr~-~~~.^~kely 1,OC0 f.eet west of tha r.ente.rline of ; Guclid Street and fur~her descr•ibad a: 1777 West La Palma AvenuN; and doe, horeby approve the idegative De..lar~stiou upon Einding that it haa considercd the Negative Declax•ation together wi.tli any comrnsnts recoived during Lhe public review pr~ocess and Purther finding on Che basis of rhe initial stiidy and any cosnmont.s received that r.here is no substantial evidence that tho prnject will have a sigr~ificant effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFOR~, BE IT ItES~i~VED tliat the Anaheim Gity Planning C~mmissian does hereby grant subject Petition tor RnclassificaL-io~i and, by so doing, ttiat Titla 18-Zoniny of t:he Anaheim Municipal Code be amonded to es:clude the anove-ciescribed pc~perty from the RS-A-43 000 (Resi.dential, Agricult~iral) zone and to .incorporate said descr.ib~d property into the CL (Commerci~l, Limited) zone upon the following contlitiaiia which ar.e heroby f.ouncl to be a i~ecQSS~ry prerequisite to the propUSed uso of subject property in order to preservQ rhe safoty and qer.Qral welfare of the Ci.tiz~ns of ttie Ci.ty of Anahuim: l. That Che own4r of subjECt property shall irxQVOCably offer to dedicate to thQ City of Anaheim a srrip of land 53 fer~~ In w.idtih from tY~c~ conterline of the street along t,a Palma Avenue for :,treet wiQenir,g purpose~. 2. That prior to the intro~ucL•ior. of an or.dinance r.ezaning subject property. C~ndition ldo. 1, above-mentioiied, shall be completed. The prov.isiuns or righ~s yrarited by this sosolution shall become null :~nd void by actian of tho Planning Comr.iission unless said conditions are complied with within one year fr.om the clate of this resolurion, nr such further time a. the Planninq Commissirn ~nay arant. ..2_ PC87-Y89 ~;,'•:i 'C ~ ~: ~ . ,. . . ' . . . .. ';i f H~, ~ ~ ^`~ + } N~ r,~: ,;.,,,'~: ' :~~ i r ~-e~,r a ' ~. . 'Yf~¢al }~' .,.'~ ~ 1 ~ ~~, :.~~.~., .~ t: 6. . . , ,~..r^fq.•, „~;~ ,. .,~,,. ~7 ..~. '"' . .. ,•L,: i BE IT E'UFtTKFR RESOLVED ~hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hetoby find and datormine that adoption af ~his Reso3utior~ is e~cpressly predicated upon ap~licant's compli.anc.e wit'h each an~~ all of the conditions he.roinabov~- set forth. Should any such con.ditions, or any part ~hereoE, be declared invalid or unentorcoable by the Einal judgment of any courr, of ; eompetQnt ;urisdiction, then this Resolution, ar,d any approvals herein .; contained, shall be deQmed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approvad by me thi.~ 14th day ; of September, 1987. ~, ~;, i `. ~ 1 ,, ~c~~~-~` y'~~-~s-~._ ,; _~____ _ ~i CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM C TX PLI~.NNING C0~4~1I:SSION ~; ~ ATTEST: ~ ' ~ ' ~ f- . } - ~-~---,~~~.l1LL~r1 ~~ , SECRETARX, ~IAFiE1M C~TY PLl',NNING COt~iTSSTON STaTE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY Ok' ORArTGE ) ss. C7TY Or ~IAHBIM ) I, Edith L. H~rris, Secre`ary of rhe Anaheim City Planning Commission, ' do h~reb,y certify that rhe foregoi.ng resolur_ion was passed an~ adopY.ed at a meeting of the Anaheim Cit,y PZann.ing Commission held on September 14, 19E7, by the fo2l~wing vote of ~ha members the:eo.f: AYES: CO:QMISSIONERS: F30UAS, BOYDSPUN, CARUSILLO, L•'~LDHAUS, HERBS'.T.', MESS~ ~IOCS: COMMISSIONERS: NONE \BSSt1T: Ctlt/~fISSI0NFR5: MC BURNFY IN WITNESS WI~[EREOF, I have hereunto set my k~and i:his 14t1i day uf September, 2987. ~~~~-L~ ~C , ~•"~C./u! ,4, ------~ • ..o--{--- S~CRETARX, ANAHEZM CITY PC,ANNIIr'G COMMLSSION -3- Z'C87~189 •..!M1!~'IU1tMMW}l . _r;S'r? :~.i ,~~i ~, i ~ ,; `; ~~ ,., :,~,~ `; ~.~ -, .~ . ~ /~: ~r .... ~ - . i. . . . ~. .. , ~ . s ~ . . ._ . . . . ~1iLld