PC 87-196~"'~ RLSU.LUTTON N0. PC87-19G ~' A 12LSOLUTI:ON UL THE ANAHEIM CIiE Pi~ANNING COMMISSION TE;FtMINl~TING AI.L PRbCl:E;TilNGS IN CONt3f:CTIQN Wz'i'H CONDITIONAL USG [~i,RMi'1' ~i0. 2074 WHF.It[sAS, on May 5, 1980, the Anar~iem City Planning Commission granted CondiCional UUe Permir No. 2074, undex Re~olutior. c7o. PCaO-76 Eor a period oF 3 yeaes sub;ject tn review, t~ retain an aulvmobile rep~air shop in l:he ML Lone, al, :!%85 Regal ?ark Drive; and W[Ih,RLAS, Rxchard C. Hunsaker, pcoperEy owner, has submitted a lel-L-er rec~uesting terminah.ion of° Condit.ioclal Use Permit No. ?.~7~ to c~~mply with the conditions oL• approva.l o[ Conditi~nal Use Permit Na~ 2~:f1 l•o }~,ecmi;: a~i a~atomobile restoration facility with wa.iver ot minimum nu~nbcr oi parking spac~s. One oE the condi.tion~ ot- ap~roval r.equir.ed klie applican~ to submiL a letter ~equesting tc~r!ri:~natzon of Condirional Use Permi.t N~. 2Q74. yOW~ ~PHEREH'OI2C, BG IT R1:SULVED that the Anahtim City planning COIRllllu^a=0:~ c~oF:s h~reby t~rminate a11 proc:eedin~s i.ri c~nnect.ion wihh Condition~i Use Permit Nc~. 2074 on L-he basis ot the Loregoiny Eindinys. ~r~i~ roR~coz.~~; Rr,~or~vTIUN oE Sc:ptember, 19i~7. h~r.~resm: ~. ~~i~1~Lt~~ SGCRETARY, ANAHFrM CY'PY PLANNING COMMISSIUN STATI; AE' CALIFURNIA COUNT.Y OE' ORANCF ) 3s . Cf.'rY UP ANAFI~IM ) I, Ed:th L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim Cit.y Planning Commission, d~ hereby certtf.y that the Eoregoi.ng CLSO~.UtLUII w~s passed and aclopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City nlanning Commission he1~ on Se;pt~m~ier 19, 19a7, by the Eol.low;.ng vote uE the membecs thereof: AYCS: COh1MISSIONi:RS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, C)1RU5iLL0, C'ELDEiAUSi (ic:RBST, Mt~SSL•' ~30ES: C~MMISSJOf~ERS: P~ONE AE3SENT: COMMYSaIOPIF.RS: MC F3UKPif:Y ~.-~. ~ ~ iN 4JITNE:;~S P~FiLRE;OE', .L I1sve hereunto se~ my hand rhis 14th day of Sep"_c:mb~:r, I987. > 1 • __ _ . ~~~'--~ ~ ~~ SF,CRL•:TP.RY, ANAHEZM CITY ?LANNING COMMISSIOti 0067r P~87-•.196 is siqne~3 ~tnri a~proved by me this ].4th r]ay / '~' .."""~-~ ~~ ~~ C(IAIRMAN, AP7~lHF'IM CT7'Y F,API~IING COMMZSSTON