PC 87-203~: , ~ ~ - ,~~~ ,,'~ ~~~ I2ESQT~SjT._IOt_',_PIC~._ P~f3%203 A RESOLUTION pF THL a1~AHEIM (:ITY F'L'ANNING COMMTSSTOLI THAT PGTITION FOR VARTANCF N0. 3'!O1 HE DENIED WFTGRFAS, the An~heim Ci.ty Plani~inc~ Comm.i ,sion did re~e.ive a vc~rif, ied Pec:it.ion l:oc Variancc f.rom HLT.EN M. ~AhIE ROtt, 917 E. North Street, Anaht:im, CA 92805, uwner and N~:WPOFT Pt~C2FTC COPiST.RUC7.'ION CURP„ 4000 MzcArthur Bi~a. , N t~80, Newport Iieac;h, CA 92660, ATTN: MAGbY HANNA, agant, Eor certai~ real prop~rL•y situateci i~i the City oE P.naheim, County of Oranga, StaL•t~ of Calitorn.ia, ~7cscxibed as f~llaws: THAT PORTYON OF 1:,OT 45, ANAHEIM CX'iF,NTION, DESCRIfiEA AS F'OLLOSVS : CiEGIrrNING AT A FOINT IN TF[L•' SOUIHF.RI,Y LI2lE OF SA7D L01 45, AND IN T~iE r10RTHGRLY LINE OF E1,~T NORT~~i STRFGT, SAID POIDTT. ~1::I~1G DISTANT SOt'THWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOiJTHI~;KI.Y LINF P11.53 FEET FRUM THE CENTF,R I.INE OF NORTIi EAS'r STRE~T; '~'HENC~; FRUM SAID POINT OF BEGIN'NING AND ENTERING SAIL) LQT 45, A'~ RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID FiOUNDARY AND IPi A NOi2THWESTEI2LY DIRBCT70N, 150 . QO E'EI':T; :iHENCE N0~<THEASTERLY At;D PARALL~EL WIT.H SATD SOUTFIEE2LY LINE, 95.00 I'EE:T; TiIENCE 50UTHEAS:C~:.RLY I~ND 'AT RTGH'I' ANCLES TO SALD SOUTliERLY LINE 95.40 FEET TO THE POItdT OF LiEGINNIPIG. N;}TE: SAID LI!ND IS SFIOP7tl Oti A LICEtTSED SURV~;YUR'S MAP P'ILEI) IN I300K 19, AT PAGE; 32, 0~' RE~UkD OF S(7RVEYS, TN TFIE OFF'TCF. OF THE C.OUNTY CF SAID URANGE C0IJNTY . WFIFREAS, L•tie City 't'laiini~-g Commission did holcl a public he~riny at the Cit~ir. CanL•er in ttie ~ity of At:aheim on Sept~_mbor 28, 1987, 1987, at 1:30 p.m. , notice of said public hearir.q havir.g b~eri uuly qiv~n as rc~quired by law and in accordance witli the pr~visfoiis of rhe Anaheim Municip.3l Code, Chap~er 18.03, to ti~ar ~nd cansider evi.dence t'or and a<r,ainst said prorose~ variance arid to i-rvestigate and make L•zndxngs and recomm~r.dat.ions in connect.ion ~}icrewith; and Wf1EE2~:AS, said Commission, a~t.er due inspec~_.ion, investigation and study made by itself ~tnd in its beY.alk, and after due con,idEration of a21 evi.den~e anci rr.ports oLfered a~: saiel heuring, tloes tii~cl and detQrmir.~t the rollawir.g fa~ts: 1. T'hat th~~ petir,~.oner propuses wa.i•~nrs ot ttie f~llowirg to construcL• a 2-•stor.y, 11-ur~iC aparhment 2~uildinv:: (A) ~Ff~T.~2l~_lU_T3h_f_.4.5~.~_4.~.= - h1¢xirn~m_gt.~l~c~u=~1..1~~'~9~~• (.~____~.~.0.3'Y parmittQd withi.n ~~5~-~~~ oF single-famfly residQn~?al xonfng; ~. ~Y91~,.~i proposed at ~i~Q~f~_.feet) ( B ) ~•St~14N_. 1_$.. 3!~ ..g ~? . 9_2~ ° M?;c~tmUtrl..~~~C_GS2.~1=r19~• (z~'! ~~rrr,ittedi `~ Pr~~osed) 0075r PC87-203 0 ~°a`'~u1 2. That tho abave-mQntioned wa.ivers are hereby d~nied on the basis th~L th~rc~ ar~ no special circumstancos app.lic~k,le Lo the properh,x s~ich as size, shapo, topography, .lcr,at•i.on and surroundings which does not apply to other iden~ic ~11y zonod propor~y in the samQ vicinity; and thaL strict applir.atioi~ of the 'Loning Code doe~s not dHpri.ve h.he proporty oL• privil~y~5 enj~.~~~{ }~y other prr~per~ies in the id~ntical zone and classif3.cation in the vicinity; ancl that the requested rE~class.ification was a.lso ~ienieci. 3. That there are no except~on~l or e~:traordinary circumstances or conditioi~s appli.cable ho rhe property involv~d or tr the intended uso of tne propert~.• ~kia~ do no~ apply g~t~Pral.ty to the property or c:lass oi use in Che :,;:tme vicinity and z~rie. ~., !~• ~ preservation ' That and enj tho recruested vnriaace is ~ymc-~nt' of not necessary for the property in a substantial property the same vir_inity an~l Lon righ~ ~ossessed by other e, artd denied to the pr~per~Y xn q~+esh.ion. ' S. thP r,ublic 7'hat wr_lf~re the reqtiesteci variar-r.e will be matariallp detr.imentaZ ~o or injurious t vici.nit~ and zc~ne in a the ~roparty which t•he or irnpro~•ements in such ~ p~operty is located. 6. That six~een (1.6) persons indic~tFd their prPSence at sai.d piibli.c hearinq in op~ositiuii; and that a petih.ion ~ontaining approximately h; signatures was received in apposit.io3z to subje~t petition. ENV7ROiJ?IENTAL IMPTCT __ ~'IP7DxN:G: Tha~ the Anaheim Cihy Commission has reviewed thc~ propusal to reclassify stibjec.t ro E. Planning RM-7200 (RQSidential, Sinc~le-Famil p P xty £rom the Diultiple-Famil Y~ zOnQ r° th~ pM-~2U~ (Resi.dential, y) •r.onQ ho construct• a 2-•story, 11-unit apartment bui.lding with waiver.^, of maximum building height ar,d r~ax:;mum 'lok roctanr,u:lak•Zy•-sl~aped parcol of. lancl consistin Q~ a coveraqe on a te~t, havinc~ a frnntage o:: approxi-n.stely g5 LPQ~ o,p ~h~ ~ north Sid~ 5~f SNflrth St.reet, haviny a m~ximiim depth ot ~,pf>,•,~x.ima~ely 150-Leet and being located approximate.ly 715 feot west nf t_}ie cunt:erlinQ of East StreeL• an~l furhhor clescribad as 91'i Easr llorth Streel; and does hereby approve L•he Nega~ive llecl.aration upon. finding that it h,as c~nsidered the N~~at:ive Der.larati~n togeth~r wi.th ang CGir101r?ntS re~~eive~t during the public review pror_e:;s and further f.inding on the basis ni tne initia~ studx anra any Gomments .rec~ived th,1t: l•.here is r-o subst:~7nrial eviderice r.t~ae the projoct w.ilZ have a s.ignificant etfeet on ~h~ ~nvironr.er,L, NOW, TEIE&:;FpRL••, pr 1'p RF.SO[.VEp t}iat Lhe ilnaheim City Planninc~ Commissi.on c~,oes here"~y deny subj~~cL• Yetition tor Variance c,n tha basis of ~he aforemP»ticned fiiiaings. THF. FOREGAIPIG RESCLUTICr;~is 3a~ d and approvod by me h.his zar.r. of Sepkembpr, ~9A7, ___._____.._ _;1~~~,~~~ _ " _ ~~'r CHAIRMA ~ •.~~ ~_..______..~-_----.~_._ 1,N~ FiEIM CIT YLAt•li7ING COMMISSIOPJ ATTES'T : -- _._.-------•-='~'-~~__.~~. ` ~' S~CRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY P A[Ji2~ ~~S5I0~" ^ -Z PC87-203 . ~ M wr..vx+rxr...,~. .. .. _ ... ._. . ~:~:~ { ;; ~ ~';. . ~~' -,~' F~ ~ << in~~t~ s~ ;~_~•. ,r„g~ : v. :~ ; y,, , ri~ ; ~,~ t. I,~, j'~ ;i ;1, STATE OF' CALIFORNIA ) '`~ : i;a ` ~'.,y~ COUNTY OF (~RANGL ) $S, CI ^ TY OF AN~IHEIM ) L', Ed.ith L. Harri,~, SPcre~ary oE the Anaheim City Planning , ' Commission, d~ harob~• cer~i.fy tkiat the foregozng resolution was ~assod ~nd ~;: ~'"' adopted a~ a meQl:ing of ~he ~naheim City Planning Commission held on September 2A, 198%, by the f.ol3.owing vote of the members thereoE: AY~S: (:OI~fISSIONLRS: BOU'AS, ~3pXDSTUN, CARUSILLU, FELDHAUS, FIERBST, ME5SE N4ES: COMMISSIONERS: NOtrE ABSLNT: COMt~fTSSTON^nRS: DIC BURNEY IN WITNGSS WHEI2EOF, I havo }ierount:o set my hand this 28th day of ~ei Y_~;mbe~•. J.987. -- ~~' '-=~'-- '~ . ~ .~~~~~.- _.. 5~CI2F:TAFY, ANAHEIM Pr~AN~II~IG CO!+u'dIaS1UN ,.c,,.y , ~3- PC~7-203