PC 87-21RESOT~UT.ION N0. pr.87-21 A RESOLUTTON OF TH~ ANAHETh1 CITX PLAI3NING COM[4ISSION THAT PGTITION FGR VARIANCB N0. 3628 BE GRANTED ' WHENF,AS, th2 Anaheim Cit.y F~1ann.ing Commissiati did reca•~ve a verifi.e~ ;; Pctition for Variance from IRAJ EFTEKY.ARI, 109$ R.im!+rood Dri~e, Anaheim, r; California 92aU7, owner o[ certain real property situ~ted in the City of. Anaheim, County of Orange, Stzte oF Calitor.n~.a descr.zbed ~s: PARGGL 3, I[~ 'PHE CITY OF ANAHEIM, CUUt I'X OF' ORANGL, S'CATE OF . CALIFQRNIA, AS SHGWi~ UN A PARCEL i'IAP f2L'CORDEL~ IN BOUY. 209~ PACES ~' 13 AND 14 OF` PARCEL MAPS, RLCORDS OF ORANGE COUN'PY, CALIFORNI~.. ~:; ~ WH~REAS, the Cit~y P~~inniny C~~mmission did hold a pub.~ic heari.ng at the Civic Center in the City of. Anahe.im on Januar.y 19, 1986, at I:30 p.m., : notice of said public hearing 'raviraq been duly c~iven as required by 1aw and in '_+ acc~rdance :rith the ~rovision~ ~F the Anahei.m Munici.pal Code, Cha~:ter 18.03, to t~ear and considet evidence for ar~d a~~air~st s~i~ proposed variance and t~ '~ i.nv~stigate and ma!ce fi.ndin~s and te~omrn~,~dat:ions a,r~ connection therewit.h; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspecl-.ion, i.nvesl:.igar.ion and study made by itself and in ii:s ue`,alf, and .3.f.ter c]ue c:onsideration ot all evi.dence and r.e~orr.s ~~L-.Eered at: sa.Lci hearing, does find and delermine the , L-'oLlowing ~acts: 1. Thar the p~ti~:ionr~r proposes wai.vers of the following to construct a single f.amily resi_dence: (a) SECTIONS 1a.23.~63,].0 - hiinimu-n st.ruct.ural setback AND 18~?3.063.011 l25 f~e~_ ~ec;ui.rFd; 13-17 Peet ~roposed) (b) SECTION 18oa4.042.011 - Mavimum 5uilding h~i~hk !25 feet per~nit~ed; 30.5 feet proposed) ?. 'Pl~at th~~ above-m~ntion~d waivers are tiereby grantEd on the basis th,=r r.here arP s~~cial circumstances applicable t~p t.he property such as szze, shape, r_oNrgraphy, lacation and surroundinys whicl~~ do not• apply to other id~nt.ically zoned ~roprrty in L-h~ same vir.init:l; anc] t:hat stricr_ appl.icatian aP the 'LOni.ng Code de~rive~ the pr.o~,erty of privileges enjo,y~d by other propeL•ties in t.r,e ~ldentical zone a~zd classification in che ~~icinity. 3. 'Pha~. i.here ar.~ except:ionai or exr.ia~rdinary c,ircumstances or condi'.ions applicable r.o I:he properry in~elved or to th~ intended use of the prope[ty that du not, apply generally t:o tt~e propert,y or class uF use in the same vicinity and 2one. ; ~i, Thar. ~;~e requested variancP is necessaiy for the ~reservation and enjoyme~~t of a substantial pra~~art.y ri,~ht poss~sspd by other propert.y in L-he s3me viciniry and z~ne, and denied i•.o +,he pc~per:ty in questiun. .:. ~ 5. 'Phat t:he requ~sted vari~~nce will nut be mat:erially detri.rnental to thF public welfare or injuri.ous r.n the ~roperty or im~~rovenen~~ in such vicinit:y and zone in whi.ch r_he pro~er~:y is lc~cated. .103 ].r PC87-21 r, ~ ~ 'i:' +~ ~ ~ ''~: ~ . ... ~, ,. 6. Thac no c~ne t.ndiaat:PC7 their presenc~ at said public hearing in op~osition; ancl t:hat no correspondence was received in o~position t~ yu~,j~C~, per..ition. ENVtRONMENTAL iMPF~GT FINDING: The Planning Director or his authorized representative has detzrmined r_hat r.he proposed project fa11s within s:he definition of Cat.egorical Exempt~ions, C:1ass 5, as defin~d in the • State EIR Guidelines and is, therF~fora, cateyarically exempL- from L•he requiremeni~ I_~ pr~pare an EIR. iVOW, TEI~REFOREr BE T`P RESOLVED L•har the Anaheim City P1~nniny Comraission does hereby grant subjPCt Petition for Variance, upon L•he fo.llowiny condikions vrhich are hereb~ found Lo be a necessary prerequisi~e to the , ~ro~+osed use of t:he subjeet property in orci~r to preserve r_hc~ safeL•y and ~ gnneral we.lfar.e of tne Citizens cf the City og ,~naheim• r;: . ' 1. That prior t:o rendering ~f k?ter serviae, the a pproPriate fees due for primary, secondacy an~ fire pro~.ection sha17. be p~id to tha Water ~ U~i7.ity Division by th~ Ue~aelor~er in accordance with Rules 1SA and 20 ;,: of the watPr Utility Ratns, Rules and Regularians. ,~ Z. Thr~t pri~r co cender:.ng oE water service, a special assessmer.t fee in the amount: ~E ~652.0~ per zcr.e, far upgr.ading the form~r. Walnut ~ Canyon Warer System, shal:l be paid t:o t-he W~t:~r Ln : by Lhe DPVeloper, gineer'ng Divisiun~ 3• That: pri~r to issuance of a building ~~ermir_, the apprap~iaL-e major ~horough.fare and bri~ye fee shall be paid ~o thr,a City of Anaheint in an amount as S[~~Cl~lf~ i.n t:he Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee lrogram for f_ne taothill/Eastern Transport.a~ion Corridor, as approved ~/ City Counci.l 12e;;ol.u~ion t~o. 85R-423. 4. That subject ~ro~eel~y shall be deveJ.oped substan'~1a11y in accordanrE wi+:h plans and .specifi.cat.ion~ on f.ile with I:h~~ City ~f Anaheim marked Exhibit: N~s. .l Lhrough ?. HE IT F'URTHEIt RLSOLVED i.hzt the Anaheim City Planr.iny Commission does hereb~ find and d~termine that ac~optiun of rhis Resolution is expre~sl,y r~redicaFed upon a~~).icant~s compliance Yrit:h pach and al~ of hhc conditions t~~reinabc~ve ;et F.or.th. ~hou.id any such condi~ion, or any pact: khereaf, be declared inva.i.ic~ or unenforceabl~ by t:he final judgment oC any couct or com~e~ent j~~zisc]iction, chen this Resolution, and any approvals herpin contained, sha11 b~ c~eemed nu.ll and ~•oid. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTI~N is cigried and approved by me thi~ 19±:h day of ,lanuary, 198'7. ,r~ ~ /" ~ 4f 1 ~;~ ~ ,,, `' / ~ , ' - , ~ ,..... ~-.~' CHAIRM N, ANAHGI[d CITY ANNTNG COMMISSION ATTEST: ' ' ~~`='-- SECRET RY, RNAHEIM CIT PLAiVNING COP1MISST~N -~+ PC87 -21 ~~' ~ 13TATE OE C~~LIFOI~NIA i COUN7.'Y nF OR~NGG } ss , CITY Or ANAHEIM ) Tr Edi,th L. Harris, Secret:ary of the A.naheira Gity P~.anning Commissiou, do hereby certi£y that t:he foreyoing resolut:ion was pas:;ed and ~~dopted at a meetino of the Anaheim City p~anning Commissi.on he:ld on January :L9, 1987, by the followi.ng vote of the members thereo,`.: i1YES: COMMTSSIONI'sRS: BQUAS, rRY, HERBST, LA CLAIR~, LAWICKI, MC BURNEX trESSr NOES: COMiyISSTON~RS: NONE 1~BSENT: COMMISSIONGRS: NONE ;. IN WITNESS WEiER~OT', I have hereunt:o set my hand lhis 13th day of r,~~ .fanuary, 1987. ~; . ~ ~r; ~ _ r SEC;RET Y~ ANAHE;IM CITY L NNTNG COI~1MT;iSION ,y, ;;:, `~; ~~4 ',:~I;I~1'` '/ i ~i1~ t,,,'` ~~. .. ~~~~~~,~ .,,.' ~.~~)i ~.~2 ~~2~ :N ~.~~1~ r'r~ -3- ~ ~:~1i '1?t ,i~~i `~~{ P1:8~-21 {f '';'~ ~' ~F ,~~ ,~,, ~y , ~,~ fr,`•~ ..•M.;~~...~_.~~_.~.._ev.._.._ .J.~.,._..~li