PC 87-212~~~'~ R~n~uTZ~_r.ro. ~~s?-a~.a ~~ 't2GSOLUTTON AF TH~ ANr1HEItd C:[TY PLANKfING COt+UdTSSION THA'.~ PETIxION FOk COND'ITIONAL IJS~ PERMIT N0. 2948 BE GF2ANTED WHEI?E~'1S, the Anaheim City Qlanni~ig Commiss.ion d.id receive a vt~ri.fied Petition f:oz Conditional Use Permit f.rom TURNER DEVCLOPMENT. CORPORATTON, 1?.00 c.~uail Street, Su.ite 160, Newport Beach, CA 92660,~ ATTN: MARK G. MURR~L, owner and AONA;~D L. NEI.SOt1, 940 Mathewson Avenue, P].acentia, CA 92670, agent. for. certain r~~ea1 property situated iii t11e City of Ar,~aheim, C~unty oi• Orange, State of Calif'~.rnia, described as: PARCEL 5 OF' PARCEL MAP N0. 86-380, IId THE' CIT,Y OF ANAHET2Z, COTlNTY. OF ORANGc, STATE OF CALIFARNIA, AS PER h1AY FILF.n IN BOUK, I~AGk~ OF PAR(:EL MAPS, TN THE OFFTC~ 0~' THE COUNTY kECC~RDER OF SAID COUN'TY. WHERRAS, thE City ~lanriing Commission did "no1r,1 a public haaring at the Civic Center iii the Cit~ of ~.naheim on OctobQr ~.'.'., 1987 at 1:30 ~.m., notice of said ~~ublic liearing having been duly gaven as required by law and in accar3ance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter :Ld.03, to 2iear and consider evidence L•or. and agai.nst said propo~ed conditiontil use permit and to in~~eskigate and mak~ finding~ and recommendations in conn~rtior. thorewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, af`ter duc inspection, inve~tigation and ~l•.udy made lay itse~.f. anrl in its behalt, and af~er ~lue considEra~ion o~ all evidence and re~~orts o~:rered at saic~ hearing, does fi;aa and determine thQ following Lac~s: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for wh.zch a conditional usc permit is a.uth~rizecl by Anaheim ~~iunicipa]. Code Section 18.61.U50.601 ta wit: to perrnit an automobile repair facility ~,~ith wazv~r af the fo114winc~: SE~TION~t~~~. ~ 1222 -~I,.i.nim~n num c~r,Qf p~rkin.g_g„~ces. AND 18.61,~~6,~5Q (~6 requir.ed; ~2 praposed) 2. Th~~ tlis requ~~sted waiver is hereby granted o:ci the basis ~hzt the parking waive: wi.il nat cause an zncr.ease in L-raf fi;: conyestion in the immediate vicinity nor adver.sel~• affer.t anp adjoining le~nd uses and gran.ting ~~~ the ~drking waiver under the ccnditions imoosed, il• ~.ny, will not bQ ~9etrim~n~a1 Co the peace, lxeallh, safety ~r.d gen~ral we].f:are of th~a citizon~ ~~~ ~he City of: Anaheim. 3. That: tY~e proposed use will not advex~a'ly affec~ the adjoining land ~uses and ~he gcowth and aevelopmer-t of the area in wh3ch it is pro~osQd to be .located. :~ ' ,'`~~ 9. That the size and shape of the sito proposed for tho t~so is ad~:quate .. i to allow thQ fu11 clevelopment uf the proposod use in a m~snnQr not deL•rirnental $;; to the particular area n~r to the peace, health, safety and qeneral welt~ire of ~`~ the Citizans of the City ~f Anaheim. ~; i 0086r F~Cfi7-212 , ;;;'i ;; ~ ;°r~ , ..~w '~;?i •:1 l'~ ~~ r 5. That thP granting of tlzc~ Conditional UsQ Permit under rhe conditions impos~d, if any, wi11 not ba detriment.al to the pFace, h~alth, safety ancl general welf~~re af the Citizens of the Ci~y of Anaheim. 6. That the traffic generat.ed by th~ propased use wi11 not impose an undue burden upon the stree~s and highways designed and irnproved ~o carry tlie kraffic in the area. 7. That no one indicated their pre~ence at :,aic1 public hearing in o}~posi.tion; and that no correspondence was received in epposition to the subject petition. AI~iFORNiA ENVIRON?d~;NTAL 1~IAT.ITY A(;T FTNDING: That the Anaheim City l~lanning Commission ha~s reviewed tl:e propasal Co permit an aui:omobile repair facility with wai.v~ar of minimum number of parking spaces on a irregular7.y-shaped parcel of. land con~i.sting o£ a~proximately 0.6 acre, 'located at the southwester~.y terminus of f~iesloy Drive, having ~ L'rontage of approximr~tely 36 feet on the southwesrer].y side oF Wesley Drive, h~ving a maximum depi:h oE apprr~ximately 153 t'eet and being located appraximately 5Q0 feet west of the cent~:rlina of Hancock Street and fu•rthpr describc~d as ~4730 East Wesley Drive; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaratio.~ upon finding ttiat it has conside•red th~ NegaL•ive Declara~ion together wit:h any cornments receiv~d during the puk~lic roview process ai1c1 furt'her finding on tho basis o.f the iiiitial study snd any commenS:s rec.eived that there is no substantial. evidence tha.t the project will have a signi~icant sfEect on the envzronment. NOW, TFIEREFOR~;, BE IT RESOLV~D that the Anahea.m City Planning Commission daes hereby grarit subject ~etition for CondiL-ional Use Perma.t, upon thc following conditions which are hc~reby L•ound to be a necessary prerequisite to tho proposed use cE ~ho ~ubject property in order to preserve t he sa fe ky an d yeneral welfare af h.he Citi2ens of the CiL-y of An2ihoini: :l. That a tr•a~'fic signal assessrnea~t fee equa7.iiag t}ie ditierence between ttie industrial an~i c~mmercial ~ssessment fees sha11 be puid to the City of Anahoirn in an amount as determined b~~ the City C~~ancil. 2. Thak. trash storage areas s;,aai be provided and maintained in accorcianr.Q wiCh appruved plans on :Ei:te witlz rhe S~re~t riaintenance and S~nitation Divisio~-. 3. That the proposa]. sha11 comply with a11 signing requirements of tho ML(SC) Zone, u.nless a varit~ncP allo~ving siyn wai.vers is appzoved by thc~ City Council, Plann.ing Commission or ~oring AcLninistrato.r. 4. That no o~ltdcor storagE~ of or work on vel:icles ox• vehicular parts shall bo permitted. 5. That the ohner of subjact property shall ;,u}~mit a lo~ter r~questing termin;~tion of Conditional U3z Permit Nos. 1~22 and 2381 to the 2oning Divigic~n. •-2' PC87-212 ~L --- - _ ~ ,:,~ '~- ~~, 6• That subjpct property shall be ~leveloped substantially in accordance with plans aiid specifications an iile with the City of Ariaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 througii 3. 7• Thal- prior to t•h~ commenc~smer.l of the activit~t authori~,ed by this resolution, Condition tdos. 1, and 5, above-men~ioned, shalJ, be ~`r:' complie~~ with. Fxkensioris far further time tp complete said 'r~' conditions ma u~ y yranted in accordance with Section 18.03,090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, a• Th1t prior to the comm2ncement of the aclivity authorized by this xesolution, or final building and zoninq inspections whichever occurs iirst, C~ndition Nos. 2, anc~ 6, above-mentioned, shall be „, complie~ wil-.h. BC IT FURTHER R~SOLVLD t;hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does :hereb~• find and cietermine that adoption ~i t:~is Rewolu~ion is expressly pi•edicak.ed upon applicant's compliance wit2i each and all of the conditi~ns herQinabove set fort:h. Should any such conditions, or any part theseof., ~ie decl~ired invalid or unenforceable by the final judgmen* of any couri: oF competent jurisdici:ion, then this Re;solution, and any appr~vais horein contained, sh~ll be deemed null and void. THE FOREGO:[N'G RESOLi1xI ~~ is sigr~pd and c1rNt'qVBd by me this ~.2th day ~!` October, 1gg7, _ /1 _ L ~9 . CHAIRMAN, ANAH~TM CT ArTZSr.: ( ----~ -~ :~> > . SECRETARY'. ANAH~Itd CZTY FLANP~J:NG COMMISSION t'LANNiNG COM1•lTSSION STATE OF CALIFO.RNIA. ) ~ COUNTY OF OFANGE ) ss. ~ CITY 4F ANAH~;IM ) I i I, Edith L. Har.ris, Sscre~a.~•y oF t2ie Ariaheim City P],d~xning ~ommission, do hereby certify that khe for.•egoing resolution was passec~ and adopted at a meeting of the Anahpim City Planning Commis;;ion held on October 12, lyg~, by ± the following vot~e of the m~rrwers ther~of; AYES: COPdMIS:;IONERS: s0YD5Ti7N, CARUSILLO, I~ELDHAUS, MC BUkNL• ~, t~{ESSE NOES: COMMISS:[ONERS: 270N~ ABSE.IT: COMMISSIUNERS: BQUAS, HERBST 9, IN WITNFSS WHEREOf', I have hereun~o sel my hand this 12th d~y oF October, x9g~, _-__ ~~, >y~ . °~ .~ SECR~TARY, ANAHEZM~P A,p NI d~ CO MMISSTON -3- PC87-212 ~',ti, ` :;r; ~~~~ ., ;;~~..;,tiis;;~l~t.y:;::%;,,~.. w~ ,. .. .,. -