PC 87-22`•i'. m~ RESOLUTIUIV N0. P(:R /-~2 A Rf:SOLU'PION 0~ THC AN11klGTM C.L'rY PI~ANNING CUMMlSSION 'I'FIA'P PE'PI'CION E~'OF2 VARIANCE; N0. 3629 BE GRANTED wEi~R~ns, t:he Anaheim Ci~ y P.lanni.r-c~ Comml~sion did receive a veri[iecl I'P~-l.h.i~n f'or Vaciarace from MARGRrTA JOE2GE;NSEN, 1U06 South Mar jan StreeL, Anaiieim, Califocni~ ?2Q06, ~~wncr oE cert.ain real E~ro~prt~.,y :t1+:UE1~:.~?d in t.he Ci~v of_ An.-~heim, Count:y of ocange, St.are of. Ca.lifornia de,cr.ibed as: ~ LO`P 7~ OF T12ACT 9716 AS SHUW~~ ON A MAP RECORDTD IN 600K 171, L'AGES 36-39 IP7CLUSIVE, Uk' MI:~CELLANF;OpS MAPS, It~ 'Pf1C OE'FICF: OF TH : COUNTY RECOI2DEF2 OF ORANGE COr)NTY, CALIFORNIA. WN~'RFAS, t.he Cir.y Planniny Commiysion did hoad a public hearing at ~.he Civic Center in ~.he Ci.ty c~E Anaheim on ,7anuary 19, 19Q7, at: 1:30 p.m., no,.ice of said ~ui~lic h~acing having be~n duly given as r.ec;uirE~d by la~ and i.n acr.ordance with t~r~e ~~ravisions u~ i.he Anaheim Mun±cipal Code, Chapter 18.03, ~.o hear and cc~nsider evidence for and agains+. 3ei~3 proposed variance and t:o invest=iqai-.e r~nd make r'indin~,s and rF~comrr.endatinns in connectton therewitt~; an~ WHT3R~;AS, said Commission, atr..rr due inspection, invesi:igation and srudy made by ir.3elf ar~d in i~.s benalE, and after d~le consideration oE all ~videncc and repc~rt.s offered a~ ~aid nearing, does find and decermine the [ullc~winy Eac-.. ~: 1. Th~,~- r.he pcE.i+.ianer pr.o~~osey waivers of i_he Eallowing t:o convert an exist.i~~~ single-far.~ily garaqP to a wheelch~ir. accessiole t:nerap.y r.oom: SE:C'PIOt~S 1a.06.050.U1J. - M,inimum numbec oE parking :; aces in a qara~e : 18.06.080 AND (4 ~~~rki~g spaces required includfng 2 in ~ 18.2G.OG6.010 qarage; 4 open spaces propo3ed? 2. Thar. ~.he above-;~entianed ~laivers i.s hereby grarited on the basis ~.hat. the pac'r.ing wai~er will not. cause an ir~ccea3e in ~~.~Efic conyestior~ in t.ha immediar.~ vicinity nor adver:~e.ly affect. any adjoininy land us~~e and .qraat.in.y of rhe par.king wai~er under ~hP condi~.ions impose~!, if any, will noL be cl~t.rime:~~.al r.c; r.hE~ F~eace, he~l~h, saEe-.y and general welf.are o~ L•he cit:izena of ~.he Cit.y of An~ih~~im. 3. 'Pha-. ~.hi~s varianr.e is h~reby yrant:ed on -.t~e basis t:tiaC ~hF pe-.it.ionPr st:ipu.lat~d ai. i.h~r public hear.i~g t.o cecor.d a cove~ian~. requiring ;.ha~. when ~.he re:~idence is no lon~ec occuE~ied by <3 ~isabled t,er.son requiring ~:h~ wheelchair ac~p:~sini~ r.F.erapy coum, i.he gAraye shall hF; ceconv.~r.i.r.d to 2 par.king 3~ac~~, as :3er. Eor~.h hy ~ode. 4. ~Phar. ~.here ar~~ r.xcepr.ional nr ex+.ra~icdinary ci: cum ~t:ances oc c~.~dit.ions .~pplicarle ro ~he property invalucd or -.o t:he i;~~.en~ied ua~ ot -_hc~ peop~~r.-.y t:hat. ~c~ no-. apply ~3ennrally -.o -.he 1~CO;~nC~.y nr class of use in khc ~:+me v.icini~.y and rone. 1d32r P~87-22 fiy~ -~,, , ~ Afl~~..=%. . ..e.. . . '~ . ~ . . ~_ ~ 5. Z'h;~e. r.he requested vari.~nce is necessary fnc the pre,ervUt.iun ~nd enjoyment. r~~ p subst:antial properr.y right ~osse~sed by other ~ro~er.t:y in t.he :same vicinit.y and ::one, anci denied ~.o t:he propert.y in question. 6. 2'liai: t:}i~ requ~st.e~] variance 4ri11 nol be maf:erial.ly deLrimnn~.a1 ~:c~ the public welEarE~ or injuriou~ t.o r.he pro~~er~y or i.m~ruveroent3 in ~uch vicini}~y an~l zon~~ in which t:rie ~~r.o~~ert:y is locat-.<~r~. ^; 7. Tha?. no one indicai:~d rheir pCP.ir'11CC' c3~: Sc11C~ ~ublic hearing in op~osit:ion; and ~.~~at no correspondence was r.n~~ive~9 in o~~osit.ion to subjeck ~eti r.ion. EWIRO[1MElJ'CAL IMPA(;'!' I'Tt~DING: The Planning Dic'ecfor or hit3 aut:ho: ized represent:at.ive has r~~i.ecmine.d t.hat r.he ~ropos~d projPCt ta113 wit:h9.n rhe dcEinir.ion aE Cai.~yorical Er.empr:ions, Clacs 3, as c7efined in the S~_at.e LIR Guidelines and is, t.herefore, cat.egorically ex~mpt: from the requirement. to pr.e~are an PICt. NOW, THCRI•:hORE, BL•' IT RESULVEr that. I.he Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commission dr,~s hereby yran~ subj~ct Fetiticn [~r VariancP, upon rhe f.ollowing conditions which ~ce hereby L-ound ~:o be <i necesaary prerequi~ik~~ r.o rhe c~ropose~~i use oE t:h~ sub ject: oro~er+:.y in order. t:o pre ,erve t:he saEet.y a,~d gencral WP_~.Lii:1C^ c~f r.he Ci-:izert~ of t:he Cit.y of ~n~aheim: 1. Th~~t ,ubjeci: propert:v sha;l be developr_r~ suhstant:.i.ally ir: accorclance wit:h plans ar,d s~~ciEir.,ai_ions on [ile wi~.h r.he Cit.y of Anaheim marked Fxhi~i.t-. No. 1. 2. That. i.he apPt~)[~Cldt.n ~~ermir_s sha.Ll be ab`•.ai.ned from -.he Citl oP Anaheim Eor r.he garage conver~ion. 3. Thar the owner c~f ;:~ubject_ properr.y ,ha11 re~ord a covenanr. again~,. thca nro~ec~ y:;~eci,;ying thar when t:he re~idence is no lonr~er c~ccupied by a disabled pecson req~,iriny t.hry whee].chair accessiblE t_herapy room, r:h~ g«rage shcil be rec~mv~art:ed ~0 2 parkin~~ ~paces. Said covenant. .,h~! 1 bP ~~ubmit:+.~d ~.o rhe P? annin~ Depar. tmant for r ran3miet.al to t:he Cit.y A+.r_orney's ~Efice for review and approval prior -.o ceGOrdrx-_ion. Pro~f• of rncordattun sha11 then be submitt.e~i ~.o -:he CitY• 4. :ha+: wir_hin a~e: iod oE on •r. hundred eighf.y ( 180 ) days from the .iate oP t.h~.s resol~~r.icn, all of t:h~a condir.~.on~ here.in st~all be complied wi-.h, or t.liis variance may b~eror,,e null and voi~3. F3E T'P FURTFiER ftE50LJE:D khat. ~.h~ Anaheim C_ity Plannin~- Co^~mission does hecet~~;~ find ~nc: r)~t.errr~in~ ~.hat adopi:ion oF. -:hia F~solut:ion i~ expcessly E-rE~~~:cat.~d uE~on a~~pli.c~nt.'~ complianc~ wit.h each and all of. r.ti~~ conditioiis heretn~bUVe se~. Eor.t.h. Should :.~ny :~uch con~3it.ion, or any patt, thereoE, be declar.~d invalid or. urtenfocceable by ~.iie [inal judgmen-. oF any courr, oE com~etenr, juri~dicr.ion, t.hen -:hi<, Re3Ulutiorl~ and any a~proval.r~ here.in cont.ained, shall be clee:ned nul.l and votd. -~'- PCE37-22 ,~«.. `t'MC FOREGOING RCSOLUTTUN i.s signed ~~tnd approved by me r.his l~r.h day of Jr~nuary, lya7. ~~ `•'t~,•j ,~~ ~-~~.~/,~~~~.~:~L~ .~.~ CHAIRMANf ANAI~EIM CIT~~LANNING ~pMMISSION ATT~ST: , ,~~ . s ~„• ~• ' ~ SECR~'I'A •, ANAHF~M CTTY LANP7ING COhIMISSION STATL•' OE' CALJE'ORNIA ) COt~NTY OF ORANGE ) s5. CITY ~F ANAHEIM ) I, Edit:h L. Harris, Sec.re~.ary of r.he Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commi.ss.ton, do hereby cert:ify t:hat r_he foregoing rp~olution was passed and ad~~pr.ed ar. a mEetiny o£ the A~aheim Cit:y pl~~nning Commissfon Izeld on January ~.9, 19Q7, by L-he fol.lowing vot:~ of the members thereo£; AYE~: C0~IMISSTONERS: BOUAS, FRY, HERflST, LAWT.CgI~ MC FiURp~FY, MCSSE NOES: ~OMhfISS.iG[•IERS: NONE AB5CN'I`: C:~Mh1zSSxOr~L.RS; LA. CLAIRE TN WITN~SS WFiEREGF, i have herc~u:~-:r~ a~t my hand Chis 7.9th day nf J~3nuary, Z987, -;~ , ~ / SECRG`P RY, ANAtiEIM CiTy pLANNItJG C0~' r~'-' MMl.,SLON ~~ FC87-22