PC 87-220',~ ~ y,;,, ,{ ~ a , RESOLUTION N0. PCa•7_22p A RBSOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIhf CITY PLANNING COMMISSIqN THAT PETITIOTT FOR CONDITIONAL LISE PER?dIT N0. 2952 BE GRANTED, AS PART ; S4~?EREA5, the I~nalieim City Planning Cornmission did receive a verified ~;~~ Petition for Conditional Use Permit from M. DAVID LEWIS, M.L~., c/o STAN PRICE, , 2800 2ath St., Suite 315, Sant3 Monica, CA 90405, awner, ar,d MAGAY HANNA, 4000 MacAr.t:iur Blvd „ Ste. 680, NEwport Beach, CA 92660, ag~n~, of cert~in real pro~,erty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State ot Cal:i~ornia, descrabed as: THE WEST 80.00 FE~T OF TFIE NOR:L'FI 25'J.UO FEET OF TOT 1Z UI' HEIr;N AND LYNCH'S SUBDIVISTON OF THE WEST HALF QF SECTION 16, It3 TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, R:~NGE 1.0 WEST, S.71N BERIdARDINO BASE AND MERIDTAN, CTTY QF ~~~rrf, C~UNTY OF ORANGE, 5TATF OF CAL7FORNIA, AS SHOW2d ON A N1A.P TH~REOF RECORDED TN BOOK 442 PAGE 158, nEEDS, RECORDS OI' L~S ANG~LES C~UNTY, CALIFORNIA. YAFC~L 2; rHE WEST HALF' Or^ THE NGRIFISAS'~ QUARTER GF THE SOUTHWEST QUART'~R OF TF~E ~IORTH4VEST (~UARTER OF SECTTON 16, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTFI, RANGE 1.0 WEST, TN THE RANCH~ SAN JJAN CAJON DF SANTA ANA, IN THE CTTY OF ANAHBTM , COUNTY OF ORANG~,, STAT~ OF C:ALIFU122~IA, BEINC; THE WEST IiALF Or LOT 11 OF' H~LEN AND LYNCH'S SUBAIVISION OF T I F E 6V~ST HALF QF SECTION 16, TOWNSFiIP 4 SOUTH RANGE '; , 10 WEST, AS PGR MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 9~l2 PAGE 15$ OF a DE~,DS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, IN `~FiE: OFFIC~ OF TFiF ; i' . COUNTY RGCORDEU OF SAID LOS ANG~LE~ COUNTY, T HE EAST . LINE OF :I'HE AB0~7E nESCRIII~D LAISD BEING T.HE SAME AS :: iHE WEST LTNE OF THE LAND COWEYHD FiY CHARLES y SCHINULER APTD WIFL', TO NETTIE EXGABROAD, F3Y UEED ~ i RECOI2DEL` :~tARCH 15, 1909 IIJ BOOK 163 PAGE 387 OF DEEI7S. ~ 1 EXCEPT xI;AT PORTION TFIER~:OF DESC~ILiED AS FOLLOWS: ~ , F~EGINNING AT 'rH~ N'OR~IiGA5'T CORNER OF SAID LAND; 1HENCE Wc^,ST 17U.00 F~E'C ALC~NG THE NORTFI LiNE UF SAID ; ' LAND~ THENCF SOUTFI 350.00 FEET; THENCE EAST 170.00 FEET TO TFI~ ~AST LINE OE' SAIll LAND; THEDICi NQRTH 350.Q0 rEET TC TfiE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO E}CCrPT kROM THE REMAINUER OF SA:CD LAND TEiE MOST NORTHEFtLY 250 FEET THER~Oc. PARGEL 3: ~. ; AN ~ASF.MENT FOR ROAD PURPpSES OVER THE EAST J.0.00 FcET OF 1HE NORTH 350.00 FE~T p(' THE WGST H?,LF ~F THE NORTiiEAST QUARTEk OF' 1HE SOUTHWEST QIJARTER OF THE 0101r PC$7-220r :., ~ ~ . ~ `.~ 1 i i! !~ ~" . ~ ~ ~ . ~' , e ~ii ~ 1f 1' 1 . . ~ ~ ; xll~ NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION I6, TOWITSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WESZ'r IN THk: RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJON DF SANTA AITA, ]:N THE CITY OF ~IAHEIM, COUNTY OF OT2ANGE, STA'.CE OF CALIFOR~IIA, BETNG TiiE WEST HALF Or HEI,EN AND LYNCFi' S SUBDIVISION OF TFIE WEST HALF OF SECTTON 16, TOWNSHIP 4 SG'JTH; RANGE 10 WEST, ?~S PER hfAP RECORDED IN BOOK 442 PAGF. 158 GF DE~DS OF L~OS ANGELES COUNTY, IN THE OFFTCE UF THE COUNTY RECORDLR OF LOS ATTGELES COUNTY, THE EAST LINE OF THE LAIvn CONVEY~D BY CHARI~ES SCHINDLRR AND WTFF TO NETTIE ~YGABROAD, 3Y A~ED RECORDED MARCH 15, 7.909 IN BOOK 163, PACE 3f17 OF DEEi~S . EXCEPT THAT POR'PION OCC,UI'z~D BY BROADWAY ON TIi~ NORTH. WHERSAS, the Ci.Ly~ rlanning Commission did hold a public hearing at Che Civic Cent.ex in t~e City ~f Ansheim ori October 26, 19£i7 at 1:30 p.m., notic~ ot sai.d publ.xc hearing having been duly given as r.equized by law an.d in ~ccordance with the provisions of t.he Annhraim Muni.c:ipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and ~onsider evidence for and against said proposed canc~itio:~al use permit anrl ta investigate and make findings and recammend~t.ions in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after [~l1FA inspection, investigation and sl-.udy made by itsQlf and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offerpd ah said hearing, does f ind and determine the followir.g facts: l. Tha~ the prnposed use is properly orie for ~vhich a aondiL-ional use permit is authorized by Ana~eim Municipal C_ode 5ections 1f3.94.02Q arid 1a.34.0a0.130 to wit: to permiL a 179 unit, senior citizens apartmen~ complex plus ~: rFsident manager's unit with waivers of: !A) SECTIUNS ].~ 4. C51 , O1Q and 1~. 94 • 0~, Q2~ - Minim m~ uil in,g site ar~a p~r~we.llinq unit. {1.200 s,c~uare fect requir:d; 75~~guare Feot prop~sed) (B) sECxzorrs x~b.~t~7..z~ 18.Q6.OS.Q 1 ~; 4 ,,Q6~ . Q 10_ and 1~;)9s.Q~f _4~Q - Reauirei.i t~rp~ Qf~.~kin space.5. (Deleted) (2 cov~re~ ~paces required for a resident man~gers unit, 7~~n spaces propo~ed). 2. That the r~queste3 waiver (a) xs hQreby granL•ed on the basis that there are special ci.rcumst~~nces applicable to the ~~x•opert~ such as size, shape, topoqraplzy, locatior. an~ surrounding3 which d~ not apply to other identically zoned property in the same vicinity; an~.i that strict application of the Zaning Code deprives thP property of privileyes enjoysd by other prup2rties in thA .identical zone and cJ.assification in the vicinity and subject to InterdepartmeiLtal Comrnittee recommendations. _2_ `;`; PC87-2?.0 ::;; :~ ~:.~ ~ ~ ~Y,,t~'~{ J~ v ~ t 3,~'4L~f~ 1 l`.~rv~l ". . .i. ~/1~1: . d rI~i~ `,P . A r.r-a ~.'~ :~~ .r ~ . .. . ~ . .. , . ~ . . . . . . . . . t , i n -fi i !., ~:~r.~,~ . ~. ~.?1.,.F:~.it'U~'°~~ "+i 11'~ ~~~{;~i ,!~ ~?~ I : 1-I 3• Ttiat the requested waiver (b) is hereby denied on the b=sis that it was deletpd, subsequent to advertisement of the proposed ~roject. 4• That the proposed use, as gran*ed, will not adversely affect the adjqininc~ lancl uses and the gx•owLh and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 5. That the size and snape of lhe site proposed for the use, as grar~t~d, is adequate to a11ow tho fu11 development of, the proposed use in a I manner noC. detzimental to the partzcular area nor ko the peac e, health, sa~ety and general welfare of trxe Citizens of the Cit~ i~ that a line ~f sight drawing fro:n the upper~story~ og the f.ence Pline ~onV~he ~,, south property line is submitted and approved by ~~e P1 anning Lepaz•tment . indicating na visual intrusic~n on the szngle-family resideLCes to the south, with the developer pravidinq ~whatever scxeening is necessaz•y ~s dete.rmined by the Planning Department. Further,, ex~.sting mature trees shall maintai.ned along the southern boundar tha* Y, with additional t•rees to be planted ~'zn conf.ormance with Condition 2io. 13. ~ ~• That the site is reasonably accessible tu rocei , stops, medica.l services and banks, as indicated in a r~porty submi~t~d b ansit develop~r d-ated October lg, 1987, y' the 7• That the gr.anting oE th~ Conditiona?. Use Permit ui;3~.r the conditions imposeci, if any, will not be detzimental to the geace, he aith, safety and ,; genezal wAlfare ot the Citi.zens oE the City of Anaheim. 8• That tl~e traffic generated by +,:he pz~~7posed use, as granted, wi11 not ~,mnose an undue burden upan the streets and higliways designed and inproved to c~trry the traffic in the area. 9. That based on Corrunissiun concern regardir_g inadequate parking due ta the st~te manclated req~,~irement that the senior cit: zen agP limit is 55 ot agR in projects wit;h more than 15a units, the petitioner stipulated atethe public hearing to provide 59 uni~s as aff.osdable to low .income seai~r c~tizens at 50~ oF median ?nc~me and 13 units aff•ord~lp Eor senior citizens at 50~ of median income and further that senior cit.izans with incornes o£ twice the monthly renta2 raL•e shall Iualify ta rrnt sai considered a~fordable for a period aE thirt d ullits . and the units shall be y (30) years. 10. That 7 per;,ans indtcated their ~resence 3t said public hearing in oppositi~~z, and that no corxespondence was recc~ived in opposition to the subject petit.ion. ;~'• ;~.:,~ .~4.:' ~ r' . 'i" ;> ' s~11,'~ w~ ~ ~~~~ . . ~ u ~, ~ t: A,~~3 :f~~~:y~4 '':~ .. .~ .~lt}1~i.U~Se~.±IS-~. J ~~r.':'~ J • .f(:'1~ ~ _, . .. _3_ ~ ~` ~~L ~f,Zt~IA_ENV~ttQNMENT~L ~i~~G~TY 1~C~~I~,DI~1~: rhaL- tho Anahgim City p.l.anning Commi~sion h~s rovi~wed tl~e proposal to parmit a 179-unit seni.or c~.tizens apnrtm~r~t complex plus a residant rnanager';~ uii3C wiCh wa3vers of minimum buildinq site are,a and requir.ed tiype nP pa:rking spaces (flelatecl) on an irregularl~•-shaped parcel of lazid C0113.L;iking of approximaLoly 3.13 mcres, havin~, a L•ronr_age of approximately 80 fv~t c~n the south Gicle of Firoadway, having a max.imum depth uf a~proximately fi20 foet and beinq locatad a~~rcaci.matF]y 580 fRet wQSt ot the conterline of Loara Streot ancl further desr.r.ibed as 1660 - 1664 W~sr t3roadw~y; and do~s hereby approve the N~gative Dcclarat;ion upor. findincJ that it; ha~ consxdered t2ie Negative Aeclaration tiogether with any comments recei.ved diiriny the public review process and f.urthor find:n~ on the basi: of the init.ial stuc3y and any comments receivad L•ha~ thore is no substa,itial avidence r_hat the projoct wi7.l hava a significant effect on the envi.ronmQnt. ' NOW, THEREFORG, IIE IT RE50LVED that the An~haim City Planning ` Commi,sion does hexeby grant subject Petition fur Conditional Use Permit, up~n Cho Pollowing conditions w}iich are liereby found to bQ a n~,^ssyary preraquisite l-o the proposQd use of tlie subj~ ct property ici order to pre ~ervo tk-e safety and general wc~lfare o£ the Citizens of.' the Citp o£ Anaheim: ,•, 1. xhat prior to is~uance of. a buil~fing pe.rmit, sppropriat~ p~rk ancJ recreat3.on in••lieu £ees s2i~1.1 be paxd L•o the City of Anahoim in an amount as dEt~rr~ined by the Cfty Council~, 2. Th~~t priar to issuance of a buildiTtg permit, the approprirst•e traffic signal assessmenL- fee shall be gaid to ~lze City Uf Anaheirn in an amount as detaxm.inod by th~ City Counci.l. 3. That gates sh;~ll nut be fnsC~lled acros3 9:he driveway in a mann~r wh: cti may advarsely affect v~hicular trafFic in the adjac:c~nt p~calic streQts. Instal2aL-ion of any gates shall cunf~~rm to Cnq;~ieering Standard k~lan No. 40:: and shall be stibjeCt to the :eview and approval ef the City ~raffic Enginoer, A. Tha~ L•he ciriveway shall be recot~structed L•o acconunodaze ten (1Q) f<~ot radius ~~urb rQGucn3, Existi~ig broken or r_rac.ke~ driveway;t shal]. be :emove:i and rep]aced as requirrd by t:he r,tr.y Engineer. 5. That pric;c ta commei~cement of strucCural framing, fire hydrants shal~ L~ installec'i and charged us ro~uired and determined to be necP~~~ry by Che ChieE of the F.fre ~eparLmenY.. 6. Tt~a~ f ir~ sE~ri.nklers s}~all nQ insta:-led as requirdd by the City Fire Narshall. ?. That s~:~~je~t propec*_y sha17. be servAd by undQrground utilities. 8. Tnat draineg~ uf uubj~c~t property shal.l b~ ctisposed of in a manner 3ati~fa~tnry r,~ z.he ~ity ~ngi.neer. -'~- PC87-220 dv ','~ ;: -, . . ;,;. ~ r ,: t p~K \~.d~~,~~;, 1 ~' ~ ~ ~ ,,: r. _ . „ .~ r., 7, . , .., . . . , . _ .. i~ ' (~P;f '[~ 9. ThaL ii rQquirQd by khQ Fire and Polic4 Departments all , loc:kable ped~str:ian and vohicul.ar access gates sha:ll bo equipped rritli a"knox box" dQVi.ce to L•he sa~isfac:t:ioai o~ the Ck~icsf of Polico ~n~i the Ci.ty Fire Marsht~ll. ].0. That trash ~toragQ aroas sl~al'1 ho providad anc~. maintainad iti ,. ~< accordancQ with approvad pl~ns on file wxth tho Street ~ Mai.ntenar~ce anc~ Sanitati.on Division. il. That all air conclitiani.nc7 facili~ies ana otiher roof and gx~ound mounted equipment shall aQ properly shielded from view, and the sot~nd buf£ered ~rom ac~jacQnt resiclentiul properties. ~ 1l. That a six (6)~toot high ma5onry block wa11 shall be ~ constructed and m~~intained along the sauth anci northeas~ property lines (adjaeen` to CL a:~d Ra-A-•43,000 zoned p=operti.es ) . 13. Tha-: 15-~allon trees planted on 15-.foot centers, with appropriate irrig~~ion Facilities, shr-11 be instailed and maiutaineci along the south property lin~; and that existing matu:o traes along the south property line shall bQ retained, 14. That prior L•o issuanr,e of a building permit, the cieveloper shall enter int~ a recortled aqreert~enC with thQ CiLy of AnahQfm pur3uant to Government Code Section 65915 and with appropriate rental c;ontrols as ap~rove~: by th~ C:.ty of AnahQim :or a period oE not 1PSS than thiity (3~) years from the date of i.;;,uance of ~crupancy permit~; ~hat 59 units shall be desi.gnated as aff~rdable for seni~c citizex-s with low incomes at 5U~ or less of tho medium income, anci 13 units shall bo drsignated as aftordable Eor senior citizetis at SC~ or less oi the meclium incor~~~. .15. That not moro L•han twu (2) p~rsons, ~st l~as~ one (1) of whom mus: bn a s~nior c:itizcn, shall resi.do in, or bc~ permitted tn reside in any b~chalor unit or onQ (1) bedroom unit; and that: r.ot more than three (3) per~ons, at 1Qast one (1) of whom must bQ a senior citizen, sha21 residr: in, or be permittad to reaide in any two (2) bedraom unit; and inat all occupauts and rQSidonts o~ any dwallinq unit w!io are nor, seni~r ciL•ir,ens other ktian the spause or cohabitant of, or a person who resides wiCli and prov.icies primary physical or economic suppart to, thP re~iclen~ ~~nior citixen, shall be at least 45 ysarR ~f agQ excopt, thaL• ;;emporary residency by a pr.rson l~ss than 45 years of ~ge for a cumulative gaxiod of ~ixty (60) days in any cmlendar year shall be pctrmitrP~~; and thet a c~venAnt ~hall be rec~rdecl by the oan~r3 oL tbe propQr~y in a form approvQd by thQ City Attornr~~ so limitin~ ~ur.h occugancy, A c4py of said c~vonant ~hall th~n be ~uh~nittocl to the 7oning Divisfon. ib. That this C4nditional Usc~ PQrmit is yrantod :,ubjcscC to thcs aii~ption of the 7,oning Ordinan~p in connRCS:ion witti Reclarsnification No. a7~-t3g_19, ,~ow ~Qnctinq. -5- PC87-22A T~:~~ ti..,,. . ,. , 1 , ~ Y : ~ . r~ ^;; ri Wu.r,4 ;~~ '' y~r 17, T'hat sub;ect property sha11 be nevelo~od substaiitia.lly in accordatico with plan~ and $pecifications on file w3kh ttie Ci~y o~ Ananeim m~rkod Cxhibi~ Nos, 1 and 2; proviclecl, however, that a lino-of-s;.qgt drawi~ag f.rom the u~ip~r story to the fence 1i.n8 °x~ the soutti property line is submitted and apprnved by ~h~ Pl~nning Deaartment indicaring no visual intruyion on sinnle-family homc~s ~o the south, ar.d that the develo~~er 3ha11 provide wha:evar screer,ing is ne~essary. 18, That prior ta is:uance of a buil.din~~ pQrmit, or within a °E onQ year tram the d~CQ of this resolution whichover occu~s , first, Cunditi.on Nos. 1, Z, 14, 15, IInd ~,g ; shall bo complied with. ' ~b9°Q-mc~lltioner3, '~ complete said c~nd.itions ma ~X~enS,°ns fur fur~h~r time !• Y Jranted in accordanco wi.th , Section 18.03.0g0 of the Anaheim Municipal rod~. : ].9. That prios t4 final buildin Nos. 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 9 znd zoning in~peGrions, Condition , shall bP compliQd with. ~~~~ 12~ 1~' and 17, ab~vo-mentioned, k '' 8E IT FL1f2TFIER RBSOLVED d~es hereby Ci~i~ A.,~ ~~~4rmine that lladopt anA of this~ Resolutior,n~s ca,;ml~~filn predi~atQ3 upon aN~licant's compiial:~c w; rh eacti ar.d all or.' rhn herPinabove set for~h. r ~ : ;lecla~ecl invalid Should an~ suc.h conditions. GQ°dl~~ona or unenfoi•ceable b • ~r any part tii~c~of, hA ~°nipetFnt ]uri~diction, then this Re elution~l nd ~ ri~ of any ~our~ • c~ntain~ci, shail be dec;med nuli and void. X nl~Proval;, hQrein TFt~ F~REGOI*fG RESqi~UTIOtr" is signed and a.p~rov~d by me t:iis 26th day of Octoher, lgg~, ~ /~'~`[~ - -~r -..._1.,~ `~' L.rS' .1.~~...{ ~ ...~r CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CI Y, pLANNItIG ^ /~-' ..OA4rlISSTON ATTEST t ~'~ / r ----- -C~~l~'~ ~ .l~ ~~,~ . / ~i SECfiETA[2Y. ANAH„IM CITY PL~~'__ ~../ ._ __ AITNiNG COtY4irSSIQl1 -6- PC87-220 rs~..s 'i-', t'~; '. i,. ~.: ~;,:. I:~ `° ~~__t -._. r ~~.~ , `~ ;'~ry4a~ ,t~::~ ;~ !,~ rk ~ Si'AZ'E Ok' CA.'LI~'ORhIA ) COUNTY. ~f UR~.11GE 1 ss. C.l':CY QE' AMAHEIt~ ) :, Rd.i.th T. t•iarras. 5ecr~tary ot tY~c~ Anahsi:~~ f ity Plz~nning Commissian, do hereby certi£y rhat the ~orEigoing resn?ution was pas:~~<< and ~clo~pt~ci czt ~~ mec~ti.ng of: th~ tlnzheim C,.ir.~ Plarinin:~ Corn~nis ,ion tzel~l on Oetober 26, a_9S%, l,y the LuZxa:z;ttc~ votE oi tize mvmberr +-~ere~f: ?:1';~:i: COMMI~;IONLR6: f30UAS~ I~OYDSTUtv~ Ctl'RUSlI,I~^v. G'F:LD?iAUS. LIE'Rf1ST~ MC BiJRNF.Y., MES:~E [dOES: CUhLMIti.°,I027ER5: I~UNE ABST:PI'P: COM2•f:ISSIU.]F,RS: NONE TtI WI't'Ni::i;~ ririi,~.r~~, T iiave l~c~r.•~~iarat:o :~ett m}• ht-rid thi.~ "Lr,tY, day ~~L• Uctoher, ~_~87. ', ~ ~, ~ ' ~ t~ -~ ~ ~~~ _ a.,~~._ ,,~. ~ ~,.~<.~..,--~---._ . . _ _ ~ --r-.~_-- SF:~'NET~~RY, AN71:it:IM CTTY PLANNiI~G C'~ihSi•tI5' ~tl r1';}`, ~,zs~r , ~~'~~~~ . r~ ~,•f`} ~~,,_ _ _. . a~ ;~~;4:: ` . .;.:.,,,~ °~: , rd~ ~ „ , ,! ~~,`:, r~h~;. ~tAt il ~ ~ .. r{~~ i ~~r},~ 7x ~~~~~~. .: ~ %ki~,r;fi'.: :: . : ~ .a«tr:`~.r:~''r!. i .~ . _~_ pca7-4z~ _._.. ~ .g~ ~[