PC 87-226'~ ~. ~~~7 ~ RES~~TI~(N N0, P~A7-22~, A R~SOLUTION OF T1IE .ANAHEIM CITY PLANI3ING COMMISSION AI)OP~ING AI`TD RFCOMMENDTNG TO THE C.ITY CGTJNCIL OF iHE CIT'l OF ANAHETM AI)UPTIdN dF GENCRAL PLAN AMENnMENT IJO. 233 - LAN'b USE ELEM~NT i; WFIEREAS, the Anaheim Cit~ Council of the Ca.ty of Anaheim di.d w aciopt~ the An~heim Gencral P7.an by RosoluL•ion No. 69R-644, showing tk!e general ,: description and oxtent of po~sible ftiture development witY~.in. the City; ancl WHE~EAS, pursuant to a request from a number of proper~y owner~ ~a~ a General Plan Amendment tor a study arQa consis'ting of approximate].y 3.6 ~ acr.es: ha~~a.ng a f.r~ntage oE appraximarely 212 feet an the s~tYth side ot Lir.coln Avenue, having a maximum depth of: ~pproximately 627 fect axid being ;; loca~Pd GpproximaL•e1y 1005 feet wesY. oE the center.linP of Euclid Street, and Further. described as i78Q-1786 West Lincoln Avenue. ~ WHEREAS, the Planning Depar.tment deemed it appropriate, pursuanL- tn t.hG provisions of the California Environmatttal Qttality Ar`;, d . Nee~ativ~ lleclara~ion b~ prepared; and WHEREAS, the Ana}+eim City Planning Commission Cid hald a public hearinc~ at the l~:iaheim C./ic Center Council Chambor, 20U South Anaheim Boulevard, oti November 9, lgtl7, at 1:30 P.m., x~otice of public hear.ing k~aving been duly given as .required by law and in accurclar~ce with the pxovisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, to hea. and consider evidence .Cor and against said General E~larA ~mondment and to invest+qate an~ make £indin~~s and recommendations in connection thQrewitt~; and WHFR~AS, sa~.d C'ommiz;;ion, aE~~r due consideration, inspection, investig~tion ~rid ~tu.dy made by itsc~lf and aftic~r due c~nsiderati.on ot all evidence and reports of~erc~cl at said hearing, UeQS Hereby E3.nd: 1. Tk:aL evidence pxQSentie~ substan~i~tes the zieed for an amendment• ro the Anaheim General Plaii at thi3 time. z. That Ext:ibi.t A redesignaL•ing the prop~rCy for Genexal Co.m.roercial 7and uso~ should be adopted. 3. T.tiat one person indicaCed his pc~sencn aL- said public hearing and that no correspc~ndence was recoivad in opposztion ~o subject p8tition. ~~. tdOW, THBREFqRE, BE IT RESOLVEA that. the Anaheim C.i.ty Plarining Commissio+.i h~s reviewed the prop~sal tu con~a.der ~n amendrnenr_ to the Land Use Ele:r.enl of the Gen~sral Plan redasiqnating subject property from the current designati.on oE Commerci~l Profes~ional to General Commorcirsl ozi an irregularly-shap~fl parcel of land c:onsistin~ oE approximately 3.6 ar.res, having ari a~proximate frontag~ of 212 E~~~st- on Ghe south side of ~,incoln AvAnue, liavinq a m~-ximum flepth of appr~ximate:l.y H27 feet and being locaterl agproxfma~ely 1,OOF fee:. west c~ the cenkerline oF Euclid S*_reet anii fur!;her d~scriberl as 1780-Z786 W. Lincolii Avenuo; and doe:; hereby recommend k:he City Council r~pprove the Neqati•~a Declara~ior. upon Einding that it ha~ c.onsiaered the Ne,qa~ive Declaration togethor wi.th atiy commants rece?vg8 durir.g tha p~ablic 0109r ~'~~'~-2:6 i~ ------- _ . .. . _ _ _ ;F ~~~r4 ~~}r , .~ ~S.` ~i~ i~ ~ ~~ .!r°R'1 ~ :i ~:NitNt ' i .. ~~ ~ f; ii, ' ,;,,~. ,'cf; i review proces3 and furt;her Einding on. t;he baSi5 of the initial st~:dy and any comments received that there is no substantial evidonce that the projoct wi11 have a sign5.ficanr eff•ect. on the environmenC. R^ IT ~URTHETt RESOLVED Chat ~ux•suant ~o the f.oregoin~ f..:nding~, the Anahaim City Planning Commission, cloes hereL~y adopt and recommend ta the City Council oL the City of Anaheim adoption of General Plan Amei~ciment No. 233, Gan~i Use Element, Exhiby.t A. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIUN is ~ir~nQd and ap~roved by ma this 9L-h clay of Novomber, 1987. ~ '"~ ;, ; ~ , , ~~~~= ~' . ~: , -- _ / ~ (~~-'r. fY ~ (? ;~_-S _ ._ CHAIRMAN, ANAtIEIM CiT PL'ANNING CGi~YIS5I0N ATTEST: _;•_~ _ (' :. !A -_,~[r~..-__.,.c ~ .~7 `! ~~t~c,r../ SECRETA.RY', AN~HEIM CTTY PLT.NNING COMN.ISSION 5TATE QF CAL,IFORNIA ) CpUNTY OI' pgp.TIGE ) ss. CITY OI' ANAI;EIM ) I, Edith L. Hlarris, Secretary of the Anaheim Ci';.y Planniny Commission, do herebp ce.rtify tha~ the foregoing resoluti~n was passeci and adopted at u mee~inq of the Anaheim City Pl~nning Cammission helcl on No~vembpr 9, 1987, by l:t:e fol:owing vote oF the rr~embers thereof: AYES: CO.~L'dISSIONERS: ` UAS, BQYDSTUPi, CARL'S'lLLO, FELDIiAUS, HFRBST, MES:iE hfC NURNEY NQES: CUtVRdISSI0NEF5: NONE ABSENT: CQh4rSISSIONERS: NONE IN WTTN~SS WH~REQF, I nave herounto set iny hand thi~ 9tli day of llovember, ],gg~. ..(~. ~ ~1 f ' . _________.~~ ~ __~_ SECRET.]~RY, ANAH~:IM CITY PI~ANNING COIrIIrSISSTON , ,,~ ~Z_ PC 87-226 ;.s