PC 87-227~ ~ 1~1! Rk.'~,S LUTI N N(~ P,~Q _22~ A RF.SOL~UT.IQN OF THE ANhHE1M CITY PLANNIrTG CO!~fMISSION ~HAT PFTITION FOR RLCTASSIFTCATION N0. 87-88-22 BE GRANTLD WF~IEFEAS, tha Anaheim Cihy Ylanning Commission did receive ,~ ~ veri~ied p~t~;i~n for ReclaRsziicatian from LtNCOLN PROPERTY, 19742 MacArchur ~ Blvd., l~290, I,rvine, CA 92715, otvner, oE csrtain real praper~y situated in L•hc City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State oE Californi.a, d45cribed as fol].ows: CU~NCING AT A POINT ON THG WEST LIN~; OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF TFiL NORTHEAST QUARTER OF 5ECTTON 17, 'POWNSFIIp 9 SOUTFi, RANGE 10 Fl~ST, IN THE RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJOrJ D~; SANTA ANA, IN TfiE CITY pF ANAHEIM, COUNTX OF ORAATGE, STAZ'E OF CALIFORNTA, AS SFIOWN ON A tdAP RECORDFD IN BOOK 5i., PAGE 10, MzSCELLAN~0U8 MAPS, OF SAID ORANGE C~TJNT.Y, 425 F~GT SOUTH OF THE NpFtTHWEST CORNER OF SAID N~f2THEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QY~ARTSR RiJNNT.tdG TAENC~ SOUTH ON SAID W~ST LINE )68 k'E~T; TH~Nf.F EAST PARALLEL Y,II~I-T THE NORTH r..TNE OF SAID NOFcTHEAST QUARTER OI' THE NORTHET*~:T ~UARTER 3Z5 FER:~; TFIENCE NOKTH PARALLEI, WITET THE W~uT tINE OI' SAII~ NOftTHEAST QUARTE~2 OI' THE NORTHEAST QUAR!'ER 693 FEET; TE3ENCE WEST OAT THE NORTH LIN'F OF SAID 1VORTHc,AST QUA~tTER 212.50 F~ET; TH~NCE SOUTI~I PARALLEL WITFi TFiE WES1 LINE OF THE IvQRTHEAST QliARTER 0~~ THE NORTHEAST QUART~R 425 FEET; THENCE WSST 102.50 FEET TO 1'HE pqINT OF BEGI*INING. ~XCEPTING THEREFROM i`FTE NpRTH 6G FFET THFREOF. WHEFt~AS, the City Planning Commission did liold a~ublic he2~ring at the Civic Cent~r 3.n the Ci.ty of A~iaheim on Novemt•,er 9, 1987 at 1:3Q p.m., iioLice oP said public hearing havirxg been duly given ;+s required h,y ~.aw and ;i,n accordance with the provisions nf the Anaheim Muni.cipal Code. Chapter 18.03, Co he3r and ~ansider evidence tor a~i~ again.sr, said pro~osec? rPClassification a.1d to invest:igate and make .,dings ~nd x•c:comr~endat=ons in connoctioxi L-herewiL•h; and WHE4tEAS, said Cornmissior., atter due i.ispection, inve~tigation and study made by it.selF anc? in zt:~ behaif, and after due cons.ideration of aIl ecidenco and reporta offered ar. said hQaring, does f.ind and d~cerminp the following facts: 1. Tkiat the pezitioner pr~pose~ reclzssifi~~atiUn of subject proper.i;y irorn the RS-A-43,OOU (Residenti~l, Agri.cu~tur~l) to the CL (Cocnmercial. J.,imite•1) zone. 2. That. the Anatieim General Plan dasignates sub~ect property Eor Commercial, Profe.,s.i~nal lar.d uses. 3. Thac: tr,e proposed reclassitication of sub,jc~eti ~roperty is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly anci proper development of t}ie comm•unity. O110r ,. ;~ „~r~r, ~' ~~- ' . r + ~~n~s :'S~t't !I~ ,,, PC87-227 , ~, . .(~ ... .if~ .M1.lY~fY~~dP ~ 4. That tlio proposed reclasszEication of subject proporty does properly relate to the zones and their permitted use~ locally ~stablxshed in alose proximity to subject pr~perry and to the zones aiid ~heir permittcd uses generally established through~ut the cnmmunity. 5. That ~he propo.sed reclassi.ficatzan of subject property may require i:he impruvement of abutting strc~ets in accordance wi~h the Circulatian Element ot ~he General Plan, due to the anticipa~ed increas~ in tra£fic vrhich will be ganeratad by t;he intensification of l.and use. 6. That one p~rson indicated his presence at sai~ ~ublic hc:aring in oppnsition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to subjQCt petii:ion. ALTI'~.RNIA EcNIRONMENTAt, OUALI'r;Y ACT FINDItJG: That Lhe Analieim Cit.y Planning Commission has xeviewed the proposal to recl.assify subject proparty trom tlie RS-A.-43,000 (Residential, Agricwltural) zone to the CL, (C:ommercial, Limited) zone to per~nit an automobile service anrl commercial cent°r in conjunetion with an existinq oE~ice structure with waivers of miminum nwnber oL parking spaces, maximum buildin~ height, and minimum sL-ructural ?~eight on a irregularly-shaped parce.l of laiid consisting uf approx:imately 3.6 acres, having a frontag~ of appruximately 212 feet on the south side of Lincol~z Avenue, having a maximum depth of appro~imatelp 627 fr~et and bei:ig located aQp~'oximatelx 1005 feet west of the c;enterlii~e of Euclid StL•eet, and furt;k~er described as 1780-17l1ti West, Lincoln Avenue; and does hereby approve the Negativc~ Declaration upon fi.nding that it has considar~d the Negal•.ive Declaratian toq~:ther with any cammen~s receiv~~d during the public roview process and further fi.nding on th~ basis of thQ initial study and any cumments xoc~ived that there is no subs~antial evidence tha~ Lhe projecL• will have a significant effect on Che environment. NOW, THEREI'ORE, BC IT RESOL4ED tlaat the I~naheim City Planninq Cnmmission does hereby grant subject Petition for RQClassificataqn and, by ~o doi.ng, that Title 18-~oniii? of tha Anaheim Munici~a? Code be r~mended t~~ exe'luc~e the above-described property from ttie RS-A-93,000 (Residentia~, Agricultural) xone an~. to incorpor.ai:e said described properL•y inta L•he CL (Commercial, Limi~Pd) 'Lonc upon the following condit:ions which are horeby iounii to be a nocessary prerequisite i:o ~hn proposed use ot subject property in order r,o preserve tho ~afety and general welfare af the Citizens of the City of Anah~im: 1. fihat th~ ownez of subject pro~Qrty shall pay to the City of Ana~^eim a Pef: fur street lightiriy along L.incoln A.ven~xe in an amounL as determined by the City Council. 2. Tha~ ~he owner nf siibj~ct property :hali ~ubmit a letter requesting t~rminaL•ion of Variance rTo. 1729 and Cor.ditional U~e Per_mi~ Nos. 2gg, 526 ana 86x to ~he Zoning Division. ~. ,. . 3 °;~ 3. Tt~at in the event rhe Cit~y Traf•fic Eng:ineer 6etermines that the existing rais~s~1 mediari ~n Lihcoln Avenue shoulcl bQ ex*..erideci in frant of subject pr.operty, Y.ho owner/3evvlo~er of subj~ct prop3 ty shsll provide sZid extoi~sion at no cost to t~e City. -2- PC87-227 ,~F1 r .~-, ~ !';'"""•7' . . .• . 'J ; 4vN•`~M ~ ~~ ~'~~ , ~ '`~~ `~ 4. That prior. to the inL•roduction of an ordinance rez~ning subaect property, (:ondi~.iun tlos. 1 and 2, above-mentioned, Shall be completed. The provisicns or rights granted. by this resolution shall became null and voi~ by action of the Planning Commission unless said conditi.ons are compli~d with within one year ~r~m tYie date of ti7is r.esolution, or sucYx further time as the Planni~g Commis~ion may grant. BF IT ~URTHER RESQL'JED that the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commission does azereby find and determine that ado~tion of this Resolution is expr.essly predi.cated upon ~p~licant's compliance wi~'.i ~ach and all o.c tlle co~di~.ions hereinabove sat forth. Stiould any such eonditi~ns~ or any parL• therQOf, be declared inva].id u= unenForceable by the £inal jucic~nent oF any court o[ competent jurxsdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals lierein rontained, sha.ll be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESO~,UTION is sig.-eei c-nd approved by n~ie ~hi.s 9th day of November, 1987. .;; ~ ~~ `, .... /:~ , ~ C"~~G•'. l / ~ ~~'- ;~~, ~-.--~------.~ - - --T- _- CFIAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CrTX PLANNING CON4~II5S:[ON ! I 4TT~ST: ~ ` r // / ~ 'VL-G..r/ _^.~ ,~,,~,~~. SECRETAkY, ~1AHEIM CITX PLANNING COt~A~fISSION ~'TATF OF CAL7.FOR)lIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY' OF ANAHEIM ) T, Edith L.. Harris, 5ecret2-ry o£ t2ie Anaheim City Plan.ning ~ommission, do hereby cQrtify that tho for~goixig resolution was passed and ac~opted at a meet.inq of the Anahsim City Planning Commis~ion held on November y, 1987, bx the ~~'llo~ving vo~e of the rnombers thereof : AYES: COMt~(I5SIONER5: HOUAS, BOYD~TUN, CAP.USILLO, FEI,DHAUS, FiERF3ST, MC Bi7RNEY, DSh:SSE NOES: COhSMISSIONERS: .T~.1N~ ?~BSENT: CAMMISS'tONER~: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hava hereun~:o set my hand f.his 9th day p~ Novembex, 1g$7. '~ ~ •~ , - _-._ __.__-~.-~~~ ~"~ Z~ ~~ SFCRETARY, I~lAH:EIM CITY PLANIr'I2TC~ CQMMISS~qN ~:: . ;,; ~`',> ~ _3_ p~:d7~•2'L7 ~ ;.~, ~ ,,,a ''k' , . ... . , ; ~.;t~~ ~; , . ~ > ..~a: _ ~ • tc ..,,..~:r.