PC 87-235~ RESOLi~TIQN ~y,.P~7-23.5 A t2E~0I.UTTbH OP' THE ANAFIEIDt CITY PLANNING COMMIuSION THAT 1?GT:TTON FOR CONbITIONAL USE PEFMIT NU. 2958 HE CRANTED rt , -: ~t.t~?~ . . , - ..~ ,,~I ~ ~:~r ~~ii V~I-IEREAS, the Anaheam City Planniny Commission di.d receive m verified PeL•i~ian for. Conditional Use ~ermit from h!UN ICYO CHO AND HYON SUN CHO, £i06 N. Braokhur.st, Anakieim, CA 92801, ownor ana METFOPOLITAN OUTDOOR ADV., INC., 101 G. t:unt3.ngton Dr.ive, F.rcad:ia, CA 9'1U06, ATTN: Jay Kingry, agent~. f.nr certain reaJ. propexty si.tualed in th~ City of. Anaheim, C.ounty of Or~ngN, State of Califoznia, desai•ibed as: THE SOLiTH 2~48. 38 FEE'1 Qr THE W~ST 904. (35 FEET OF THE i70RTFI 15 ACRT;S Gr 'CEIE SOU'fHWEST QT:]#RT~R OF THE NQIt7:HWESS ~UAR'PGR OF SFCTIdN t3, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RAt3GL 10 WEST, TN ~HE R~ICFIO L' OS COYQTES, COUNTY OF OP.ANGE, ;;TATE OF CALIP'ORNIT., AS PFR MAP RECORDEb :[N SOOK 51, PAGE 10 OF MISCELLAN~OUS MANS TN THE OFFICE OT' ^tHE COUNTY RECORDGR OE SATD CQUNTX. EX(;E:YT 'TFiAT PQRTION TH~REOF DESCRIBED IN 1F~E DEEll TO TFiE STATE; OF CALIFORP7IA, RP:COI<DEll MaRC',3 24, I955 T.t BOOK 3U06~ PAGE 303 OF OFCICIAL RECARDS. WH~REAS, the City F~lanninq Commission did hold a pu;~lic. heai•ing aY. thc Civic Cenl:er in the Citp ~L• Anaheim an t7ovember 9, 1987 at 1:30 p.m., notice of sai3 public hearing ~aving been du~y given as rer,~, by law and in accord3ncc~ wi.th the provisions of the Anaheim Mui~icipal ~ Chapter 18.03, tu tiear and cunsider evidence fo•r anc~ against sa.i~i proposeci cotiditiotial use perm.it and L•o investig~L~ ~tnd make f.indings and recqmmen3ations in contiection LYl@T@Wl~~l) and WFiEREAS, sai~9 Commi.~sion, after ciue inspection, investigation and study made hy itself and in its behalf, and afler due consid~ration of all evideuce ann repUrts ofE~r~c1 at baid hearing, does find and det~r~nino tre f•ollawiiig facLs: 1, That tl•,e proposc~d use i:. properly one for whir.h a coriditional use ~ermit is aurhorizc~d by Anahcim Mun.ici.pal Coc'i~ Sections ]., I.8.U5.111..030, 1A.05.11~ and 18.61.050.c180 to wit: to retain a 67Z-sqixare Poot billbourd witr~ waiv~r of:. ~~~IQrT ]_8~05~ 11]; - f~~rmitt~d lo~.~h~n_._ (Within 2~_~fee _ nf an arterial hlghway intPrsection requirod; .~~Q~~q~ exisctiag) . ~=';' 2. Thar ~ rhe reguested wui.ver is hereby grante3 on tho bas~s that `' ~? tY~ere are special cir~;iunstances applicable to the property st~ch as size. .'+~~ ~;;;'; snape, topogr~phy, locntioix mnd surroundings whic;ti ~o not apply to other ' ':' i4~ntica~ly zoned p raperty in thc~ same vicinity; and that strict applicataon "; ~.~ of Che Zoning Code d~prives tha pxoperty oF pr~vileges c~njoyed by other "' ~~ , pz'o~er~ies in the id ~ er.~tical xone ar.d clas: i£ica~:ion xn t:he vicin.ity. ~~) ~ys ~ t , ~'~ rr , , f ~ "a t~~~ ti f . ,~~ ; ~ ,i ^.? ~~i 5~ t~'I ~`{.~j~~ yr i ~ ~ ~ ' q 7S y ~ a ' ~~' f~`~'Qlx.Br ~ L. 0 PC87-T.~9~' r; , t~,~k ; ,~ ~! ~;• , ~"'~ ! ;,~ ~' ,~,~ c ~ t a ~ ~ ~ .~.,... ,~ 3• That L-he proposed use wi11, not adversely affecL Che adjoining land uses bnci the growth and develapment of th~ arQa in which it iS prop~sed ~o h~ loc.ated. ~. That the size and shape of ttie site proposed for the use is ade~~uate to allow the full developmenL of the proposed use in a rnanner not de~rimental to the particular area nor to the peace, hea7,th, safe~y and general welfare of the Citizens of the ~~,ty of Anaheim. 5• That the granting of th~ Conditional Use Permit ;xnder the conditions imposed, if any, will n~t be detrimental to , safFty and gen~ral welfare of Lhe Ci~iaens of the C.ity of Arlahe,:.m ~ace, health, 6• That the tra£fic ~en~rated b an undue hurden upon the stre~ts anci la:.qhwa rSthdE'S'1~n d na Sim ro ~~ °* ''mP~sc~ the traFfic in the area. P o aarry ~• T}iat no one ind.icate=3 their p.resence at said public h~~rinq in opposiLion; ar.d that no corresp~.ixGence was recei~red in oppositicn to thQ subject petit.ion, .ALIFORNiA ~ENVTRQNMEhTAL_.~UALITY ACT FIND'LNG: City Planninq C~mmission has reviewt~d the pruposal to retain ra t672 Asr~uare foot billbo~rd wi~h ~aaiv~r of perrni~ted location on an irre ularl parcel of land consistinq of approximstel 2 acle~, g Y-shaped approximately 25~ feet on Lhe east. side a~' Brookhurstl Stareet,zO'having ~a maximwn d~pth ~f appro~;irnarely 345 feet ~~nd beirig located a raximatel Leet north of the centerline oE Gramercy ~veniie anr.l furth~r ci~~~~ih~~ as ~p6 North Brookhurst Street; ~nd does liereby ap~r~»e ~~e Negativa l7eclara~.ion upon finding that :.t has considerai~ the Negative DeclaraL•.ion togather with any comments receiv~c: during the public raview proc~ass and further Find,ing ~n t:~e basis of tne initial stucly nnd any r,omment-s received that there i.s no substan~ial evidence t:~~t the prajecr wi11 hav~ a significant eFfecL- an the env.i ronmelit . NUW, TIiE12EFQFE, Br TT R~SOLVED th~.t the Anaheim Ci.ty Planniny Commissi~n dnes herebl gr1~:t suk~~ect PotitiUn for Conditi~nal iJsQ Permit• u~on tne following GondiLions which are hereby faund to be a necgs~ary prerequi,i~e ta tho pro~osed use ~P the subjact. propor~y in ord~r to preserve thQ safeL-y ancl ger.eral welfare of the Citizens nf thQ ~ity ~: An~heim; , 1• Tha~ subj~ect property sr.a11 be developed substantially in accordanc~ with plans and specif.ication„ on file with the Cit,y o.f Ar.aheirn marked Exha,bit I~os. 1 and 2, 2. That said billbuard shall nor be visible from thQ Santa Rna (5) fr~eway. 3. That ap~,roval of this application c~nstitukes appraval o~ the propused request only t~ the extesit that it comp:.ies with the Anaheim Munic.ipal 7.oning Cade and any other applicablo Ci~X regulations. A,pproval doos nA~ include any action or findings as ~a compliance or t~ppx~~d2 ~f the requast regt~rding any other applicable ordfnance, requ?ation or requirament. -2- PC87-235 ~ . . ~.~~::'A R,!~ BE xT FURTHER R~SOLVED that ~Che Anzheim CiL•y Pla~lninc~ Commission '•~ daes hereby Eind and determine thr~t adopkion of this Resolution is expressly ~ predicated upoii applicant's complianco with each and all of thQ conditions I} hereinabove set forth. Should any such conditions, or ~ny part ttie.roof, be -';;~' dsclared invalid or unenforceable by i;Y~e final judg:nent of any court of competent jurisdicti~n, then this Rosolution, and ,~ny approvals her.ein contained, s1ia11 be deemed nu11 and void. .. THE FOREGOZNG RESOI,UTIO:I is signed an~ approvad by m~ this 9th day of November, Y~87. ,.~~ , , ; , ~, (J, ~`~_~L~ ~.. , ~ ,~y.~z_..~-. CHATF2MAN, ANAH~;IM C TY PI,ANNINC COMMISSION ATTEST:~ ~~ ~ti-- ~ _ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CODSMISSION STATE OF CF~LI.FOR~iIA ) COi7NT`l OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHETM ) I, Edith L. Har.ris, Secre~tary of the A.nahei.m City Planning Commi~sion, do here.Uy certify that tl~e fore~oing resolution was passed and adopted at a mQeting af th~ Anaheim City Planning Commission ho7.d on Navember g, lgg~, ~jy the following vote o£ ~h~ members thereof: ~yE~: COA~II~SISSION~RS: BUUAS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, FELDHAUS, HERAST, MC BUI2NEX, MESSE NUE5: COhuSI5SI0NE~tS: NONE AIISrNT: C:OM:rIISSI()NERS: NONE IN WITNESS WFIEREt)F, I have hereunto set my liand this 9~h day of 2lovember, 1987. ~ ~~ J ~ ~ • SECR,ETARX ANAHEYM CIT`C PLANNING CAMMISSION -3- :~,~~ ~ M , ;, ~~.`~+ri^:a Y.~..,.~'~. PC87-2~5