PC 87-243~~µ ~ t2~;SULl1Tl~Q.N N0,__P~Q7Y?4~~ A RCSOLU'PION OI' THB ,~1~AFiEIM CTmy. '_'LANIQING COMM~SSION THA:.' FETTTIO~I FOR COND!'TIONAL US~ PERMIT t10. 2957 BE GFANTED WHEKraS, thc~ l~llaheim City Fla ~ninq Commissron ctid recerive a ver1733G l~etition far Con~litional UsQ Permit frorn UUkGER KING COFFORATION, AT.TN: RICI~AFtD Broolcliurst St•ruet, Suite 250, ~ountain Valloy, CA 927?a. Tustin, CA 92080 y202, RENNA, owner ancl 5TCVF ROSENFiELD, 197'12 Pla~a Drive, & fiOBEP.'T E'12ZEDMAN, 900 F. First St.., 111~5. Los Angeles, CA 90012, agents for certain real propcrL•y si<_uated in ~he City o[ Anaheim, County of Oranga, St~te of C~jlifornia, descr.ibed as: ALL TIIAT CLRTAIN LANU SITUATED IT~ THE CITY OF A17AFiEItd, COUTiTY OF URANGE, STATE OF ~ALIFORNIA, DF.SCRIBEn AS FOLGQW5: tHAr pORT7pN OP THE SOII'CH HALF OF LOT 14 OF HELEN ANU UYfiCEi'S SUSr~TVTSTUN 0~' TFiF. WSST HALF 0: SF,CTION ~6. TOW~ISHIY 4 SOUZH, RANGE, 10 WrST, SAN EERZ(ARDLNO BA58 ANU MERIDIAN, IN THF. LITY OF AAIAHF.IM, CCUN:X OF ORAI3GE, STA'CE OE CAI.IFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON` A MAP REI:ORDED [td fiO~K 4~12, PACE 158 OE' D~EUS, RECORDS OF SAID ~RANGE; COUttTY, ~EiOWN F,S FARCEL .l C)r F'ARCEL DtAP RECORDED Itt BOOK 30, PAGE 26 OE ?ARCEL tAAP KECORDS OF' ORANG~ COi3NTY . WHEREAS, the Cir_y Plai~ninc~ Cotnmissio~~ did hold a~ul~lic hoarii~gmat the ~~ivic CQnr.;:: in Lhe City o~ Ansliein, ori tlovember 9, 1967 at 1:30 noL-ice of said publi~ hcaring :~~~~~t19 been du:iy giv~n a~ required by law and in accnrclanc~ with the ~~r~~viszons oE the Anaheim Munir.ipal Code, Chapter 1F3.03, t:o hear and cons.ider evicience tor an~ a~7a:tinst. ~aid proposed conditiona7. use permit and ~o investigar_e and rnake tindingS 3I1C1 r.ecommendations in connection ttiererrith; anc3 :;aid hearinq was ron~ii-ue~ to the mFetinq of tta~s~mber 23, 19A7, and P7FIEREAS, sai<i Commissioil, atter ciue in::pecticn, invostiqation anti 3t:~i~~y made by itself and in its b~h:,lE, and aft~r due con~iileration oE aal e~~ic3ence and reporks cLLereJ. a~ sai.cl hearinr~, does finii and determina the following Lact:s: x, T1iaC the pro~os^d use i3 pronerl}• ozie for whi.c~i a concli*.ional us~ permit is ~uthorizeci by Ar.aheiin Mi~ni~ipal Code Sactian 18.44.05Q.i00 to wit: tn expanci a drive-~hrough i~st f^od restaura~it witli waiver of tho EoI1ow3.ng: (A) ,S_E~T~9tTS~l9_,_Q~y.Q.~9_~~~~~. ~- Mini~2.._nurnt~er~f--~,~rk~~1q..~Ps?5.~~• l~ti~ ~., Q_~~~sV ( 5~i, : equiretl; ~~ Proposed) 19.,!34,Q6Fs050 ' (B) :iE~TI~t_'C ~-~.1Q'~s9!~3~.~V~ - M~~~i.nl~?~_~i-.~Q_2i~~9~L~• _. Atro ~f;.44._9~~t -- (b.~~- Permitted; ~~~: PxoPased) Z. Thak the requcss~ed r'ai'%== (T) i~ hereby grante~ on the ba~i~s that t th~ ~t~rkinc~ varianct• w; 11 not cause an increusQ ln trafEi.c c:o»gostion in Cho ~ immadiatc~ vic.iniLv nor adv3rse11 aEfect any ad;joining 1an(i usasi and tPhC~7 Ghe3 's ; ~:~~:' ~. 0127 r y ~, ~r'd ~ ;"i. Z n.w~:l ~ ~ , ~'~ '~4~~\ gr~nting nF ~hU Park.in~~ variance urid~r the condi~ions impo3ed, iE any, will not be dQtrimenta.l to the pet~ce, hea.ltti, ~afety or general w~lfare of• the ciri~Qns of tk~e C:ity of Anaheim. 3• That tht; requested waiver (b) is hereby c~ran~ed on t:~~r basis on the basis that thexe are speci,sl c.ircumstances applicable t~ ~he proper~y such as size, shape, topography, location and surroundings which do not ~ identically zoned propFCty .i.n t;he same vicinit ~p~Y ta other o£ the 2oning Code deprive;, the property of y privilogc~s eri oyed pbvicothor properties iri t:he idenkical zone and r.lassifi.c~tion in the vicinity. 4. Thar tt~ie proposeci use will not aciverse~.y aE*ect the adjoin.inr, land uses and tha grawt~h and development of the area in whic:h it is proposed to be loc7L•cd, 5• That thP size ,~nd shape of the site proposed for t2ie use is adequate Cu allow the full c9evelopmerit of khe proposed use in a mannQr n~t detrimental lo the particular area izor ~o t:ie peace, haalth, sagetiy an~ ~erleral welfare of the CiZizens of the C.ity oE Anaheim. b. impuse~9, That the if any c~ranting of the Concii tional Us~ Pgrm.it under the wi21 general , welfare ai not be detrimentzl to the Lhe Citizens eac~~ hQalth, E cond.itions saEety and o the C.iCy o[ Anaheim %• undue bu That the rdon upon t;rafiic gQtleratod by t}ie proposed usP wi)1 not the i traff.ic str~ets and highway, designed and improvQd t in th~ areZ m~+ose an , o carry `hg 8• T}~~t `~ Pers~71s indicat~d tiheir presence at the Novembor g, lgg, public hear.ing .in opp~;itio:i; ~nd ttiat a pet:ition was r~acei.vQd in o ^ to the subjcct petiL•ion; and th~7t two persons indic~ted thQir r pposition favor ot the received plans r~t the Novomber ?.3, x987 he p-~3ence fn ariny. ~ALIF RNIA EtdV.IPppRy~l7xA~,~UAI.._I Y r g ---~ _-__-.---•_- City Plenniny ~~,mmiss.ion has r~viewed th p p s11ttoiN^x~,andha~d ih e-through fast food restaurat~h o~ith waiver of minimum nunbrr of park3ng spaces and maximum LeixcU heig(1~ ~n ~11 irr,~gularly-shaped p1:c~e1 of land consisCing oF approximat•ely 0,7 acrc~, h~ving a L'rontaga of apprc,ximately 150 feet un the east side o£ Euclid Str.eet; and havinrJ ~ maximum dep t h r,~f ~,pproximatelp 205 fe~r ~n~ }~Qinq locatr_d apprc,ximately 340 fQet sout}- af the cAnterline of medmar Avenue a.nd F.urther ~.iescribed zs 51G South Euclid St.reot (Burger King Resta~irant); and does hc~reby approve the N~g~rive DQClaration upon finding that it has considered the NQgative Doclaration together with any comments recsived during L•he ~ublic review process and EurCh~r find.ing on Che basis oE the .initial atudy anci ariy com,nen~s rer.eivad that there is no substankia~ evidence tt~at tho projecl wiJ.l hav~ a;,ignificant affer_t on ~ho onvironment. NOW, THEREFORE, F3E IT RESOLVF.D that t:hcs Anaheim City Pl~nni:~r~ Commission doe, hareby gr•atit; SU~~(?CC P~t,tr,i~n for Conditional Uso PermiC, upon tha folloaing conditiuns wt~icfi are heceby f.ounci to bo a nece~sary prorequisir.e to the proposed use of the subjc~ct prop~:rty fn order to pr~serve the safoty ~nd ge.~nera.l welfaro r~f L•}ie Citiaen;s of thc~ l;i.ty of Anaheim: 0127r -2- PC87-2h3 ;. r .;. ; ~ ~~ '~i ~a ~ ~ , ~.i ~ ,;i+ r ' 4C/,;~j{~ ~:;iAi?~,1 1. ThaC lhe driveways sliall be reconstructHd i:o accommodate t~n (10) foot raditxs curb rc:turns. Existi.ny broken or cracked driveways snall be r~moved and rop].aced as .raquirecl by ~he Cihy 8ngineer. 2. ThaC the owner o£ subject propeY•t•y :hall pay t~~ L•he City of Anaheim a fee for sCreHL- lighting a].onc~ Euclid StreeL• in an ~mount as determined by the City Cuunc:iy. 3. That i:he owner of subjech. properr.y ;,tia11 pc,~ to ~he City of Ar.aheim a feF~ for tree p].antiing purPoses a'long Euclid Stroet in an amount as determined b ~h i y e C ty Counc3.:~. i ~ 4. That prior, to is,uance of a Y~uild~n,r, permit, kha appronriaCe ' traffic signal assessmant fee sha].1 be paid to tho City oE Anaheim i z~ nTx amour.t ~s determinecl by the Cit.y Council. 5• That kr.as:l storage areas sha.ll be provided and maintainocl i n accordance w.ith approved plans r~n !'ile wi.th the Street Maintenance ., and SanitaLion llivisic,n. G. Tt~at all air conditianing Eaai~i~ies and other r.oof• and graund mounted equipment shall be properly shielded from va.ew ~ncl the , sound buff.erad from adjacent resiaenF.ial propertiR~, 7. Tliat the propos~l sh~ll ~omply o~ith all sic~nin~ :equ:irements of kh e CL Zone, unless a variance a~.l~wing sign waivers is approved by the Czty Counc.il, Plannin C i i g oimn ;;s on or 7.oning Adrain.i3trator. a. That an e.ight (4)-foot l~igh masonry block walt shall be constructed and maintainecl along tkie e.a~t and ea~t:erly 48 fee~ oE tho soutiz propert•y line. ~ ~; '`~~ ; 0127r .. -~ ~%~'~ ~ a ,, ~.'~ :', 9. That ~ny re;identi proposed parY.ing al area lighting Fixtures adjacent to any property shall 1~ Ceet. Sai:l lightin be 8own-light~d f•i with a maaimum height of adjacerit g :ctures sha11 res.iclential pronerty lines to be diracted ~way frAm integrzty oL ttie area. pr~tec:h_ the rQSidezttial 10. That tlie owner ot subjer.t property st~all submiL a letter roc~uesting ter.mination of V~zrianc:e ito. 698 to thE 'l.oning Div.is.ion. li. That su'njo~;t propert;y shall be aeveinp~:~~ substantially in accort3ance± wirh pla~ls and speciEications on filo with the C.it}• of Anaheim m~zrked e~nvision llo. 1 of Fxnibit No. 1 and Exhibit Nos, Z through 9. 12. That prfor. to ].5$t~~nC~ of a bu.ildinq permit, or .~ithin a period of one year. £rom the data of. this resolution, whiehevec pccurs first, ConQition t1os. 2, 3, 4, and 10, ab~ve_men*.i.oned, sh~l1 b~ complied with. E:xtcns.ions for. fur.Cher time t;o completo said conditions may be grantE~c3 in accordance wit}1 SQCtion 18.03.090 of the Aaahaim Municipal Cede. 13. That tho order laud :~ptakc~r volumQ sha11 be adjusted ko decroase the no:tse hearcl by adjacont neighbors. -3- PCB~-293 ~ ~ «~~~ ! a i vf . . ~~.'ii~1 ` ~ya.~ ~^~~ 14. That no de.l3.ver, ias shall bE~ made at night. 15. That• prior ta final buildir~g and zoning ins~,ections, Con6ition Nos. 1, 5, 6, 8, ,, and 1]., above-menr_ioned, shall be complied wi~li. Yb. That ap~rovaJ. ot this appl.ication constitukes ~pprov~sl of the proposed request only to the Pxtenr that .it complies with the , Anaheim ;~unicipal Zoning Code and any otti~r appliqable City , regulations. Approval d.oes not: includ~ any ~ctior, or findings as to cnmpliance ~~r approval of the request regarding an,y other ap~.licab].~ orclinance, requlati~n or requirement. RE I'P FURTETER RESOI.VEU that the Anahe.im Cit~ Planning Commissi.on does liereby f.ind and determ5ne that ndcption of tlais ResoluL•ion is ~xpressly ~; predicate~3 upon applicanC's compliancQ with each ~nd all of the conditions , hFreinabovP set fort2i. Shoulc3 any such cond.itions, or any part thereof, be declared invalid ar unenforceable by the final judqment of ~ny court of competetit jurisc]iction, then this Resolu~ion, and any appro~•a1s herean contained, sha:11 be dermed null and void. TFiE FOREGOING RESOLUTI N is signed and approved by me this 23rd day of Novcmber, 19g7. ---- - '"t''i`~%/ " CHAIRMAN, ANAHE M CiTX ALANNIP7G ('_ ,pMMZSSIqN ATTEST: -•- - ' t,Y.t'_.~!!;'~_ ~ _~~~~fi1~ SEC&ETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STAT~ OF CALIFORt7IA } COUNTY OF ORANG~ ) $;;, CITY CF' ANAHEIM ) r. Eclith G. Harris, Secre~tary of tl~e Anaheim Cit:y ~lanning C~mmission, do hereby cert;if~ r,har. tha forQgoing resolukion was passecl and adopted at a meeti•nq oP the Anaheim City Planning Commission held c~n Novamber 23, 1ggq, by~ ' t:hQ foll~wing vote of t:he rr~?mbers rhereoL•: AYES: COMMISSIQPIERS; BOUAS, fiOXDSTUN, CAkUSILLO, FCL~HAUS, MESSE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE :i ABS~NT: COMMISSIONEkS~ FiER9S7.', M(; E3JRNEY I TN WITt~F,SS WHE:REOF, T have t:ereunto sat my hand this 23r ~ November, 1987. d day o~ ~ I C -....._ G ~ ..~~1~1~~t~'[~`_ I~"1I/~1u-~LJ~ • ' ' ~~CRETARY, ANAfIEIM CITY PLANNING COM~MISSION _ ~127r »4` PC87-243 k~,,, y,, . f+ i ~ .. . - . . .