PC 87-244~ R~SQLUTI~N ,~10,._. PC~~244 A RESOLUTION OP' TTiE l~,NAHEIM CI~'Y PI~ANNING CONA~IISSION TTIAT PETTTTOrT FOR VARI~I~CE N0. 3679 BE GRA.NTED ; WHERi:AS, L-h~ Anat~eim Cii:y Planning Commissiori did roc~9ive a ~,; verif3.eii Petition for Variunce from PHILIP W. GANONG, ET. AL~., 2;~p7 Myrtle Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301. ATTN: JANE'C GANONG, oc~rner, and SAND DO1.,LAR DLVELUPMENT, 17aG2 Skypark Circ.le, SuiLe J.09, Irvxne, CA 9?.714, agent, of. certain rQaY property situated i.n ttie C.itg of Anah~im, County af Oranqe, State of Caiifornia de,scribed as: LOT ?1 IN BLOCh 34 OF YORBA LINDA TRACT, IN THF CITY OF ANAHET_M, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STA:CF Ur CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ~N A MAP RECORDGD IN BOOK 5, PAGES 17 AND 18 OF MTSCELLANEpUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. EYCEPTTNG ~HEREFROM THE F'OLLOWING: BFGItdNING AT THE MOST NQRTHER~Y CORNER OF SAIn LOT 4, SAID CORNER BF.Tt1C ON THE SOUTHWEST L'INE OF SHORT S~RERT., 50.00 FEET WIDE; THENCE ALONG TI~E NORTHWEST L'iNE OF SAID LOT, SOUTH 3~~ 2'1' 30" WEuT, 412.46 FEET; THENCE NORTH 4Q~ 30' 19" EAST 177.30 FEET; T:iENCF 210RTH S0~ G3' 43" EAST, 32.34 FEET; THENCE SOTJTH 60° 0?.' 02" EAST, 215.13 FEET; THEPICE SOUTFI 27~ U8' 32" C~ST, 32.59 FEET; TFiwNCE SOUTH 9~ 16' 5?." WEST 92 .,~i9 F'EET; THENCF Su[JTH .l2'~ /15' 11" ~AST~ 46.10 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO TfiF WFST LINE OF EKTSTING OItCHARA DRIVL~ 60 FEET WIDE; THENCE NORTHERLX ALONG SAID LAST MENTIONEU I.INE TO Z'HE PpINT OF INTERNECTION OF SAID LINE WITH THE 210RTHEASTERLY L7NE ~F. SAiD LOT 4; 'I'HENCE ALONG SAID I.,AST hfENTIONED LIN~:, NORTH 53~ C7' 47" WGST, 1.96.38 I'F:LT TO THE P~INT OF BEGI:INING, EXCEPTZNG APTY PORTIQN AF LOT 5 OF ''i3LOCK 2~, AS DESCRIBED I:N D~EDS TQ THE STATE OF CALIFURNTA, kECORDEU APRIL 11, 1962 IN J300K 6071~ PAGE 3fi~ O.F OF'FICIAL FECGRDS ANl;1 RE-R~CaRDEG APRIL 26, 19fi2 TN BOOK 60F39, PAGE 9Fi GF OFFICIAL RCCURDS. ALSO F~iCEPTING TFIEREFROM ALL 'rHAT CERTAIN LAATD CONVEYED TO TfiF CO[INT~ OF ORANGL IiY llEED RECl1RDEU DECEMBER 13, '1965, AS I~ISTR(JMENT 130. 9852 rN 9UOK 7T71, PAGb; 488 OF OFrICIAL RECORDS. WHEREAS, *he City Planning Cummissi~ii di.d ho,,i a public hQaring at the Civi:: Center in the City of An~heim on Nov~mber 2~, t987, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearir~~ having bcen daly given as requirecl by law ancl in accordance witr. thQ provitizons of. the .~nahei;m Miir.icipal Code, Chanter 1$.03, t4 he~r and ~ortsider (lV.l.GQriC.@ for and aq~insC said propot3ed varfance and to investigar.~ an3 makv find.tnga ltid re~commendet.ions in connection th~rowith; and WHEREAS, saici Cum;nis~ion, after duP inspectio:~, investigt~tlon and study made by itself and in i~s Deha.lf, anc3 after due considaral.ion of all evidence and reports o~fered aL• s~:id }ieari:n5, daos finci and determine the following facts: ~~.' `~,~ 0128r -.. Et~,.~,. ~ i `., ~r~~ ~~`: PC87-244 ' ;o ~_r.,~~,v~ ,.... .. ..,.. .,.ir.'i ~ ~. That the petitione~r proposes waivcrs oF the kallowa.nq to establ.i~h a 1Q lot, 8 uniC single-family residenti~il subdivzsion: (A) SE~TI.ON 1a _oi.130 - R~~ii,~ 1~ (All lots str~et or Nos. l, 2, Nos. A & b ~treet). t fron~acr~. raquired to abut publ.~, alley; residential Lot & 3, and apen space Lot propnsed to al~u- private ~ %;',;~, ,, ~~ {Bj E TTONS 18.27..~a.012 - Minimtnn garaqe ~~ ck, .:.'i AP7b 18. 27.0631,di21 ( 2~ fcet required; 20 L•eg~ prop~sed) . `', ;;'a (C) SF,~TTON~i 18106.050.~11 •- Minimum_d.imension of_drivgwav parl~iz~q ~'.~~ AND_'! 8. 27 tQ6¢.. 02_Q ~re~, ;~i: ~M ~ (16 fe~~ wide by ~, feet~ lonq required: 1G feet; w.ide by 2~_fg~ ;;f long proposed). '~,; 2. T.nat tYie above-mention~d waivers zre hereby granted on tr,e basis th~t there a•re special circumstances applicable to the groperty such as size, shape, topr,graphy, lacation or surrouncli.ngs, which do r_oL a~ply to other ':,~. idenkica:l)y zoned propertif:s i.n the vicinity; ar.d that strict appltcation of khe Zoning CodQ cleprives ~he ~~roperty uf privileges enjoyad by other properties in , identicay zon5.ng classif.icaCi.on in the vicinity. , 3. Thzt there are exceptional or c~xtraordinary circum3tances or conriitior.s applicable to the proper~y involv~~d or to the intended vse of• the property that do not ~~ppl~~ yen.~rally to the propertiy or class of use in tho same vicinity and zone. 4. That the requsst~d varS.ance is n~cessarp• for the preservation and enjoyment o;~ a substant;ial nroperty right possess~d by other properly in tkte same vic;inity anri zone, ancl den.ied L•o the properCy in question. 5. Tha~t the requested var.ianc~ will not be materially detrimental to ~ thQ public wel£aro or injurious to the property or improvemenh.s in such vicinity '~ and zono in which tlie property is located. M+ ;~ ; 'i ~? 6. ThaY, one person indicated their. presence aC saicl public hearing in opposition; ancl tliat no correspondenc.e wa;; received in op~osition to subject petition. ~ALIFQRN~'A GNVIRt~NMF~ITAL ,Q1AL~T~i' ACT FINU~IG: That tli~ Anaheim City Planning Commission has rQViewea the pron~sal ta establi3h ~ 10-lot, 8-unit single-family rQSider.till subdivision with waivar a~' required lot fr.ontage, :ninimiun garago setb~~ck and minimum dimen~ion o.f c]riveway parking arez on an i.rr~;gularly-shaped parcel ot lan.d eonsistizig of approximately 2.3 acres locar.ed at thQ sputhwest cornor of Short Strest aiid Kellogg Drive, having approximate fronta.ges of 230 feet on the 301itt1 sicle of Shorr atreet and 210 foet on tho wo3t side oE KQllogg Drive and Eurther descrxbed as 6000 North t:ellogg DrivRt and does hereby approve the Negativo Declarfltion uQon finc~ing khat i.r has considered the idegative Declaration togQther with any c:rmments ~:' -2- PC87-244 ~ , \r, p +~r' . , . ~~ . ;i~:.~r received duri2ig th~ ptln1ic reviQw pr.ocess and Furt.her Findir~g ~n the basis of the in:~tial s~udy and any comments receivefl i:hat evidence that the project will have a significant eEfact on the er.vironn~ntia] NOW, THEREFORF, BE YT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Comm.ission rloes hereby grant sub~ect Petition fur Variance, upon the fcllowing conditions which are hereby fpU:1C1 to h~ ~ nec~ssary pr.ez•equisite tn the gropused use of the subject ~rapercy in order to preserve thQ saEety ~nd gencral welfare of the Citizens ~I the Cit~~ of Anaheim: ~~ That this Va~•iance is granted subject to the adop~lon o.f the Zoning Ordinance in connection i w th Reclassificatio:l No, g7-g8-03 pending, n , ow ~~ Z• ~- ~ Tliat ths owner of sub' ect 7 pro~er~y shall pay to the ~i.ty of Anaheim a fee for tree plantiinq ur o p p ses along Kellogg Drive in an amount as determined t;p ~~~ ~i~y ~puncil. ; 3• ~ That prior to issuar.ce of a building permit, aopropriate park and recre~tion in-J.ieu iees sY 11 xa be pa:i.d to the City o£ Anaheim in. an amount as determinc:d by the C.itv Council. '~• That prior to issuance of a ~ buildinq perR,.ir, the appropri~te tt~afPic ~ignal assessment E ee iii an amoun~,, as detPrmined by the~~CityeCoancil~ the C~'~y of Anahea,m r• x11at prior to issuance of a b~:ilding pez•mzk, th~: a thoro~,~q}lfare and b id propriate majpr e f g : ee shall be paid to the Ci p Y~f Anaheim in an amount as sr~Gified in tk~e Mttjor Thorou hfa P re rogr~ for the Foc~thill/E~.ster.n Transpo tt~ti ~Qg~ Fee B a r a ~ ~ or ~ pp on ov~~ by C3.ty Council Resolution No. 85R-42a, ~ as , ~• That the privare street sha11 be developed i n acco CiL• of d ' . y r AnahQim anc:e with the s Standard Detail N~ 122 , for private streets, including installation of s~reet name signs. Plans for Lhs private street light.ing, as required b t submitt~~l to tk-e Building Divis oii for e a ap;~ oval a d inclu ed wiLh the building plans prior to the i ss~zanca, ~t building ~errnits. 7~ That the private street gr~dc shall not exceFd 10'~ ex~ept by prior approval of the ChieF f o th~ rira Departmer~t and the Engineorine~ Division, 8. 2hat the venicu,ar access right;s to Kell~,~r Drive shall b; ded:icatQd to the Cit of A , y . natiPim, 9. Thar. drainage o~ subject pro~erty sha11 be dispose~, of zt, ;+ manner s~tisfaccory t:o the Cit E i y ng iieer.. 10. That all lots within subject tr.act shall. be served b uti~iti cs, y uncier.ground -_ . ;. !~ ; I .. „ -3- is PC87-244 , ~. : ~Gb'I~~ , 1,~ 11. That prior to commencement: of strur.tural framing, fire hyclrants shall be installed and ch:ar~ged as requircad and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the F'ire Departmsnt. 12. That a11 air cc.~nd9.tioning S:acil.ities and other roof and ground mountpd equipment sha~,l b~ propar:;.y shieldad from view, and the souncl buffered frcm adjacent resiuential properties. 13, That prior to i.ss~ianco pf a bui.ld3.ng permit, tY~e applicant sha1Z present evidc3nce :atisi•actor~~ to the Building Division that the proposed project i:; in conformance wikh Co~~ncil. Policy Number 542 "Sound l~ttenuat9.nii in Residential Projects" and with :~oi3e Insulation Standards specified in the California Administrative Code, Ti.t1e Z5. 14. ThaL- roll-up garage ooors shall r installed on Lo~ Nos 5 and 6. ,; 15. That thc: ~wner(s) oS' subject property shall acquire a recorded ~.~; covenar~r. granting ar. access easement. fz~om the pr~party owner ` immediately west of sizbject property for ingress and egress purposes to subject pzopez•ty. Said easemenL sha7.l be designed iri ~ manner satisiactory t~ the City Tra£~ic Engiiieer and said covent~nt shall be in a Form satis.factary to L-he City AttornQy. A copy of thP recorded covc:nant s.zal] be subm.itted to the 'Loning nivision. ` i6. That subject propErty shall be devel~ped subs~antially in accordance with plans a.zd spFCifications on file wa.th the City ot Anaheim marY,ed Revisi.on N~. 1 0£ Exhibik. Nos. 1 throuyh 6. 17. Th~t prior Co issuanc~ of a building pernit, or with:in a period oE one year frorn the date of `.his resoliitxon, whichever occurs Eirst, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, ti, 7, 8, ].3, and 15, c;bove-mentioned, shall bP complied w:tt~, Extensions ~or further time to cnmplete said conclitions may ?~e vr~nl:ecl in accordanco with Section '.8.03.090 of the Anaheim Munir,ipal CodP. p; 18• That prior to final building and zoning inspections, Condition N~s. 6, 9, 10: 12, 14, and 16, above-m~ntioned, shall be cumplie3 with. A:i 19. That the owner/dQVeloper shall ~~rork with the adjnininc~ property ovrner to the soutYi to minimiza any im~acL•s of -the 3evelopment includinq po~sible relocation of some ~f the proposed structures, as stipulated to at th~ September 24, 19a7, Plan:~ing Commission public hearing. 20. T}xat; approval of L-~ais appli.catiou constii:uL•as approval of the prupossd rec~uost only to tho extent l-hat it complies wiLh the Anaheim Municipal zoning e:ode and any other applicable City regulations. Approval doas not incl~ide any ac~ion or finc~ing~ as to compliance or approval o£ the requPSt r.egar.diiig any other applicable ordinance, requlation ur reqt,!irement. BE IT FURTIiER RES4LVED that the Anaheim ~ity Planninq Cammission dnes here}~y find and determine that adopticn of this Resol~xtion is expressly _q _ ~ i~i. .._ . ~ . . , . . . , . . . ,. . .. : . . . ~, ~ ~~ ' r; ` : r'r :_~ PC87-244 ; ~, ,'~;~i~j i~:"r~ ,t~ . . ~ .. . . _ .. . ~,:..~. ..,;. ,:..--~---,-,., . , ., ,_ .. , .... ., , , .,. : ,.~:. .. , „•. ._ `'1 . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . .. ~ . . , . ~ ~ . .. .., . . ~ ~.. . ~ ~. , ~.{..r AY 4 ~M Il,i r, ~ _ ~T . . t~ . . . ~ . - :V ..,,,;,.,, , ,' predicated upon appl.icant's c~mplianr.e with oach and all ~£ the condiL•ions j hereinabove se~ forth. Shou~.d any such conditions, ~r any part thereof, be dec].ared invalicl or unenforceable by the final judgment of a.ny court of competent jus•isdicLion, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein conCained, shall. be deemoa nul: and void. ;,. ~ ;;i ;'"' TH~ FOk~GOIDTG RESOLUTIUN is signed anU approved by me Y.his 23rd day oE `` ,.. r. Novemher, 1957. ~ ~4~~~ (f ~ l ~.-C.• _. -~ ,.; C:i, '.MAN, ANAFi~IM CITY LAt7NING CObII~fISSION ; i ~.; AT'TE ST : r . 4M-r-~~'~-~ , ~ _ SECRETARY, ANAH~;IM CTTX PL,ANrNIHG COh41TSSTON ` , .``,;~ SxATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~, COUNTY OF pRANGE ) Ss, CiTY f)F ANAHETM ) ,i I, Edith L. Harris, Sec:etary of tYle Anahei.m City Planning Gommission, do hereby rertify tka~ th~ foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a mee~i.ng of ~he ~~ahein City Planning Comm:ission Y~eld on November 23, 1g87, by the followi.ng vote of the inemi~ers t2ioreoL: ,. AYES: COt+~fISSI0NFR5: ]30UAS, BOYDSiUN, CARLTSILLO, FSLDFiAUS, I.KC BUFNEY, MESSE NOES: COMMISSION~RS: NON'E AB5ENT: COM2~iISSIUNrRS: HERRST TN WITZIESS WHEREOI', I have hereuntio set my hand this 23r3 day of Navember, 198?. ~~ _ ..._.__ .~ . G~ ~~-~1~ , S~CFtGTA~tY, ANAHLTM CI~Y P~ANNING C~JMMISSTON ~~' r e~ :~ ~ ~ 1~~ ~ i r ~rY7.'~t'~•~~ 7 r:1'~ :.. {~n'~ c ~ ~ , i~Zo~",~ F ~ii ~-~f. ~k_ sf~k~{,~'ta , ~!: ~ . -5- PC87-244 _ _ ' ',; ',;; ,~ ti !i ~,~, ~,~ _ .. ~.h~_