PC 87-245,a~~?o RFSOLUTI~N NO_ PC87-245 A RESOLtJTION 0~ rHE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNI*IG COMMISSTON THAT p~~I~ION FOR R~CLASSIFICATION N0. 8?-t38-?.6 13E GRANTFD ^ WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Flanning Commission did receive a verifi~d petiti:,n For Reclassiiication t'rom ArTAHEIM L,'~NU ASSOCIATES ~,TMITED PARTNk;RSF:IP, 450 Diawport CFnter Drive, (~304, Newport Beach, CA 92660, o~wner, of certain real property situ~ted in the City af Anahe.im, County ~E Or~nge, State af California, describPd as fol.lows: PARCEL A: PARCFL 3, AS SHOWIZ ON A MAP F?L~D Ii7 BOOK 196, PAGES $ AND S OF PARCEL MAPS IN THE OFFT.CE OF THE COUNTY R~CORDER QF ORANGL COUNTY, CALIFOI2NIA. PA.RCEL B : l.N EASENiENi FOR TNGR~SS AND EGRESS U~IFR TIiQSE PORTIONS OF PARCEL~ I AND 21, AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PLAT t70. 139 R~CORDED NOVEMB~R 1, 19Rg ~g INSTRUMENT N0. 85-423458 OF O1~FrCIAL RECURDS OF URANGF COUNTY, CAGIFQRNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOL.LOWS: ~: ~ H~GINNINC AT THE MOST W~STERLY CORNER OF pARC~L 3, AS cHOWN OPI :~ Map FILED IN BOOK 196, PAGES 8 APiD 9 OF PARCEL 2~APS iN THE nFFTCE AF THE COUNTY FEC.ORDER Or SAID ORANGE COUAItY; THENCE SOUTH 34 DEG. 23' 42" EAST i1.~,ONG THE SOUTHWLSTERLY' T,INF OF SAZD PARC~L 3 AND ITS SOUTHEASTEkLY PROLONGATTON, 3U9.49 FEET TO A POIPIT Iu THE SOUTHEASTEKLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEG. 00' 1?" 2~AST, '106.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEr• 59' 49" WE,ST, 67.50 rEGT TU A POINT IN A LTNE PARALLEL WITFi ANP DYSTANT 51 FEcT EASTERLY I'R~M THE ~,TNE COMMCN TO PARCELS 1 A.PlD 2 OF SAID PRP.ALLEL MAP FiAV.T.NG A F3Ef.RING AND DI5TANCE OF NORTI~ 0 DEG. 00' 1~." WEST 371.55 ~'EET; xFiENCE NOP~TH 0 DEG. 00' lX" WEuT ALONG SAID PAFALLEL LINE, 89.68 FEET TO A k~OTNT xN A I,INC PAP,AI~LBL, WITH AND DISTANT SOliTHWESiERLY 32.50 E'EET FROM THE SOUTH~ASTERLY PROL~NGATION OF THE LINE COMMON TO SAID PARCELS 1 AND 2 I~iAV1NG A BEARING ~ND DISTANCE OI' NORTH 3~ DEG. 23' 42" WEST, ALqN'G SAID PARALLEL LINE, 284,77 FEET TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHEASTERZ.Y LTNC OF KATEI,i,A AVENUE AS SfIOWN UN SAID PARCEL MAP, SAID POINT BEING IN 1'HE ARC OF la CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RA~i~T.US GF 940.00 FEET; THGN(;E NqRTHEA^uTERL~' 65,0:1 F~ET ALONG TFIE ARC OF SATD CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL A.NGLE GF 3 DEG. 57' 46" TO THE POINT OF B~GINNTNG. EXCEPTrNG TFiEREFFtOM THAT POP?'IQN IPICLUDBD IN PARC~L A asov~. ;~, ; 012 9 r ~,,: ,; ~1 , a ,,. `';, ;, PC87-245 l~+y WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission d.id hold a public hearing at the Civzc Center in the City of Anaheim on 1lovember 23, ~.987 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said pui~lic hearing havang been duly given as required by law and in accordance with tY:e provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code. Chapter 18.03, to hear aud consider evadence Lor and against said pi-oposed •reclassification and to invesCiga~e and make i•indings and recommendations in connection th~rewith; and WHEFEAS, said Commission, aftNa• due inspection, invEStigation and study made by itself and in its baha)f, aiid after dv.e consideration af all evinen~e and reports offered at said hearing, 3oes find and determi.ne the follawing facts: ;~ 1. rhat the petit~.oner proposes rer.lassifica*ion of subject °t property from CR (::ommercial, Recreation) zone to th.e CL ~;,omme.-cia1, Limited) f or a less iritense zone to construct a 39,075 square foot restaurant/comm~ercial '`; complex, ; ~i `~ 2. That t;he A.naY.eim Genaral Plan desi~nates subject property `' .Eor Gener~l Industrial land ~.r~es. 3. That the ~roposed reclassiFi~ation oE subjec~, pir~perty is necr~s:~ary and/or desira.`~le for t•he orderly an~ ~roper develo~ment of the community. 9. That the proposed reclassificat:;.on of subject pro~erty does ~ propesly re].ate to t.he zones and their permitted uses lucally established in close proximity to subject property and to thQ zones and their permitted uses generaily esta~lished throughout th~ community. 5. Th~t tb.e propose3 reclassification o~ subject property requires the de~ication and improvement of abatting s~r~sets and alleys in accordance wi':h the Circulation Element of. the General Plan, due to the anticipatod increase in traffic which will be genez•ated by the intansificatzon of ldnd ixse. ~' 6. That no one ir.dicatbd their presence at said public hearing ~ ' in appositiony and that no carres~pondence was r~ceived in opposition to ~! subjnct petition, ;~~~ ~ALIFORNIA rNV'IYtONMCNTAL QUALTTY ACT ~'INDIN : ThaL- Environmental ' Impact Report No. 266 and an addendum rhereto was previously approved E~r the ` subject pzoperty, in cor?junctionw with Reclassification No. 83-84~24 and ', C.onditional UsQ Permit Nos. 2550 and 2651, 0129r -2- PC97-245 ~ .~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FESOLVED that the Ar~aheim Ci~y Pla:ining Commission does k~ereby grant subject Petitian for ReclassiEication and, by so doi ng, thar. Title 18-2oni ng o~ ~he Anaheim i~unicipal Code be amended to exclude the above-descrabed property from the CR (Cornmercaal, Etecreation) Zo ne and to incorporate s aid aescribed Qropertv into the CL (Commercial, Linnited ~one UDOIl t:~e f~llowin9 conditions which are hereby founc~ to be a necessary prerequisite to the pruposed use oE subject prope•rty in order to pres~rve the safet~+• and general wel.fare o£ ::he Citizens r~f the City of Anaheim : 1, That sidewTlks sha11 be r~paired a~.ong F(atella Avenue as required by the Cit~ Enqineer and in acc~rdance with standard plans and specificai:ions on tile in the Off.ice of the Gi~y Engineer and that sECUrity in the form of a bond, certii-'icate of deposit, letter o£ credit, or casr., in an amount and form satisfactoxy to the Ci~y of Anaheim, shall be posted with th~ Cih.y to guar3n~ee tk~e satisfactory corrip letion ef said improvements. Said security shall be ~osted with the Ciry prior ~o intr.oduc~tior. of an oriiiaance re::oning subi ~ct propert}!, to guarantee the in: tallation of the above-zequired improvemei~.ts prior to final building and zoning inspections. 2. That the owne~•(s) of subject property shall acquire a recigrocal access and parkinq agreement from th~ two prope ~` ~.es within the area bounded b;~ Katella Ave.nue, th~: Orange Freeway on-ra~np and the 5anta Fe Railw~ay right-of-w~y. Sai.: agre~ement sha11 be recarded with the nffice of ~che Orange Couuty Recorder and slia].1 be in a form reviewed and approvec~ by rhe Ci~~ TraEEic Engineer anci the City Attorne~. 3. That the o~rner of subiect property sha11 submit a letter requesti~g termination of CondiCi~nal Use Permit No. 2550 to L-he 2aning Di~~ision, ~`<, That prior ko the =ntroduation of an ordinanc•> rezoning subjec.t property'. Condi't.ion N~;,. X, 2, and 3, ab~ve-mentic~ned, shall be compl~ted. The pxQVisions or rights gran~ed by t:his resolution shall become nez21 and void by action af the Pla.r.ning Commission tinless snid ~undir.ions ara complied wii~ti wi~chin ane year trom the da~e of this r e soluti.on, or such further time as the Planniug Commission may grant. 5. That approval of this appla.cation ca:~stih.utes approval of the proposect reques t on1Y to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municip al 7oning ~ode and any other npplicable Cit~ reyulations. Approval does not include any act,ior- or Eindings as to campliance or approval of the request regarding any other apnlicable ordinance, regula~ion or requirement. 012~r -3- PC97-245 , ~ BE IT FURTNF;R R~SOLVED L•hgt the Anaheim City Planning Commission does horeby find and determ~nn tha~ arloption oL this Resolution is o:cpressly predicated upon applicant's compliance wi;.h each anc~ a11 aP the canditions hFre~in~bova sFt forth. Should anN such conditioiis, or any part thorcaof., be doclared ir,vmlid or unonEnrcesble by L•he final judqmant ~f any co~irk of. competar.t jurisdichion, tl:arf thi.s 4o:~olutian, and anx approvals 2~~r~• ~n con~ain~d, shall k~e deemed null anct ~oid. THG FOREGOING RRSOLUTIDN is szgnQd and approvEd by me this 23rd dap pf November, 1987, ,-~ ~Ct~~.,.-~~ / `'' ,[~„~_ CHATRMAN, ANAFIEIM CTT PLANtIINGvCOMM.iSSIC'td ATTEST:, ---_- ~ ' ~~ ~~.~~..~ __ SECRETARY, ANAFi6IM CITX PLANr1IN(i COt~1ISSI0N STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUPITY OF ORANGF ) s:; . CITY OF ANAHEIM ? I, Edith L. Harris, Sec:retary oL the AnaY.oim City Planning ~ommission, do hereby cRrtify th~t the Poregoing resolution was passod and adopted at a meeting of the Anahefm CiCy P:lannii~g Co;nmi.sivn held on November 23, 1987, by the fol low.ing vote of. tlie mQmbers th~reoL• ; AYL'S: CQMMISSIOPT~,RS: bOUAS, BUYOSZUN, CAR'ISILLG, DfC BURNEY, MESSE t7GF.S: CO1~fISSI0NER5: FEGA~iAU~ ABSENT: COMMISSYONEKS: HER[iST IN WITNE5S F1flEREOF, I have herQUnto set ~ny hand thi.s 23rd day of Navember, 1.987. ~i : , f . ---_~-~.~=~---~'-~~.~.~._ al•:CRBTARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLAlIt7INCi COh4(TSSION O1?.9r w; ~r t~,' ..q_ ^~ -~~,,..,~ rr ,~;r: PC47-245 - .1'