PC 87-246. . . . ~ .. ','i~ .. . - . , . '~', , .. ~~.e'', l n~~l'~1s~-~'6tR~:4 'r",:.1', ;',i~ ~,k, ?'i.k : ~~ RF~O~~J:CT 1~N N~,P~87~74~i A kESOLUTIaN O[' TFIE ANAHCIM CITY PLANNTNf; CO1rII~STSSION TNAT PR'fITION FOF FtECLA5,IFICATION Nb, t37-88-27 BE DENTED WHER~'I~S, the Anaheim CiCy Plannin? Commission did receive a ver.iPied pet.ition for Fteclassitication from KATHERINE WESUL05KY, 705 W. 'lictor ~.venue, Anahei-n, Cl~ 92401, owner ~nd MARK KIAFAF, 300 N. 'Pustin Avenue, N201, Santa Ana, CA 92%05, agent, for certain raal proper~y situated in tha City oF Anak,eim, County uf O~ange, S~ate of CaliEornia, describ~ci as Eo11o~~s: LOT 52 OF TRACT N0. 1326, Ai PER MAP THEREOF RECOfiDED IN IIOOK 48, PAGE 3?.4 OF MISC~LLAN~~U,~ b1APS, RECOFDS OF ORANGE C01;NTY, CALIFORNIA. F7HF,FEA5, ;:he City Planniny Commission tlid hol!1 a public hearinq at the Ci.vic Center in the City oP Anaheim on November 23, 1987 :it 1:30 p.m., `, no~ice ~E sa.i.d public hearing having been duly given as required by law arlci i.n '~ accorciattcP with t.he provisions of the Anahc~im Mu~nicigal Code, Chapter 1$.03, ~; to hear a»d consic3or evidencr. for and against said propASed rec.lassifiCation and to investigatc and ~na',co tindings and r~commenclations in coniiection therewith; and WI{GfiEAS, ~aid Con~mi~sion, af-t~r due arisp$ck:ion, ihvestiqatiori and stu~ly made by it,elf ,:nd in its }.ehalf, and after ctue considerat~.on of all Pvidenca and reports oftere@ at said hearing, d~es find ~ind de~ermine the tollowinq facts: 1. That: the pc~t;ition~~r r~:~,puses reclasuiEication of subjoct property from ths Rh~~-?.~30Q (R~si.deritial, ~!ulkiple-Fzmily) zone to the RM-1200 (Re:sidenkfal, Mtiltiplr:-•Eamily 'Lone. 2. That the Anaheim Genera.l l~lan des::gnaCQS : ubject prope:•ty far M~dium Den~it:y Residential land uses. 3. rr~ar. the propose<3 reciassif::caL•ion of: subjQCt property i.s '~ not n~r.essary uor ~lesir.ahl~~ for. the ordr,rly and proper cl~velopmPnt ot• tho ,•'~ community. 4. Th~t tihe pr.oposed reclassiEicaCi.ori of subjecti property does ' ;, nat pr~perly re:tate to the z~nes and Cheir permitteci ~~:<c~s locally ostablished ,y in c1o~Q prox.i.mity to subject property and to L•h~- zones and tl~e:r. permittod ! uses generaliy ~stabl.ished thrcughout the community; an<1 t;hat subject properry stioulcl, therQfore, remain in r.hn Rt,-2~100 zune. 5. That na r~ne in~3i~aCed their pre;;ence at ,aid ~ub.lic: hearing in opposi~_ion; and no cnrres~ondencrn rras received in np~o~.ition r,o sub;ject petition. ~ ,. ! 0130r PC87-246 ~ t :ti . :°1 4 ~ i:~'~..4~ ~~ ~~ ~. ~o i~.~~t "2`~F 1 S° ~~E . .. - ~ _ . ~ . . . ~ . . ~ . - ~ . . . . . . ~ , ~ . . . . . 4 -;~''~I.~6'n ~,.i `u6.. ~Ai.~TF~NSA__ENVIRQTIMEi1TAL ~UF~LITY A~T F'JIJD~N~: That thc~ Anaheim City Planni.ng Commission has ~:eviewer,l the proposal to construcl: a 2-story, 8-uziit, apartment building wiL-h waivnrs oE maximum struct~ax•a7. hP~ght, maximum site coverage, maximum number oE bachQlor units, minimum structural setback and permitted encroachments un a roctnr~gularly-shaped par.c;al o~ land consi3ting ~f approximate].y 0.27 acr~. ha~ing a frontage o~ appro~:imately 60 feet ~n L•hs north sidr. of Vicl:or Avenue, having a max~mum depth of approximately 201 feet an8 boing located approximately 7.,000 ~eet west of thQ centeiline of Harbor. Boulevard and [urther dnscribed as 705 West ViCtor Avenu2; and does hereby approve the 2legativQ Declaratian upan fir~d.ing that .it has Gonsiderc:d the :legative Declaratic•i tiogether witki any commQnts roceived during the public z•eview process an~ Purthc~r tinding on ~he basis oi the init.ial stizdy and any ;.~~mments r~ceived ~hat there i.s iio subs~antial avidence that the project will have a sign.ificant effect on the environment. NUW, TP:EREFORE, BE IT RL:SOT,VEU th~t ~he Ana.hc~im City Planning ~omrnission does hcreby ~eny Peti~ion Lor Reclassificatioil on the basis of lhQ aforem~ntio~ecl Eindin~~s. THE FORI'sGOIf(G RESOLtIT.T~N is siynQd and approved by me this 23rd day ~f November, 1937. ~(~+,~-U-,' I ~~~-¢--~-~-- CFIAIRM~!.N, ANi.H~;Ibt ~ZTY PLANNING COD'~tISSION 1 ATTFST: -__---..~.~ __~ -~~~.-- SECRETAItX, ANAHEIM CI'TY PL~i7NING COMMISSIAN STA'~F, OE' CALIFORNIA ) COiJNTY OF ORat7GE ) ss ~ CITY OF A~iAFiEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary oE t11e Anaheim C.ity Plannf;~q Commission, du hsreby corr_ify that the ~oi•egoing rasolution wa~ L.asaed and adopted a~ a meeti.hy of the Anaheim City ylanx,ing Cc,mmission :1e1~ on No~~eniber 23, 1~87 hy the Eollorr.ing votc of the members ther~of: ~YES: COD4;lSSIONF.KS: BOUAS, IIOY~STUN, CARUSILGLO, FELUHAUS, MESSE, MC BURilF.Y NOGS: COMMISSIONERS: NO~IE AF35~NT: C~~~ISSIOIdERS: HERCi5T II3 W.ITit :,,~ WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand this 23rd dav of Novc:mbQr, 1987. ______ .~~ ~. ~ ~~.1.eG~.c_~.^ SECRBTARY, AtIAHEIM CITY PI.ANl~ING COMMTSSION 0130r -2- PC87-246 ~ , ._,. '.:;:~