PC 87-253~~t,~r~ ~.~.~L17T3.~N ~~: ~ 7 -s~~~ A Rk:SOLUTTON OF TI~~ ANAIiEIDt I,ITY FCANT?ING COtdMYSSxON THAT PETITIUN FO12 V'ARIRNCE N0. 3719 PE DENIEll WH~R~A5, tho Anahezm C.ity Planni:t,q Commission did receiv3 a vorifiocl Petition for Vara~nce £.rom FAIRMpNT LTD., 13632 Hazol S~xeet, Garden Grove, CA 92fi42, owner and LORREkJ A. BEI.L, 2520 S, Fairview Z~ad, 1~P, Santa Ana, CA 92704, agent, for certain roal property situatQd in the City of Anaheim, County oE Orange, St~te of CaZifornia, doscribad as follows: ~ PARCEY,S 1, 2, 3 AND 4, IN TIIE CITX OF ANAHEIM, COUNIY i' OF URANGE, STATE OF CAI,IFCI:NIA, AS SHOWN ON A MA.P fiECORDED IN BQO-C 179, PAGE .39 OF PABCEL MAPS, REC.ORDS f GF ORANGE COUN;Y. FIHFREAS, the (:ity Planning Commission did holcl a public heariny at the Civic Ce~iter in the Ci.ty of Anahaim ou November 3, 1987, ak 1:30 p.m., r iiotice oE said public haaring havinc~ bec~:i duly given as r~quired by law and iri accordance with the provisio--s of t}se Anaheim Municip~l Coc?e, Chapter 18.03, to heax• and consider ev.idence for ~nA against said proposod variance and ta investigaEe and make findings und recommQndatior.s in aonnection tharewith; said hearirig having beWn continued to Decamber 'l, 1987; ar.3 ; WHEREAS, saicl Cpmmissinn, after due inspection, inves~igation s and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration oE all evidence and rQp~rts offered ar. sai~l hearinc~, does find and determine tho ; following tar.ts: ~ ~ 1. Th~t the etitzoner i p groposes waivers of th~ fo]2owing to estai~lish a 12-unit (pr.evious.ly 17 uniL•j single-family resideritial subdivision: (A) SE~TIQN_1~3.01.13~ •- It~guire ,_ l~t~fron~aae. + (All :lots requirQd to abut g~~~ streeL or alley; Lots Nos. 10, y 'll, and 12 proposed witli pr~va~~ str~et Erontage.} ; (Bj SE~TI 21 lFl~_27.SIh1~_U •- Mir~im~m bu.}3ci~ng. na~~rrd, 1 (f') ~Fr~TTf1N 1R~77.Oh~,1)?.7. - t~xim~m_.~.imtL~r of _}~~~r~Ln~• ' (D) ~ T.tQN 1$~.l _5~6~~ 2~z1. - Minimum ~.~~~~~~• ; AND_ZQ~7._t(~,~~. ~~2~ (.~5_3~~.~ requirecl; ~~.~~q ~ feet proposed). ; ~f (~:) ~~'Ti,~7-~s?7~4_S?~~~.:~0 -~ ~~nimu~~~ar._Y..~~~. ~~~~k. 0140r r,•,µrse~ry~~ ,`~;~ . `. T, ~ ... ~t F i~;i~~~ ~~~ i~! I~~~; w. ~ha~ the proposad variance is hereby deni.od an the basiQ that the proposed Generaz Plnn Amendment No. 232 is approved as recommended hy tha Planning Commi~sion to raciesignato subject property to Hillsida I~ow-Density, [tosidential 1an~~ uses, prohibiting dovolupmant oE the proposed FtS-5000(SC) project, and L'urtiher thaL Reclassifiaatlon No. 67-88-21, was approved to reclas~ify subject property to FtS-HS-lU,000(SC) instead af rho RS-5Q00(SC) zpne, 3. That 10 p~rsons indicated thezr ~~resence a~ said public hearing in oppo~iL•ion; ~nd that no correspondence was received in opposition to suhjoct petition. ~IFORN_IA ENVIRQNMENTAL _Q~jALITY )LC`~ FINDiNC~: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has roviewed tihe proposa:~ to establi.sh o 12-uniti (previc~us.ly 17 i~niL) KS-5000(~C) single••Ear~aly rosiden~ial subdivision with waivors of r.aqui.red lot fruntage, minirnum building pad area (deletc~d), maximum ~~xmber ut bedrooms (deletRd), mini~ri:m garage setback ~nd minimum resr yarcl setback (deleted) on an irreqularly-shmped parcel of land consistiny af approx3.mately 2.97 acre3, having a f.rontag~ of r~pproxS.mateiy 843 feet on t.he iiorthQaS~ si3e of Fairmont Boulevard, havinq a maximum depth cf approximately 2].0 feet an~ bein~ loc~ted appr.oxima~ely 1080 feet snuth of tha conterlxne of Snnta Ana Canxon Roacl ~nd further described as 22G-225 South Fairmont Boulevard; and does hereby approv~ the Negativa Ueclaration upon finding that iL• has contii~ore~ tti~ Negati~~e Declaration t,ogether w3th any commenta recei•~ed duz•i.ng the public review process and furl:hex findiilg on the basis oE tho iz~itial study and any commAnts rece.xved that there is no substantial evidence that the projoct will YiavQ a significant Pffect nn the environmen~. NOV1, 'PHER~FOFE, BE IT RBSO: ?D that the I~naheim Ciky Planning Commission does hereby deny subjecL• PetiY.ion for Variance on tYle basis of the aforementi~ned f•incl~.ngs. TF1F. FOREGCING RBSOLUTIUN is sic~r.ed and apprnv~d by me this 7th ,~ + i/~ ot Aecemb~r, 1987. ,(YYy,-~1.~•` ~~~~~~.~ ~'. T_.__~ _ ..-_.-/-._.__~~.~_ - CHAIRMAN, E+2IAI~EIi~i CI~Y PLANNITIG COt~SISSION ATTES'T : _.__ _ . _~ ~ - ^ " S~CF.STARY, ~.2JAH~;IM CITY PI~ANNING COMMI~SION O.140r _Z_ Pf:87 •-253 r ;, ~ r ~' s~ ~_r'~rrs ~ ',;:: r ` --- - ~ ~ ~ ~~~i ;,, j .' 1 i ~~:; ~ ~~ -,ir aYhv}~- '~ +1~ r F~ i ~ _ `;~,~~r~, ri;;Er,, Y~ >; ~~J ~;_ ~y'• STATE OF CALTFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. ,;'s CITY O1F ANAHEIM ) ~;: ,, T, Edith L. H~rris, S~cretary of th~ Anaheim City Planning ~; CommisSion, do hexeby cartify Chat the foregoing resolution was passed and ` adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim r,iC~• planning Commissiun tield on Dsc:ember "``~} 7, 1987, by thQ Eollowinc~ vote of th~ members thereo£: AYES; COMMISSIONERS: BUUAS, BO,~DSTUN, FELDHALS, HERBST, MESSE, MC BURNEY ~~f NOES: COMMIaSIONERS: NON~ '~~ A13SENT: COMhSISS1QPtEKS: CARUSILLO ,~; EN ~lI'fNES5 WFfFREOF, I have herpunta aeL• my hand this 7th day of '' D.~cQmber. 1987. `t ,~ ~P.c~1.~_ v ~ Y. .`~ • -- ~ ; SECRE ARY, A?tAHEIM PLI'.NNING CUMMISSION :;, ,. tE~ ` l- ri ~, 0190r -3- PC8?-253 , ~; `.'ti . ;, r,~~~~`; !~ ~ ; j. ~ ~~ ~ ~.~ - '~;.`~s