PC 87-254~~ RES~LUxrorr xo• pC87_2~ A RESOI~UTION OP' THE AN,AHETM CITY PL'ANNIN'G COMM7SStON APPROVING REVTSGi1 PLAN~ SUBD2ITTEU IN CONNECTION WITH VARTANCE N0. 368U WHEREAS, on SeptembQr 8, 198?, the Planning Commission granted Variance No. 3680, in par~, (Re~o].ution No. PC07-15g) to astablish a 25-lot, single-family resi.dential subdivision w.ith waiv~rs of requ.ired lot frontage and maximum number of bedrooms on ~gpraxima~ely ,,a acres having appro~imate f:ronwages of 230 feQt on the east side of Lakeviow Avenue and 300 feet on the north side ot Fiightreo Circle and b?ing located approximately 145 feet south of tha centerlinQ o~ Orchard Drive and ~urther described as 1770 North Lakevi~w AvenuQ; atld WHERF.Fi, the petitioner has submitted revised plans (Revi~ion :Jo. 1) to construct 22 ~wo-story, single-Fami.ly houses on subject pro ert w.ith waivers o£ minxroum garage sc~tback and minirnum leng~ti oi• drivewa ~ y y; and WFiRREAS, the City Planning Commission did ho1~a a public hearin~ at th~ Civic Cen~Qr in the City oE Anaheim on DQr.ember 7, 19C7, at 1:30 p,m „ notice of said public h~aring having been duly given as required by law and in aecoraarice with the provisions of the Anaheim Municigal Code, Chaptpr. 18.03, to hc~ar and consi3c~r evidenca for and agains~ saicl propos~d varianct~ and to ~.nvestig~te and make finclings ~nd recommendations in c~~nnection therewith; and WfiERF.AS, said Commission, afl:er duQ inspection, iz~vestigation and sCudy made by itself and in its behalf, ana aPter due consideration of ~11 ovidence and r.eports offerec; at aaid hearing, does tind nnd determine the following f~cts: 1• That the petilionzr pro~oses wai~~ex, of th~ ~ola~Wing ~~ construct 22 singie-Iai~nly residences: (A) SE: TTt~NS 1t1.27_L963. 121 _4._.__. -- Minir~r.um araae sQ.t~~ck. (?~ F~t required; 2p fee~ propo~ed~ (F3) ~E~T~N~_1~Q~Q~Q~1~ _ Minirn. ~?{P.__1 e n~l~; h_._4.~S1 r i. vew..3~Y . ANb 1$., 27. 06~. ~20 ( 2~F~~ roquirad; 2, f ~ P=~Posed) 2. Thak the abc~ve-menL-ionecl waivers are hereby qr~n~ed on the basis that there are spoczal ci.r~umstances applicable to the properh.y guah a; size, shape, topography, location or s~irrvund.ings, which do not appl~~ to other identic.a.ily zoned prapertzes in tho vicini~y; ar..ci that strict apglicr~tion of the 2oning Code ~~eprives the property of, priv.iloyes enjoyod b pr~perties in idQntical zoning classification :in ~h~ viainity. y other 3. Tliat there are exr,eptior,ai or Rxtraordinarf circum3tances or COTICI].C1U11^a a~+pliebble to th~ prc~perty involvc~d or to the intendeci uso of the property that ~o :iot apply gerierally t~ the property or clt~ss of t~se .in the same vicinity and zone. . :~~.,~;'h.Y ~' ~ Q141r ~C87-254 ~~ ~ 1~F 'ti . t;. f a r+~~~ ~~+}~ r~ I `~':: - ~ '~ A .i ~~. t.i I r ..~' ~v ,2!.~ .;~~N'~T, 1 , •S ~,ro~ ~'"~''~ I~«~4 .4. That the r.equested varianr,a is noeeasary for. tt~e presorvatxon a.nd enjoyment of. a substantial prop~rty r3.ght possessed by other propQrty in Che samt~ vicinity ~nd zona, r~nd dQnied to the property in question. 5. That the requested variance will not be m~terially detrimental to the public welf.are or injuriaus ta the prooerty or impravernen~s in such vicinity and z~ne iri which the property is l.ocated. fi. ThaC no one irldicated *hoir pzesence at s~id publie hearing in apposiL-ion; an~ that no correspo»dence was received in opposirion to subject petition. CALIFORNIA Ct~TVTRONMENTAT,~_Q Ai~ LI'~Y _ A~T FINDIri : A Neyative Declarati.on was previously appr.uved in conneatinn with Variance No. 3680 on Sepcemk~er 8, 1987. _ NOW, TFIE:RF.FORE, BE IT 1RESULVEll thai: the Anaheim City Planniii7 Cummission does hereb,y grant subject Petitiozi for Variance, u~on the to'llowi.ng conciitions wh.i~h are hereby Eound to be a nece~sary prerequxsite t~ t.he proposed use oE the subject property in arder to preserve the safety and general welfare af i:he Citizens of the City of z.r.aheirn: 1, That this Vari~,nce is granted subjFCt to the adoption of lhe Zonirlg Ordinance in connectiun with ReclassiFicatiozi No. 87-8fi-04, now pending. 2. ThaL- prior t~ sagnature approval of the water system improvement plans by tYie Water EnginQeriny Manager, the appropriate fees due for primary, second~ry and fire proteatzon shall be pair] to the Water Uti.lity Division by ~ha orrn~•r/developer in accordance with Ru1es 15A and 20 of the Water uc.iliL-y Ra~es, Fules ancl Regulations. 3, That prior to issu~ance o:E a build.ing permit, the ~pproprizte major thoroughfare and bridge Fee sha11 be paid to L-he City of hnaheim in aiz amount as spacified in the Major Tharoughfaro and BridgR Fee Pragram for tho Foothill/Easter.n Tr.anspartation Corridor, as approved by City Coun~il Resolution No. f35R-413. ~. That all private streets sha3.1 be deve].oped in accordance with the City o: Ar~aheim's SL•andard Det,ai3 No. 1?.2 for private streets, including installaLion of street nama signs. P1ans for the private street lighting, as required by the standard dQtail, shall be submi~tod to the Building Di~~isiori for approval and includod withthe build.inq plaz~s px•ior to the issuance oL• buildinc~ ~ermits. (Private stroQts are those rrhi.ch proviiie primary accQSS and/or circulutfon within the prnject). 5. Th4t pri.or to commencement of structural framing, fire hydrants shall be installocl and charyed as required and determined ko bR necc~~sary by the Chief of the Fzre Departme~zt. _ 6. That prior. ~o is~uance oE a buildinq permit, tt~o approprzate traffic signal a,saessment fee shall b~ pa.id to the City of Anah~im in an amo~xn~ as detormined by the City Counci.l. 014Zr -2- PC87-254 ~ ~;: ~,,l,~~,r, ~ lIF7.'~Y::F 7 /~...r .. ~~ .. .. . ..... ... .. ~ . , . .. . ..r v.tf '•~~ rr,~5^~!f~i ' ,.'?~;:.~ „~ ~ ~ ' ~ 7. That prior zn L-i.na1 traet map approval, appropriate park and recreation in-lieu Eees sha11 be paid to tha Ci~y o£ Anaheim in an aunount as determinPd by the City Council. 8. That varzance is granted subject to City Cauncil apnroval o~ the proposed distance betweezi tho single Eamily re~idences and the existing oi1 we7.1(s)o as required by Anaheim Municipal Code ~ections and 9. That drair~age of subject property sha11 be disposed o£ in a manner satisfactory to t:he City Engineer. 10. That all iots wi.thin subject tract shall bQ serve8 by undercrround utili~ies. 11. Tliat a'l1 air conditioning facizities ar~d other raof and ground !. mounted equipment shall be properly shieldad from view, and the sound b~iffered from ~~.djacent zesidential properties. 12. That prior to issucnca: ~~f a building permit, the applicarit sha.11 prQSOnt evidenae satisfacto~y ta the Euilding Division L-ha~ tlie proposed project is in confoxmance with Council Policy Number 5h2 "Soixr,d Attoriuation in P.esidential Px•ojoct5" and with Noise Insulati~n Srandar.ds sPe~~ified in the Cal:itornia Administrative Code, Tit1e 25. 13 That as required by the City TraE~i.c Engineer, roll~up garage donrs . shall bg provided £or each lot havi.ng l~ss than twenL-y-five (25) feet of driveway length. 14. That subject praper~y sha11 be davelopecl s~~bstantially in accordance with plans and specifications on. f•ile with the City of Anaheim marked Revisioi, No. 1 of Exhabit Nos. 1 throuqh 5, provided, however, that ~t.~ oil w~lls sha11 be screened i•r~m a11 proposed residenses uy miriimum £3 to maximum 11 Foot high block wa11s. ,, ; 15. That prior to issuance oL- a building permit, or within a period uf ~ 4: ' ` orle year from the date ot Chis resoluL-ioti, whichever occur~ fir.st, !' ' Conditzon Nos. 1, 3, 4, 6, 8 and '17., abovQ--mentionecl, sha11 be , aomplied with. Fxtensions for fur~:tier tame to complete gaid conditions mr~y be granted in accordance with Sec~ion of . the Anak~Qini Municipal Code. 16. That prior to final building and zoninq inspections, Condition Nos. 9, 10, 1.1, 13, and ].~1, above-men~iuned, shall be complied w~ith. 17. T1~at app~'ova:l aE this t~pplication constitutes approval of the proposed requQSt only to the extent thnt it campli~s with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any ~ther applicable City regulation~. Appraval does not include any acti.on or Eindings as to compliance or approval of the request regarding any other applicable ordinanca, rEqu]ation or requirement. -3- PC87-259 Q141r ,. ~ - --- - , . . . ~'"°'~ ~ 'w' . `f ~ t r~ ~ro~t~~~r'~p , ~r, ,k ~(~ '~td •.';i: ~;F-~ ~ ';:; BE IT FURTHE;R RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Comma.as3on 9oes hereby fiiid and determine thaC adopL-ion of this Resolution is ex,prQSSl predicatr:d upon ap~licant's comp'liance with each and all of the cunditzons hereinabov~ sot :Eorth. Should ~ny such conditions, or ~ny p~xti ~hereoF, b~ ~~ declareci invalid or unenforceable l~y the fina.~ ud ' ' j gment af any court of '° campetent ~urisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals .herein ~i~~+ contained, shall be dec~med null and vo.id. ,; 's~ '~,n THE 'r`OREGOING RESOLU~'TON is signed and approved by me ~his 7th day of becember, 1987, ~:; , '~ , ~ ~r;j ~1~`~ s"'~c..(i' p~J *~ ;~'`~_~` ~ ;~ CFiAIP.MAN, p.NA,FTE M CITY PLANNSNG COMMISSION ~ ATTE~T: ."`_' , _ ~ _ ~,:,C SECRETAR~. ANAIiEIM CTTY PLANNZPIG COtdMISSI0t7 '' STATF OE' CAY,IFORNIA ) CGJ2dT.Y Ok' ORANGE ) ss. ; ~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) T, Edith L. Harr.is, Secretary of. r_tle Anaheim City .P:anning Commi.ssion, do hereby certify that the L•oregoing resolu~ian was p~ssed arid adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Plann.ing Commassion held on December 7, 1987, by the Eollnwing vote of the members thereof: 4 RYES: COMMISSIONERS: DnUAS, BOYDSTUN, FELDFiAU5, H~RBST, MC HURNEY, MESS~ NOES: COMMISSIUNERS: NONE ABSEh'T: COMiQISSI0NE1tS: CARUSILLO IN WiTNESS WHEI2EOF, I have herei~nta set my h~-ud this 7th day pf December, Igg~, ~ ' , ~ _4.• -~ SECRETARY, ANANETM CITY FLANNING COMMISSIOtf ~