PC 87-255,~~., RE OLUTIQN NU PC87-255 ~ A RESOLUTIUN OF' T~iE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CO:yIIYtISSTON ADOP7.'ING ANb R~COt~L~IENDING TO THE CITY CUUNCIL OF ~HE CITY OF 7~NAHETM ADOPTION OF GENERAL i'LAN AMENDMEN7' N0. ~16 - LAND US~ EL~EMENT WHE;REAS~ the Ananeim City Council of ~the Ci~y of Anaheim did adopt ths Anaheim Genera.l Plan by Resoluti.~n No. 69~t-644, showing the general de~cription ancl extont ot possible Euture developm~nt wi~hin tlie City; and WEIEREAS, pursuant to a raquest from a number of property owners tor a Gener«1 P1an Amandm~nt for a study area consisting of approximately 6.8 ar.res (23 parcels) of land locateci on the Past and west sicies of Eas~ SLreet betueQn La Palma Averiue on the ncr, th, Wilhelmzna ~k.reet and Eastwpod Dr.ive on ttie south. WHEREAS, che I~lanning Aepartment deem~d it appropriate, pursuant to th~ provisions ot the Ca].ifornia Ezivironmenral Quality Act, a Negative Declaration be prepared; and WfiEREAS, tlie Anah~.im City planning Cornmission r~id hold a publ3.c hearing at the Anaheim Civic Center Counci.'1 Chamk~er, 200 South Anaheim Boult~vax~d, on DQ~~m~er 7, Zgg~, at 1:30 p.m., notice of pub'li^ h;~aring havi~Yg been duly given as rPqu9.red by .law arid in accordance with t!ie ~roviuions uf the Anal~eim Municipal Cocie, te lie~r. and consider evidoncQ for anc~ ag~i.nst said General Plan .Amendment and t:o investigate and make findings and recommendatinns in connection therewith;• and , WFi~REAS, said Commis::ion, ~f.ter due consideration, inspection, : invEStigation and study made by itself° and after due ronsidera~ian ~f a11 y evidence aud reports off.ered at said hearing, Does Hereby z3xid; ~~ 1• That evidence presentied substanti~tes thP need for an amc~nd,nerxt to the AuZlleim General Flan at this time. ~ z• 7'hat Exhibi~ B reaesignating t,he prope~ty tor Low-Meduim Den,ity ,~ Residenti,~]. should be adopted. c ~{ 3. That 25 persons indic.ated his presQn~e aC said puk~lic hearirig and ;~ t}lat no corr.espondence was rec:eived .in o~posita.on ~o subject 'I p~titir~n. ; :i M ZiOW, THEBEFORF, BE IT RESOLVF,ll thal the Anatzeim City Pi~nning ,i Commi3~ion htts reviewed th~ proposa'1 t~ c~nszdPr an amenclmen~ to the Land Us~: ; Element of the General plan redesignat.ing sub'ect ~ l tlesignat~on of Medium Aencity Residc~ntial to ]L~w-~~fedium De sity P.esidontial and General CommQi~qial lar~d uses on 6.0 acres (23 parcels) of land located ~n ; the east and ~rest sides of East Street betwPen La Pa1ma Avenue on the nortrh Wilhelmina Street and Eastwood Arive on tho south; a1d does herdby rQCOmmend }' the City Counc::l approve the Negative Declaration upon fin8inc~ that it h~s ~,' consiciered the Negative Declaration together with any comments received du~:ing t~1~' public review process anc3 further fin~ling on t:he basis of the initir~I }•`' stur~y an.d any c:omments received th~t there is no substiantial a~vzc~Qnce projoct wi11 have a significant efEect on Lhe env.ironment. that the ~~~~ : 0142r ~z~ PC87-255 k',ti{ ' r. ;; , .. ~~~'; ,j1~, "lt~,•,f ~~ ~~~, ~l~alE'P~~y4t~3~ p ' ~ r ~~ i ~ ~ . . . ~ f~~ ~..t :.i'~ •;'ii Anaheim BE IT F'URTH~R RESOLVED Cxty Planu9.ng Commissi that pursua. . t,o th~ foxegoing findings, the ~,~ Cauncil on, of the City of Anaheim does her e b y adop~ion t a d op t a n d recommond `o thP t;j.ty ` ` Land Use E1ement, Eahibit B, o Genera1 Plan Amendment No. 236, ~~'~ THE FOREGOING R~SOLUTIUN is signea ar~d r;:,', L~ December , 1987. ,~ a PProved by me this ?th day o~ ; / ~' ~l c~~ ::_>~' _._._ ~~.;~ ... -e_. , :~f CHATRMAtT, AN EIM C:[Ty pl,p,NNING CO2YASISSION ATTEST: ` ~'~~~'~.. SECRET Y, ANAHEiM CTTY PLANNTNG Ct~ SS~ T+ pN STATE ~F CALIFOF~NIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. C:[TY OF ANAHEIM ) T, Erlith .L. FIar•ris, 5ecretary oF t;he Anaheim City, Planni.ng Cummission, do h~x~by certify ~h~t the ~oxc;going reso.~ution was ~assed and ado~ted at, a meeting of t-he Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Dece~mber 7, 7,gg7, ~y the following vote of the mPmbers thereof: AYES: COMMIS5JONERS: BQUAS, BOYDSTUN, r~:,DHAUS, HERBST, MF:SSE, MC HUI2NEX NOES: COMMISSIOI~Ek2S; NUNF ABSENT: COMMISSIONEk~S: C~.RUSILT,p IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h3ve hexeunto set my hand this 7th day of December, 1~Q'1. .^ ~0~-i!..~ J~.~~~ ~ SECR.ETARY, ANAHEIM CITL ~I G~"~~ -____ OMt~ISSI~N 0142r _2_, P~87-255 ; ;~ ' ~, „?, y,~ ~n~rE~.9 ,.. . ~. _ ~ ~N~~~ r ~ n ~ _ .. . . . _ . . . . . . . , . . . . , . .. . . .. , ~..1.