PC 87-257. ~~, ~ RG~QLSJ,TION NU. pC87-2~7 A RESOLU'TION OF' THE i1NAFTET.M CIT.Y F~LArTh'ING COhII~fISSION THAT PETIT~ON FOIt CONDITTONAL LTSE PERMIT N0. 2969 BE GRANTEn WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Pe~ition L•or Conditional Uca Permit 270 Roycrox~ AvPnue, I,ong t3each, ].2683 Fernda'le Circ1Q, Stanton, CA situated .in the City o£ Anaheim, described as: ~ ``' <<.~ d y ~~SI Planning Commission dad recRive a verified L•rom EVERGTT H. MILLER & ELMA M. MILLER, CA 9Q803, owner and RICHARD SCHUN.ACHER, 90680, agent for certain .real property County of. L)range, 5tate o~ California, I'A~iCEL 1, IN THE CITY UF At?AH~iM, COUN~Y OF QP,AIvGE, STATE OF CALIFORNTA, AS SHOWN ON A M11P FILED IN BOOK 29 PAGF, 25 OF PARCIGL M?.PS, 1N TH~ OFE~ICE OF THE COUNTY RFCORAER OF SAID CUUNT.Y. WHEREAS~ the Cil-,y Plznning Commission did hold a publ.ic hE..•ina at the Civic Center in t.he ~i~y o~ Anaheim on Docember 7, 1987, at 1:30 p.m., noCice o~ said public hearing having been duly given as roqui.rRd by law and in accorclance with tho provision~ of the Anaheim Municipal C~de, Chapter '18.03, to hear and consider evidenca for and against said proposed conditiona7. ~ise permit and to investigata and rnake findings and recommendations in conuaction therewithf and WHEREAS, said ~ommzssion, after due inspection, ii~,vestigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after duQ consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said h~aring, does f.ind and de~terminc3 the following £act~: 1. That t}xe pronosed use is ~ropez•1y ~t~e for which a conditinnal use ~+Ermit is auL-horizQd by Anaheim Municipal Codo fiection to wit: to construct a drive--through lane addition tu an existing ~ast Eocd rc~taL~rant. 7.. That the prooosed use w.ill not advezsoly sffect thQ adjoining land usas and tho qrowt;h and developmont oF the area in which it is proposed to be located, 3. That ~h~ ~iz~ anci shape of the sitQ propose~l for the uso is a3equate ~o allow the full dev-alopment af the proposed us~ in a mannor not detrS.menta'1 tu tha particul:~r azea nor Co the p~acg, t~o~lth, safety and gQneral welfare af t2iu Citizens of L•h~ Ci_ty o~ Analieim. 4. '1'hat the grantiny cf the Conditiunal Use Pormir. under the coniii.tions imp~sod, if any, wi.l2 not bct detrimQnta]. ta the pe:ace, hpalth, safety anci~7eneral wolfnre of the Citixons ot the City of Anahr~im. 5. 'PhaC the trafEic generated by tho pro~osod use will not impose an undue hurcfen upan the 3CreeCs and highways desi ~rnecl and imQroveci to carry thc~ traf Cic in the area. 0144r ~~t~•., ~~a~. _ . ... . , PC87-257 M ,.,.. ..__ ..._: , .., , ., ,.:,,.. , .: _. ,.. ~,: . ~ , {A _ ..~: osn~ .,~ ;r, ~ ~ ~, ~ 6. That na one indicatod their presonr.e at said publ.ic hearing in oppo3ition; and. that n~ correspond.ence was rocoi.ve8 in opposition tio the suL•ject peti~ion, ~ALTFOI~NIA ~NV~RONMENTAI,_QUALITY q T I'INDiNG: That the Anaheim C.ity Planning Commission has review~d the protos~l to construct a drive-t:hrough lana addiCion Lo an existing fast food r~s~aurant on a rectan~YUlarly•-shaped parcel of l~nd consistinc~ of apgroxi.~Rately 0.44 acre; havi:ig ~Z frontage of approximately 110 feet on the Qagt si.de of Brookhurst 5treet, having a ma~imum depth of. approx.imately 175 fee~ and being lacat~d approximatelv 57p feet n~rth ~f the centerline oP Ball Road and £urther desc:ribed as 920 S.uL•h 23rQOkhurst Street; and does hEreby approve the Nogative Declarat3.nn upon finding tkia~ it has consid~red the NegaCive lleclaration togethei• with any comments recQived duri.nq the public rQVio~a process and f;irther findi.n~ on the ba3i.s c~f the initial srudy arin any comments rECQivod that ~her.e is r,o sux~st3r.tia]. e~-idence ~ha~ thQ project will ha~~e a sir,nificant eff.ect an tbe envircnment:. NOW, THEREFORE, I3E IT RESOLVED ~hut the Anahain City Plaiining ~~ Commis~i.on does herQby grant. subject petition for Condztional Use Permit, upon the following condit.ions v:hich are hereby foun~i to be a noce:~sary prer~guisite L-o the proposeci use cf the subject property in order to pre•nervQ Y.he snfpty and general welfar.e of t.:~e Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That all drivewdps shall b~ reconstruct~ed to accommudate ten (10) foot radius ctirb returns. Existing broken or cracked driveways sha11 be removEd and replaced as required by the City ~nqineer. 2. That the owner o£ subject proper~y shall irrevoct~bly offer to dedicate to tI~Q City of Anaheim an additioi:~1 strip of lanrl along Brookhurst SCroet, mec+sured northerly From the ultimata rzghC-of-way line at the co;•ner of lhe intersection ~f IIroolchurst 5treot and Ball Road: and varying in wi~tl: from 12 £eot Eor. the ~irst 300 feot and then transitinning from 1. :eet to 0 foet for the next: 300 feet. In the event that General k~lan AmQndment No. t10 pertuii~ing to Crir.ical Intersectioi~s is noC adopted by the Cit,y Council, this condition shall be cousidered null and void. 3. That trash storagE~ arRas sha7.1 be .provzdQ~i r,nd maintai:ied in accordance with appruve~ plans an file with khF Street Maint.enance ar.d Sanita~i~n Division. 4. That Ail ai.r con~'i~ioning facilities shall be properlx sh.i~ided From viQw. 5. That t;he proposal sha11 comply with all signin~ raqu3rements of thu underlying CL Zone, unles~ a variance allowing 3ign wai.verr3 i3 approvad by the Citt Coiincil, Plann.ing Commission ~r Zoning Admiaiatrat~r. 6. That a si.x (6)-foot hiytx masonry hlock wall shall be maint~ined ' ;, along tho oa~r, pro~,grty line. ;~ 0:.44r _Z_ ~ rC8?-?.57 ,r; ,:; , .. , ., , . . < . ., , . ... _ . ,:~ _ . _ . . .: , - -~.•:;,.~~r~~ '; ~ i~i ., ,v ~ ~~ i 7. That any proposed parking arc~a lightirig fixtures ~djacent to uny resideatial property sha11 be down-lighted with a maximum fixture height of 12 Eeet.~ Said lighting fixtures shall bo directecl away from ~djacent rosidential prope.rty lines to proL-ect rhe residential inregrity of the araa. £!. ThaY. ~ubj~ct propexty shall be devalopec~ substantia~ly i.n accordance with plans ~nd speciFications ~n file with the City of Anaheim marked ~xhibiL N'os. Y and 2, provided, however, that rhe s~,eaker stiall be re-orientac? aw~y from the resiclentia:l candominium c;omplex to the Qast to minimize nofse intrusian. 9. That prior to issuance oE a building permi~, or within a perio3 of one year fr~m ~he Gate of this rnsolution, whichever occurs first, Coiidition N~, 2, above-m~:.iti.oned, shall bn complied with. Extensions for further timc; t~ complete said conditions may l~e granted in accr~r3ance with Sectian 18.03.090 of ~he An.aheim Municipal Code. Z0. That prior to the c^mmencEament of L-he activiL•y au~.horized by this resolution, or £inal buildin~ and zoning iraspection~ whichRVez• occurs first, Condition t~'~s. 1, 3, 4, 7 and 8, abave-manLioned, sha11 bo complied with. 17.. Thet ~pproval of th'.s application consti~~:tea appr.~sva1 of the proposed reque:t only t~ the ~xtent that i.t complies with the Anahei~n Municipal Zu:iing CodE and any oth~r app].icable CiCy regulations. Approval does nr~t iticludQ any action or findings as ta compliance or a~proval of the request regardinq any other applicable ozdinanc4, r~qulation or r~quiremen~o BF: IT I'URTHER RESOLVED tliaC th~ Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and deter.mins that adoption of thxs ltesolution is e~prossly predicated upon applicant'c comp'linncQ wi.th each and all af the condirions hereinabove set forth. Should any such eonditions, or any part thereof, be decl~red invalid or unenforc~aaie by the Einal juclgmc~nt of any court of compeY.ent juris@i~Cion, the:. chis Reyotution, and any approval~ herein r.orctainQd, shull be deemed n.uli and voict. THE FOP.EGOING kF;SOLUTIOPJ is szy~zed and approved by mQ this 7th day of llecPmber, 19~7. ,~ ~. L~z_~ .~__1__~~ ~ E,1 %1' ~~l _ CHATRMAN, ANl~HEI CITY PLANNING COhII+2T ;SION ATTEST: _ . ~"~ _~°~~~...___ SE::FtLTA~2Y, ANAHEIM CI7:Y PLANNING CQIvQQiSuION 0144r - 3 -- PCBT-257 I~. ~. -;;d ~ ST.ATG OI' CALZFORtIIA ) COUNTY OF' ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEI:~I ) I, Edith L. Harris, Socretary of the Anahc~irn Citg Planning CommS.ssion, do k~ereby certify th~t Che fr,regoing resolution was passed and adop~ed mt a meetinq uf the Anaheim City Planning ~ommis~iun hel3 on Dec~mber 7. 19a'1, by the fpllowing voto pf the members thexeof: AYES: CpNIIdISSIONERS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, ~~LDHATJ~, HERBST, MC BiJRNEY, MF.SSF NOES: COMMTSSIONERS: NONE AIiSENT; COMMISSION~;RS: CARUSILLO IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand tili,s 7th day of Aecember, 1987. --- ~~-~- _.~' -,~ - ' ~ SECRE`~ARY, AN.AHFIM CTTY I`..:,.,~~ING COMMISSIO:I 0:194r -4- ,, , ,;,~ , PC87-257 _ - '~i~ .o ` r:';,. ;.:'~;i '.. :r~i3!