PC 87-28. , ~ ~ ~ . ' . . '~'r; ' 1 RESCI~UTION N0. k~C87-'28 A RESOLUTTUN OF 'PHE ANAFIFIht CI'PY PLANNING C:OMMT_5SI0~ ADOPTING nNn RLCC~MMLNDING T4 TEir CTTY COUDICIL OF THF. CITY OE ANAHEIM ADOP'I'ION ~F GI:NERAL PLAN AN~~1DM~iv`r ti14-I LAND USE GLEMLN'I' AND TEX7' WHERI:AS, the Ciky C~uiicil ~f the Cit,y of Anahi.em did adopt the Anaheim Genetal Plan by R~solut:i_on No. 69F2-644, showing t:he gener~l descri.ati.on and extent of po~~iblr~ future development ~;ithi.n the C.i.f:y; a~ia WHERF~AS, following the complekiun ~* the Artahei.m Stadi.um Area Skudy arid lanci u~e strategy plan, : n Oc:tober 1985 rhe Ci.t}~ Couneil i na.ti.atEd thi.s General Plan Amendment sYudy ar,d statf ~re~ared a ~enera.l Plan AmendmPnt for an ar.ea consistS.ng of approsi.mately f307 acres bordered to th? north by the South~rn Cali.forni~~ Edison easement generally locatecl paral.lel to ar.d nor:h of Kate11~7 t~venuP; t:o L•he west by the Sar~:a Ana 1?reeway; to r.he easE. by khe ~anta Ana Ri.ver Channel; and, ko the soukh a].ong lhe Anaheim city lim~ts; and WHERGAS, khe actual area being cecommended for amendment cuntains a~proximately 582 acrcc. The Stadium facility and th~ae propect:9es located on the north ~ide of Orangewood Avenue, easterly oE State Colleye aoulevara, are rpcommmended to remain d~asianated Commercial Recreak.i.on i.n li.ght of the preyent ~~nd propased recr~atic+nal £acilitics t~cated and pr.oposed there, an~ *he compatible land uses permi tt~d by Concii t i onal Use Perm3.t withi.n the zoni.ng that im~'lements thi.s d~si.gnation, and V~HERGA~, one land ~~se a1l:ernative was analyzed i.n this General Plan Amendmen*_ stur]y (Exhi~.it T_-P.), Eive separate alLernati.ve luvels of antensi.'ty werr-: cansi.d~red. Levets ox Tnttsnsity T khrough .LV were deveJ.oped and analyzed in conjunction wit.h t:he Anaheim 5tadium Area Skuc3y and Levei nf Inkensi.t:y V w7s dev~loped in conjunction wiFh th.is General T?lan Amendment [~YOC@SB and ~~rojects ~rowt:tz which is bE~yond that projected b~ the market demand analysis develope~~i for the Anahe~m St:adi.um Frea S*udy; and i.t ref7.ect:s si.gnif.icant land us~~ changes which hav~ uccurced, and i.s the most reali.stic 1eve1 of growth for long-range planni ng puCposes a and i s ref.lecki ve of the emer.qing chacacter ~ind demands of t.he area, and i.s the rnosk cost ef£~~clive to i,mplement; and WFIEREAS, the Anahei.rn Ci ty Planni ng Commi ssi.on di.d hold a publi.c Fielring at the Anahei.m Ci.vic Cenr.er, Counc:i.l Chamk~er, 200 South Anahei.m Boulevard, on t~ebruary ?., 1987, at 1:30 ~~.m., noti.ce of ~aid public he~ring hav.ing be~n duly given as re,uired by law and i.n accor.dancP wi.th the provisi.on^ oE rhe Anaheim Munici.pal Code, to hear and co~sider evidenrc for and aga.i.nsk said Amendment to t.he Anat~eim GenPral Pl.an and to .invect3.gate and make findinq:: and rec.oR~mendat+onU in c~nnection therewith; and WHEREAS, sai d Commi ssi on, a~ker ciue i ns~ecti on, inveski.gati.on an~3 st,udy tnade by itselE and after due con,iderar.ion of a11 ~vJdence and rpports oFPered at sai.d hear~ing, DOGS HERCBX FIND: 1. Th~t evi d~nr,e rray presentPd whi r,h substant i.ates the need for an amendment to the Land U~e E).~:rt~nnt of the Anahe:i.m General Plan, and it ts- ', deem2d apnroprlate thak "Exhibi.t i-A" be adopted, designa`tng the area f.rar ~F th~ currenk General Industri.al, Commerci.a.l ProFessi~ncil, Caenei'al Commercial r' and C~mmPr.cial RecreaL.ion designations to a n~w Bu3:ness ~fti.ce/Servi.ce/ industri.al de~i.gnat i.on reflecti.ng Level uE Intr••nsi.ty V Pro~ncti.ons p1037r PC87-28 ,~,, as ulti.mate projecked grrwth whi.le f.ur~her d?si_qnating an upper li.mtt oE developmeni: intensi.ky for purposes of project appr.ovals ref.lecti.ve of Level of Intensi.ty TV projFCt3.ons, subje~t to Eurther study; and to i.ndic.ate a fi.re station designakion on Pac.i.fico Avenue between the Santa Ana Creeway and S*_ai:e College Boulevard. 2. 'Phat amendments to the Land Us~~ Elemenk 'Pext be adopted to rsf].ect i:he new desiynation as r.ec~mmerided i.n the Staff ~eport co the Planning Comm9.ss:ion, pages 1-j, 1-k, and .l.-'1, ex~zpt that the changPs on page 1-j, relati.t.lg to Page 22 0£ hhe text shauld read as iol'lowy: " PAGE 22 - ADD 'PHF EO'LLOC4ING THRE,F I?ARAGkAPHS AFTER THE TF~IRA PARAGRAPH UNDER COMMGRCIAL-PROF@:SSTONAL~l~ 6USINCSS OFEICE/SERVZCE INDUSTRIAI~ - Thc Busi.r.e.~s Offi.ce/Servace/ ~~~ Indu:;tr:i.al category is iritended to orovide Por and en~ourage ~khe i development cf ma jor busi.~~ss and protessi.~na.l of.fi.ce centers wi.th commercial uses that support the busi.ne,s aE£ires. It :is recocni.zed thak axi st: i.ng i iidustr i al L2SP_S ar.e also a cor~~ponent of thi s busa.ness . cenker and coulr3 potentially rema.i.n through tha transiti.or.i.ng peri.od ~; or i.ndcii.ni.t:ely. Ty~ical development wauld i.riclude mi.d-• to hi.gh-ri.se ! of•f.ice buil~i.ngs wi.th s~pporting cammerci.al uses such as re~taurants, hea.ltn clubs and 'notel~:, and low-r.ise industrial comg].exes. , The Anahe~.m 8tadium E3usi.nesc Center contai.ning approxi.mately 5$2 - ac:res withi.n Plannir~g Area A has been desi.gnatecl Busi.ness Center/Servi.ce :[ndustri.al. AFpraximat.cly 13 p~r~:enti of. the k~~ta1 proposed commercial acr.eage in P].anni.ng Area A i s a1:Located ko thi.s cakegory. Trie Bu~ir.ass Cei<<eL;SErvice Tndustrial acreage constitutes appr.o;timately 3 petcent rC the toi:al acreage wii_hin ~]ann.ing Atea A." 3, That fukur~ srudies associated w.ith th~ antici~ated spec.ifac plan ~rocess should be conducked. Sai.d studi.eC could i.r~clude, bui: nQt be la.mi.ted to, a Master ~nvi.ronrnental. Impact Re~+or1:, a cletai.led i.nL•rastruc.kure phasi.ng ptan, monitc~ring and implementation programa, des.i.gn stanc~ards ~~nd criteria pruviding visual co~tkinui.ty and ensuring balanced, orderly qrowth arid T~ltle 18 Gonin~3 Code amendments to the CO Zone to rePlect s~eci.fi.r cr.iter3.a to bP a~~li.eZ to tt~e Anaheirn Stadi um f3asi n~ss Cen".a_z. Anti ci.pated areas to bp addressed i.nclude, but not lirni.ted to s~tbacks, landscapiny contro:t of uses an~l signs. ~, Thak ~mer,drnents to the Circula!:ic.~n Element (Gener~l Plan Amendment. Pdo. 214-TI (R~yo'luti on N~. PC8%-?.9 )} ancl the Safet:y and Sei3mic Clement (G~neral P.Ian Amendm~nt Nu. 214-J:[ (Resolution No. PC87-301) be adoptec~ i.n conjunc}.icn ~•ith th~s General Plan Amendment No. 21~}-I, NQW, '~Fi~REF'ORB, BE IT RESOLVED, that a~ter consi.deriny Environmental Irnpact Report No. 274 for this Gn~jeral Plan Amenc9ment No. 214 tI, II, and TII), and reviewing evi.dence, both written and ~ral, presented to supplemen~ draft EIR No. 274, the Planni.ng Commission recommends tn the City CouncSl khat EIR No. 274 i.s in compli.ance wi.th the Californi.a En~~i.ronmenta]. Quality Act an9 -~- ~C67-28 ': { . . ~i~~l;i ~ ! _~.~ ~ ~R! r_he Ci ty and State CGQA Gui.deli.nes; ~~n~ that c;TR No. 274 i.den~ifi.e~ the fo11aw9.ng impacks whi.ch are consi.~3ered t:o be both unavotdabl~ ar~d adverse i.n nature and not fully m.iti.yared t:o an accEptable 1eve.l should ulti.mat~ projected develonment occur: a) tr~4 projec~ w.i.ll i.ncrementally inten~i.fy the urban character oE i:he acea and ~vi.11 r.esult :i.n i.ncrea~ed traff:tc, noise and a;.r N~llutant emissi.or,s wit~hi.n the i.mmedi.ate viclna ty; b) th~ project wi l]. result tn a~proxi.mately 8U,800 add9.ti.onal em.ploy~es. While i.r can be assamed that~ a ir~ajor p~rti.~n ot khe empl.oyees wi.ll be provi.ded through i:he 1oca1 labor market, a certain por'r_i.on w3.11 be c~rawn from outsi.de and wi.ll thus i.ncr~ase the demand £or housi.ng, par~~~lly wi.rh9_n the "affordable" rznge; c) the tiotal number aF pcak hour tr.i.p ends increas~s tzom ~h~~ existi.ng condition possi.bly resulting in tem~~orary congestion 7n r.he immedi.at~e area; d) projeck implemenrari.pr. wi.l:l add i:o the cumulative demanci For fi.ni~e resources such a:; eneryy ana warer; e1 develapment m~y also hav~ long-term i.mpacts on ex9.sti.ng water gual.ity. Wi.rh Lhe increased number and £tec~uency of aato-nobiles ~ Expecred i.n 1:hc~ Study Ar.ea, addit.tonal aui:a-reiaked contaminants (e.g., oil, grease and heavy metals) may be gen~rated; P) vi.sual Peakures and vzews o£ the ~roposed GPA Area and vi.ews from surroundi.ng uses wi.ll be altered; g) this proj2ct, along wi.t_h other qCOYJi.h xn the County wi.ll cumulatively impact ~he Count~y's treatmenk plan.k faci li ti.PS~ ANn hUR'i'HER r.rar. the Planni.ng Commi.ss.ion tinds and recornmends to th~~ Ci.ty Counci ]. khat economi c, sor.i al and physica]. consi.d~rat:ions mafce i. t i nFeasi.b] E ro t.otally eli.m:i naf:e all of t.:~e si gni.ficant ~nv~ ronmental impacts o£ r_he project which ~ ave been i.dentifi.ed in P'i.nal. EIR No. 274. Haw~ver, Y.he ben~fiY.s oE th~ proj~ct have becn balanced aqai.nsr the unavoidable environrnent;al i.mpac::s and pursuant to the provisi.ons of Secti.on 15093 oP the SraYe CLQA Gu.idelines, 1:he occurrenc~ o~t the signifi.canfi environmenta]. effects i.denttf.i.ed in Fin~l EIIl No. 279 ar~d as set ~orrri abo~~e may k~e permi~t~d withour Purr.her mikigat.ion due ro rhe Lollcwing overri.da.ng ~;~nsi.daration~: ^ ( 1) Such en~, i r~r-rnental i m~act:s wi ll be reduced by compii ance wi t~~ Ca.ty, St~te <~nd I'ederal code:, policies and pro.edures; (2) The pr.ujecL wil]. bring ~ubst~~nt.ial b~~neFit:~ to the ci.tizens of Anahe.i.m by providing ~dditianal empl~~yment~ ar.c] ;~ermi.t~f.ng the development of a hi.gh-~qual~ t_y comrtierci.al b~,~si ness complc~x; (s) Th~ projecr wi;l ~rovida s~ b,~l~nced development which ~~ cam~ati.ble wi.r.h and complem~nkary t:o tr,e adjacent '.'.ndustrial an.cj Comnuarci.al R~creation At~eas as we1.l as deve.la~ment occurri.ng i.n the Ci.ty of Or.ange soutl~ of che GPA Ar~~a; ( 4) 7'he pr~Ros~d project wi 11 enh~nce t:he aesthet.i ~, quali i:i.~s of the Area; (5) The proposed Genera.l Plar~ Ar~endinenk wiil allow Ear .intensit:i.r,~tti.on of land uses consi.stent wi th kn~ emerga.ng Commercial/OFficP c~hara:ter of Y.he ar~:~, cather ehan on a ni.ecemeal basis; (6) The pcopose.: pcoject will allow for the generaL•icn of .large rev~nues to the Ci.~y of Anaheim as t~usi.riesses, services and potentii.al new employees lor,ate ~in this area and as a re~ult oF ~`he demand fur new qnoiJs a-td services (a..e., furnishings, equi.pment and mai.ntenanc~~); and, "-~` PC87-2t3 ,Yi '~~t! ~ ~i: ~~... s ~.i „ ~.,fi ~ ~f `~ ~ ~,,~: ~,N~' (7 ) Mttig~ri.on tneasures cont~ained i.n the F:[nal EIR srate that developers in khe proposed GI~A nr.ea wi.ll be required ~o pro~~zde eransportati.on/ci.rc:ulat3.on, public utzlit.i.~s ar~d i.nfrastructure i.mprovements necessitated by the9.r projects. A fi.nancing program wi.ll be i.rnplemented to Eund areawide improvementis where:tn develop~rs wi.ll be requir~d t:o pdy development fees ko offsEt thei.r project's 1` contrtbui:ion ro i:he c:ost of. such improveRents. Further, :' ;,; ~~ ?stabli.shmP-zt uf a redevelo~ment projecr is currently underway. ~ •~~ (~) Ma.ta.gaYi.un measur~s hav~ becn i.ncorporated i.nto ~he project t~ reduce the ~nvi.ronmentaJ. i.mg~c~ tc+ an a~ceptable level. ThereFore, the ~larini.ng Comm.i.,sion herebg recc?mmends cer.~iiicati.on oF ` •. ~ . B[R ~]o„ 274 far thQ ~lnahei.m Stadium Husi.ness Center Propos~d Genera.l Plan •', Amendmen~ Pio. 21~} and adoFkion of t_his StatemEnt oT Overri~iing Con~i.derar~ons. ~ ''' ,, , BE iT FUR'PHGR RESOLVEIIr that pursuanf. Y.o the for.egoing fi.ndi.ngs, the Anaheim Ci.ty P.lanning Commiss.ion does heceby adopt and recomrt;end to City . F Counc~.il of r.i~e C.iry of Anatiei~r, ado~ti.ort of General Plan Amendment No. 214-I - ~ Land Use Elemerit and Text, Exh:i.b.i.i: I-A, r ~:' THE EORLGOING RESOLUTION ~is si.gn~d and ap~roved by me this 'lnd day of ; rebruary, 1987. f ~ ; ~ ~% ~-~ ~~ ~ ~ ,, ~ ` , -~- ~ ~ =~ .~. CHA'i12MAN, A1VAH '1M CYTY PLANI~ING COMMISSTON i :' , ATTES'~ • ~ • ' :, . ;. - ~~u~~~<<~.~~.~.~ ~; ~ 1,1 ~~ L,_~. i _.___ SI:CR~PARY, ANAHEIM CI'Pa! PLANNiNG COMMI3510N ~G !~ STATG O1' CALIF'URNIA ) COUN'PY QF ORr1NGF.: ) ss CITY OF ANAHEI[d ) _, !, Edith L. [•Iarris, Seceet~ry of the Anahei.m C~ity i~lann.i.ng "' Co!nm.ission, do hecehy cer.ti.fy tt~at the furegoi~ig resoluti.on was paQsed anc7 adapt:ed at a mee~:iny oP the Anahei.m ;;iry ~:~anni.ny Comm.ission held on Monday, ~~`,; February 3, 1987, hy the F.ollowi.z~g vote af the members r,hereaf: I+YE; : CO[4MISSTONE!tS: fiUUA3, FRY, H~'Rf3S':C MC BURNEY, f4ESSE ~~ NUES: COMMISSION~kS: Nl?NE AHSENTe COI~]ldI:,'SIG~~EP.:i: LA CL' A:[RE, GAWTCKI ;'~, TP: W'LTN~SS WF?ER~OF', 'L have her~~unro set zny hand thi.s 2nd day of Februar}+, 1987. /, `- j"=~ ,~) / ~~.::' ~ ' . , ~(! ~ , r f~' k!.=/'! r~ X-J t!~ ~~.,;_, _,.~., Sr^,CRETAf2Y, ANAHEIM C:[TY ,PLANNING COMMISSTON ~ ,, ~ ,., -4- PC67-2.f; ~~y r .:~ ~~>'`ir'~'~,' ~, W"~j, r'..-` ~~~ i f ~ , ,~Ar . LJ WmJJUa•i.aMnr~ r:,::M ~.. ,...:...u.,.,~ ...:., ,.,,._. ...~....... -. . .. ... .. . ... ~ . . . . . .