PC 87-31~'~~ ' ~ . . ~ ~ . . .. ' '-.~:t. i r~ F '~ . . . .."*'F, . . ''I ~ R~'SOi,U'PION N0. PCE37-31 A RCSOL,UTTON OE 'PHE t\NAHEIM C!7'Y PLANNING COMMIS5TON THAZ' PG'PI`rIUN E'OZ CONDI'1'IONAL USG; PGRMTT N0. 2867 E3E GRANTE~ WHEItEAS, the Anahe.im Cif.y P.lann:ing Commissi.on di.d receive a veri.fi.ed Peti tian ~'o.r Condi.t:iona.l Use Per.mi t from TERhNCF R. [•1tLL, c/o IiEAC.[i , PRUFESSIONAL BUI[~DING, LTll., 4U8 South 8each Doul~vara , Anaheim, Gali.Eornia ~ 928U4, ~wn~r, ~~nd Ell HUDSO~:, c!o GOLDEN S'.~ATE ~MPLOYEEt SGRVIC~:, 408 5outh ~ Fleach Baule~~a rd, Anahe3m, C;.~1.i[orniz 92804, agent Eor ccrtai.n real proper~y si.HUakec] in t:.he C~S.ty of Anahe?.m, County of Orange, Stat:e of Ca19.forni.a, desc:ribed as: P~~crL i: ' AN UNDIVID~D 2'1,201. 50/32~ 2.17.75 IN`PEREST IN AN~ TO ~ARCEL 1, 1N THE ; CI7'Y OF AI~AHEIM, ~OUNTY UE URANG~, ~7'ATG OF CALI! ~RNIA~ 11S PER MAE~ FIGED I~i Ei00K ].79 PAGES 19 ANn 15 QF PARCEL MA~S, IN TH~ OFFICG OE THE COGNTY RCr,ORDFR OF ~AID ORA~IGE CpC~N~'X. WH~'REAS, the Cit.y Planning Commissicn did hold a public; hear;.ng at ,,; r.he Civic C~nt~r .ir~ r.l~e C~.+:y of Anaheim on February 'L, 1987, at 1:3Q p.m., noka.ce oE sai.d publ~c he<<ring havi~~g been dul~~ given as ~equirAd by law and i_n ac~ocdance wiki~ ~ne provisi~n s ot- rhe AnahF~im Municipal Code, Chapher 18.03, ~ to t-,e~ir. and consi der c~vi cience tor anr'1 agai.~s~ sa:E d propos~~ c andi Y.3 onal use ~ermi.Y. and r_o i nvest 7 gat~ and make f i nd f ngs and re~.~mmendat io;~s i n cortnecti.on therew.~ ~ h; ancl WElEKEAS, said t;ommis:;ior., after duc~ insp~crion, i.nvesti.yation an@ study ma~;~ by ir~elf ana in ?.".,^, ~7etlal~~ and aEtec due con~aderation o£ all ev.idence and reports oEE~~r.ed e:t said hear.i.ng, does L.ind and clerer-r~ine tihe [ollowi.ng fac~s: 1. 'I'hai: rh~ propoaed use ~s properly or.e Eor. ~~hi.ch a condi.t.i.oual use oeXmir i~ authorized b~ An:~hei~n Munic~pal C~de Secti.on 14.41.050.Q7Q to wit: ~o rer.mtt a vo~:.ation~jl training center wirh wa.ivers oC: ,r,C"1'IG^IS - Minimum number of: p;~rki,ng s ace,. 18.U6.G50.U211 (429 spaces ~c~uired; 171 spaces 1~3.Q6.050.~7?,12 er,istingy r J.E3.Ob.050.0261 18.06.O~Q.026~ 1t3.06.U80 AND ~ .18,4.1.066,05C 2. That: r_hP aboae-ment.i~nr_d waivtr i.s heceby granteci Qn ~rie b~si.s th~~ar. thar_ hh~ parkiny wa.iver wi.ll nor_ cau:~e an increase in trafti.c cozgestS.on in th~ immed!ate vicinity nor ai:v~~sely af.fec~ any ad~oining ].ar,d uses ~nd granr_ing aE tt,e parking waiver un~~er r_tie condiki.ons i.rn~os~d, iE any, w~11 not be ~~e.*.r?,nen*.al to the peace, h~~alr.;~, ;;aEery and general welf~ce ot rhe cit.izens ot t:hc- City of Anaheim. 3. '~har. r~c~ pro,~~sed use wi 11 not. adver~ely aCf.e:,t the ad joining land ~ase~ and the growth and devcl~~pmen!: of rhe ur:~a i n wt-tch .tk i.s pc~p~sed to be locar.ed. . ., ~` lU 35 r PC8 7-31 :a , _ .; ., ~ :/ »,}~ f 4 ~ ~'.~. ~~ , . . ,~:` ;,,-,, - ~i,~~~ ~ ,--~ ;' ;; 4. '1'hat t}ie si ze and shape of adequate t:o allo i h the si.kE proposed Por tfie use ts w : e full devPloE~menr of tihe proposed use i.n a m~3nner ~err:tmental to ttie pari:i cu lar a ' noL• . . rea nnr genera.l weiEare nf t:he Cit:i.zens oF r he Cit co t:he peace, healrh, saEety oP A i h an~ _ y r~a e m. 5. 'rnar. ~f,e grant.ing oE khe c~ndi.t.ions impo:ed if i Condi.ri.onal O~e Permit un~er the , any, w 11 noti be ~afetiy and ~ener::il welfare of r.he Ci ttzeris det:ri~iental t:o L•he p~aae, health, oE ~h Ci r e y of Anahei.m. ' 6. Thar khe t:rafFic generat:ed by unca~~e burd rhe ~roposed use will not imp~se an e^ upon thc streeks and highways tcaffi i desi.gned anq i.mproved tio carry Y he .c n the area. . 7. That~ no one i ndi c:ated thci r~resence ~ac sai.d oubla c hear.i.ng i.n op;~osl.tion; and r.hat no correspondence was recei.v~d in opposi.tian to the subject petition. f3NVIRONMENTAL IMPACT HINllI~G: ~i'hat r.he Anaheim City Planntng Commission has revi~wed .*.he prooosal to aerm.iL a v~cat.ional tra:Eni.ng center with w«iv~~ of rni.nimcim number of E~arki.ng spaces on an i.rregularly-shapec~ paccel. of land cunsist.i.ng oE aUproxi.mately 2 acces, h~viilg a trontage of ~~~~coximat-ely 325 [aer on S:he eask si.dP of Beach E3oulevard, and Purther r3cscri.bed as ~108 South Fleach F3oulevarcl ; and does Yiereby aE~pr.ovc r_he Negative I7eclaration upon Lir~ding r.har il: has considered i_he Neaati.ve Dec.lacaki.on rogether wiY.h any cummenks ~eceived duting i:he public review process and furt_h~r finding on the basis of` th~~ initial sr_udy and any comments reveived that t-.here i.s no st:bsrantial evi.dence rnat the prc~ject wi11 have a~.i.gnif.tcan~ effecY. on khe environment. NOH7, 7'HERErORC, gE CT R~•SOLVED ':haY the Anahe.i.m Ci.ty Flanni.ng Commi.:~sfon does hereby grant subjact Petition Eor Condit:i.onal Use Perm:it, upon kii~ fol.lowing condztinns which are hereby found to be a nece~sary prerequisi.~e Yo t:l;e pcoposed use of the silbjecr ~,roPerty S.n order i:o preserve the safety and genecal wclf.ar. e ol' i:he Ci t: i zens of th~ Ci.ty of Anahai m: 1• Z'hat the owne, of ;,uhject propertiy shall pay to Y_hF, c:j.tiy of ~nahei.m a fee for t~ree plantiny purposes along Anach Boulevard in an amount as det..ermined by thry Ciky Council. 2. 'rhat. plans sha~.l be submi tred t:o nc~ eui ldi ng Di vi;;i.on sh~wing compl:i.ance wir.h thr mi.nimum st:-n~3ards of the Ci.ty of. Anahei.m, including khe Un.iform Bu.ild.i.ng, Plumbf.ng, Electri.cal, Dtechanical and Fi.re Co:~as a, adoPte~ by r_he Ci ty of AnaP~ei.m. Thc~ a~propri.ate perm:iks shalJ. bN cbt:~ined Eor any neces~ary wor.k. 3, Tfiak subject pcopcrt:y shall be developed sup,t.antiaZ].y i.n acco[dance wi.th p.lans and ~~ecificaYions on fi.l~: with r.he C.i.ky of Anahc.irn marked Exhit~it tJos. 1 r.hrouyh 8. 4. That, prioc Lo issuance of. ;~ buildin<.i permit, or wi.r_hin a period oE onry year, from khe dAte of !:tii.s resc~lut.i.on, which?ver ocruCS fir~t, Condis:ion No. 1, above-menkionecl, shai.l be complied with~ F.xten~tons Eor further t.Ime ro ~omplef:e ;ai.d condir.i.ons may be granked tn accordance witi~ Secti.on 19.~3.090 uc "he An:;,es.m Muni.r,.ipal Code. ~2 PC87-31 . . . ..... NTI 5. ~r.ha~ pr.i.or ro E3.na.L builc'i.ng and zdni.iig inspecri~~ns, Cond.i.tion Nos. .; and 3, above-rtienr.ioned, shall be com~lted with. BE xT ~Uft~PHER RLSOI~VED that r}1e Anahe3.m Citiy P?anni.ng Commi.ssion does hereby fi.nd ~nd detet~r,i.i1e thar adopk.ic~n oF ~h.ts Resolution .i.s expressly predi.cated upon appli.r,an~'s compliance wi.r_h each hersinabov~ set Eorkh. Shc~uld any such conditiors anor anl of the cond.itions dec.laced invali.d oc unenEor.caable by khe f.inal. y p~~ti th~reof, b~ competent: juri sdi.cti.i.on, khen thi.s Resoluti.on, na gnl.~n k°£ any court oF conra.i.ned, shall be deemed null and voac]. y aPProvals herein Tf~E E'OREGOTNG RESOLUTION is signed and approved by ipe ~h~S ~nd ~ay of t~ebcuary, 19a7. ~"~' . f .,,~~ ~> ,~. / , ;-r- , `~ ~~.:~ `L `~ , ~,••, CHAIE2MAN, ANAHEIM CIiY pLAj+l TNG COMMISS_QN A'PTEST: ,/ A~~ ~~ SECRGTP,RY, ANAEIETM CITY P ANNING COMMISSlON STRTE 0~' CALIFORNIA j COUNTY Ol~' ORANGF. ) 5,,, CT'PY OF ANAHEIM } I, Gdi.kh L. Harr.is, S~cretar_y ~,f the Anahei.m C.ity l~lanntng Commi.ss.ion, do hereby c~rt.iFY rhak the Eoregoi.ng resolut:ion was passed and adopted ar a meet.ing of kh~ Anahe.im Ci.ty plannin Z~ 1987, by the foliowing vot.c of the member~ the9N fmmi.ssi.on I:ald on Nebruary AYLS; COMMISSZONL'RS: f30UAS, (~RY, HERF~ST NOES: CQMMI9°IUNERS: NONP r LA CLAIR~~ MC BURNk;y, h;ESSE ABSF;N:P: CQMMTSSIOf7ERS: LAS9ICKI IN WI'PNGSS WEIEREUr, I have t~ereuntu ~et February, 19E37. my hand kt~i.s 2nd day Qg ~ ~ ' SECRETARY' ~~ ,_-~,~ -------~..~__. ~ AHF TM CI P1 p~,pyp1ING COtdMiSSION '; -3- PC37-31