PC 87-32.. .. ... . .. .. . . ,..: _ ~ _ .. „ , ~ ,:~ ~. I2ESOLUTTON N0. PC£37-32 A RF;;ULU'~ION OF TH~ A.NAIIFTM CT'rY PLANNING COMMISSIO[3 THA'I' PETITION FOR CONDTZ'IQ~IAL USB PERMIT N0. 237$ BB GRA[VT~D WH~R~AS, the Anahe.;m C.iky Planni.ng Cammise~i.on di.d rec~ive a veri.f3e!~ Pet.i rion Eor Cond:i.ti.onal Use Fermi t Etom LtZCHARD S. ASHI~EY A~in LINAA E. A~HLGY, 6549 Nurr_hv.i.ew, Anahei.m, Ca13.For.na.a 928U7, owners oE cNri:ai.n real propcrry ,ituat~ed in rhr ~,i.k.y oF Anahea.m, Cuunt.y of Orange, Ska~e af Cali.farnia, described as: THAT PORTIUN C)F THB THIRD CL,ASS LAND AI,LUTTED TO M. YORDA IN THC DECREE OF PAR'.rI~'ICN OF THE RANCHO CA~ON DG SANTA ANA RFNnERED IN CASE N0. 1978 Or TEIE 17TH JUDICIAT~ DISTR7C'~ C~U~T pE CALIFORNIA, A CG£t'~`IE2GD COPY OF WHICH WAS RECQRD6U E'EBRUARY 8, 1979 IN BOOK 28, PAGE 153 OF DEEDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, ~N THE CITY CF ANAHFTM, COUPITY OF ORANGE, STATE ~lE' CAL:[FORt~IA DESCRIBED AS FOI,LUWS : BE~INNTNG AT A POLNT UN THr CENTER LzNE OF TI~E ANAHEIM DITCH SOL~TH 81 ° 15 ' 2C" EAST ).44 . fi0 FEET 1~'ROM THE NOP.THWEST CORNER OF THE LAND C0~1'JEYED BY MARCOS YORBa TO ANCCL NAVARRO BY DEED 12ECOR1)~D IN 600Y, 55, PAGE 10 OE' qEEDS, kECCRDS OF LOS ANCELES CUUNTX, CAT,IEORNIA; 'rHENCE NORTFi S1` 15' 1G" W~ST 63.91 FEET ALJNG SAID CENZ'ER LTN~; THENCE SOUTH U° :33' S0" EAST 447.22 FEFT; THGNCC SOUTH 75° 21' 00" LAST 70.47 FFET TU A nUIN'P SOUTH 0° 33' 50" WEST 454.5'7 FE~'P I'ROM THC POINT OF i3EGINNING; THL'NCE NURTH 0° 33' SO" WESL' 454.47 F~H:T 'i'0 `I'FiE PO7N~r oc ~EGINNING. ;~. EXCEPT THAT PORTION THCR~,UF LYING NORTHF.Rf~Y (~F A LIIdE I~ARALLEL W'ITH AND SOUTHEFtLY "l24 , p0 :'EET MEASURED ALONC THL FAST ANl) WEST LINES `rHE;2COF PROM TH~ NOF2'THCRLY LINE THER~OC. ALSO EXCEPT 'PHA2` PQP,TIUN T[•IEREOI' LYING SO[3T"rI~R~Y OF A LINE ~~1EfICli BFARS SUUTH 75° 15' OQ" ~AST EROM A POINx ON TH~; D:[~~IDING L,aNE '; BETWEE;N MARCUS AP~D TRIN.LDAb YORAA"S THIRD CLASS LANI?, SOUTH ~,~ h29.00 Ff3~T FROIQ SAIU NOn`PHWEST C012N~?~. OF THF~ LANU C~JNVEYL•'U TO ~_', ANGEL Nt,VARRO. ALSO GXC~~'P '!'HA2' PORTION i~YCNG NORTFiERL~Y OE' PA12C['L 123 AS DGSCRIBED IN 'PHE UEEn RF',C012DL•'D JULY 'l0, 1967 IN E300K 8316, PA~~r. 500 OL' OFFICIAL RECURO. WHEREA~, the Ci.ky Planning Comrni.ssi.on did hold a~ubl:ic hear.i.ng at *_he C.i.vi.c Center {n the Ci.ry ef Anahei.m on rebruary 2, 1987, at 1::30 p.m,, noti.ce oE sa.id pub'_ic hearing having n~en c]ul,y gl.ven as requ~ired by law and in accordance with khe provisi.on~ of khe Anahef.m Munici.pal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cons.ider ~vidence for and aga.i.nst sa.i.r3 ~roE~ose~1 cundi.ti.Qna.l u~e oermit and tio i.nveshi.qatie .anc~ make E.ind.i.ngs and recomrrendnti.o~ey .i.n uonnecY.ion therew.i kh; 4nd WHERE;AS, said Commissi.on, aEter due in3pecki.on, inv~;;t.igation and skudy made by itself and in i.~~ behalf, and after due consi.deration ~f all evi.dencF and rePorts ofE~red at said heariny, does ~.ind and deY.ermi.ne .*.he C~lloti~:ing facts: Yq~13r PC87-32 i4 ~ f,f ~ , ~~~ r~t,,,s 'V ~ . . . , . 5Y .:f ~. t! yfi~ ,N~1 r.;i , ~„ i.r~ `' ;'~ -~ ' 1. 'chat: rhe prpposed use i.s properly one for whzch a coridi.ti.onal use ; permi.t i.s a~rt:hor:ized b,y Anaheim Munic.ipal Codn Sec+:ion 1a.61.050.605 to wi.t; to perrni.t rhe cpnstruction of an industri.ally-relaked real estate ofEice. 2. That the ~r.o~osed use wi.17. not adversely atfect rhe adjoir_i.rig land uses and rhe growt:h and development of the area 3.n wh.ich i.t is propo~ed `o be lacatPd. . k,, 3. That rhe size anc~ shage of rhe si.~:e ~roposed For the us~ is ~~~ ad~quare to allow the full dev~lonmPnt of the proposed use a n a manner not ;~~ de`ri.mental to t:he pact:icular area nar ~ . Yo the peace, health~ s~Eety and genc~c al welfar~ of the Ci.tiizens of the Ci.ky of Anaheim. 4, Thar the granti.ng c+f rt-e Candi.t.tonal Use Permi.t ur~der the ;~ condi.t:i.ons imPosed, i.f any, wi11 nor be detrimenta]. r.o the peace, heal ~h ~,, a safety and gener.al we1£are of the Ci.ti.zen; ~f rhe Ci.tyo uf AnaY~ei.m. , '~ ~~ 5. That ktie ~~affic gener.~ted by the proposed u:~e w.i.ll not impz~se an undue burd~n ~.~~on t~he skceets ,~nd hiyhways desi~nFd and i.m~rnved ro carry the traff ic i.n th~ acea. 6. That no one incl7.~a*ed ~he.ir presenc~ at sai.d pub.l.ic heari.nc~ 9n opposi.ri.on; and t~hati no correspondence was recei.ved i.n op~osition to the subjeci: petiY.ion. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAC7.' ?~INllING; Tha~ Yhe Anaheim Ci.ty PZann.i.:~g Commi ssion has cevi.ewed ~.he z~r.upo~al to per.mi k r.he constructi.on ~t an induskr9a11y-relaked ceal esr.arE oElice on an i.rregular?.~-shaped parcel of lan~3 c~nsisting of aE~proximately 52~30 square Feet, havi.ng a Er.onfiage of a~prox.i.mare].y G6 feek on th~ sout-h si.de of La Falma Avenue easti of Lakeview Aveue, and facther. descr.ibed as ~i504 East La Palma Avenue; and does hereby approve t~he Ner,ati.ve DtclaraYi.on upnr.~ Ei.nc~ing r_r,ar. it has censi.dered Yhe Negative Ueclaration toge+~her. with any commenrs received during the public rev:ie~: p~ocess ~nd fac~kher finding on Y.he basis of the i.ni.tia.i sri.tdy a7~ ar,y comm~nts CE.'CF?]\~P_d rhaY. there i.s no ~ubst:anti.al ~va.der.ce rhat the p~:o~ect wi.ll have a signif:icant e~fect on rhe envi.ronm~nr, NOW, TEIEREFORE, T3E IT RFSOGVE:D that i~he Anahei.m City Planntng Commission does h~reby grant subject Pet:L+.~ion Eo,: Condi.ti.onal Use Permi_t, upon r th~ followi.ng con~itions wh.i.ch are hc~reby fuund to he a necessary pcerequi.s.ite ~ ko the r.,ro~osed use r~f the subject prope~'ky in order to pceserve the safery ,F, and g~neral we].fare oE the Citizens of '.h~ Ci.ry of Anahei.m: . 1. Thar. ar. i or ko i ssuance of. a bui 1di ng permi t, th~ appz~priate t zaff ic ~~ si.gnal asUessment fee shall ix; paid ro the C.i.ty oF Anahe.i.m i.n an amount as detecmined by the Ciry Courici..l. 2. 'Phat prior tC is~uancc. aE a buildinq perm;_t, the owner ot subject pr~~Fxrl shai.l ~7~-~y hne appropri.ate drai nage assc:ssmen-- ~P.~;~ to rhe ,; C?.Y_~~~ of Anahei.m i.n an anu~unt us determi.ned by Yhe Ci.t~ Fng.ineer. 3. 'Phat the owner of subjece property sha11 irrevocably off.er to dedacate to th~ Ci.r.~ of Anahei.m, an acditi.onal str3.~ of land 12 £eet in wi r~t.h along La Pal.ma Avenue. In the even~ t~tia'~ Genera]. Pla~i Amcndmen~ P~o. 210 pertaininq ro Crit.i.cal Tntersec:~ions 1.s not• adoptied by the C:ity Counc.tl, ~hi.s conditi.on shall be conyi~aered null and vo:ld. ~ :!, ~.. ~.~ ~.. ~: ~. That si.dewalks shall he i.n~kal:led along La Pa1ma Avenue as requi.red by the City ~ngineer and i.n accnrdanae 4».th standard plans and spec:~.ftcak:ions on file i.~i the Office of the C9.ty ~Engineer. 3ubject si.dewalks shall be i~t:~talled prior to occupancy. 5. '1'ha~ al]. driveways shall be conUtruc~:ed or reconstrucked ta acc~mmoc3ate ter• (10) £ooh radi.us ~ urb returns as cequi.red by the City Traf.fi.c Engi.neer. 6. That drair:age of suoj~ct property shall be disposed of i.n a manne~ s~tisfaci.ory to the Ci.ty Fng.i.neer. %. ~rh~r subject properY.y shall be served by ur~derground uti.li_ties. 8. '.['hat prior to commencemen~ of structura.l crami.ng, fare hydrants shall be a.n~talle~ and char.ged a~ re~ui.red and determine~9 lo be ~~ecessary k~y thc Chief af khe eire Department. 9. ~rhar tY~sh storage areaa shall b~ provi.ded and mai.ntained in accoecianr~ with a~~proved plans on file with the Skrc•r_t Nlainrenance ~,nd Sanitatioci Divi.sior~. 10. That subject properhy sha.ll be d~veloped ~ubstan.*.i.all.y i.n accordanae wi.tY~ plans and spec?.fi.cations on ~ile with tne Ci.t'„/ of. Anahei~n !na~ked Lxh:i.bit Nos, 1, 2 and 3. 11. Thak pri.or ro i.ssuance of a buildi.ng pecmi.t, or wi.thin a~eriod of one ~~ear from the date ~f. thi.s resoluti.on, whichever occurs ftrst, C~naition No:1. 1, ?., 3 and ].2, above-menti.onedY sha11 be r.omplied wi.th. Extensi.ons Eor. Eurther ti.mc 4o cornpleti: sa~.d condiri.~~n~ may be gr.anted i.n accordance with Sect.ion 1~.03.090 of the Anaheim Muni.cipal Code. ~ ':'; ;} :;~ ~;,:.~ 12. Thar prior ko `ssuance aL :a bu.ildi.ng pe[tni.t, the appro~rzars major thoroughfare and bridge fe~ shall be paid ~o the City of Anahei.m in an amcunt as apeci.ffed i.ri the hiajor. ihoro~.~ghfare and t3ri.dge ~ee Program Eor the Foothi.ll/Eastarn Transportata.un Corridor, as appr.oved by City Gou~nci.]. R~solution No. 85R-423. 13. That prior tn ti.nal bu.ilding and zoning i.nspect9.ons, Cond~lti.on Nos. 4, 5, 6, %, 9 and 10 above-ment.i.oned, sha11 be compli.ed wi.rh. 14. 2'hat the use of the property shall be li.nited to real estate rryn~actxons relating ko industri.al .roperkies onl,y; and turther that any si.yn9 ng on the properYy ~hall be li.mi.-:~d ko advert.i.stny oF induskrial properri.es or.ly, -3- PC87-32 ? r; . . . .,1~~..;'"; ' .. ~" ;" Y'~ . ~ _ . _ . ~ , U'~!' /~jYYS~ 1 ~.. ~'~.':')~~~~~~ y~1~? . ~~•: ~ (~.~ I ~ . . . ~. . . ..•'~v.4 BE IT FURTHER RGSOLVED ~h~t khe Anahei.m City ~lanni.ng Commissi.on does he~eby Ti nd and detiermi.ne rhar adopL•l.or. of this i2esoluti.on i.s expressly ~;~, ~~redtcaked upon a~plicanr"~ complia.nce wirh Pach and all of the conclitions herei.nabovE sek forth~ Should any such cc,ndi.t.i.ons, or any part thereof, be declared invali.d cr unenfoi-ceable by the £inal judgment oP any cour~ oi competenr juri.sdict~ion, then thi.s Resolutii.cn, and any approvals heCei.n conrai.ned, sha11 bE~ deemed nu].1 and v~~i.d. THE F012E; 0't.NG RFSOLU'PION i.s si.gned and approved by me this 2nd day of D~ebruary, 1987. 7~'`J~~~~~~ ' ~' ~ .- ;~%~ .r i ..._.~.~.a'..tGl.-..~L.~.fL / > . ~" _..... CHAIRIdAN, A AHh.IM CITY P NNINC, COMMTSSION , ,r ,. ~; ATTEST: ~ ~...~..~~~.1 SECI2~TA Y, ANAHGIM CITY PL~ANNING COM[dISSIOf~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN`P:! OI' ORANGE ) ss. C:~7'Y G~F ANAHEIM ) ,, ~ ~~i' , ~. , ;,< I, Ec~i.th L. Flarris, ;..:re~ary of Yhe Anahei.m C3.ty Flanning C:omm:i.ss.ion, do nereby cer.ki.fy that rne Eorego.i.ng resolukioa was passed and adopked a* a meeti.ng of i.hc Anahei~n Ci.ty l~lann.ing Commissi.on h~ld an February 2,• I.987, by t:he Eoll.owing vore of thc rnember~ thereof: AYt?S: COMM'lSSIONERS: BOUAS, f RY, HGRBSR', LA CLAIRF, MC BU12[~LY, MESSE NOEi: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ?~B^aENT: COMMTSSTUr1GRS: LAWICK.T_ IN Wl'TNGSS WHERLO"r', I have hereunto aet my han~ khi.s 2nd day oF Febr.uary, 1987. ` ~~ ~.m , SL'CRE'I'AR , ANAf~ElM CITY PL'ANNIPIG COMMISSION ,';; '! ;t ';`1 ~ ~~,, i~a '';` ;i -;~~~ ;.i`~ ~; ,,. ,~ ~. ,;. ~ w) ,' :,, 7 i ti~ r', i ~~ ~. ~ir . I' ~.i ; ~~~~ r4~Jl~~~ ,: ~. , ~,1 i<~; i . . . . . . - _ '"::).Y ;91 ; ~,/~' ~~ ~~te ~ i ~~ a ~.~ ;, ': ~V~ .:~:l.~twt(L:'~'h:4 ~