PC 87-4_ . - ,.,-~. - ~ :~ ,,...,, ;;, , r;': RESOLUTTCN N0. PC87-04 A RLSOLU~ION OF THE ~1NAHLIM CITY PLANt3ING C:OMMISSION 'PHAT PETTTION FOR CONllI'1':CONAIt US~ PERMI`P N0. 2.87~~ BG GRANTEI7 WHERFAS, the Anaheim C'_ty Planni.ng Commissior~ did receive a verifietl 'Pe`ition foX Conclitional Use Permik From HGNRY B. W~SSELN AP;ll THELMA W. ~~ WESSELN, 1717 West L9.nco:~n Avenue, Anahein, California 928G1, owners, ~nd D~ ~ C. ASSOCTATGS, 1717 Sour_h ~t~te College Boulevar~9, Anaheirn, Calizornia 92806, agenr_, of certain r~al prop~r`y sir.1ated in the :,ity of Anaheim, County oF Orange, ,r_ate oE California, d~s~:r.ibed as: PARCEL 1, AS S~fOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 177, PAGE 3~ C~F AARCEL MF~PS, IN TFIE OFf'ICE OF i'HE COUNTY RECORDFR QI~' ORANGE CUUNTY, CAL'!F(~RNTP.. WEIEREAS, t'r~e Ci~y Plannir~g Commission did ltold a public hearing at ~:he Civic Center in khe Ci*y o~ Anah~im on January 5, 19$7, at 1:3p ~+.~n., noki.ce of s~~id ~ubJ.ic hearing havin~ been duly given as required by law arld in ac.cordance wit!•~ the provi~•i.ons of the Anaheim Muni.cipal Code, Chaptec 18.03, ~:~ hear and consider c~vidence i~r and agai.nst: saic~ proposed conditional use permir_ and ko inve~i:igate and make Lindings and recommPndation~ in aonnPctian rherewith; an.d WHLK~AS, said Commissinn, after due inapection, i,lvestigat,ion an~ study ~nade by itself and in ii_s ueh~lf, and aFtec~ du~~ consideratian oP all evidence and report~ offered at ,~.ici hearing, does find and peNer.mine the followir~g facts: 7.. ;•hat khe ~roposec: use is properly one for which a condit~icnal use permi~~ is authorized by An~hei~n Municiga.l Code S~cr_ior~ 18.94e050.160 to wit: r.o G~,n;,truct a~!U-un.it rnot.~l ar.d manug~c's apartmenr_ w:,th waiver r~~; ~ SECmION 1a.44.062.011 - Maximum structural heiqhl•. _~.. __._ -- - :, (5-~oot high builc]ing permitked when struc~ure loc~~t.ed lU fnet from single- ~`~ family residentia7. ~~~ning ko the north; 22-fvot high building proposed} 2. Tt-ai, khe re~uested waiver is he~eby grant:~d on tr,e basis that `, i:her.e are specia.l circurnstar.ces applicable to the ';; shape, r_opography, locakion and :surroun~iii~s ~,rhich do ~n~r_~ ap~1y to other ;~ ident~ically zoned properi-y in the Uame viczniky; and r_hat sFrict appli.cakion ' o.f hhe Zoning Coc3e deprivFS khe propecryo uE pc•ivileges enjoyed by other °i L,r.oprrt:~.eu in the ideakical zone and class:iFi.cat~ioii in khe v.itiinir,y ai2d .~ sub jeck r.o znt:erc~epartanental c.;,~~nmirt~~e recommendations. " 3. Thaf: -:he requ~si;erl use and waiver ~re hereby granr.~d subje.;t: to `r the per_itioner's stipulation ar_ Fh-c~ p~;~1ic hearina r_hat r.hers shall be r:o :~ operiings, includiny doors or windows, on rhe north ~.ide of the motel ~djacent ~~ r.o r_he single-fam~ly resideni_ial acea to hhe nort:h oE sub'ect s ' r.hat r.here sha~1 be no ki*chen facilities excepi, in ~he manager's prar~men ~~rld ~l 101:',r PC87••04 ':~ ,~.... ..... . .:, _ ,, ,;, , ~~ ~ , ^, ? ,,~ ,, 's :] , ,."" ~ i 9. Tr,ak the pro~osec~ usp will not adversely affecr. the adjoa.:ning land uses and the grow~:h and develo~~ment of the area in. wh!.ch ik is ~rup~~sed ta be loeat.ed~ 5. Th«t r_ha size and shape cf th~ site proposed for khe tise~ ~is ad~q~~~e tc~ allow the fu.ll development oE r_he proposed use in a manner ~-ot detrimenkal. ko the parl:icu:lar area nor f:o the peace, health, safety ai,d general welfar.e of the Clkizens oE thP Ci"yo uf Anaheim. ;, 3~ ~: G. That the granr.ing oF t:he Conc3ir.zonal Use Permit under: the cor,dikians im~ose~, if any, wi1.l not be der_ri.ment~l to r.he peaca, he~tlkh, safety and general w~~lfare ot r_he Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 7. Thar_ trie traff.ic generated by i.he propos.~d use will not impase F.`, an ur~due b~~.rden upor. t;he strAar,s and highways designed and improv~~c3 i~o carry ;xi tt-,e r..raEEic in 1.he area. 6. That no u~e indic~lt~~ t.heir presence a~ said public P~earing iin ' oppositior.; and kha~r no correspondence was received in opposition t~ the '~ ~ubjeci. per..ir_ion. ; :~ ,~ L;NVIRONM~NTAL IMPACT FIN1)ING: 'T-iak t~he Anaheirn City Planning ; ; Contmission has reviewed khe ~r.oposal r.o permit a 40-unit rnotel and manager's f apartr,c~nt ~~i-:h waiver of maximum skructural height ~n a recr_angu].acly-shaped parcel of lan~l c~ns:.skiny of approxima'r.ely 0.57 acr~ having a fron`.age of ; appro:~imaL•ely 1Q1 fee!•. on the norrh eide of Lincoln Avenue, and Lurl_her ~ described as 2255 T9~ s{: Linr.;~ln Ave~.~ue; and docs hereby appro~.c the Negative `"r' Declararion upon ; inding h,:~ak it has considered htze Negatzve D~claration .`~ r.ogether wir.h any comments receiv~r] during r.he public revie~ procass and further findin~~ on tne basis; oE hhe Ini~ia'_ S~_udy atid ariy ~~on~;nenr.s received !,; khat there is no substantial evide~lce r.hat the project will have a significant eLfecr on Fhc enviranment. NOW, THEi<EL'URB, g~, I'P RESULVJ3D t~hat the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission does hercby grant_ subject PE~tition for Coriditional Use Pe.r~nik, upon `~ *he foilo~aing con~3i* ion, which ~re her~by faund i.o b~ a necess~ ry orer.equisi+:e '~. *o the proposed use of the subje~~r_ p~:operFy i.n order to greserve khe safeky and gerieral welFare o£ i;ha Cikizens o£ t:he Ciryo uP Anaheim: `;;, ~'' 1. 7't~ak priar to issuance of. a buildin~ permir, r.hE appropriate ~raffic r,; signal assesatnenh. `_ee tih~11 be paic7 i:o r_he Ci~y af A:~aheim in an '' amounk as der.ermine~ hy the Cir,y C~uncil. ' ~.; 2. That all driveways „ha.ll be consr_ruct.eu or reconshructed to '~ accommodai:e t~n (1Qa foot radius curb rek.ucns as requir~d by h.he '' . City Tcaf£ic ~ngineer. . 3. 'Pt~at: drainage uf subjecl: property shali be clisposecl c~~ iri a man.ner sa*isfactory to the ~iFy Engineer. ` ~~, Th~t ~ubjecr_ property aha11. be served ny und~;rground utilities. ;: i ,r:j ~; F ~~. ; i ~ -2- PC~7-•U4 ~, ~; ~,; ;,< rl ~ti~ ~~ ~ . . ~. . . ~ ~~~ 2~~19'!'S.II.R!ir/I~yl!)~ ~.:....., ~.. ..~ ........ .. ... .... .'. .-. ... . .. . ... .. . ... . . .. . .. .._... . . ..........., .. ........ .... ....., ~7~i . di~ ; . `: ,.~.~ ~. Thar. ~rior ho conm~ncement. ot srr~~ctural f.raming, fire hydrinr,s sha11 be insralled and churg4d a:~ required and det:er.m.tned r:o be n~cessacy by rhe Chief of rhe t~ire Dep~~rr.ment. G. 'i~har. r.rash rrura~e are~~s s2~a1.1 bc ~rovic~ed and mainr.ained i.n accczdance wit1, approved plans on Fi1E~ wi.t•.h r.he sr_,r.ter. h-aint:enance and Sanirar,io~~ DiviaiUn. 7. Th~h sr.ceek lighr.iny f.acili~.ies along Ginr.oln Avenue sha11 be inst~lled as regui red by r..he Ur_ i.lir_ies General ~•tana~er }.n accordance with specifica-:ions on tlle ir~ the OEfi.c~ F Utilir_ies Ge;naral Manager, and rhat 3eC13C{t;j~ in r.t,~ form of a bond, cPrr.if.icare of depo:,it., le~:r.er oE c~edik, or cash, ir- an amuunt and Eorm sar.i3factory to ti~e Ciky of Anai~eim, s1~ :il b~ po~red wir.h tt~e Cit_y r.~ guatantee nc~: >atisfactc~zy comple' i.o~- oE r_he above-menr.ionEd im~rovem~r'_~. said :ec~;zity shall br_. ~osr.ed w.tth *he Ci~y of T.nahei.m prior r.o issu~~nce of buildi~~g pec:mir.s. Z'he ~bov: ~reguired improvemenr,;; :,hall b~ insr.alled priur r_c, occupancy, 8. T:~:ir. sab-jecr. propr rr_y sl~all be dev~lo~ed sub~r.antial.ly in ~.+ccordance wi.r.h ~lan~ and 3jJ(:rLflCc1k10R5 on. [ile wir_~i r_he City of An~heim markec3 Bxhibir. ;vos. 1, 2 and 3; provided, Isowc~v~~r., thar. ther.e sha.ll be i~o openiny~, includi,ng c3oors or a~indaws, on r.he nu~r_h 3ide of 1:he rnor.el and r.har, {.I;ere snall be no kir.chen facil.iti.es except in r.he m~nayer `s a~.arr.ment-. 9. Thar prior to f.inal buildinq and zcning inti~~ecr_ioris, Cuncliti~n No,. 2, 3, d, F:, 7 and 8, a~ove-cnenrioned, ~t~all be cump.lied wir,h. ~ ~ t ..:., ~~ ~~ . , ElE IT rt1EtTP;F.R RESO~VED thak the Anahcim Ciry 91~nning Cummission ~oes hexeby Efnd an~ d~~t:ermine r.har, adop'::on oE r.his Re:~ol.ution .is expressZy f,redic~~ked upan a~plicanr,'; r_umpliance with aach and a13. of the condir.ion~ her.~i.nabove ser forr.~, 5houlc3 any ~u~:h conditions, or any parh t.hereof, •e cleclarec3 invalid or ur.enf.or~eable by r.he f ina.l judqmenr oE any courr oE cornpc.ten-: j.~risdiction, then r:his Reyolukiun, and any apprnvals her.ein r,on*ain~:d, shall b~ deemed null ar-d vuici, THE FORFGOtNG FtESC`LUT10N is signed and appcoved 4~y me t:tii~ 5th day UE January, 19f;7. ,: S ~ ,v~ ~/, fC• r,~: :~-_:l'.~_ ~ r};piKMn~ ~~ iCYN. CI`I'Y P AN~aING COMMISSION ATTEST: `..~~~~:•~c~~C~~ SL'CF2£TARY, At3Afi:IM ::.LTY PLANNING COMhir55I.~t7 -3- PC87-Q4 :;; ;ry~ i , r •it ~~ ,~ ~ ,, . , ... _ ~ ~ . . . ~ . „ ~ .. . . . . .. ~ . . . : i. ..~ , ~ . ., ~ . ~ " ^ .^^`` STATG OC CAGIF'ORNTA COUNTX AC OItANG~' ) ss. CITX OC A~AH~~"!M j I~ ~dith L. Harris, S~crer.ary ~f rhe Ariaheim Cir_y p].anni.ng C~mmission, do hecaby cerr,ify that r.he for~yoing resolur:i„n wa~ passed and ad~pr_ed at a meer.ing of r.he Anaheim r,~.r,y planning Commi~slUn held on January 5, 1987, by rhe Eo1].~~;ing vote oE rhe members r.hereof: AY.ES: CU~4M~S5'LONF.RS: BOUilS, ERX, MC BURNG`L, idESS6 NOES: CQM~1IS:iIONGRS: yQNE A9SFNT: CdMMISuIONFRS: H~RBST, T,A CLAIRL, LAWICKI zt~' `raI'PNCSS i^7iiER'r'.UF~, I t,ave hereunr.o ser_ my hand *his 5th day of .lanuacy, 1987. `'Q ~.~.:~ ;~ ~ ~ SECi2ETA Y, ANAHFIM CTTY FLAN NING COMMISSTON -a- Pce~-oq ~ .~.s~',+~ ;'!,l y ,`{ .I.I ~ ~,i ~ :'r ~