PC 87-44~ ~.;:e=.~~ RESOLUTIUN Np_pCp~_44 A kESOLUTTON OF THE ANAHEIM C:ITY PLANN~'NG COMMTSSION 'PFIAZ' PE7'I'PION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PLRMI7! N0. 2883 BF DGNIED WC~F;I~EAS~ the Anaheim City Planning Comm.ission did receive a verified Per ition for Cr~ndi.lional Use Pe~miE ~rom fiARTMAtV CORPORATION, 53o West Av~e-luE, Anaheim, Calif.ornia 9'1805, owner anc~ Lorig t~each HENCp DEVE;LOPidBNT Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 403 GROIJP, 42,0~. certain ceal propert ~. ' ~~'~g ~each, CaliEornia 9G807, a ent for y si.~4ated in L-Pie Citv of Anaheim, Caunt g of Ca],ifornia, described as fol.lcws: Y of Oran ~ e PA!~~~LS ~ AND g `~ , Sta~e . AS SHOWDI ON A MI-1P FILED IN HOOK 22, PAG~ 32 PARCEL MAPS,~ IN TF1E 0.[~ FICE UF Z'IiE COUNTY OF COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. RECOR~ER OF ORANGE '~ PARCEL 2: ~~N rASEh1EPIT f3 , 34 r Er^,T IN WJD ~H i OR INGRESS AND N:GRESS OVER THA.T PORTION QF LO'.P 5 OF TRACT N0. 71 , AS SIiOWN pN p, BOOK 10, pA~g 22 pr MISCE;LLANL,OUS MAPS, zN l:tE MOFF~~~~~UEDf TN COUNTY RECpRp~~ p~ `~ OF ~,H~ SAIU COUNTY, THE SOU%'EI LI:JE CF SATD FAgEMEDIT BE:ING DiSCRIBEU AS FpLLOWS: 9GGINNING AT A pOIDTT 0~~ ~, SfiOWN ON THE MAP OE' TRAC' T~p~~ iTF~LING OF '1'FiE ti0 FOUT ftOA.D AS S7`ATE; CULI,F'~E gLVD. ),AID Ppz~~ gEINGS 280.34~F~EPISOUTH W I~i,OWN AS ALONG S~1TD CL;NTERLING ~ r (ME.~SUkED ) FROM '1HF T'ORTHWEST C012NER ~ T O W N S H T P 4 5UUTH, RANGF 10 W~ST, SAN BGRN.~RDINO BASE A~D MFTt D?AN' THE[+ICE ~;A,~~r~ pa~ALLEL W~:',r[-I Z~~{~ SOU~l'E3 LiNC UF SATD LOT 5 , , 250 F'Ei~:!', LXCE;PTTNG T9EF.EFRQM THAT PORTIO~I INCLUDCD WI'PHIN SAID 60 FOUT ROAD AS SH~JWN ON 'PHE MAP OP' SA7p TR~CT NO. 71. WHE:Rk;AS, t_h~ City pYannin tl~e Civ ic Center in the City oF xnahemn1~ ori ~Februarh~].Z a?ubl.ic liearing at no~:~ce oC said public hPar.ing I~aving been du? y ' 1987 at 1:30 accordance wiEh r_ha orovisions of the I~nahei;n qT nici.pal CodeedChapter 18.03. to hear and cons ~ ~' la'^' ~nd in ider e.vidence Eor and ayain:;~ said proposed conditional. ias~ permit and to inv~stig~.~e and make Eindin s and re therewil-.h; sa;r7 ~ublic hearin g comr;,endations i.n connectic+n Commission meeti.ng of ret~ruar 18g having b~e~ continued to the Planning Y , 19a'7; ~n~ WNEHrAS, said Cammission study made b - after d.ie inspecki.~n Y itse:lf and in it.s behal.E, and after due consideratgopl oF ~la evidence and rFports offeced at Said hearinr~, does find and de~e.rmine th ~o1l~wing facts; e 1' ~t~~t tne praposed use is pr.operly one for which a canc.~ use permit is authr~rized by Anaheim Munici al COC?E wit: to perm,it canstruction o[ a drive-thr.ough restaurant~with waiver~o0,.30~ n~~ f. ~~C'___ r?QNS 18.05.050 .022 - Minimum number o.f 18 . 0 G. U 5 0. 0 2 3 2 ? "'------- ~----a r k l~~ac e s. ~(. G4 r.equired; 155 proposed) ~~_080 ANU 1055r PC87-~q ~'ti. 'L. ~chal: r.he proposed use is 1-~ereby denied on th~ basts that hh~ parking w~jiver. will cause an incrc~as~ in tcaFfir. congestion .in the immediAtp vicinity nor adversely aEf~ct any adjuining land u~es and gCanting nE the p~rking wsiver under lhe condition:~ imposed, iE any, wi.ll be detrt.mental to the peace, heal r.h, ~aEcl•y and c~enecal welfare oE the cit.izen~ ot the City of Anzhe.irti. 3. '.['hat Lhe ~~ropos~c3 us~ is hereby den.ted on th~ basis that Reclassl.Eication No. 86-87-?.2 and Var.itince No. 3636 were der~ied and this propo,ed 3,190 ~ qaare Ecet drive-througti r~staur.an-~ i~ a part of anr.] deUEn dant u~~n that pronos al. 4. That th~~ f~roposed use wi11 adversely aEEecL• the adjoiring .land u3es and the growth and develo~ment oF. th~ area in which is it pr~~posed to be ~ ZCC<~t@fl • M1 ~ 5. TI1~3t ~hA size anc] ,hape of tha site pro~osed for the u^,e is not adequate to allow ~,:he fu11 develapment of the propc~sed u:se in a manner not ,,; ~~Ptrlf(IE'.Ri.tll ta thr parr.icular are~ nor to the peace, health, saEety, h i and ,' genecal welf.are e m. o[ "he Citir~~ns oE the City ot Ana G. Thar. L•hr g~antir~g of. tne CondiCiana.l Use Permik under the conditions im~os~d, i[ any, wil]. be detri.menral l•~~ the peace, hc~a.lth, safety and general wel~arc~ oL the Citizens of thc ::it~~ oE Anaheim. 7. That the "r~ffi.c g~ner.ate:i by khe prop~sed use will impo~e an tindue burden upon ~h~ :;tr~~eL-s and hic~hw:~ys c9esigned and improved t~ carry the traf£ic in th~~~ area. a. That une E~ezson indicated hi.s ,~resenc~~ at said public hearing in opno~ition; and ttia~ no c~rrespondence wa~ rer,~ived in oo~~osition to the subject petitton. CNVI[2UNMCN2'AI, IMPACT FINllIP~G: `P!;aL th~ Anahe.im Ci.ty Plannino Commis~fon has reviewed the proposal. to permit constru~tio+~ of a drive-through resCaurant with waivar of minimum nur~ber ~f packiny space3 on an irrcyularly-:~hapr~~3 ~arcel of lantl consisting of approxima~:~-1.y 2.a6 acres located south and ea~t oE L'he su~the8st car.ner oE Kare.lla Avenue ~~nd State Collehe F3oulevard; acid does heteby aE;~rove Ghe NWya~.ive Decl~ration upon findiny '.:har. it has consider~~d the ~I~~g~':ivc,~ Declarati~n to~ethec with any comments receive~J during the public r~vie~ proce:as and furt~ttier f.indinq on ~he hasis o: ~he init.al srudy and any comm~nts received Chat there is no aubstantial evidenr.e that r_h~~ ptr~jrrt w.il.l have a sigr.ificant ef£ect on the env~ r~.timent . NOW, THERF.i~UR~:, HE IT RESO[~VL•'D th~t *_t~e Anaheim City Planninn Commia:;.tr,n does herc~by dr~ny subj~~cc Pe~il•ion Eor Conditional Uae P~rmit, on th~F t3asis uE the a[oremc~nti~nec3 f..ndlnq.~. .~'~~;~ xJ' i ~. -2- E~C87-94 ,~ ~ ~;~~ ,,,, ;. ,~:~. ~.~ `PE~G ~QREGUING RESOI,IJTI~N is sign~d an~ apprav~d by me this lat;h day of ~ebruacy, 1951. ~ i'~,l:~~ ~` ~f %l~/ ~ .~1, ~ ' ... CHt1IRMAN, A~ HEIM CITY 1~ 'ANNLNG COMMISSION AT'PGST: ~ ~ _ ~! ' ~' - -----r " !.L~ .._..._. , SEC[tETAR , AtVAH~IM CITY FL,11 NING CO~iMISSIOP] SiATE OE' CALTEORNTA COUNTY OF ORANGc^, ) ss. CIT'1 OF AP1AHEiM ) I, Edith L. Harri~, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning CoRimi.ssion, do hereby r:ert:ify that the Euregoi.rig resolution was passecl acid ado~ted at a meeting ~~C r.h~ Anahei.m City Planning LOI71if11.~Sion hnld on February 18, 19$7, b,y the iollowiny vote of_ i~hc m~mbers thereot: AY~;S: COMt9ISSI0NL•'RS: BQUAS, ['RY, EiERBST, L•A CLAIRE, LAWICKI, FSC ElURtd 'Y, MESSE NOES: CONIMISSIONk:ltS: NUNE ABSH;N'P: COM~4ISS?:n".JERS: NONE IN WI'I'N~S~ WH~RE~C, Z have hereiinto set my hand thi.s lf3th day of eebcuacy, 198;. ~~.~~.~° .~ SF,CRETAF.Y, ANAHEIhf CI'PY PL11N ING COMMISfiION r. ~-3-' E~C97-44 ~ r. ~ :; ;:~ .~r~ >i ~;;•jf/