PC 87-45^'~~ ,~~~, RESOLUT?ON N0. PC07-45 A RESUT~U`CION OE THE ANA[iEIM CT.TY F'f~ANNING COMMISSION '.l'fiA`.~ PE'PI'PLON FOR RECLA.SSTFICA'PION N0. 86-$7-29 SE GRANTED 1 WHLRGAS, Ch~ Anaheim Clty Plnnning Comml.3sion did recEive a verifi.ed petition f.or. Recla:sification fr4m Fi~!G~ VAZuUEZ, 1.240 West Linr,oln Avenue, Anahe.im, Califurnia 92804, owner of. certain real properLy situatec3 in th~ City oE Anaheim, County of Urany~, Sta~e oE California, described as Fol.lows: YARCF,L 1: G07.' 1 IN BLOCK fa QF' THE ~r;NTER TRACT, ?N `PHr CI'1'Y OF ANAHEIM, i:OUNTY 0[' GkANGE, STATE pF Ct-LII'ORNIA, AS SHQWIJ ON A MAP RrCORDrD IN BOOK :L4, PAGE 13 OP MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS OF LOS AI~'GELLS CO[iNTY, CALlEORNIA. PARCEL 2: L0~' 2 AND 7'EiL 'rJI:STL•'RL,Y 7.4 FEE'P OF i~0'P 3 TN E3LCCK. L OF ~PHE CENTEEt TRACT, Ttt THC CI`PY OF ANAHE;IM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALI'r'ORNIA, AS SHOWN QN A MAP RF.C~RDCll IN [~OOK 14, PAGL 13 OF MISC~:C~LANL•'OU~ 12ECOfillS OF I,OS ANJELFS COUN7'Y, CALIf'ORt~:'.. WHEItEAS, the Ci.ty Planni.~~g Commi~„ion did hold a pubiic hearing at thP Civic C'~nter i.n the City of Anaheim on Eebruary 18, 1987 at 1.;30 p.m., noti~e ~f said ~~ublf.c heari.nq having bear, du.ly yiven ~s required by law anii in accor.dar~ce witti th~ prc~visians uE the Anahei.m Municipal Cude. Chapter. 14.0;, t:u hear an~3 consider evirlence Eor and agafnst said or.cp~~ed reclassification and t~ invesL•iyzite ant~ make findinys and cecomm~ndation~ in c~nnection rher.ewith; and WHEREAS, s~id Cumm!ssion, ~rter due~ insaection, irive~~igat:ion and sL•udy made by it:;elf and in i.ts behalf, and aEtec due conslideration ~f all evid~nce and re}~ort, c~(£•er.~d at ;~aid hearing, does finc? and determ:f.ne t:he Eoll~wing Eacts: 1. That thn petitio~er praposas reclassification of thP wester.ly 60 feet nf ~ubject prop~rt:y from khF CG (Cnmmeecial, Limited) Zone to ~t~e RM-1Z00 (R~~iclenti.al, Multiple-Hamily) Zon~. 2 That ~he Anaheim Genecal Plan c~es.ign3tes subject ~roper.ty Coc Medium Density Residential lan,l use~. 3. That the proposed r.eclasstElcation oE subjer.t pr~.;perty ic~ necessary and/or desir.able Ear tf~e orderly and ~ro~er development o£ the community. 4. ~ehat th.~ ~r~po.ed ceclassiE:ca~~ion oE subject ~r_opecty does prope~rly c~lar.e :-o the z~nes and hi~etr permi~ted uses locally e~tablished i.n cl~se proximi.t; ,.•~ subject property an~3 to t:he zcnes and i.heir pecmitted uses yenerally establ,shed throuyh~ut r.he communi.ty. lOSbr PCa7-45 .~. ~~~rJ ~ v -- . ,.. ,~, ' t~` _,, ~~ t ,* 5. That the proposed reclassificat;i.on oF sub~ect pcopecL•y requires the dedicati.on and i.mpcovement of abutting streets and a,leys in accordance with the C.irculation E1ec~2nt. oP the Ganeral P1an, due to the antici~atecl increase in traffic which will be generated by the in~:~nsification of land usa. 6. That no on~ .tnd~cated their presence at said puhlic hearinq in opposition; and ~hat i~o cor.respond~nce was rc~ceived in ~~pp~siFion Co subj~ct pet:Ltion. ~;NVIRONMhN'!'AI~ IMP7~CT FINDING: That th~~ Anat~eim City ~%lanninq Commis3ion has reviewed the proposal ~a reclassify the weaterly f0 feet of subjeet property trom che CL (Commercial, Liir,ited) Zone to the RM-•1200 (Ttesidential, r+(ultiple-I'amily) 'I,one or a less ir~tense zone to crnstruct a 14-unit "aEEordable" a~artmenk complex or. sub;~ct 0.34 acre ~.~roperty undPr authority ot St~t;e Governm~nt Code Section 65915 with wai.vers ~E m~tnimum buildi.ng site area per dwellirig ui~it, mGximum structural heigtit and inaxilr,um ~iL-e coverage on a rectangularly-sh~ped parcel ot- lanQ consisting of ap~roxtn~ately 0.34 acre .located at the southea~~ corner of Flroadway and Phi.ladelphia Stree!- arid further dESC~ib~d as 302 ~ast RLOadway; and d~e~ hereby a~prov~ lhE Neqativc Ueclarat•ion up~m findin~a Lhat It has considered the Ner,al-iv~~ lleclaration t~get't.~r with ~ny comme~~ts received during the public review c~rocess and further Ein~ling cn the basis o` the i.nitial study and any comments recei•/ed that t~7ere is no substantial evic:~ncc that th~ project ti~ill have a siynificant ~f1'ecr on the environment. NOW, 'PEIEREEORE, LiE IT KLSOLVED ~nat Lhe Anaheim City Plarining Commis::;ion doP, her.•eby g~~~nt suhjert Pet:ition fc:r Reclass.ification and, h:f so d~ing, that 'Pi.t1e 18-Zor,:ng oi the Anaheim M~inicipal Code be amended to exclude the above-desrri.:~ed property from rhe CI~ (Commercial, L'imiteci) Zone and to inr~~rp~rate ,aic des.ribed pro~erty into tha RM-12QQ (i2esidential, Multipl~-L'amily) Zone up~~n the Eol.lowing conditions which are ;iereby round L•o be a ner_essary ~~rerequis. t:e to the proposed use ot su~ject property in order to prnserve ~he saf.ety and g?nnra.l we.li~re oF ehe Citizens oF the City of Anaheim: i, 7.'ha!- the own~c oP :~ubject Property sha].1 irrevacably off~:tiL to d~•r31C.]t~ to h.he Ci ty ~!' Anaheim a strip of land 27.75 c'eec in wid~h Ccom ~t~e centeriine uE the ,r.C~~t alon!~ f~roadway f:or atreet widening p~rposes. 2. That pric~r to th~~ introducti~n of an ordinanr.e rezoning subject propert•y, Condition P~o. i, a!~ove-mentioned, sh~all b~ compl~:t~d. The provi.sion~s ctr rigt~ts grantecl t~y this cFSSO.lutl.on st~aJl. beeor~e null and voir~ by acr.ir~n of. the Plannfng ~:ommL,sior, unless sa.i4 con3ltions are compli~n with within one year from the date o.f this resoltition, oc such Eurther time as the P.lann.iny Commi..ssion may granr, BE IT EURTHER RrSOLVL•'D that 4he Anahezm City Planning Commisyion doe~ hereLy kind and detF~rmtne that adopr_?on of ;h.is Reso~ution is expressl.y predicated upon applicant'3 r.omp2i~ance with each and ~11 of the conditions heceinabove set forth. ;,l~ould any ~uch r.ondition, oc ~ny ~arC khereor"., b~ declare~3 invalid ~~r unrn£orceable by the ELna! ~udgment of any courL of .~,;,:, ; compPtent juri:zdictlon, then this t2tAOlution, and aml approval3 here.in ,,~~r^'`; :°`COntein~d, shail be deem~d null <~nd void. Iw i~N. ,~ .. . i ~":~ ~, . 1056r f~ FC87-45 F y~ ~ ,, yz,'~ i,c~'iY, W+ {f ,~y,-il, .. ' ;yrf ~; ,. a~ +^at.~«. . . . . . , , y ~ i.. ~~,t~i':r t ~ ': ~. -. . . . ~ . .~'v~d~ ~. _ . ~ 4~~ .' M~\~t ti :j r~ ~ fj~ THG EOREr,OING RESO[,UTION is signe~ ai:~ a~proved by me this 18th da,y of February, 19n7. ~ , ~~''l, J ~' ~ . ~ . HAIRMAN, ~1 HPIM CITY p' ANNING COMMISSION AT''i' ~ ST : / u 3~CR~TARY ANAH~:IM CI'PY~PLA N:[NG C0;1MIS.9"TON ';;, S2'A'PE UF CTiLI~ORNIA ) COUNTY OB' ORANGC ) ss. c;ITY OF~ ANAHEIM ) ;+ I, Edith L, Fiarris, Secretary oE the Anaheim City Planr~ing Camrnissioci, do }~PreUy c:ertify that the foregoing resol~tion was passed and ~r ac~opted at a meeting oF the nnaheim City PJ.anning Commission held on Februar.y ~ ; 18, 19E1, by the following vote of. the memt~ers ~hereof: v AYL•'S: COt4MI~~IONCRS: FRY, HERAST, LA CI,AIRE, LAWTCKI, MC 9URNGY, MESSE ~ NOES: COMMISSIQN~RS: t~0UA5 f,' AHSENT: COMMISSIONL'RS: NO[dL iN WITNE~a WFiERGOf', I have he;.zanto set my han~] this 18kh day of ~'ebr. uar. y, .1987 . ~ ~ . SECR~'1'AR , AN?lHEIM CITY PLl~ NIh~ MM~ OH jF.~'. ~,:. . '. /f.'e ~~.;,r; ` ~~~:~ ~.~° M {,jj~f/. ~. / "!f~l.7 t f ~ 4 ~S~ xia'v ,' ~ ,~ , . . i ~~ A 't ~~.I+i••St'' , J.~ ~' ~, t~ •.v~rn -3- PCf~7-45 iR r~ X'~M